/* Copyright (C) 2010 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/localtime_r.h" #include "pbd/timersub.h" #include "midi++/parser.h" #include "ardour/async_midi_port.h" #include "ardour/midi_port.h" #include "ardour/audioengine.h" #include "midi_tracer.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace Gtk; using namespace std; using namespace MIDI; using namespace Glib; MidiTracer::MidiTracer () : ArdourWindow (_("MIDI Tracer")) , line_count_adjustment (200, 1, 2000, 1, 10) , line_count_spinner (line_count_adjustment) , line_count_label (_("Line history: ")) , _last_receipt (0) , autoscroll (true) , show_hex (true) , show_delta_time (false) , _update_queued (0) , fifo (1024) , buffer_pool ("miditracer", buffer_size, 1024) // 1024 256 byte buffers , autoscroll_button (_("Auto-Scroll")) , base_button (_("Decimal")) , collect_button (_("Enabled")) , delta_time_button (_("Delta times")) { ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance()->PortRegisteredOrUnregistered.connect (_manager_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MidiTracer::ports_changed, this), gui_context()); VBox* vbox = manage (new VBox); vbox->set_spacing (4); HBox* pbox = manage (new HBox); pbox->set_spacing (6); pbox->pack_start (*manage (new Label (_("Port:"))), false, false); _port_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTracer::port_changed)); pbox->pack_start (_port_combo); pbox->show_all (); vbox->pack_start (*pbox, false, false); scroller.add (text); vbox->set_border_width (12); vbox->pack_start (scroller, true, true); text.show (); text.set_name ("MidiTracerTextView"); scroller.show (); scroller.set_size_request (400, 400); collect_button.set_active (true); base_button.set_active (false); autoscroll_button.set_active (true); line_count_box.set_spacing (6); line_count_box.pack_start (line_count_label, false, false); line_count_box.pack_start (line_count_spinner, false, false); line_count_spinner.show (); line_count_label.show (); line_count_box.show (); HBox* bbox = manage (new HBox); bbox->add (line_count_box); bbox->add (delta_time_button); bbox->add (base_button); bbox->add (collect_button); bbox->add (autoscroll_button); bbox->show (); vbox->pack_start (*bbox, false, false); add (*vbox); base_button.signal_toggled().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTracer::base_toggle)); collect_button.signal_toggled().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTracer::collect_toggle)); autoscroll_button.signal_toggled().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTracer::autoscroll_toggle)); delta_time_button.signal_toggled().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTracer::delta_toggle)); base_button.show (); collect_button.show (); autoscroll_button.show (); ports_changed (); port_changed (); } MidiTracer::~MidiTracer() { } void MidiTracer::ports_changed () { string const c = _port_combo.get_active_text (); _port_combo.clear (); ARDOUR::PortManager::PortList pl; ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance()->get_ports (ARDOUR::DataType::MIDI, pl); if (pl.empty()) { _port_combo.set_active_text (""); return; } for (ARDOUR::PortManager::PortList::const_iterator i = pl.begin(); i != pl.end(); ++i) { _port_combo.append_text ((*i)->name()); } if (c.empty()) { _port_combo.set_active_text (pl.front()->name()); } else { _port_combo.set_active_text (c); } } void MidiTracer::port_changed () { using namespace ARDOUR; disconnect (); boost::shared_ptr p = AudioEngine::instance()->get_port_by_name (_port_combo.get_active_text()); if (!p) { std::cerr << "port not found\n"; return; } /* The inheritance heirarchy makes this messy. AsyncMIDIPort has two * available MIDI::Parsers what we could connect to, ::self_parser() * (from ARDOUR::MidiPort) and ::parser() from MIDI::Port. One day, * this mess will all go away ... */ boost::shared_ptr async = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (p); if (!async) { boost::shared_ptr mp = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (p); if (mp) { my_parser.any.connect_same_thread (_parser_connection, boost::bind (&MidiTracer::tracer, this, _1, _2, _3, _4)); mp->set_trace (&my_parser); traced_port = mp; } } else { async->parser()->any.connect_same_thread (_parser_connection, boost::bind (&MidiTracer::tracer, this, _1, _2, _3, _4)); } } void MidiTracer::disconnect () { _parser_connection.disconnect (); if (traced_port) { traced_port->set_trace (0); traced_port.reset (); } } void MidiTracer::tracer (Parser&, byte* msg, size_t len, samplecnt_t now) { stringstream ss; char* buf; size_t bufsize; size_t s; std::cerr << "tracer msg " << len << " bytes, first = " << hex << (int) msg[0] << dec << std::endl; buf = (char *) buffer_pool.alloc (); bufsize = buffer_size; if (_last_receipt != 0 && show_delta_time) { s = snprintf (buf, bufsize, "+%12ld", now - _last_receipt); bufsize -= s; } else { s = snprintf (buf, bufsize, "%12ld", now); bufsize -= s; } _last_receipt = now; switch ((eventType) msg[0]&0xf0) { case off: if (show_hex) { s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s chn %2d %02x %02x\n", "NoteOff", (msg[0]&0xf)+1, (int) msg[1], (int) msg[2]); } else { s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s chn %2d %-3d %-3d\n", "NoteOff", (msg[0]&0xf)+1, (int) msg[1], (int) msg[2]); } break; case on: if (show_hex) { s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s chn %2d %02x %02x\n", "NoteOn", (msg[0]&0xf)+1, (int) msg[1], (int) msg[2]); } else { s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s chn %2d %-3d %-3d\n", "NoteOn", (msg[0]&0xf)+1, (int) msg[1], (int) msg[2]); } break; case polypress: if (show_hex) { s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s chn %2d %02x\n", "PolyPressure", (msg[0]&0xf)+1, (int) msg[1]); } else { s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s