/* File: DataSource.cpp Abstract: DataSource.h Version: 1.1 Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE APPLE SOFTWARE OR ITS USE AND OPERATION ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH YOUR PRODUCTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE APPLE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF APPLE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Copyright (C) 2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ #include "DataSource.h" #if TARGET_OS_WIN32 #include #else #include #include #endif #include #include #define VERBOSE 0 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const UInt16 kPositionModeMask = 3; DataSource::DataSource(Boolean inCloseOnDelete) : mCloseOnDelete(inCloseOnDelete) { } DataSource::~DataSource() { } SInt64 DataSource::CalcOffset( UInt16 positionMode, SInt64 positionOffset, SInt64 currentOffset, SInt64 size) { SInt64 newOffset = 0; switch (positionMode & kPositionModeMask) { //case fsAtMark : newOffset = currentOffset; break; case SEEK_SET : newOffset = positionOffset; break; case SEEK_END : newOffset = size + positionOffset; break; case SEEK_CUR : newOffset = positionOffset + currentOffset; break; } return newOffset; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if 0 MacFile_DataSource::MacFile_DataSource( FSIORefNum inForkRefNum, SInt8 inPermissions, Boolean inCloseOnDelete) : DataSource(inCloseOnDelete), mFileNum(inForkRefNum), mPermissions(inPermissions) { } MacFile_DataSource::~MacFile_DataSource() { if (mCloseOnDelete) FSCloseFork(mFileNum); } OSStatus MacFile_DataSource::GetSize(SInt64& outSize) { outSize = -1; // in case of error OSStatus err = FSGetForkSize(mFileNum, &outSize); return err; } OSStatus MacFile_DataSource::GetPos(SInt64& outPos) const { return FSGetForkPosition(mFileNum, &outPos); } OSStatus MacFile_DataSource::SetSize(SInt64 inSize) { return FSSetForkSize(mFileNum, SEEK_SET, inSize); } OSStatus MacFile_DataSource::ReadBytes( UInt16 positionMode, SInt64 positionOffset, UInt32 requestCount, void *buffer, UInt32* actualCount) { if (actualCount) *actualCount = 0; if (!buffer) return kAudio_ParamError; ByteCount bc_actualCount = 0; OSStatus err = FSReadFork(mFileNum, positionMode, positionOffset, requestCount, buffer, &bc_actualCount); if (actualCount) *actualCount = (UInt32)bc_actualCount; return err; } OSStatus MacFile_DataSource::WriteBytes( UInt16 positionMode, SInt64 positionOffset, UInt32 requestCount, const void *buffer, UInt32* actualCount) { if (!buffer) return kAudio_ParamError; ByteCount bc_actualCount = 0; OSStatus err = FSWriteFork(mFileNum, positionMode, positionOffset, requestCount, buffer, &bc_actualCount); if (actualCount) *actualCount = (UInt32)bc_actualCount; return err; } #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define kAudioFileNoCacheMask 0x20 UnixFile_DataSource::UnixFile_DataSource( int inFD, SInt8 inPermissions, Boolean inCloseOnDelete) : DataSource(inCloseOnDelete), mFileD(inFD), mPermissions(inPermissions), mNoCache(0), mCachedSize(-1), mFilePointer(0) { } UnixFile_DataSource::~UnixFile_DataSource() { if (mCloseOnDelete) close(mFileD); } OSStatus UnixFile_DataSource::GetSize(SInt64& outSize) { #if 0 // 6764274 using the cached file size causes a regression for apps that play a file while writing to it. if (mCachedSize >= 0) { outSize = mCachedSize; return noErr; } #endif outSize = -1; // in case of error struct stat stbuf; if (fstat (mFileD, &stbuf) == -1) return kAudio_FileNotFoundError; outSize = mCachedSize = stbuf.st_size; return noErr; } OSStatus UnixFile_DataSource::SetSize(SInt64 inSize) { mCachedSize = -1; #if TARGET_OS_WIN32 if (chsize (mFileD, inSize)) return kAudioFilePermissionsError; #else if (ftruncate (mFileD, inSize) == -1) return kAudioFilePermissionsError; #endif mCachedSize = inSize; return noErr; } OSStatus UnixFile_DataSource::GetPos(SInt64& outPos) const { outPos = mFilePointer; return