/* Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "ardour_dialog.h" #include "mixer_strip.h" #include "mixer_ui.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "send_ui.h" #include "io_selector.h" #include "utils.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace sigc; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace std; int MixerStrip::scrollbar_height = 0; #ifdef VARISPEED_IN_MIXER_STRIP static void speed_printer (char buf[32], Gtk::Adjustment& adj, void* arg) { float val = adj.get_value (); if (val == 1.0) { strcpy (buf, "1"); } else { snprintf (buf, 32, "%.3f", val); } } #endif MixerStrip::MixerStrip (Mixer_UI& mx, Session& sess, bool in_mixer) : AxisView(sess), RouteUI (sess, _("Mute"), _("Solo"), _("Record")), _mixer(mx), _mixer_owned (in_mixer), pre_redirect_box (PreFader, sess, mx.plugin_selector(), mx.selection(), in_mixer), post_redirect_box (PostFader, sess, mx.plugin_selector(), mx.selection(), in_mixer), gpm (sess), panners (sess), button_table (3, 2), middle_button_table (1, 2), bottom_button_table (1, 2), meter_point_label (_("pre")), comment_button (_("Comments")), speed_adjustment (1.0, 0.001, 4.0, 0.001, 0.1), speed_spinner (&speed_adjustment, "MixerStripSpeedBase", true) { init (); if (!_mixer_owned) { /* the editor mixer strip: don't destroy it every time the underlying route goes away. */ self_destruct = false; } } MixerStrip::MixerStrip (Mixer_UI& mx, Session& sess, boost::shared_ptr rt, bool in_mixer) : AxisView(sess), RouteUI (sess, _("Mute"), _("Solo"), _("Record")), _mixer(mx), _mixer_owned (in_mixer), pre_redirect_box (PreFader, sess, mx.plugin_selector(), mx.selection(), in_mixer), post_redirect_box (PostFader, sess, mx.plugin_selector(), mx.selection(), in_mixer), gpm (sess), panners (sess), button_table (3, 2), middle_button_table (1, 2), bottom_button_table (1, 2), meter_point_label (_("pre")), comment_button (_("Comments")), speed_adjustment (1.0, 0.001, 4.0, 0.001, 0.1), speed_spinner (&speed_adjustment, "MixerStripSpeedBase", true) { init (); set_route (rt); } void MixerStrip::init () { input_selector = 0; output_selector = 0; group_menu = 0; _marked_for_display = false; route_ops_menu = 0; rename_menu_item = 0; ignore_comment_edit = false; ignore_toggle = false; ignore_speed_adjustment = false; comment_window = 0; comment_area = 0; _width_owner = 0; width_button.add (*(manage (new Gtk::Image (::get_icon("strip_width"))))); hide_button.add (*(manage (new Gtk::Image (::get_icon("hide"))))); input_label.set_text (_("Input")); ARDOUR_UI::instance()->set_tip (&input_button, _("Click to choose inputs"), ""); input_button.add (input_label); input_button.set_name ("MixerIOButton"); input_label.set_name ("MixerIOButtonLabel"); output_label.set_text (_("Output")); ARDOUR_UI::instance()->set_tip (&output_button, _("Click to choose outputs"), ""); output_button.add (output_label); output_button.set_name ("MixerIOButton"); output_label.set_name ("MixerIOButtonLabel"); ARDOUR_UI::instance()->set_tip (&meter_point_button, _("Select metering point"), ""); meter_point_button.add (meter_point_label); meter_point_button.set_name ("MixerStripMeterPreButton"); meter_point_label.set_name ("MixerStripMeterPreButton"); /* TRANSLATORS: this string should be longest of the strings used to describe meter points. In english, it's "input". */ set_size_request_to_display_given_text (meter_point_button, _("tupni"), 5, 5); bottom_button_table.attach (meter_point_button, 1, 2, 0, 1); meter_point_button.signal_button_press_event().connect (mem_fun (gpm, &GainMeter::meter_press), false); /* XXX what is this meant to do? */ //meter_point_button.signal_button_release_event().connect (mem_fun (gpm, &GainMeter::meter_release), false); hide_button.set_events (hide_button.get_events() & ~(Gdk::ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK|Gdk::LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK)); mute_button->set_name ("MixerMuteButton"); solo_button->set_name ("MixerSoloButton"); button_table.set_homogeneous (true); button_table.set_spacings (0); button_table.attach (name_button, 0, 2, 0, 1); button_table.attach (input_button, 0, 2, 1, 2); middle_button_table.set_homogeneous (true); middle_button_table.set_spacings (0); middle_button_table.attach (*mute_button, 0, 1, 0, 1); middle_button_table.attach (*solo_button, 1, 2, 0, 1); bottom_button_table.set_col_spacings (0); bottom_button_table.set_homogeneous (true); bottom_button_table.attach (group_button, 0, 1, 0, 1); name_button.add (name_label); name_button.set_name ("MixerNameButton"); Gtkmm2ext::set_size_request_to_display_given_text (name_button, "longest label", 2, 2); name_label.set_name ("MixerNameButtonLabel"); ARDOUR_UI::instance()->set_tip (&group_button, _("Mix group"), ""); group_button.add (group_label); group_button.set_name ("MixerGroupButton"); Gtkmm2ext::set_size_request_to_display_given_text (group_button, "Group", 2, 2); group_label.set_name ("MixerGroupButtonLabel"); comment_button.set_name ("MixerCommentButton"); comment_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::comment_button_clicked)); global_vpacker.set_border_width (0); global_vpacker.set_spacing (0); VBox *whvbox = manage (new VBox); width_button.set_name ("MixerWidthButton"); hide_button.set_name ("MixerHideButton"); top_event_box.set_name ("MixerTopEventBox"); width_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::width_clicked)); hide_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::hide_clicked)); width_hide_box.pack_start (width_button, false, true); width_hide_box.pack_start (top_event_box, true, true); width_hide_box.pack_end (hide_button, false, true); Gtk::Alignment *gain_meter_alignment = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Alignment()); gain_meter_alignment->set_padding(0, 4, 0, 0); gain_meter_alignment->add(gpm); whvbox->pack_start (width_hide_box, true, true); global_vpacker.pack_start (*whvbox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); global_vpacker.pack_start (button_table,Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); global_vpacker.pack_start (pre_redirect_box, true, true); global_vpacker.pack_start (middle_button_table,Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); global_vpacker.pack_start (*gain_meter_alignment,Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); global_vpacker.pack_start (bottom_button_table,Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); global_vpacker.pack_start (post_redirect_box, true, true); global_vpacker.pack_start (panners, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); global_vpacker.pack_start (output_button, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); global_vpacker.pack_start (comment_button, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); global_frame.add (global_vpacker); global_frame.set_shadow_type (Gtk::SHADOW_IN); global_frame.set_name ("BaseFrame"); add (global_frame); /* force setting of visible selected status */ _selected = true; set_selected (false); _packed = false; _embedded = false; _session.engine().Stopped.connect (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::engine_stopped)); _session.engine().Running.connect (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::engine_running)); input_button.signal_button_press_event().connect (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::input_press), false); output_button.signal_button_press_event().connect (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::output_press), false); solo_button->signal_button_press_event().connect (mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::solo_press), false); solo_button->signal_button_release_event().connect (mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::solo_release), false); mute_button->signal_button_press_event().connect (mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::mute_press), false); mute_button->signal_button_release_event().connect (mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::mute_release), false); /* we don't need this if its not an audio track, but we don't know that yet and it doesn't hurt (much). */ rec_enable_button->set_name ("MixerRecordEnableButton"); rec_enable_button->signal_button_press_event().connect (mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::rec_enable_press), false); rec_enable_button->signal_button_release_event().connect (mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::rec_enable_release)); name_button.signal_button_press_event().connect (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::name_button_button_press), false); group_button.signal_button_press_event().connect (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::select_mix_group), false); _width = (Width) -1; /* start off as a passthru strip. we'll correct this, if necessary, in update_diskstream_display(). */ set_name ("AudioTrackStripBase"); add_events (Gdk::BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK); } MixerStrip::~MixerStrip () { GoingAway(); /* EMIT_SIGNAL */ if (input_selector) { delete input_selector; } if (output_selector) { delete output_selector; } } void MixerStrip::set_route (boost::shared_ptr rt) { if (rec_enable_button->get_parent()) { button_table.remove (*rec_enable_button); } #ifdef VARISPEED_IN_MIXER_STRIP if (speed_frame->get_parent()) { button_table.remove (*speed_frame); } #endif RouteUI::set_route (rt); if (input_selector) { delete input_selector; input_selector = 0; } if (output_selector) { delete output_selector; output_selector = 0; } panners.set_io (rt); gpm.set_io (rt); pre_redirect_box.set_route (rt); post_redirect_box.set_route (rt); if (set_color_from_route()) { set_color (unique_random_color()); } if (_mixer_owned && (route()->master() || route()->control())) { if (scrollbar_height == 0) { HScrollbar scrollbar; Gtk::Requisition requisition(scrollbar.size_request ()); scrollbar_height = requisition.height; } EventBox* spacer = manage (new EventBox); spacer->set_size_request (-1, scrollbar_height); global_vpacker.pack_start (*spacer, false, false); } if (is_audio_track()) { boost::shared_ptr at = audio_track(); connections.push_back (at->FreezeChange.connect (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::map_frozen))); #ifdef VARISPEED_IN_MIXER_STRIP speed_adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::speed_adjustment_changed)); speed_frame.set_name ("BaseFrame"); speed_frame.set_shadow_type (Gtk::SHADOW_IN); speed_frame.add (speed_spinner); speed_spinner.set_print_func (speed_printer, 0); ARDOUR_UI::instance()->tooltips().set_tip (speed_spinner, _("Varispeed")); button_table.attach (speed_frame, 0, 2, 5, 6); #endif /* VARISPEED_IN_MIXER_STRIP */ button_table.attach (*rec_enable_button, 0, 2, 2, 3); rec_enable_button->set_sensitive (_session.writable()); rec_enable_button->show(); } if (_route->phase_invert()) { name_label.set_text (X_("Ø ") + name_label.get_text()); } else { name_label.set_text (_route->name()); } switch (_route->meter_point()) { case MeterInput: meter_point_label.set_text (_("input")); break; case MeterPreFader: meter_point_label.set_text (_("pre")); break; case MeterPostFader: meter_point_label.set_text (_("post")); break; } delete route_ops_menu; route_ops_menu = 0; ARDOUR_UI::instance()->tooltips().set_tip (comment_button, _route->comment().empty() ? _("Click to Add/Edit Comments"): _route->comment()); connections.push_back (_route->meter_change.connect (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::meter_changed))); connections.push_back (_route->input_changed.connect (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::input_changed))); connections.push_back (_route->output_changed.connect (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::output_changed))); connections.push_back (_route->mute_changed.connect (mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::mute_changed))); connections.push_back (_route->solo_changed.connect (mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::solo_changed))); connections.push_back (_route->solo_safe_changed.connect (mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::solo_changed))); connections.push_back (_route->mix_group_changed.connect (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::mix_group_changed))); connections.push_back (_route->panner().Changed.connect (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::connect_to_pan))); if (is_audio_track()) { connections.push_back (audio_track()->DiskstreamChanged.connect (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::diskstream_changed))); connections.push_back (get_diskstream()->SpeedChanged.connect (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::speed_changed))); } connections.push_back (_route->name_changed.connect (mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::name_changed))); connections.push_back (_route->comment_changed.connect (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::comment_changed))); connections.push_back (_route->gui_changed.connect (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::route_gui_changed))); set_stuff_from_route (); /* now force an update of all the various elements */ pre_redirect_box.update(); post_redirect_box.update(); mute_changed (0); solo_changed (0); name_changed (0); comment_changed (0); mix_group_changed (0); connect_to_pan (); panners.setup_pan (); if (is_audio_track()) { speed_changed (); } update_diskstream_display (); update_input_display (); update_output_display (); } void MixerStrip::set_stuff_from_route () { XMLProperty *prop; ensure_xml_node (); /* if width is not set, it will be set by the MixerUI or editor */ if ((prop = xml_node->property ("strip_width")) != 0) { set_width (Width (string_2_enum (prop->value(), _width)), this); } if ((prop = xml_node->property ("shown_mixer")) != 0) { if (prop->value() == "no") { _marked_for_display = false; } else { _marked_for_display = true; } } else { /* backwards compatibility */ _marked_for_display = true; } } void MixerStrip::set_width (Width w, void* owner) { /* always set the gpm width again, things may be hidden */ gpm.set_width (w); panners.set_width (w); pre_redirect_box.set_width (w); post_redirect_box.set_width (w); _width_owner = owner; ensure_xml_node (); _width = w; if (_width_owner == this) { xml_node->add_property ("strip_width", enum_2_string (_width)); } switch (w) { case Wide: if (rec_enable_button) { ((Gtk::Label*)rec_enable_button->get_child())->set_text (_("Record")); } ((Gtk::Label*)mute_button->get_child())->set_text (_("Mute")); ((Gtk::Label*)solo_button->get_child())->set_text (_("Solo")); if (_route->comment() == "") { comment_button.unset_bg (STATE_NORMAL); ((Gtk::Label*)comment_button.get_child())->set_text (_("Comments")); } else { comment_button.modify_bg (STATE_NORMAL, color()); ((Gtk::Label*)comment_button.get_child())->set_text (_("*Comments*")); } ((Gtk::Label*)gpm.gain_automation_style_button.get_child())->set_text (gpm.astyle_string(_route->gain_automation_curve().automation_style())); ((Gtk::Label*)gpm.gain_automation_state_button.get_child())->set_text (gpm.astate_string(_route->gain_automation_curve().automation_state())); ((Gtk::Label*)panners.pan_automation_style_button.get_child())->set_text (panners.astyle_string(_route->panner().automation_style())); ((Gtk::Label*)panners.pan_automation_state_button.get_child())->set_text (panners.astate_string(_route->panner().automation_state())); Gtkmm2ext::set_size_request_to_display_given_text (name_button, "long", 2, 2); set_size_request (-1, -1); break; case Narrow: if (rec_enable_button) { ((Gtk::Label*)rec_enable_button->get_child())->set_text (_("Rec")); } ((Gtk::Label*)mute_button->get_child())->set_text (_("M")); ((Gtk::Label*)solo_button->get_child())->set_text (_("S")); if (_route->comment() == "") { comment_button.unset_bg (STATE_NORMAL); ((Gtk::Label*)comment_button.get_child())->set_text (_("Cmt")); } else { comment_button.modify_bg (STATE_NORMAL, color()); ((Gtk::Label*)comment_button.get_child())->set_text (_("*Cmt*")); } ((Gtk::Label*)gpm.gain_automation_style_button.get_child())->set_text (gpm.short_astyle_string(_route->gain_automation_curve().automation_style())); ((Gtk::Label*)gpm.gain_automation_state_button.get_child())->set_text (gpm.short_astate_string(_route->gain_automation_curve().automation_state())); ((Gtk::Label*)panners.pan_automation_style_button.get_child())->set_text (panners.short_astyle_string(_route->panner().automation_style())); ((Gtk::Label*)panners.pan_automation_state_button.get_child())->set_text (panners.short_astate_string(_route->panner().automation_state())); Gtkmm2ext::set_size_request_to_display_given_text (name_button, "longest label", 2, 2); set_size_request (max (50, gpm.get_gm_width()), -1); break; } update_input_display (); update_output_display (); mix_group_changed (0); name_changed (0); #ifdef GTKOSX WidthChanged(); #endif } void MixerStrip::set_packed (bool yn) { _packed = yn; ensure_xml_node (); if (_packed) { xml_node->add_property ("shown_mixer", "yes"); } else { xml_node->add_property ("shown_mixer", "no"); } } gint MixerStrip::output_press (GdkEventButton *ev) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; if (!_session.engine().connected()) { MessageDialog msg (_("Not connected to JACK - no I/O changes are possible")); msg.run (); return true; } MenuList& citems = output_menu.items(); switch (ev->button) { case 1: output_menu.set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); citems.clear(); citems.push_back (MenuElem (_("Edit"), mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::edit_output_configuration))); citems.push_back (SeparatorElem()); citems.push_back (MenuElem (_("Disconnect"), mem_fun (*(static_cast(this)), &RouteUI::disconnect_output))); citems.push_back (SeparatorElem()); _session.foreach_connection (this, &MixerStrip::add_connection_to_output_menu); output_menu.popup (1, ev->time); break; default: break; } return TRUE; } void MixerStrip::edit_output_configuration () { if (output_selector == 0) { output_selector = new IOSelectorWindow (_session, _route, false); } if (output_selector->is_visible()) { output_selector->get_toplevel()->get_window()->raise(); } else { output_selector->show_all (); } } void MixerStrip::edit_input_configuration () { if (input_selector == 0) { input_selector = new IOSelectorWindow (_session, _route, true); } if (input_selector->is_visible()) { input_selector->get_toplevel()->get_window()->raise(); } else { input_selector->show_all (); } } gint MixerStrip::input_press (GdkEventButton *ev) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; MenuList& citems = input_menu.items(); input_menu.set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); citems.clear(); if (!