#include #include #include "pbd/memento_command.h" #include "pbd/convert.h" #include "ardour/transient_detector.h" #include "ardour/onset_detector.h" #include "ardour/audiosource.h" #include "ardour/audioregion.h" #include "ardour/playlist.h" #include "ardour/region_factory.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "rhythm_ferret.h" #include "audio_region_view.h" #include "editor.h" #include "utils.h" #include "time_axis_view.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Gdk; using namespace PBD; using namespace ARDOUR; /* order of these must match the AnalysisMode enums in rhythm_ferret.h */ static const gchar * _analysis_mode_strings[] = { N_("Percussive Onset"), N_("Note Onset"), 0 }; static const gchar * _onset_function_strings[] = { N_("Energy Based"), N_("Spectral Difference"), N_("High-Frequency Content"), N_("Complex Domain"), N_("Phase Deviation"), N_("Kullback-Liebler"), N_("Modified Kullback-Liebler"), 0 }; static const gchar * _operation_strings[] = { N_("Split region"), N_("Set tempo map"), N_("Conform region"), 0 }; RhythmFerret::RhythmFerret (Editor& e) : ArdourDialog (_("Rhythm Ferret")) , editor (e) , detection_threshold_adjustment (3, 0, 20, 1, 4) , detection_threshold_scale (detection_threshold_adjustment) , sensitivity_adjustment (40, 0, 100, 1, 10) , sensitivity_scale (sensitivity_adjustment) , analyze_button (_("Analyze")) , peak_picker_threshold_adjustment (0.3, 0.0, 1.0, 0.01, 0.1) , peak_picker_threshold_scale (peak_picker_threshold_adjustment) , silence_threshold_adjustment (-90.0, -120.0, 0.0, 1, 10) , silence_threshold_scale (silence_threshold_adjustment) , trigger_gap_adjustment (3, 0, 100, 1, 10) , trigger_gap_spinner (trigger_gap_adjustment) , action_button (Stock::APPLY) { operation_strings = I18N (_operation_strings); Gtkmm2ext::set_popdown_strings (operation_selector, operation_strings); operation_selector.set_active (0); analysis_mode_strings = I18N (_analysis_mode_strings); Gtkmm2ext::set_popdown_strings (analysis_mode_selector, analysis_mode_strings); analysis_mode_selector.set_active_text (analysis_mode_strings.front()); analysis_mode_selector.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RhythmFerret::analysis_mode_changed)); onset_function_strings = I18N (_onset_function_strings); Gtkmm2ext::set_popdown_strings (onset_detection_function_selector, onset_function_strings); /* Onset plugin uses complex domain as default function XXX there should be a non-hacky way to set this */ onset_detection_function_selector.set_active_text (onset_function_strings[3]); Table* t = manage (new Table (7, 3)); t->set_spacings (12); int n = 0; t->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Mode"), 1, 0.5)), 0, 1, n, n + 1, FILL); t->attach (analysis_mode_selector, 1, 2, n, n + 1, FILL); ++n; t->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Detection function"), 1, 0.5)), 0, 1, n, n + 1, FILL); t->attach (onset_detection_function_selector, 1, 2, n, n + 1, FILL); ++n; t->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Trigger gap"), 1, 0.5)), 0, 1, n, n + 1, FILL); t->attach (trigger_gap_spinner, 1, 2, n, n + 1, FILL); t->attach (*manage (new Label (_("ms"))), 2, 3, n, n + 1, FILL); ++n; t->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Threshold"), 1, 0.5)), 0, 1, n, n + 1, FILL); t->attach (detection_threshold_scale, 1, 2, n, n + 1, FILL); t->attach (*manage (new Label (_("dB"))), 2, 3, n, n + 1, FILL); ++n; t->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Peak threshold"), 1, 0.5)), 0, 1, n, n + 1, FILL); t->attach (peak_picker_threshold_scale, 1, 2, n, n + 1, FILL); t->attach (*manage (new Label (_("dB"))), 2, 3, n, n + 1, FILL); ++n; t->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Silence threshold"), 1, 0.5)), 0, 1, n, n + 1, FILL); t->attach (silence_threshold_scale, 1, 2, n, n + 1, FILL); t->attach (*manage (new Label (_("dB"))), 2, 3, n, n + 1, FILL); ++n; t->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Sensitivity"), 1, 0.5)), 0, 1, n, n + 1, FILL); t->attach (sensitivity_scale, 1, 2, n, n + 1, FILL); ++n; t->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Operation"), 1, 0.5)), 0, 1, n, n + 1, FILL); t->attach (operation_selector, 1, 2, n, n + 1, FILL); ++n; analyze_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RhythmFerret::run_analysis)); action_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RhythmFerret::do_action)); get_vbox()->set_border_width (6); get_vbox()->set_spacing (6); get_vbox()->pack_start (*t); add_action_widget (analyze_button, 1); add_action_widget (action_button, 0); show_all (); analysis_mode_changed (); } void RhythmFerret::analysis_mode_changed () { bool const perc = get_analysis_mode() == PercussionOnset; detection_threshold_scale.set_sensitive (perc); sensitivity_scale.set_sensitive (perc); onset_detection_function_selector.set_sensitive (!perc); peak_picker_threshold_scale.set_sensitive (!perc); silence_threshold_scale.set_sensitive (!perc); } RhythmFerret::AnalysisMode RhythmFerret::get_analysis_mode () const { string str = analysis_mode_selector.get_active_text (); if (str == analysis_mode_strings[(int) NoteOnset]) { return NoteOnset; } return PercussionOnset; } RhythmFerret::Action RhythmFerret::get_action () const { if (operation_selector.get_active_row_number() == 1) { return DefineTempoMap; } else if (operation_selector.get_active_row_number() == 2) { return ConformRegion; } return SplitRegion; } void RhythmFerret::run_analysis () { if (!