noErr; } SInt64 UnixFile_DataSource::UFCurrentOffset (UInt16 positionMode, SInt64 positionOffset) { SInt64 offset = -1; switch (positionMode & kPositionModeMask) { /*case fsAtMark : { SInt64 pos; OSStatus result = GetPos (pos); if (result) return result; offset = pos; break; }*/ case SEEK_SET : { offset = positionOffset; break; } case SEEK_END : { SInt64 size; OSStatus result = GetSize (size); if (result) return result; offset = size + positionOffset; break; } case SEEK_CUR : { SInt64 pos; OSStatus result = GetPos (pos); if (result) return result; offset = positionOffset + pos; break; } } return offset; } OSStatus UnixFile_DataSource::ReadBytes( UInt16 positionMode, SInt64 positionOffset, UInt32 requestCount, void *buffer, UInt32* actualCount) { if (actualCount) *actualCount = 0; if (!buffer) return kAudio_ParamError; // can't use current offset as we need to go to the disk too much SInt64 offset = UFCurrentOffset (positionMode, positionOffset); if (offset < 0) return kAudioFilePositionError; #if 0 // 6571050 fstat-ing the file every read causes a performance regression // 5931571 check that read may exceed eof and curtail it. do { SInt64 size; OSStatus serr = GetSize(size); if (serr) break; SInt64 remain = size - offset; if (remain < 0) requestCount = 0; else if (requestCount > remain) requestCount = remain; } while (false); #endif if (requestCount <= 0) { if (actualCount) *actualCount = 0; return noErr; } #if !TARGET_OS_WIN32 UInt32 noCache = positionMode & kAudioFileNoCacheMask ? 1 : 0; if (noCache != mNoCache) { mNoCache = noCache; fcntl(mFileD, F_NOCACHE, mNoCache); } #endif size_t readBytes = requestCount; #if TARGET_OS_WIN32 lseek(mFileD, offset, SEEK_SET); int numBytes = read (mFileD, buffer, readBytes); #else ssize_t numBytes = pread (mFileD, buffer, readBytes, offset); #endif if (numBytes == -1) return kAudioFilePositionError; mFilePointer = offset + numBytes; if (actualCount) *actualCount = (UInt32)numBytes; return noErr; } OSStatus UnixFile_DataSource::WriteBytes(UInt16 positionMode, SInt64 positionOffset, UInt32 requestCount, const void *buffer, UInt32* actualCount) { if (!buffer) return kAudio_ParamError; // can't use current offset as we need to go to the disk too much SInt64 offset = UFCurrentOffset (positionMode, positionOffset); if (offset < 0) return kAudioFilePositionError; mCachedSize = -1; size_t writeBytes = requestCount; #if !TARGET_OS_WIN32 UInt32 noCache = positionMode & kAudioFileNoCacheMask ? 1 : 0; if (noCache != mNoCache) { mNoCache = noCache; fcntl(mFileD, F_NOCACHE, mNoCache); } #endif #if TARGET_OS_WIN32 lseek(mFileD, offset, SEEK_SET); int numBytes = write (mFileD, buffer, writeBytes); #else ssize_t numBytes = pwrite (mFileD, buffer, writeBytes, offset); #endif if (numBytes == -1) return kAudioFilePositionError; mFilePointer = offset + numBytes; if (actualCount) *actualCount = (UInt32)numBytes; return noErr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define NO_CACHE 0 OSStatus Cached_DataSource::ReadFromHeaderCache( SInt64 offset, UInt32 requestCount, void *buffer, UInt32* actualCount) { if (actualCount) *actualCount = 0; OSStatus err = noErr; ByteCount theActualCount = 0; #if VERBOSE printf("read from header %lld %lu %lld %lu\n", offset, requestCount, 0LL, mHeaderCacheSize); #endif if (!mHeaderCache()) { mHeaderCache.allocBytes(mHeaderCacheSize, true); err = mDataSource->ReadBytes(SEEK_SET, 0, mHeaderCacheSize, mHeaderCache(), &mHeaderCacheSize); if (err == kAudioFileEndOfFileError) err = noErr; if (err) return err; } ByteCount firstPart = std::min((ByteCount)requestCount, (ByteCount)(mHeaderCacheSize - offset)); ByteCount secondPart = requestCount - firstPart; memcpy(buffer, mHeaderCache + (ByteCount)offset, firstPart); theActualCount = firstPart; if (secondPart) { UInt32 secondPartActualCount = 0; err = mDataSource->ReadBytes(SEEK_SET, mHeaderCacheSize, static_cast(secondPart), (char*)buffer + firstPart, &secondPartActualCount); theActualCount += secondPartActualCount; } if (actualCount) *actualCount = (UInt32)theActualCount; mOffset = offset + theActualCount; return err; } OSStatus Cached_DataSource::ReadBytes( UInt16 positionMode, SInt64 positionOffset, UInt32 requestCount, void *buffer, UInt32* actualCount) { if (actualCount) *actualCount = 0; OSStatus err = noErr; SInt64 size; UInt32 theActualCount = 0; if (!buffer) return kAudio_ParamError; if ((positionMode & kPositionModeMask) != SEEK_END) size = 0; // not used in this case else { err = GetSize(size); if (err) return err; } SInt64 offset = CalcOffset(positionMode, positionOffset, mOffset, size); if (offset < 0) return kAudioFilePositionError; if (offset < mHeaderCacheSize) { return ReadFromHeaderCache(offset, requestCount, buffer, actualCount); } #if NO_CACHE err = mDataSource->ReadBytes(positionMode, positionOffset, requestCount, buffer, &theActualCount); mOffset = offset + theActualCount; #else SInt64 cacheEnd = mBodyCacheOffset + mBodyCacheCurSize; if (mBodyCache() && requestCount < mBodyCacheSize && offset >= mBodyCacheOffset && offset < cacheEnd) { if (offset + requestCount <= cacheEnd) { // request is entirely within cache #if VERBOSE printf("request is entirely within cache %lld %lu %lld %lu\n", offset, requestCount, mBodyCacheOffset, mBodyCacheCurSize); #endif memcpy(buffer, mBodyCache + (size_t)(offset - mBodyCacheOffset), requestCount); theActualCount = requestCount; } else { // part of request is within cache. copy, read next cache block, copy. #if VERBOSE printf("part of request is within cache %lld %lu %lld %lu\n", offset, requestCount, mBodyCacheOffset, mBodyCacheCurSize); #endif // copy first part. ByteCount firstPart = (ByteCount)(cacheEnd - offset); ByteCount secondPart = requestCount - firstPart; #if VERBOSE printf("memcpy offset %lld mBodyCacheOffset %lld offset - mBodyCacheOffset %lld firstPart %lu requestCount %lu\n", offset, mBodyCacheOffset, offset - mBodyCacheOffset, firstPart, requestCount); #endif memcpy(buffer, mBodyCache + (size_t)(offset - mBodyCacheOffset), firstPart); theActualCount = static_cast(firstPart); // read new block SInt64 nextOffset = mBodyCacheOffset + mBodyCacheCurSize; err = mDataSource->ReadBytes(SEEK_SET, nextOffset, mBodyCacheSize, mBodyCache(), &mBodyCacheCurSize); if (err == kAudioFileEndOfFileError) err = noErr; if (err) goto leave; mBodyCacheOffset = nextOffset; // copy second part secondPart = std::min(secondPart, (ByteCount)mBodyCacheCurSize); if (secondPart) memcpy((char*)buffer + firstPart, mBodyCache(), secondPart); theActualCount = static_cast(firstPart + secondPart); } } else { if (requestCount > mBodyCacheSize) { #if VERBOSE printf("large request %lld %lu %lld %lu\n", offset, requestCount, mBodyCacheOffset, mBodyCacheCurSize); #endif // the request is larger than we normally cache, just do a read and don't cache. err = mDataSource->ReadBytes(positionMode, positionOffset, requestCount, buffer, &theActualCount); mOffset = offset + theActualCount; } else { // request is outside cache. read new block. #if VERBOSE printf("request is outside cache %lld %lu %lld %lu\n", offset, requestCount, mBodyCacheOffset, mBodyCacheCurSize); #endif if (!mBodyCache()) { mBodyCache.allocBytes(mBodyCacheSize, true); #if VERBOSE printf("alloc mBodyCache %08X\n", mBodyCache()); #endif } mBodyCacheOffset = offset; err = mDataSource->ReadBytes(SEEK_SET, mBodyCacheOffset, mBodyCacheSize, mBodyCache(), &mBodyCacheCurSize); #if VERBOSE printf("read %08X %d mBodyCacheOffset %lld %lu %lu\n", err, err, mBodyCacheOffset, mBodyCacheSize, mBodyCacheCurSize); #endif if (err == kAudioFileEndOfFileError) err = noErr; if (err) return err; theActualCount = std::min(requestCount, mBodyCacheCurSize); memcpy(buffer, mBodyCache(), theActualCount); } } leave: #endif if (actualCount) *actualCount = (UInt32)theActualCount; #if VERBOSE printf("<= mBodyCacheOffset && offset < cacheEnd) { // body