_session.engine().connected()) { MessageDialog msg (_("Not connected to JACK - no I/O changes are possible")); msg.run (); return true; } switch (ev->button) { case 1: citems.push_back (MenuElem (_("Edit"), mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::edit_input_configuration))); citems.push_back (SeparatorElem()); citems.push_back (MenuElem (_("Disconnect"), mem_fun (*(static_cast(this)), &RouteUI::disconnect_input))); citems.push_back (SeparatorElem()); _session.foreach_connection (this, &MixerStrip::add_connection_to_input_menu); input_menu.popup (1, ev->time); break; default: break; } return TRUE; } void MixerStrip::connection_input_chosen (ARDOUR::Connection *c) { if (!ignore_toggle) { try { _route->use_input_connection (*c, this); } catch (AudioEngine::PortRegistrationFailure& err) { error << _("could not register new ports required for that connection") << endmsg; } } } void MixerStrip::connection_output_chosen (ARDOUR::Connection *c) { if (!ignore_toggle) { try { _route->use_output_connection (*c, this); } catch (AudioEngine::PortRegistrationFailure& err) { error << _("could not register new ports required for that connection") << endmsg; } } } void MixerStrip::add_connection_to_input_menu (ARDOUR::Connection* c) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; if (dynamic_cast (c) == 0) { return; } MenuList& citems = input_menu.items(); if (c->nports() == _route->n_inputs()) { citems.push_back (CheckMenuElem (c->name(), bind (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::connection_input_chosen), c))); ARDOUR::Connection *current = _route->input_connection(); if (current == c) { ignore_toggle = true; dynamic_cast (&citems.back())->set_active (true); ignore_toggle = false; } } } void MixerStrip::add_connection_to_output_menu (ARDOUR::Connection* c) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; if (dynamic_cast (c) == 0) { return; } if (c->nports() == _route->n_outputs()) { MenuList& citems = output_menu.items(); citems.push_back (CheckMenuElem (c->name(), bind (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::connection_output_chosen), c))); ARDOUR::Connection *current = _route->output_connection(); if (current == c) { ignore_toggle = true; dynamic_cast (&citems.back())->set_active (true); ignore_toggle = false; } } } void MixerStrip::update_diskstream_display () { map_frozen (); update_input_display (); if (is_audio_track()) { if (input_selector) { input_selector->hide_all (); } show_route_color (); } else { show_passthru_color (); } } void MixerStrip::connect_to_pan () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD(mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::connect_to_pan)); panstate_connection.disconnect (); panstyle_connection.disconnect (); if (!_route->panner().empty()) { StreamPanner* sp = _route->panner().front(); panstate_connection = sp->automation().automation_state_changed.connect (mem_fun(panners, &PannerUI::pan_automation_state_changed)); panstyle_connection = sp->automation().automation_style_changed.connect (mem_fun(panners, &PannerUI::pan_automation_style_changed)); } panners.pan_changed (this); } /* * Output port labelling * ===================== * * Case 1: Each output has one connection, all connections are to system:playback_%i * out 1 -> system:playback_1 * out 2 -> system:playback_2 * out 3 -> system:playback_3 * Display as: 1/2/3 * * Case 2: Each output has one connection, all connections are to ardour:track_x/in 1 * out 1 -> ardour:track_x/in 1 * out 2 -> ardour:track_x/in 2 * Display as: track_x * * Case 3: Each output has one connection, all connections are to Jack client "program x" * out 1 -> program x:foo * out 2 -> program x:foo * Display as: program x * * Case 4: No connections (Disconnected) * Display as: - * * Default case (unusual routing): * Display as: *number of connections* * * Tooltips * ======== * .-----------------------------------------------. * | Mixdown | * | out 1 -> ardour:master/in 1, jamin:input/in 1 | * | out 2 -> ardour:master/in 2, jamin:input/in 2 | * '-----------------------------------------------' * .-----------------------------------------------. * | Guitar SM58 | * | Disconnected | * '-----------------------------------------------' */ void MixerStrip::update_io_button (boost::shared_ptr route, Width width, bool for_input) { uint32_t io_count; uint32_t io_index; Port *port; const char **connections; uint32_t connection_index = 0; uint32_t total_connection_count = 0; uint32_t io_connection_count = 0; uint32_t ardour_connection_count = 0; uint32_t system_connection_count = 0; uint32_t other_connection_count = 0; ostringstream label; string label_string; char * label_cstr; bool have_label = false; bool each_io_has_one_connection = true; string connection_name; string ardour_track_name; string other_connection_type; string system_ports; string system_port; ostringstream tooltip; char * tooltip_cstr; tooltip << route->name(); if (for_input) { io_count = route->n_inputs(); } else { io_count = route->n_outputs(); } for (io_index = 0; io_index < io_count; ++io_index) { if (for_input) { port = route->input(io_index); } else { port = route->output(io_index); } connections = port->get_connections(); io_connection_count = 0; if (connections) { for (connection_index = 