/* File: CASettingsStorage.cpp Abstract: CASettingsStorage.h Version: 1.1 Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE APPLE SOFTWARE OR ITS USE AND OPERATION ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH YOUR PRODUCTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE APPLE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF APPLE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Copyright (C) 2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ //================================================================================================== // Includes //================================================================================================== // Self Include #include "CASettingsStorage.h" // PublicUtility Includes #include "CAAutoDisposer.h" #include "CACFArray.h" #include "CACFData.h" #include "CACFDictionary.h" #include "CACFDistributedNotification.h" #include "CACFNumber.h" // Stamdard Library Includes #include #include //================================================================================================== // CASettingsStorage //================================================================================================== CASettingsStorage::CASettingsStorage(const char* inSettingsFilePath, mode_t inSettingsFileAccessMode, CFPropertyListFormat inSettingsCacheFormat, bool inIsSingleProcessOnly, bool inIsReadOnly) : mSettingsFilePath(NULL), mSettingsFileAccessMode(inSettingsFileAccessMode), mSettingsCache(CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks)), mSettingsCacheFormat(inSettingsCacheFormat), mSettingsCacheTime(), mSettingsCacheForceRefresh(true), mIsSingleProcessOnly(inIsSingleProcessOnly), mIsReadOnly(inIsReadOnly) { size_t theLength = strlen(inSettingsFilePath); mSettingsFilePath = new char[theLength + 2]; strlcpy(mSettingsFilePath, inSettingsFilePath, theLength + 2); mSettingsCacheTime.tv_sec = 0; mSettingsCacheTime.tv_nsec = 0; mSettingsCacheForceRefresh = true; } CASettingsStorage::~CASettingsStorage() { delete[] mSettingsFilePath; if(mSettingsCache != NULL) { CFRelease(mSettingsCache); } } UInt32 CASettingsStorage::GetNumberKeys() const { // make sure our cache is up to date const_cast(this)->RefreshSettings(); return ToUInt32(CFDictionaryGetCount(mSettingsCache)); } void CASettingsStorage::GetKeys(UInt32 inNumberKeys, UInt32& outNumberKeys, CFStringRef* outKeys) const { // make sure our cache is up to date const_cast(this)->RefreshSettings(); CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(mSettingsCache, reinterpret_cast(outKeys), NULL); outNumberKeys = inNumberKeys; } void CASettingsStorage::CopyBoolValue(CFStringRef inKey, bool& outValue, bool inDefaultValue) const { // initialize the return value outValue = inDefaultValue; // get the raw value CFTypeRef theValue = NULL; CopyCFTypeValue(inKey, theValue, NULL); // for this type, NULL is an invalid value if(theValue != NULL) { // bools can be made from either CFBooleans or CFNumbers if(CFGetTypeID(theValue) == CFBooleanGetTypeID()) { // get the return value from the CF object outValue = CFBooleanGetValue(static_cast(theValue)); } else if(CFGetTypeID(theValue) == CFNumberGetTypeID()) { // get the numeric value SInt32 theNumericValue = 0; CFNumberGetValue(static_cast(theValue), kCFNumberSInt32Type, &theNumericValue); // non-zero indicates true outValue = theNumericValue != 0; } // release the value since we aren't returning it CFRelease(theValue); } } void CASettingsStorage::CopySInt32Value(CFStringRef inKey, SInt32& outValue, SInt32 inDefaultValue) const { // initialize the return value outValue = inDefaultValue; // get the raw value CFTypeRef theValue = NULL; CopyCFTypeValue(inKey, theValue, NULL); // for this type, NULL is an invalid value if(theValue != NULL) { // make sure we are dealing with the right kind of CF object if(CFGetTypeID(theValue) == CFNumberGetTypeID()) { // get the return value from the CF object CFNumberGetValue(static_cast(theValue), kCFNumberSInt32Type, &outValue); } // release the value since we aren't returning it CFRelease(theValue); } } void CASettingsStorage::CopyUInt32Value(CFStringRef inKey, UInt32& outValue, UInt32 inDefaultValue) const { // initialize the return value outValue = inDefaultValue; // get the raw value CFTypeRef theValue = NULL; CopyCFTypeValue(inKey, theValue, NULL); // for this type, NULL is an invalid value if(theValue != NULL) { // make sure we are dealing with the right kind of CF object if(CFGetTypeID(theValue) == CFNumberGetTypeID()) { // get the return value from the CF object