cache write through ByteCount firstPart = std::min((SInt64)requestCount, cacheEnd - offset); #if VERBOSE printf("body cache write through %lld %lu %lld %lu\n", mBodyCacheOffset, mBodyCacheCurSize, offset, firstPart); #endif memcpy(mBodyCache + (offset - mBodyCacheOffset), buffer, firstPart); } UInt32 theActualCount; err = mDataSource->WriteBytes(positionMode, positionOffset, requestCount, buffer, &theActualCount); mOffset = offset + theActualCount; if (actualCount) *actualCount = (UInt32)theActualCount; return err; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Seekable_DataSource::Seekable_DataSource( void * inClientData, AudioFile_ReadProc inReadFunc, AudioFile_WriteProc inWriteFunc, AudioFile_GetSizeProc inGetSizeFunc, AudioFile_SetSizeProc inSetSizeFunc) : DataSource(false), mClientData(inClientData), mReadFunc(inReadFunc), mWriteFunc(inWriteFunc), mSizeFunc(inGetSizeFunc), mSetSizeFunc(inSetSizeFunc) { } Seekable_DataSource::~Seekable_DataSource() { } OSStatus Seekable_DataSource::GetSize(SInt64& outSize) { if (!mSizeFunc) { outSize = LLONG_MAX; } else { outSize = (*mSizeFunc)(mClientData); } return noErr; } OSStatus Seekable_DataSource::SetSize(SInt64 inSize) { if (!mSetSizeFunc) return kAudioFileOperationNotSupportedError; return (*mSetSizeFunc)(mClientData, inSize); } OSStatus Seekable_DataSource::ReadBytes( UInt16 positionMode, SInt64 positionOffset, UInt32 requestCount, void *buffer, UInt32* actualCount) { OSStatus err; if (actualCount) *actualCount = 0; if (!mReadFunc) return kAudioFileOperationNotSupportedError; if (!buffer) return kAudio_ParamError; positionMode &= kPositionModeMask; SInt64 size; err = GetSize(size); if (err) return err; SInt64 offset = CalcOffset(positionMode, positionOffset, mOffset, size); // request is outside bounds of file if (offset < 0) return kAudioFilePositionError; if (offset >= size) return kAudioFileEndOfFileError; // reduce request if it exceeds the amount available requestCount = static_cast(std::min((SInt64)requestCount, size - offset)); UInt32 theActualCount = 0; err = (*mReadFunc)(mClientData, offset, requestCount, buffer, &theActualCount); if (actualCount) *actualCount = theActualCount; mOffset = offset + theActualCount; return err; } OSStatus Seekable_DataSource::WriteBytes( UInt16 positionMode, SInt64 positionOffset, UInt32 requestCount, const void *buffer, UInt32* actualCount) { OSStatus err; if (!mWriteFunc) return kAudioFileOperationNotSupportedError; if (!buffer) return kAudio_ParamError; SInt64 size; positionMode &= kPositionModeMask; if (positionMode != SEEK_END) size = 0; // not used in this case else { err = GetSize(size); if (err) return err; } SInt64 offset = CalcOffset(positionMode, positionOffset, mOffset, size); if (offset < 0) return kAudioFilePositionError; UInt32 theActualCount; err = (*mWriteFunc)(mClientData, offset, requestCount, buffer, &theActualCount); if (err) return err; if (actualCount) *actualCount = theActualCount; mOffset = offset + theActualCount; return noErr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OSStatus Buffer_DataSource::ReadBytes( UInt16 positionMode, SInt64 positionOffset, UInt32 requestCount, void *buffer, UInt32* actualCount) { if (actualCount) *actualCount = 0; SInt64 offsetWithinBuffer = CalcOffset(positionMode, positionOffset, mOffset, mDataByteSize + mStartOffset) - mStartOffset; if (offsetWithinBuffer < 0 || offsetWithinBuffer >= mDataByteSize) return kAudioFilePositionError; SInt64 bytesAfterOffset = mDataByteSize - offsetWithinBuffer; SInt64 theActualCount = std::min(bytesAfterOffset, (SInt64)requestCount); if (theActualCount <= 0) { if (actualCount) *actualCount = 0; return kAudio_ParamError; } memcpy(buffer, mData + offsetWithinBuffer, theActualCount); if (actualCount) *actualCount = static_cast(theActualCount); mOffset = offsetWithinBuffer + theActualCount; return noErr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////