0; connections[connection_index]; ++connection_index) { connection_name = connections[connection_index]; if (connection_index == 0) { tooltip << endl << port->name().substr(port->name().find("/") + 1) << " -> " << connection_name; } else { tooltip << ", " << connection_name; } if (connection_name.find("ardour:") == 0) { if (ardour_track_name.empty()) { // "ardour:Master/in 1" -> "ardour:Master/" string::size_type slash = connection_name.find("/"); if (slash != string::npos) { ardour_track_name = connection_name.substr(0, slash + 1); } } if (connection_name.find(ardour_track_name) == 0) { ++ardour_connection_count; } } else if (connection_name.find("system:") == 0) { if (for_input) { // "system:capture_123" -> "123" system_port = connection_name.substr(15); } else { // "system:playback_123" -> "123" system_port = connection_name.substr(16); } if (system_ports.empty()) { system_ports += system_port; } else { system_ports += "/" + system_port; } ++system_connection_count; } else { if (other_connection_type.empty()) { // "jamin:in 1" -> "jamin:" other_connection_type = connection_name.substr(0, connection_name.find(":") + 1); } if (connection_name.find(other_connection_type) == 0) { ++other_connection_count; } } ++total_connection_count; ++io_connection_count; } } if (io_connection_count != 1) { each_io_has_one_connection = false; } } if (total_connection_count == 0) { tooltip << endl << _("Disconnected"); } tooltip_cstr = new char[tooltip.str().size() + 1]; strcpy(tooltip_cstr, tooltip.str().c_str()); if (for_input) { ARDOUR_UI::instance()->set_tip (&input_button, tooltip_cstr, ""); } else { ARDOUR_UI::instance()->set_tip (&output_button, tooltip_cstr, ""); } if (each_io_has_one_connection) { if ((total_connection_count == ardour_connection_count)) { // all connections are to the same track in ardour // "ardour:Master/" -> "Master" string::size_type slash = ardour_track_name.find("/"); if (slash != string::npos) { label << ardour_track_name.substr(7, slash - 7); have_label = true; } } else if (total_connection_count == system_connection_count) { // all connections are to system ports label << system_ports; have_label = true; } else if (total_connection_count == other_connection_count) { // all connections are to the same external program eg jamin // "jamin:" -> "jamin" label << other_connection_type.substr(0, other_connection_type.size() - 1); have_label = true; } } if (!have_label) { if (total_connection_count == 0) { // Disconnected label << "-"; } else { // Odd configuration label << "*" << total_connection_count << "*"; } } switch (width) { case Wide: label_string = label.str().substr(0, 6); break; case Narrow: label_string = label.str().substr(0, 3); break; } label_cstr = new char[label_string.size() + 1]; strcpy(label_cstr, label_string.c_str()); if (for_input) { input_label.set_text (label_cstr); } else { output_label.set_text (label_cstr); } } void MixerStrip::update_input_display () { update_io_button (_route, _width, true); panners.setup_pan (); } void MixerStrip::update_output_display () { update_io_button (_route, _width, false); gpm.setup_meters (); panners.setup_pan (); } void MixerStrip::fast_update () { gpm.update_meters (); } void MixerStrip::diskstream_changed () { Gtkmm2ext::UI::instance()->call_slot (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::update_diskstream_display)); } void MixerStrip::input_changed (IOChange change, void *src) { Gtkmm2ext::UI::instance()->call_slot (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::update_input_display)); set_width(_width, this); } void MixerStrip::output_changed (IOChange change, void *src) { Gtkmm2ext::UI::instance()->call_slot (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::update_output_display)); set_width(_width, this); } void MixerStrip::comment_editor_done_editing() { string str = comment_area->get_buffer()->get_text(); if (_route->comment() != str) { _route->set_comment (str, this); switch (_width) { case Wide: if (! str.empty()) { comment_button.modify_bg (STATE_NORMAL, color()); ((Gtk::Label*)comment_button.get_child())->set_text (_("*Comments*")); } else { comment_button.unset_bg (STATE_NORMAL); ((Gtk::Label*)comment_button.get_child())->set_text (_("Comments")); } break; case Narrow: if (! str.empty()) { comment_button.modify_bg (STATE_NORMAL, color()); ((Gtk::Label*)comment_button.get_child())->set_text (_("*Cmt*")); } else { comment_button.unset_bg (STATE_NORMAL); ((Gtk::Label*)comment_button.get_child())->set_text (_("Cmt")); } break; } ARDOUR_UI::instance()->tooltips().set_tip (comment_button, str.empty() ? _("Click to Add/Edit Comments") : str); } } void MixerStrip::comment_button_clicked () { if (comment_window == 0) { setup_comment_editor (); } int x, y, cw_width, cw_height; if (comment_window->is_visible()) { comment_window->hide (); return; } comment_window->get_size (cw_width, cw_height); comment_window->get_position(x, y); comment_window->move(x, y - (cw_height / 2) - 45); /* half the dialog height minus the comments button height with some window decoration fudge thrown in. */ comment_window->show(); comment_window->present(); } void MixerStrip::setup_comment_editor () { string title; title = _route->name(); title += _(": comment editor"); comment_window = new ArdourDialog (title, false); comment_window->set_position (Gtk::WIN_POS_MOUSE); comment_window->set_skip_taskbar_hint (true); comment_window->signal_hide().connect (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::comment_editor_done_editing)); comment_area = manage (new TextView()); comment_area->set_name ("MixerTrackCommentArea"); comment_area->set_size_request (110, 178); comment_area->set_wrap_mode (WRAP_WORD); comment_area->set_editable (true); comment_area->get_buffer()->set_text (_route->comment()); comment_area->show (); comment_window->get_vbox()->pack_start (*comment_area); comment_window->get_action_area()->hide(); } void MixerStrip::comment_changed (void *src) { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD(bind (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::comment_changed), src)); if (src != this) { ignore_comment_edit = true; if (comment_area) { comment_area->get_buffer()->set_text (_route->comment()); } ignore_comment_edit = false; } } void MixerStrip::set_mix_group (RouteGroup *rg) { _route->set_mix_group (rg, this); } void MixerStrip::add_mix_group_to_menu (RouteGroup *rg, RadioMenuItem::Group* group) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; MenuList& items = group_menu->items(); items.push_back (RadioMenuElem (*group, rg->name(), bind (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::set_mix_group), rg))); if (_route->mix_group() == rg) { static_cast(&items.back())->set_active (); } } bool MixerStrip::select_mix_group (GdkEventButton *ev) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; if (group_menu == 0) { group_menu = new Menu; } group_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); MenuList& items = group_menu->items(); RadioMenuItem::Group group; switch (ev->button) { case 1: items.clear (); items.push_back (RadioMenuElem (group, _("No group"), bind (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::set_mix_group), (RouteGroup *) 0))); _session.foreach_mix_group (bind (mem_fun (*this, &MixerStrip::add_mix_group_to_menu), &group)); group_menu->popup (1, ev->time); break; default: break; } return true; } void MixerStrip::mix_group_changed (void *ignored) { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD(bind (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::mix_group_changed), ignored)); RouteGroup *rg = _route->mix_group(); if (rg) { group_label.set_text (PBD::short_version (rg->name(), 5)); } else { switch (_width) { case Wide: group_label.set_text (_("Grp")); break; case Narrow: group_label.set_text (_("~G")); break; } } } void MixerStrip::route_gui_changed (string what_changed, void* ignored) { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD(bind (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::route_gui_changed), what_changed, ignored)); if (what_changed == "color") { if (set_color_from_route () == 0) { show_route_color (); } } } void MixerStrip::show_route_color () { name_button.modify_bg (STATE_NORMAL, color()); top_event_box.modify_bg (STATE_NORMAL, color()); route_active_changed (); } void MixerStrip::show_passthru_color () { route_active_changed (); } void MixerStrip::build_route_ops_menu () { using namespace Menu_Helpers; route_ops_menu = new Menu; route_ops_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); MenuList& items = route_ops_menu->items(); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Save As Template"), mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::save_as_template))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Rename"), mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::route_rename))); rename_menu_item = &items.back(); items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Active"), mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::toggle_route_active))); route_active_menu_item = dynamic_cast (&items.back()); route_active_menu_item->set_active (_route->active()); items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Invert Polarity"), mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::toggle_polarity))); polarity_menu_item = dynamic_cast (&items.back()); polarity_menu_item->set_active (_route->phase_invert()); items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Protect against denormals"), mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::toggle_denormal_protection))); denormal_menu_item = dynamic_cast (&items.back()); denormal_menu_item->set_active (_route->denormal_protection()); if (!Profile->get_sae()) { build_remote_control_menu (); items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Remote Control ID"), *remote_control_menu)); } items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Remove"), mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::remove_this_route))); } gint MixerStrip::name_button_button_press (GdkEventButton* ev) { if (ev->button == 1 || ev->button == 3) { list_route_operations (); /* do not allow rename if the track is record-enabled */ rename_menu_item->set_sensitive (!