/* File: ACSimpleCodec.cpp Abstract: ACSimpleCodec.h Version: 1.1 Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. 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All Rights Reserved. */ //============================================================================= // Includes //============================================================================= #include "ACSimpleCodec.h" #include //============================================================================= // ACSimpleCodec //============================================================================= static const UInt32 kBufferPad = 64; // this is used to prevent end from passing start. ACSimpleCodec::ACSimpleCodec(UInt32 inInputBufferByteSize, AudioComponentInstance inInstance) : ACBaseCodec(inInstance), mInputBuffer(NULL), mInputBufferByteSize(inInputBufferByteSize+kBufferPad), mInputBufferStart(0), mInputBufferEnd(0) { } ACSimpleCodec::~ACSimpleCodec() { delete[] mInputBuffer; } void ACSimpleCodec::Initialize(const AudioStreamBasicDescription* inInputFormat, const AudioStreamBasicDescription* inOutputFormat, const void* inMagicCookie, UInt32 inMagicCookieByteSize) { ReallocateInputBuffer(mInputBufferByteSize - kBufferPad); // By definition CBR has this greater than 0. We must avoid a div by 0 error in AppendInputData() // Note this will cause us to fail initialization which is intended if (mInputFormat.mBytesPerPacket == 0) { CODEC_THROW(kAudioCodecUnsupportedFormatError); } ACBaseCodec::Initialize(inInputFormat, inOutputFormat, inMagicCookie, inMagicCookieByteSize); } void ACSimpleCodec::Uninitialize() { // get rid of the buffer delete[] mInputBuffer; mInputBuffer = NULL; // reset the ring buffer state mInputBufferStart = 0; mInputBufferEnd = 0; ACBaseCodec::Uninitialize(); } void ACSimpleCodec::Reset() { // clear the entire input buffer if (mInputBuffer) { // could be called before allocated. memset(mInputBuffer, 0, mInputBufferByteSize); } // reset the ring buffer state mInputBufferStart = 0; mInputBufferEnd = 0; ACBaseCodec::Reset(); } UInt32 ACSimpleCodec::GetInputBufferByteSize() const { return mInputBufferByteSize - kBufferPad; // minus kBufferPad to prevent end moving past start } UInt32 ACSimpleCodec::GetUsedInputBufferByteSize() const { UInt32 theAnswer = 0; // this object uses a ring buffer if(mInputBufferStart <= mInputBufferEnd) { // the active region is contiguous theAnswer = mInputBufferEnd - mInputBufferStart; } else { // the active region wraps around theAnswer = (mInputBufferByteSize - mInputBufferStart) + mInputBufferEnd; } return theAnswer; } void ACSimpleCodec::AppendInputData(const void* inInputData, UInt32& ioInputDataByteSize, UInt32& ioNumberPackets, const AudioStreamPacketDescription* inPacketDescription) { // this buffer handling code doesn't care about such things as the packet descriptions if(!mIsInitialized) CODEC_THROW(kAudioCodecStateError); // this is a ring buffer we're dealing with, so we need to set up a few things UInt32 theUsedByteSize = GetUsedInputBufferByteSize(); UInt32 theAvailableByteSize = GetInputBufferByteSize() - theUsedByteSize; UInt32 theMaxAvailableInputBytes = ioInputDataByteSize; // we can't consume more than we get const Byte* theInputData = static_cast(inInputData); // >>jamesmcc: added this because ioNumberPackets was not being updated if less was taken than given. // THIS ASSUMES CBR! UInt32 bytesPerPacketOfInput = mInputFormat.mBytesPerPacket; UInt32 theAvailablePacketSize = theAvailableByteSize / bytesPerPacketOfInput; UInt32 minPacketSize = ioNumberPackets < theAvailablePacketSize ? ioNumberPackets : theAvailablePacketSize; UInt32 minByteSize = minPacketSize * bytesPerPacketOfInput; // we can copy only as much data as