chn %2d %-3d\n", "PolyPressure", (msg[0]&0xf)+1, (int) msg[1]); } break; case MIDI::controller: if (show_hex) { s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s chn %2d %02x %02x\n", "Controller", (msg[0]&0xf)+1, (int) msg[1], (int) msg[2]); } else { s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s chn %2d %2d %-3d\n", "Controller", (msg[0]&0xf)+1, (int) msg[1], (int) msg[2]); } break; case program: if (show_hex) { s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s chn %2d %02x\n", "Program Change", (msg[0]&0xf)+1, (int) msg[1]); } else { s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s chn %2d %-3d\n", "Program Change", (msg[0]&0xf)+1, (int) msg[1]); } break; case chanpress: if (show_hex) { s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s chn %2d %02x/%-3d\n", "Channel Pressure", (msg[0]&0xf)+1, (int) msg[1], (int) msg[1]); } else { s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s chn %2d %02x/%-3d\n", "Channel Pressure", (msg[0]&0xf)+1, (int) msg[1], (int) msg[1]); } break; case MIDI::pitchbend: if (show_hex) { s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s chn %2d %02x %02x\n", "Pitch Bend", (msg[0]&0xf)+1, (int) msg[1], (int) msg[2]); } else { s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s chn %2d %-3d %-3d\n", "Pitch Bend", (msg[0]&0xf)+1, (int) msg[1], (int) msg[2]); } break; case MIDI::sysex: if (len == 1) { switch (msg[0]) { case 0xf8: s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s\n", "Clock"); break; case 0xfa: s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s\n", "Start"); break; case 0xfb: s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s\n", "Continue"); break; case 0xfc: s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s\n", "Stop"); break; case 0xfe: s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s\n", "Active Sense"); break; case 0xff: s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s\n", "Reset"); break; default: s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s %02x\n", "Sysex", (int) msg[1]); break; } } else if (len > 5 && msg[0] == 0xf0 && msg[1] == 0x7f && msg[3] == 0x06) { /* MMC */ int cmd = msg[4]; if (cmd == 0x44 && msg[5] == 0x06 && msg[6] == 0x01) { s += snprintf ( &buf[s], bufsize, " MMC locate to %02d:%02d:%02d:%02d.%02d\n", msg[7], msg[8], msg[9], msg[10], msg[11] ); } else { std::string name; if (cmd == 0x1) { name = "STOP"; } else if (cmd == 0x3) { name = "DEFERRED PLAY"; } else if (cmd == 0x6) { name = "RECORD STROBE"; } else if (cmd == 0x7) { name = "RECORD EXIT"; } else if (cmd == 0x8) { name = "RECORD PAUSE"; } if (!name.empty()) { s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, " MMC command %s\n", name.c_str()); } else { s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, " MMC command %02x\n", cmd); } } } else if (len == 10 && msg[0] == 0xf0 && msg[1] == 0x7f && msg[9] == 0xf7) { /* MTC full sample */ s += snprintf ( &buf[s], bufsize, " MTC full sample to %02d:%02d:%02d:%02d\n", msg[5] & 0x1f, msg[6], msg[7], msg[8] ); } else if (len == 3 && msg[0] == MIDI::position) { /* MIDI Song Position */ int midi_beats = (msg[2] << 7) | msg[1]; s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s %d\n", "Position", (int) midi_beats); } else { /* other sys-ex */ s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s (%d) = [", "Sysex", (int) len); bufsize -= s; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len && bufsize > 3; ++i) { if (i > 0) { s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, " %02x", msg[i]); } else { s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%02x", msg[i]); } bufsize -= s; } s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "]\n"); } break; case MIDI::song: s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s\n", "Song"); break; case MIDI::tune: s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s\n", "Tune"); break; case MIDI::eox: s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s\n", "EOX"); break; case MIDI::timing: s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s\n", "Timing"); break; case MIDI::start: s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s\n", "Start"); break; case MIDI::stop: s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s\n", "Stop"); break; case MIDI::contineu: s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s\n", "Continue"); break; case active: s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s\n", "Active Sense"); break; default: s += snprintf (&buf[s], bufsize, "%16s\n", "Unknown"); break; } // If you want to append more to the line, uncomment this first // bufsize -= s; assert(s <= buffer_size); // clang dead-assignment fifo.write (&buf, 1); if (g_atomic_int_get (const_cast (&_update_queued)) == 0) { gui_context()->call_slot (invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MidiTracer::update, this)); g_atomic_int_inc (const_cast (&_update_queued)); } } void MidiTracer::update () { bool updated = false; g_atomic_int_dec_and_test (const_cast (&_update_queued)); RefPtr buf (text.get_buffer()); int excess = buf->get_line_count() - line_count_adjustment.get_value(); if (excess > 0) { buf->erase (buf->begin(), buf->get_iter_at_line (excess)); } char *str; while (fifo.read (&str, 1)) { buf->insert (buf->end(), string (str)); buffer_pool.release (str); updated = true; } if (updated && autoscroll) { scroller.get_vadjustment()->set_value (scroller.get_vadjustment()->get_upper()); } } void MidiTracer::base_toggle () { show_hex = !base_button.get_active(); } void MidiTracer::delta_toggle () { show_delta_time = delta_time_button.get_active(); } void MidiTracer::collect_toggle () { if (collect_button.get_active ()) { port_changed (); } else { disconnect (); } } void MidiTracer::autoscroll_toggle () { autoscroll = autoscroll_button.get_active (); }