CFNumberGetValue(static_cast(theValue), kCFNumberSInt32Type, &outValue); } // release the value since we aren't returning it CFRelease(theValue); } } void CASettingsStorage::CopySInt64Value(CFStringRef inKey, SInt64& outValue, SInt64 inDefaultValue) const { // initialize the return value outValue = inDefaultValue; // get the raw value CFTypeRef theValue = NULL; CopyCFTypeValue(inKey, theValue, NULL); // for this type, NULL is an invalid value if(theValue != NULL) { // make sure we are dealing with the right kind of CF object if(CFGetTypeID(theValue) == CFNumberGetTypeID()) { // get the return value from the CF object CFNumberGetValue(static_cast(theValue), kCFNumberSInt64Type, &outValue); } // release the value since we aren't returning it CFRelease(theValue); } } void CASettingsStorage::CopyUInt64Value(CFStringRef inKey, UInt64& outValue, UInt64 inDefaultValue) const { // initialize the return value outValue = inDefaultValue; // get the raw value CFTypeRef theValue = NULL; CopyCFTypeValue(inKey, theValue, NULL); // for this type, NULL is an invalid value if(theValue != NULL) { // make sure we are dealing with the right kind of CF object if(CFGetTypeID(theValue) == CFNumberGetTypeID()) { // get the return value from the CF object CFNumberGetValue(static_cast(theValue), kCFNumberSInt64Type, &outValue); } // release the value since we aren't returning it CFRelease(theValue); } } void CASettingsStorage::CopyFloat32Value(CFStringRef inKey, Float32& outValue, Float32 inDefaultValue) const { // initialize the return value outValue = inDefaultValue; // get the raw value CFTypeRef theValue = NULL; CopyCFTypeValue(inKey, theValue, NULL); // for this type, NULL is an invalid value if(theValue != NULL) { // make sure we are dealing with the right kind of CF object if(CFGetTypeID(theValue) == CFNumberGetTypeID()) { // get the return value from the CF object CFNumberGetValue(static_cast(theValue), kCFNumberFloat32Type, &outValue); } // release the value since we aren't returning it CFRelease(theValue); } } void CASettingsStorage::CopyFloat64Value(CFStringRef inKey, Float64& outValue, Float64 inDefaultValue) const { // initialize the return value outValue = inDefaultValue; // get the raw value CFTypeRef theValue = NULL; CopyCFTypeValue(inKey, theValue, NULL); // for this type, NULL is an invalid value if(theValue != NULL) { // make sure we are dealing with the right kind of CF object if(CFGetTypeID(theValue) == CFNumberGetTypeID()) { // get the return value from the CF object CFNumberGetValue(static_cast(theValue), kCFNumberFloat64Type, &outValue); } // release the value since we aren't returning it CFRelease(theValue); } } void CASettingsStorage::CopyNumberValue(CFStringRef inKey, CFNumberRef& outValue, CFNumberRef inDefaultValue) const { // initialize the return value outValue = NULL; // get the raw value CFTypeRef theValue = NULL; CopyCFTypeValue(inKey, theValue, inDefaultValue); // for this type, NULL is a valid value, but requires less work if(theValue != NULL) { // make sure we are dealing with the right kind of CF object if(CFGetTypeID(theValue) == CFNumberGetTypeID()) { // set the return value to the CF object we are returning outValue = static_cast(theValue); } else { // release the value since we aren't returning it CFRelease(theValue); // set the return value to the default value outValue = inDefaultValue; // and retain it CFRetain(outValue); } } } void CASettingsStorage::CopyStringValue(CFStringRef inKey, CFStringRef& outValue, CFStringRef inDefaultValue) const { // initialize the return value outValue = NULL; // get the raw value CFTypeRef theValue = NULL; CopyCFTypeValue(inKey, theValue, inDefaultValue); // for this type, NULL is a valid value, but requires less work if(theValue != NULL) { // make sure we are dealing with the right kind of CF object if(CFGetTypeID(theValue) == CFStringGetTypeID()) { // set the return value to the CF object we are returning outValue = static_cast(theValue); } else { // release the value since we aren't returning it CFRelease(theValue); // set the return value to the default value outValue = inDefaultValue; // and retain it CFRetain(outValue); } } } void CASettingsStorage::CopyArrayValue(CFStringRef inKey, CFArrayRef& outValue, CFArrayRef inDefaultValue) const { // initialize the return value outValue = NULL; // get the raw value CFTypeRef theValue = NULL; CopyCFTypeValue(inKey, theValue, inDefaultValue); // for this type, NULL is a valid value, but requires less work if(theValue != NULL) { // make sure we are dealing with the right kind of CF object if(CFGetTypeID(theValue) == CFArrayGetTypeID()) { // set the