there is or up to how much space is availiable ioNumberPackets = minPacketSize; ioInputDataByteSize = minByteSize; // ioInputDataByteSize had better be <= to theMaxAvailableInputBytes or we're screwed if (ioInputDataByteSize > theMaxAvailableInputBytes) { CODEC_THROW(kAudioCodecStateError); } // <>jamesmcc: added this because ioNumberPackets was not being updated if less was taken than given. // THIS ASSUMES CBR! UInt32 bytesPerPacketOfInput = mInputFormat.mBytesPerPacket; UInt32 theAvailablePacketSize = theAvailableByteSize / bytesPerPacketOfInput; UInt32 minPacketSize = ioNumberPackets < theAvailablePacketSize ? ioNumberPackets : theAvailablePacketSize; UInt32 minByteSize = minPacketSize * bytesPerPacketOfInput; // we can copy only as much data as there is or up to how much space is availiable ioNumberPackets = minPacketSize; // < GetUsedInputBufferByteSize()) CODEC_THROW(kAudioCodecUnspecifiedError); if(inConsumedByteSize <= theContiguousRange) { // the region to consume doesn't wrap // figure out how much to consume inConsumedByteSize = (theContiguousRange < inConsumedByteSize) ? theContiguousRange : inConsumedByteSize; // clear the consumed bits memset(mInputBuffer + mInputBufferStart, 0, inConsumedByteSize); // adjust the start mInputBufferStart += inConsumedByteSize; } else { // the region to consume will wrap // clear the bits to the end of the buffer memset(mInputBuffer + mInputBufferStart, 0, theContiguousRange); // now clear the bits left from the start memset(mInputBuffer, 0, inConsumedByteSize - theContiguousRange); // adjust the start mInputBufferStart = inConsumedByteSize - theContiguousRange; } } Byte* ACSimpleCodec::GetBytes(UInt32& ioNumberBytes) const { // if a client's algorithm has to have contiguous data and mInputBuffer wraps, then someone has to make a copy. // I can do it more efficiently than the client. if(!mIsInitialized) CODEC_THROW(kAudioCodecStateError); UInt32 theUsedByteSize = GetUsedInputBufferByteSize(); //UInt32 theAvailableByteSize = GetInputBufferByteSize() - theUsedByteSize; if (ioNumberBytes > theUsedByteSize) ioNumberBytes = theUsedByteSize; SInt32 leftOver = mInputBufferStart + ioNumberBytes - mInputBufferByteSize; if(leftOver > 0) { // need to copy beginning of buffer to the end. // We cleverly over allocated our buffer space to make this possible. memmove(mInputBuffer + mInputBufferByteSize, mInputBuffer, leftOver); } return GetInputBufferStart(); } void ACSimpleCodec::ReallocateInputBuffer(UInt32 inInputBufferByteSize) { mInputBufferByteSize = inInputBufferByteSize + kBufferPad; // toss the old buffer delete[] mInputBuffer; mInputBuffer = NULL; // allocate the new one // allocate extra in order to allow making contiguous data. UInt32 allocSize = 2*inInputBufferByteSize + kBufferPad; mInputBuffer = new Byte[allocSize]; memset(mInputBuffer, 0, allocSize); // reset the ring buffer state mInputBufferStart = 0; mInputBufferEnd = 0; } void ACSimpleCodec::GetPropertyInfo(AudioCodecPropertyID inPropertyID, UInt32& outPropertyDataSize, Boolean& outWritable) { switch(inPropertyID) { case kAudioCodecPropertyInputBufferSize: outPropertyDataSize = SizeOf32(UInt32); outWritable = true; break; default: ACBaseCodec::GetPropertyInfo(inPropertyID, outPropertyDataSize, outWritable); break; } } void ACSimpleCodec::SetProperty(AudioCodecPropertyID inPropertyID, UInt32 inPropertyDataSize, const void* inPropertyData) { switch(inPropertyID) { case kAudioCodecPropertyInputBufferSize: if(inPropertyDataSize == sizeof(UInt32)) { ReallocateInputBuffer(*reinterpret_cast(inPropertyData)); } else { CODEC_THROW(kAudioCodecBadPropertySizeError); } break; default: ACBaseCodec::SetProperty(inPropertyID, inPropertyDataSize, inPropertyData); break; } }