/* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/basename.h" #include "pbd/enumwriter.h" #include "ardour/audioregion.h" #include "ardour/audiofilesource.h" #include "ardour/silentfilesource.h" #include "ardour/region_factory.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/profile.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/choice.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/treeutils.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h" #include "audio_clock.h" #include "editor.h" #include "editing.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "actions.h" #include "region_view.h" #include "utils.h" #include "editor_regions.h" #include "editor_drag.h" #include "main_clock.h" #include "tooltips.h" #include "ui_config.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace ARDOUR_UI_UTILS; using namespace PBD; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Glib; using namespace Editing; using Gtkmm2ext::Keyboard; struct ColumnInfo { int index; const char* label; const char* tooltip; }; EditorRegions::EditorRegions (Editor* e) : EditorComponent (e) , old_focus (0) , name_editable (0) , _menu (0) , _show_automatic_regions (true) , ignore_region_list_selection_change (false) , ignore_selected_region_change (false) , _no_redisplay (false) , _sort_type ((Editing::RegionListSortType) 0) , expanded (false) { _display.set_size_request (100, -1); _display.set_rules_hint (true); _display.set_name ("EditGroupList"); _display.set_fixed_height_mode (true); /* Try to prevent single mouse presses from initiating edits. This relies on a hack in gtktreeview.c:gtk_treeview_button_press() */ _display.set_data ("mouse-edits-require-mod1", (gpointer) 0x1); _model = TreeStore::create (_columns); _model->set_sort_func (0, sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EditorRegions::sorter)); _model->set_sort_column (0, SORT_ASCENDING); /* column widths */ int bbt_width, sync_width, check_width, height; Glib::RefPtr layout = _display.create_pango_layout (X_("000|000|000")); Gtkmm2ext::get_pixel_size (layout, bbt_width, height); layout = _display.create_pango_layout (X_("Start ")); Gtkmm2ext::get_pixel_size (layout, sync_width, height); check_width = 20; TreeViewColumn* col_name = manage (new TreeViewColumn ("", _columns.name)); col_name->set_fixed_width (120); col_name->set_sizing (TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED); TreeViewColumn* col_position = manage (new TreeViewColumn ("", _columns.position)); col_position->set_fixed_width (bbt_width); col_position->set_sizing (TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED); TreeViewColumn* col_end = manage (new TreeViewColumn ("", _columns.end)); col_end->set_fixed_width (bbt_width); col_end->set_sizing (TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED); TreeViewColumn* col_length = manage (new TreeViewColumn ("", _columns.length)); col_length->set_fixed_width (bbt_width); col_length->set_sizing (TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED); TreeViewColumn* col_sync = manage (new TreeViewColumn ("", _columns.sync)); col_sync->set_fixed_width (sync_width); col_sync->set_sizing (TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED); TreeViewColumn* col_fadein = manage (new TreeViewColumn ("", _columns.fadein)); col_fadein->set_fixed_width (bbt_width); col_fadein->set_sizing (TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED); TreeViewColumn* col_fadeout = manage (new TreeViewColumn ("", _columns.fadeout)); col_fadeout->set_fixed_width (bbt_width); col_fadeout->set_sizing (TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED); TreeViewColumn* col_locked = manage (new TreeViewColumn ("", _columns.locked)); col_locked->set_fixed_width (check_width); col_locked->set_sizing (TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED); TreeViewColumn* col_glued = manage (new TreeViewColumn ("", _columns.glued)); col_glued->set_fixed_width (check_width); col_glued->set_sizing (TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED); TreeViewColumn* col_muted = manage (new TreeViewColumn ("", _columns.muted)); col_muted->set_fixed_width (check_width); col_muted->set_sizing (TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED); TreeViewColumn* col_opaque = manage (new TreeViewColumn ("", _columns.opaque)); col_opaque->set_fixed_width (check_width); col_opaque->set_sizing (TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED); _display.append_column (*col_name); _display.append_column (*col_position); _display.append_column (*col_end); _display.append_column (*col_length); _display.append_column (*col_sync); _display.append_column (*col_fadein); _display.append_column (*col_fadeout); _display.append_column (*col_locked); _display.append_column (*col_glued); _display.append_column (*col_muted); _display.append_column (*col_opaque); TreeViewColumn* col; Gtk::Label* l; ColumnInfo ci[] = { { 0, _("Region"), _("Region name, with number of channels in []'s") }, { 1, _("Position"), _("Position of start of region") }, { 2, _("End"), _("Position of end of region") }, { 3, _("Length"), _("Length of the region") }, { 4, _("Sync"), _("Position of region sync point, relative to start of the region") }, { 5, _("Fade In"), _("Length of region fade-in (units: secondary clock), () if disabled") }, { 6, _("Fade Out"), _("Length of region fade-out (units: secondary clock), () if disabled") }, { 7, S_("Lock|L"), _("Region position locked?") }, { 8, S_("Gain|G"), _("Region position glued to Bars|Beats time?") }, { 9, S_("Mute|M"), _("Region muted?") }, { 10, S_("Opaque|O"), _("Region opaque (blocks regions below it from being heard)?") }, { -1, 0, 0 } }; for (int i = 0; ci[i].index >= 0; ++i) { col = _display.get_column (ci[i].index); l = manage (new Label (ci[i].label)); set_tooltip (*l, ci[i].tooltip); col->set_widget (*l); l->show (); if (ci[i].index > 6) { col->set_expand (false); col->set_alignment (ALIGN_CENTER); } } _display.set_model (_model); _display.set_headers_visible (true); _display.set_rules_hint (); /* show path as the row tooltip */ _display.set_tooltip_column (14); /* path */ CellRendererText* region_name_cell = dynamic_cast(_display.get_column_cell_renderer (0)); region_name_cell->property_editable() = true; region_name_cell->signal_edited().