return value to the CF object we are returning outValue = static_cast(theValue); } else { // release the value since we aren't returning it CFRelease(theValue); // set the return value to the default value outValue = inDefaultValue; // and retain it CFRetain(outValue); } } } void CASettingsStorage::CopyDictionaryValue(CFStringRef inKey, CFDictionaryRef& outValue, CFDictionaryRef inDefaultValue) const { // initialize the return value outValue = NULL; // get the raw value CFTypeRef theValue = NULL; CopyCFTypeValue(inKey, theValue, inDefaultValue); // for this type, NULL is a valid value, but requires less work if(theValue != NULL) { // make sure we are dealing with the right kind of CF object if(CFGetTypeID(theValue) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) { // set the return value to the CF object we are returning outValue = static_cast(theValue); } else { // release the value since we aren't returning it CFRelease(theValue); // set the return value to the default value outValue = inDefaultValue; // and retain it CFRetain(outValue); } } } void CASettingsStorage::CopyDataValue(CFStringRef inKey, CFDataRef& outValue, CFDataRef inDefaultValue) const { // initialize the return value outValue = NULL; // get the raw value CFTypeRef theValue = NULL; CopyCFTypeValue(inKey, theValue, inDefaultValue); // for this type, NULL is a valid value, but requires less work if(theValue != NULL) { // make sure we are dealing with the right kind of CF object if(CFGetTypeID(theValue) == CFDataGetTypeID()) { // set the return value to the CF object we are returning outValue = static_cast(theValue); } else { // release the value since we aren't returning it CFRelease(theValue); // set the return value to the default value outValue = inDefaultValue; // and retain it CFRetain(outValue); } } } void CASettingsStorage::CopyCFTypeValue(CFStringRef inKey, CFTypeRef& outValue, CFTypeRef inDefaultValue) const { // make sure our cache is up to date const_cast(this)->RefreshSettings(); // check to see if we have a value for the given key if(!CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(mSettingsCache, inKey, &outValue)) { // the key wasn't in the cache, so return the default value outValue = inDefaultValue; } // make sure we retain the return value if(outValue != NULL) { CFRetain(outValue); } } void CASettingsStorage::SetSInt32Value(CFStringRef inKey, SInt32 inValue) { CACFNumber theValue(inValue); SetCFTypeValue(inKey, theValue.GetCFNumber()); } void CASettingsStorage::SetUInt32Value(CFStringRef inKey, UInt32 inValue) { CACFNumber theValue(inValue); SetCFTypeValue(inKey, theValue.GetCFNumber()); } void CASettingsStorage::SetSInt64Value(CFStringRef inKey, SInt64 inValue) { CACFNumber theValue(inValue); SetCFTypeValue(inKey, theValue.GetCFNumber()); } void CASettingsStorage::SetUInt64Value(CFStringRef inKey, UInt64 inValue) { CACFNumber theValue(inValue); SetCFTypeValue(inKey, theValue.GetCFNumber()); } void CASettingsStorage::SetFloat32Value(CFStringRef inKey, Float32 inValue) { CACFNumber theValue(inValue); SetCFTypeValue(inKey, theValue.GetCFNumber()); } void CASettingsStorage::SetFloat64Value(CFStringRef inKey, Float64 inValue) { CACFNumber theValue(inValue); SetCFTypeValue(inKey, theValue.GetCFNumber()); } void CASettingsStorage::SetNumberValue(CFStringRef inKey, CFNumberRef inValue) { SetCFTypeValue(inKey, inValue); } void CASettingsStorage::SetStringValue(CFStringRef inKey, CFStringRef inValue) { SetCFTypeValue(inKey, inValue); } void CASettingsStorage::SetArrayValue(CFStringRef inKey, CFArrayRef inValue) { SetCFTypeValue(inKey, inValue); } void CASettingsStorage::SetDictionaryValue(CFStringRef inKey, CFDictionaryRef inValue) { SetCFTypeValue(inKey, inValue); } void CASettingsStorage::SetDataValue(CFStringRef inKey, CFDataRef inValue) { SetCFTypeValue(inKey, inValue); } void CASettingsStorage::SetCFTypeValue(CFStringRef inKey, CFTypeRef inValue) { // make sure our cache is up to date RefreshSettings(); // add the new key/value to the dictionary CFDictionarySetValue(mSettingsCache, inKey, inValue); // write the settings to the file SaveSettings(); } void CASettingsStorage::RemoveValue(CFStringRef inKey) { // make sure our cache is up to date RefreshSettings(); // remove the given key CFDictionaryRemoveValue(mSettingsCache, inKey); // write the settings to the file SaveSettings(); } void CASettingsStorage::RemoveAllValues() { // make sure our cache is up to date RefreshSettings(); // remove the given key CFDictionaryRemoveAllValues(mSettingsCache); // write the settings to the file SaveSettings(); } void