_route->record_enabled()); route_ops_menu->popup (1, ev->time); } return FALSE; } void MixerStrip::list_route_operations () { if (route_ops_menu == 0) { build_route_ops_menu (); } refresh_remote_control_menu(); } void MixerStrip::speed_adjustment_changed () { /* since there is a usable speed adjustment, there has to be a diskstream */ if (!ignore_speed_adjustment) { get_diskstream()->set_speed (speed_adjustment.get_value()); } } void MixerStrip::speed_changed () { Gtkmm2ext::UI::instance()->call_slot (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::update_speed_display)); } void MixerStrip::update_speed_display () { float val; val = get_diskstream()->speed(); if (val != 1.0) { speed_spinner.set_name ("MixerStripSpeedBaseNotOne"); } else { speed_spinner.set_name ("MixerStripSpeedBase"); } if (speed_adjustment.get_value() != val) { ignore_speed_adjustment = true; speed_adjustment.set_value (val); ignore_speed_adjustment = false; } } void MixerStrip::set_selected (bool yn) { AxisView::set_selected (yn); if (_selected) { global_frame.set_shadow_type (Gtk::SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT); global_frame.set_name ("MixerStripSelectedFrame"); } else { global_frame.set_shadow_type (Gtk::SHADOW_IN); global_frame.set_name ("MixerStripFrame"); } global_frame.queue_draw (); } void MixerStrip::name_changed (void *src) { switch (_width) { case Wide: RouteUI::name_changed (src); break; case Narrow: name_label.set_text (PBD::short_version (_route->name(), 5)); break; } if (_route->phase_invert()) { name_label.set_text (X_("Ø ") + name_label.get_text()); } } void MixerStrip::width_clicked () { switch (_width) { case Wide: set_width (Narrow, this); break; case Narrow: set_width (Wide, this); break; } } void MixerStrip::hide_clicked () { // LAME fix to reset the button status for when it is redisplayed (part 1) hide_button.set_sensitive(false); if (_embedded) { Hiding(); /* EMIT_SIGNAL */ } else { _mixer.hide_strip (this); } // (part 2) hide_button.set_sensitive(true); } void MixerStrip::set_embedded (bool yn) { _embedded = yn; } void MixerStrip::map_frozen () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::map_frozen)); boost::shared_ptr at = audio_track(); if (at) { switch (at->freeze_state()) { case AudioTrack::Frozen: pre_redirect_box.set_sensitive (false); post_redirect_box.set_sensitive (false); speed_spinner.set_sensitive (false); break; default: pre_redirect_box.set_sensitive (true); post_redirect_box.set_sensitive (true); speed_spinner.set_sensitive (true); // XXX need some way, maybe, to retoggle redirect editors break; } } hide_redirect_editors (); } void MixerStrip::hide_redirect_editors () { _route->foreach_redirect (this, &MixerStrip::hide_redirect_editor); } void MixerStrip::hide_redirect_editor (boost::shared_ptr redirect) { void* gui = redirect->get_gui (); if (gui) { static_cast(gui)->hide (); } } void MixerStrip::route_active_changed () { RouteUI::route_active_changed (); if (is_audio_track()) { if (_route->active()) { set_name ("AudioTrackStripBase"); gpm.set_meter_strip_name ("AudioTrackMetrics"); } else { set_name ("AudioTrackStripBaseInactive"); gpm.set_meter_strip_name ("AudioTrackMetricsInactive"); } gpm.set_fader_name ("AudioTrackFader"); } else { // FIXME: assumed audio bus if (_route->active()) { set_name ("AudioBusStripBase"); gpm.set_meter_strip_name ("AudioBusMetrics"); } else { set_name ("AudioBusStripBaseInactive"); gpm.set_meter_strip_name ("AudioBusMetricsInactive"); } gpm.set_fader_name ("AudioBusFader"); } } RouteGroup* MixerStrip::mix_group() const { return _route->mix_group(); } void MixerStrip::engine_stopped () { } void MixerStrip::engine_running () { } void MixerStrip::meter_changed (void *src) { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (bind (mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::meter_changed), src)); switch (_route->meter_point()) { case MeterInput: meter_point_label.set_text (_("input")); break; case MeterPreFader: meter_point_label.set_text (_("pre")); break; case MeterPostFader: meter_point_label.set_text (_("post")); break; } gpm.setup_meters (); // reset peak when meter point changes gpm.reset_peak_display(); set_width (_width, this); }