_session) { return; } RegionSelection& regions (editor.get_selection().regions); current_results.clear (); if (regions.empty()) { return; } for (RegionSelection::iterator i = regions.begin(); i != regions.end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr rd = boost::static_pointer_cast ((*i)->region()); switch (get_analysis_mode()) { case PercussionOnset: run_percussion_onset_analysis (rd, (*i)->region()->position(), current_results); break; case NoteOnset: run_note_onset_analysis (rd, (*i)->region()->position(), current_results); break; default: break; } (*i)->region()->set_transients (current_results); current_results.clear(); } } int RhythmFerret::run_percussion_onset_analysis (boost::shared_ptr readable, nframes64_t /*offset*/, AnalysisFeatureList& results) { TransientDetector t (_session->frame_rate()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < readable->n_channels(); ++i) { AnalysisFeatureList these_results; t.reset (); t.set_threshold (detection_threshold_adjustment.get_value()); t.set_sensitivity (sensitivity_adjustment.get_value()); if (t.run ("", readable.get(), i, these_results)) { continue; } /* translate all transients to give absolute position */ //for (AnalysisFeatureList::iterator x = these_results.begin(); x != these_results.end(); ++x) { // (*x) += offset; //} /* merge */ results.insert (results.end(), these_results.begin(), these_results.end()); these_results.clear (); } if (!results.empty()) { TransientDetector::cleanup_transients (results, _session->frame_rate(), trigger_gap_adjustment.get_value()); } return 0; } int RhythmFerret::get_note_onset_function () { string txt = onset_detection_function_selector.get_active_text(); for (int n = 0; _onset_function_strings[n]; ++n) { /* compare translated versions */ if (txt == onset_function_strings[n]) { return n; } } fatal << string_compose (_("programming error: %1 (%2)"), X_("illegal note onset function string"), txt) << endmsg; /*NOTREACHED*/ return -1; } int RhythmFerret::run_note_onset_analysis (boost::shared_ptr readable, nframes64_t /*offset*/, AnalysisFeatureList& results) { try { OnsetDetector t (_session->frame_rate()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < readable->n_channels(); ++i) { AnalysisFeatureList these_results; t.reset (); t.set_function (get_note_onset_function()); t.set_silence_threshold (silence_threshold_adjustment.get_value()); t.set_peak_threshold (peak_picker_threshold_adjustment.get_value()); if (t.run ("", readable.get(), i, these_results)) { continue; } /* translate all transients to give absolute position */ //for (AnalysisFeatureList::iterator x = these_results.begin(); x != these_results.end(); ++x) { // (*x) += offset; //} /* merge */ results.insert (results.end(), these_results.begin(), these_results.end()); these_results.clear (); } } catch (failed_constructor& err) { error << "Could not load note onset detection plugin" << endmsg; return -1; } if (!results.empty()) { OnsetDetector::cleanup_onsets (results, _session->frame_rate(), trigger_gap_adjustment.get_value()); } return 0; } void RhythmFerret::do_action () { if (!_session) { return; } switch (get_action()) { case SplitRegion: do_split_action (); break; case ConformRegion: editor.close_region_gaps(); break; default: break; } } void RhythmFerret::do_split_action () { /* this can/will change the current selection, so work with a copy */ //RegionSelection& regions (editor.get_selection().regions); RegionSelection regions; editor.get_regions_for_action(regions); if (regions.empty()) { return; } _session->begin_reversible_command (_("split regions (rhythm ferret)")); /* Merge the transient positions for regions in consideration */ AnalysisFeatureList merged_features; for (RegionSelection::iterator i = regions.begin(); i != regions.end(); ++i) { AnalysisFeatureList features; features = (*i)->region()->transients(); merged_features.insert (merged_features.end(), features.begin(), features.end()); } merged_features.sort(); merged_features.unique(); for (RegionSelection::iterator i = regions.begin(); i != regions.end(); ) { RegionSelection::iterator tmp; tmp = i; ++tmp; AnalysisFeatureList features; features = (*i)->region()->transients(); editor.split_region_at_points ((*i)->region(), merged_features, false); /* i is invalid at this point */ i = tmp; } _session->commit_reversible_command (); } void RhythmFerret::set_session (Session* s) { ArdourDialog::set_session (s); current_results.clear (); } void RhythmFerret::on_hide () { ArdourDialog::on_hide (); }