/* File: AUScopeElement.h Abstract: Part of CoreAudio Utility Classes Version: 1.1 Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE APPLE SOFTWARE OR ITS USE AND OPERATION ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH YOUR PRODUCTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE APPLE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF APPLE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Copyright (C) 2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ #ifndef __AUScopeElement_h__ #define __AUScopeElement_h__ #include #include #if !defined(__COREAUDIO_USE_FLAT_INCLUDES__) #include #else #include #endif #include "ComponentBase.h" #include "AUBuffer.h" class AUBase; // ____________________________________________________________________________ // // represents a parameter's value (either constant or ramped) /*! @class ParameterMapEvent */ class ParameterMapEvent { public: /*! @ctor ParameterMapEvent */ ParameterMapEvent() : mEventType(kParameterEvent_Immediate), mBufferOffset(0), mDurationInFrames(0), mValue1(0.0f), mValue2(0.0f), mSliceDurationFrames(0) {} /*! @ctor ParameterMapEvent */ ParameterMapEvent(AudioUnitParameterValue inValue) : mEventType(kParameterEvent_Immediate), mBufferOffset(0), mDurationInFrames(0), mValue1(inValue), mValue2(inValue), mSliceDurationFrames(0) {} // constructor for scheduled event /*! @ctor ParameterMapEvent */ ParameterMapEvent( const AudioUnitParameterEvent &inEvent, UInt32 inSliceOffsetInBuffer, UInt32 inSliceDurationFrames ) { SetScheduledEvent(inEvent, inSliceOffsetInBuffer, inSliceDurationFrames ); }; /*! @method SetScheduledEvent */ void SetScheduledEvent( const AudioUnitParameterEvent &inEvent, UInt32 inSliceOffsetInBuffer, UInt32 inSliceDurationFrames ) { mEventType = inEvent.eventType; mSliceDurationFrames = inSliceDurationFrames; if(mEventType == kParameterEvent_Immediate ) { // constant immediate value for the whole slice mValue1 = inEvent.eventValues.immediate.value; mValue2 = mValue1; mDurationInFrames = inSliceDurationFrames; mBufferOffset = 0; } else { mDurationInFrames = inEvent.eventValues.ramp.durationInFrames; mBufferOffset = inEvent.eventValues.ramp.startBufferOffset - inSliceOffsetInBuffer; // shift over for this slice mValue1 = inEvent.eventValues.ramp.startValue; mValue2 = inEvent.eventValues.ramp.endValue; } }; /*! @method GetEventType */ AUParameterEventType GetEventType() const {return mEventType;}; /*! @method GetValue */ AudioUnitParameterValue GetValue() const {return mValue1;}; // only valid if immediate event type /*! @method GetEndValue */ AudioUnitParameterValue GetEndValue() const {return mValue2;}; // only valid if immediate event type /*! @method SetValue */ void SetValue(AudioUnitParameterValue inValue) { mEventType = kParameterEvent_Immediate; mValue1 = inValue; mValue2 = inValue; } // interpolates the start and end values corresponding to the current processing slice // most ramp parameter implementations will want to use this method // the start value will correspond to the start of the slice // the end value will correspond to the end of the slice /*! @method GetRampSliceStartEnd */ void GetRampSliceStartEnd( AudioUnitParameterValue & outStartValue, AudioUnitParameterValue & outEndValue, AudioUnitParameterValue & outValuePerFrameDelta ) { if (mEventType == kParameterEvent_Ramped) { outValuePerFrameDelta = (mValue2 - mValue1) / mDurationInFrames; outStartValue = mValue1 + outValuePerFrameDelta * (-mBufferOffset); // corresponds to frame 0 of this slice outEndValue = outStartValue + outValuePerFrameDelta * mSliceDurationFrames; } else { outValuePerFrameDelta = 0; outStartValue = outEndValue = mValue1; } }; // Some ramp parameter implementations will want to interpret the ramp using their // own interpolation method (perhaps non-linear) // This method gives the raw ramp information, relative to this processing slice // for the client to interpret as desired /*! @method GetRampInfo */ void GetRampInfo( SInt32 & outBufferOffset, UInt32 & outDurationInFrames, AudioUnitParameterValue & outStartValue, AudioUnitParameterValue & outEndValue ) { outBufferOffset = mBufferOffset; outDurationInFrames = mDurationInFrames; outStartValue = mValue1; outEndValue = mValue2; }; #if DEBUG void Print() { printf("ParameterEvent @ %p\n", this); printf(" mEventType = %d\n", (int)mEventType); printf(" mBufferOffset = %d\n", (int)mBufferOffset); printf(" mDurationInFrames = %d\n", (int)mDurationInFrames); printf(" mSliceDurationFrames = %d\n", (int)mSliceDurationFrames); printf(" mValue1 = %.5f\n", mValue1); printf(" mValue2 = %.5f\n", mValue2); } #endif private: AUParameterEventType mEventType; SInt32 mBufferOffset; // ramp start offset relative to start of this slice (may be negative) UInt32 mDurationInFrames; // total duration of ramp parameter AudioUnitParameterValue mValue1; // value if immediate : startValue if ramp AudioUnitParameterValue mValue2; // endValue (only used for ramp) UInt32 mSliceDurationFrames; // duration of this processing slice }; // ____________________________________________________________________________ // class AUIOElement; /*! @class AUElement */ class AUElement { public: /*! @ctor AUElement */ AUElement(AUBase *audioUnit) : mAudioUnit(audioUnit), mUseIndexedParameters(false), mElementName(0) { } /*! @dtor ~AUElement */ virtual ~AUElement() { if (mElementName) CFRelease (mElementName); } /*! @method GetNumberOfParameters */ virtual UInt32 GetNumberOfParameters() { if(mUseIndexedParameters) return static_cast(mIndexedParameters.size()); else return static_cast(mParameters.size()); } /*! @method GetParameterList */ virtual void GetParameterList(AudioUnitParameterID *outList); /*! @method HasParameterID */ bool HasParameterID (AudioUnitParameterID paramID) const; /*! @method GetParameter */ AudioUnitParameterValue GetParameter(AudioUnitParameterID paramID); /*! @method SetParameter */ void SetParameter(AudioUnitParameterID paramID, AudioUnitParameterValue value, bool okWhenInitialized = false); // Only set okWhenInitialized to true when you know the outside world cannot access this element. Otherwise the parameter map could get corrupted. // interpolates the start and end values corresponding to the current processing slice // most ramp parameter implementations will want to use this method /*! @method GetRampSliceStartEnd */ void GetRampSliceStartEnd( AudioUnitParameterID paramID, AudioUnitParameterValue & outStartValue, AudioUnitParameterValue & outEndValue, AudioUnitParameterValue & outValuePerFrameDelta ); /*! @method GetEndValue */ AudioUnitParameterValue GetEndValue( AudioUnitParameterID paramID); /*! @method SetRampParameter */ void SetScheduledEvent( AudioUnitParameterID paramID, const AudioUnitParameterEvent &inEvent, UInt32 inSliceOffsetInBuffer, UInt32 inSliceDurationFrames, bool okWhenInitialized = false ); // Only set okWhenInitialized to true when you know the outside world cannot access this element. Otherwise the parameter map could get corrupted. /*! @method GetAudioUnit */ AUBase * GetAudioUnit() const { return mAudioUnit; }; /*! @method SaveState */ void SaveState(CFMutableDataRef data); /*! @method RestoreState */ const UInt8 * RestoreState(const UInt8 *state); /*! @method GetName */ CFStringRef GetName () const { return mElementName; } /*! @method SetName */ void SetName (CFStringRef inName); /*! @method HasName */ bool HasName () const { return mElementName != 0; } /*! @method UseIndexedParameters */ virtual void UseIndexedParameters(int inNumberOfParameters); /*! @method AsIOElement*/ virtual AUIOElement* AsIOElement () { return NULL; } protected: inline ParameterMapEvent& GetParamEvent(AudioUnitParameterID paramID); private: typedef std::map > ParameterMap; /*! @var mAudioUnit */ AUBase * mAudioUnit; /*! @var mParameters */ ParameterMap mParameters; /*! @var mUseIndexedParameters */ bool mUseIndexedParameters; /*! @var mIndexedParameters */ std::vector mIndexedParameters; /*! @var mElementName */ CFStringRef mElementName; }; // ____________________________________________________________________________ // /*! @class AUIOElement */ class AUIOElement : public AUElement { public: /*! @ctor AUIOElement */ AUIOElement(AUBase *audioUnit); /*! @method GetStreamFormat */ const CAStreamBasicDescription &GetStreamFormat() const { return mStreamFormat; } /*! @method SetStreamFormat */ virtual OSStatus SetStreamFormat(const CAStreamBasicDescription &desc); /*! @method AllocateBuffer */ virtual void AllocateBuffer(UInt32 inFramesToAllocate = 0); /*! @method DeallocateBuffer */ void DeallocateBuffer(); /*! @method NeedsBufferSpace */ virtual bool NeedsBufferSpace() const = 0; /*! @method SetWillAllocateBuffer */ void SetWillAllocateBuffer(bool inFlag) { mWillAllocate = inFlag; } /*! @method WillAllocateBuffer */ bool WillAllocateBuffer() const { return mWillAllocate; } /*! @method UseExternalBuffer */ void UseExternalBuffer(const AudioUnitExternalBuffer &buf) { mIOBuffer.UseExternalBuffer(mStreamFormat, buf); } /*! @method PrepareBuffer */ AudioBufferList & PrepareBuffer(UInt32 nFrames) { if (mWillAllocate) return mIOBuffer.PrepareBuffer(mStreamFormat, nFrames); throw OSStatus(kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue); } /*! @method PrepareNullBuffer */ AudioBufferList & PrepareNullBuffer(UInt32 nFrames) { return mIOBuffer.PrepareNullBuffer(mStreamFormat, nFrames); } /*! @method SetBufferList */ AudioBufferList & SetBufferList(AudioBufferList &abl) { return mIOBuffer.SetBufferList(abl); } /*! @method SetBuffer */ void SetBuffer(UInt32 index, AudioBuffer &ab) { mIOBuffer.SetBuffer(index, ab); } /*! @method InvalidateBufferList */ void InvalidateBufferList() { mIOBuffer.InvalidateBufferList(); } /*! @method GetBufferList */ AudioBufferList & GetBufferList() const { return mIOBuffer.GetBufferList(); } /*! @method GetChannelData */ AudioUnitSampleType * GetChannelData(int ch) const { if (mStreamFormat.IsInterleaved()) return static_cast(mIOBuffer.GetBufferList().mBuffers[0].mData) + ch; else return static_cast(mIOBuffer.GetBufferList().mBuffers[ch].mData); } Float32 * GetFloat32ChannelData(int ch) const { if (mStreamFormat.IsInterleaved()) return static_cast(mIOBuffer.GetBufferList().mBuffers[0].mData) + ch; else return static_cast(mIOBuffer.GetBufferList().mBuffers[ch].mData); } SInt32 * GetSInt32ChannelData(int ch) const { if (mStreamFormat.IsInterleaved()) return static_cast(mIOBuffer.GetBufferList().mBuffers[0].mData) + ch; else return static_cast(mIOBuffer.GetBufferList().mBuffers[ch].mData); } SInt16 * GetInt16ChannelData(int ch) const { if (mStreamFormat.IsInterleaved()) return static_cast(mIOBuffer.GetBufferList().mBuffers[0].mData) + ch; else return static_cast(mIOBuffer.GetBufferList().mBuffers[ch].mData); } /*! @method CopyBufferListTo */ void CopyBufferListTo(AudioBufferList &abl) const { mIOBuffer.CopyBufferListTo(abl); } /*! @method CopyBufferContentsTo */ void CopyBufferContentsTo(AudioBufferList &abl) const { mIOBuffer.CopyBufferContentsTo(abl); } /* UInt32 BytesToFrames(UInt32 nBytes) { return nBytes / mStreamFormat.mBytesPerFrame; } UInt32 BytesToFrames(AudioBufferList &abl) { return BytesToFrames(abl.mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize); } UInt32 FramesToBytes(UInt32 nFrames) { return nFrames * mStreamFormat.mBytesPerFrame; }*/ /*! @method IsInterleaved */ bool IsInterleaved() const { return mStreamFormat.IsInterleaved(); } /*! @method NumberChannels */ UInt32 NumberChannels() const { return mStreamFormat.NumberChannels(); } /*! @method NumberInterleavedChannels */ UInt32 NumberInterleavedChannels() const { return mStreamFormat.NumberInterleavedChannels(); } /*! @method GetChannelMapTags */ virtual UInt32 GetChannelLayoutTags (AudioChannelLayoutTag *outLayoutTagsPtr); /*! @method GetAudioChannelLayout */ virtual UInt32 GetAudioChannelLayout (AudioChannelLayout *outMapPtr, Boolean &outWritable); /*! @method SetAudioChannelLayout */ virtual OSStatus SetAudioChannelLayout (const AudioChannelLayout &inData); /*! @method RemoveAudioChannelLayout */ virtual OSStatus RemoveAudioChannelLayout (); /*! @method AsIOElement*/ virtual AUIOElement* AsIOElement () { return this; } protected: /*! @var mStreamFormat */ CAStreamBasicDescription mStreamFormat; /*! @var mIOBuffer */ AUBufferList mIOBuffer; // for input: input proc buffer, only allocated when needed // for output: output cache, usually allocated early on /*! @var mWillAllocate */ bool mWillAllocate; }; // ____________________________________________________________________________ // // AUScopeDelegates are a way to get virtual scopes. /*! @class AUScopeDelegate */ class AUScopeDelegate { public: /*! @ctor AUScopeDelegate */ AUScopeDelegate() : mCreator(NULL), mScope(0) { } /*! @dtor ~AUScopeDelegate */ virtual ~AUScopeDelegate() {} /*! @method Initialize */ void Initialize( AUBase *creator, AudioUnitScope scope, UInt32 numElements) { mCreator = creator; mScope = scope; SetNumberOfElements(numElements); } /*! @method SetNumberOfElements */ virtual void SetNumberOfElements(UInt32 numElements) = 0; /*! @method GetNumberOfElements */ virtual UInt32 GetNumberOfElements() = 0; /*! @method GetElement */ virtual AUElement * GetElement(UInt32 elementIndex) = 0; AUBase * GetCreator() const { return mCreator; } AudioUnitScope GetScope() const { return mScope; } private: /*! @var mCreator */ AUBase * mCreator; /*! @var mScope */ AudioUnitScope mScope; }; // ____________________________________________________________________________ // /*! @class AUScope */ class AUScope { public: /*! @ctor AUScope */ AUScope() : mCreator(NULL), mScope(0), mDelegate(0) { } /*! @dtor ~AUScope */ ~AUScope(); /*! @method Initialize */ void Initialize(AUBase *creator, AudioUnitScope scope, UInt32 numElements) { mCreator = creator; mScope = scope; if (mDelegate) return mDelegate->Initialize(creator, scope, numElements); SetNumberOfElements(numElements); } /*! @method SetNumberOfElements */ void SetNumberOfElements(UInt32 numElements); /*! @method GetNumberOfElements */ UInt32 GetNumberOfElements() const { if (mDelegate) return mDelegate->GetNumberOfElements(); return static_cast(mElements.size()); } /*! @method GetElement */ AUElement * GetElement(UInt32 elementIndex) const { if (mDelegate) return mDelegate->GetElement(elementIndex); ElementVector::const_iterator i = mElements.begin() + elementIndex; // catch passing -1 in as the elementIndex - causes a wrap around return (i >= mElements.end() || i < mElements.begin()) ? NULL : *i; } /*! @method SafeGetElement */ AUElement * SafeGetElement(UInt32 elementIndex) { AUElement *element = GetElement(elementIndex); if (element == NULL) COMPONENT_THROW(kAudioUnitErr_InvalidElement); return element; } /*! @method GetIOElement */ AUIOElement * GetIOElement(UInt32 elementIndex) const { AUElement *element = GetElement(elementIndex); AUIOElement *ioel = element ? element->AsIOElement () : NULL; if (!ioel) COMPONENT_THROW (kAudioUnitErr_InvalidElement); return ioel; } /*! @method HasElementWithName */ bool HasElementWithName () const; /*! @method AddElementNamesToDict */ void AddElementNamesToDict (CFMutableDictionaryRef & inNameDict); bool RestoreElementNames (CFDictionaryRef& inNameDict); AudioUnitScope GetScope() const { return mScope; } void SetDelegate(AUScopeDelegate* inDelegate) { mDelegate = inDelegate; } /*! @method SaveState */ void SaveState(CFMutableDataRef data); /*! @method RestoreState */ const UInt8 * RestoreState(const UInt8 *state); private: typedef std::vector ElementVector; /*! @var mCreator */ AUBase * mCreator; /*! @var mScope */ AudioUnitScope mScope; /*! @var mElements */ ElementVector mElements; /*! @var mDelegate */ AUScopeDelegate * mDelegate; }; #endif // __AUScopeElement_h__