CASettingsStorage::SendNotification(CFStringRef inName, CFDictionaryRef inData, bool inPostToAllSessions) const { CACFDistributedNotification::PostNotification(inName, inData, inPostToAllSessions); } void CASettingsStorage::ForceRefresh() { mSettingsCacheForceRefresh = true; } inline bool operator<(const struct timespec& inX, const struct timespec& inY) { return ((inX.tv_sec < inY.tv_sec) || ((inX.tv_sec == inY.tv_sec) && (inX.tv_nsec < inY.tv_nsec))); } void CASettingsStorage::RefreshSettings() { // if this storage is only supporting a single process, there is no need to hit the disk unless // required to by it being the first time or if the refresh is specifically forced for some reason if(!mIsSingleProcessOnly || (mSettingsCache == NULL) || ((mSettingsCacheTime.tv_sec == 0) && (mSettingsCacheTime.tv_nsec == 0)) || mSettingsCacheForceRefresh) { // first, we need to stat the file to check the mod date, this has the side effect of also // telling us if the file exisits struct stat theFileInfo; int theStatError = stat(mSettingsFilePath, &theFileInfo); // we use this boolean to make error recovery easier since we need a case for when there's no file anyway bool theSettingsWereCached = false; bool theSettingsNeedSaving = true; if(theStatError == 0) { // stat says there is something there, only have to do work if we either don't have a cache or the cache is out of date if((mSettingsCache == NULL) || (mSettingsCacheTime < theFileInfo.st_mtimespec) || mSettingsCacheForceRefresh) { // open the file FILE* theFile = fopen(mSettingsFilePath, "r"); if(theFile != NULL) { // lock the file (this call blocks until the lock is taken) int theError = flock(fileno(theFile), LOCK_EX); if(theError == 0) { // get the length of the file fseek(theFile, 0, SEEK_END); size_t theFileLength = static_cast(ftell(theFile)); fseek(theFile, 0, SEEK_SET); if(theFileLength > 0) { // allocate a block of memory to hold the data in the file CAAutoFree theRawFileData(theFileLength); // read all the data in fread(static_cast(theRawFileData), theFileLength, 1, theFile); // release the lock flock(fileno(theFile), LOCK_UN); // put it into a CFData object CACFData theRawFileDataCFData(static_cast(theRawFileData), static_cast(theFileLength)); // get rid of the existing cache if(mSettingsCache != NULL) { CFRelease(mSettingsCache); mSettingsCache = NULL; } // parse the data as a property list mSettingsCache = (CFMutableDictionaryRef)CFPropertyListCreateWithData(NULL, theRawFileDataCFData.GetCFData(), kCFPropertyListMutableContainersAndLeaves, NULL, NULL); // check to be sure we parsed a plist out of the file if(mSettingsCache != NULL) { // save the date of the cache mSettingsCacheTime = theFileInfo.st_mtimespec; // mark that we're done theSettingsWereCached = true; theSettingsNeedSaving = false; } } } // close the file fclose(theFile); mSettingsCacheForceRefresh = false; } } else { // nothing to do since the file was older than the cached data theSettingsNeedSaving = false; theSettingsWereCached = true; } } // if there was a failure, we need to clean up if((theStatError != 0) || theSettingsNeedSaving || !theSettingsWereCached) { // we get here if either there isn't a file or something wacky happenned while parsing it // so, make sure we have a valid cache dictionary if(mSettingsCache == NULL) { mSettingsCache = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); } mSettingsCacheTime.tv_sec = 0; mSettingsCacheTime.tv_nsec = 0; if((theStatError != 0) || theSettingsNeedSaving) { SaveSettings(); } } } } void CASettingsStorage::SaveSettings() { if(!mIsReadOnly && (mSettingsCache != NULL)) { // make a CFData that contains the new settings CACFData theNewRawPrefsCFData(CFPropertyListCreateData(NULL, mSettingsCache, mSettingsCacheFormat, 0, NULL), true); // open the file for writing FILE* theFile = fopen(mSettingsFilePath, "w+"); if(theFile != NULL) { // lock the file (this call blocks until the lock is taken) int theError = flock(fileno(theFile), LOCK_EX); if(theError == 0) { // set the file access mode if necessary if(mSettingsFileAccessMode != 0) { fchmod(fileno(theFile), mSettingsFileAccessMode); } // write the data fwrite(theNewRawPrefsCFData.GetDataPtr(), theNewRawPrefsCFData.GetSize(), 1, theFile); // flush the file to be sure it is all on disk fflush(theFile); // release the lock flock(fileno(theFile), LOCK_UN); // close the file fclose(theFile); // stat the file to get the mod date struct stat theFileInfo; stat(mSettingsFilePath, &theFileInfo); // save the mod date mSettingsCacheTime = theFileInfo.st_mtimespec; } else { // close the file fclose(theFile); } } } }