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EditorRegions::name_edit)); region_name_cell->signal_editing_started().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EditorRegions::name_editing_started)); _display.get_selection()->set_select_function (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EditorRegions::selection_filter)); TreeViewColumn* tv_col = _display.get_column(0); CellRendererText* renderer = dynamic_cast(_display.get_column_cell_renderer (0)); tv_col->add_attribute(renderer->property_text(), _columns.name); tv_col->add_attribute(renderer->property_foreground_gdk(), _columns.color_); tv_col->set_expand (true); CellRendererToggle* locked_cell = dynamic_cast (_display.get_column_cell_renderer (7)); locked_cell->property_activatable() = true; locked_cell->signal_toggled().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EditorRegions::locked_changed)); TreeViewColumn* locked_col = _display.get_column (7); locked_col->add_attribute (locked_cell->property_visible(), _columns.property_toggles_visible); CellRendererToggle* glued_cell = dynamic_cast (_display.get_column_cell_renderer (8)); glued_cell->property_activatable() = true; glued_cell->signal_toggled().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EditorRegions::glued_changed)); TreeViewColumn* glued_col = _display.get_column (8); glued_col->add_attribute (glued_cell->property_visible(), _columns.property_toggles_visible); CellRendererToggle* muted_cell = dynamic_cast (_display.get_column_cell_renderer (9)); muted_cell->property_activatable() = true; muted_cell->signal_toggled().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EditorRegions::muted_changed)); TreeViewColumn* muted_col = _display.get_column (9); muted_col->add_attribute (muted_cell->property_visible(), _columns.property_toggles_visible); CellRendererToggle* opaque_cell = dynamic_cast (_display.get_column_cell_renderer (10)); opaque_cell->property_activatable() = true; opaque_cell->signal_toggled().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EditorRegions::opaque_changed)); TreeViewColumn* opaque_col = _display.get_column (10); opaque_col->add_attribute (opaque_cell->property_visible(), _columns.property_toggles_visible); _display.get_selection()->set_mode (SELECTION_MULTIPLE); _display.add_object_drag (_columns.region.index(), "regions"); _display.set_drag_column (_columns.name.index()); /* setup DnD handling */ list region_list_target_table; region_list_target_table.push_back (TargetEntry ("text/plain")); region_list_target_table.push_back (TargetEntry ("text/uri-list")); region_list_target_table.push_back (TargetEntry ("application/x-rootwin-drop")); _display.add_drop_targets (region_list_target_table); _display.signal_drag_data_received().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditorRegions::drag_data_received)); _scroller.add (_display); _scroller.set_policy (POLICY_AUTOMATIC, POLICY_AUTOMATIC); _display.signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditorRegions::button_press), false); _change_connection = _display.get_selection()->signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditorRegions::selection_changed)); _scroller.signal_key_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditorRegions::key_press), false); _scroller.signal_focus_in_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EditorRegions::focus_in), false); _scroller.signal_focus_out_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EditorRegions::focus_out)); _display.signal_enter_notify_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EditorRegions::enter_notify), false); _display.signal_leave_notify_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EditorRegions::leave_notify), false); // _display.signal_popup_menu().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::show__display_context_menu), 1, 0)); //ARDOUR_UI::instance()->secondary_clock.mode_changed.connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::redisplay_regions)); ARDOUR_UI::instance()->secondary_clock->mode_changed.connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditorRegions::update_all_rows)); ARDOUR::Region::RegionPropertyChanged.connect (region_property_connection, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&EditorRegions::region_changed, this, _1, _2), gui_context()); ARDOUR::RegionFactory::CheckNewRegion.connect (check_new_region_connection, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&EditorRegions::add_region, this, _1), gui_context()); e->EditorFreeze.connect (editor_freeze_connection, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&EditorRegions::freeze_tree_model, this), gui_context()); e->EditorThaw.connect (editor_thaw_connection, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&EditorRegions::thaw_tree_model, this), gui_context()); } bool EditorRegions::focus_in (GdkEventFocus*) { Window* win = dynamic_cast (_scroller.get_toplevel ()); if (win) { old_focus = win->get_focus (); } else { old_focus = 0; } name_editable = 0; /* try to do nothing on focus in (doesn't work, hence selection_count nonsense) */ return true; } bool EditorRegions::focus_out (GdkEventFocus*) { if (old_focus) { old_focus->grab_focus (); old_focus = 0; } name_editable = 0; return false; } bool EditorRegions::enter_notify (GdkEventCrossing*) { if (name_editable) { return true; } /* arm counter so that ::selection_filter() will deny selecting anything for the next two attempts to change selection status. */ _scroller.grab_focus (); Keyboard::magic_widget_grab_focus (); return false; } bool EditorRegions::leave_notify (GdkEventCrossing*) { if (old_focus) { old_focus->grab_focus (); old_focus = 0; } Keyboard::magic_widget_drop_focus (); return false; } void EditorRegions::set_session (ARDOUR::Session* s) { SessionHandlePtr::set_session (s); redisplay (); } void EditorRegions::add_region (boost::shared_ptr region) { if (!region || !_session) { return; } string str; TreeModel::Row row; Gdk::Color c; bool missing_source = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(region->source()) != NULL; if (!_show_automatic_regions && region->automatic()) { return; } if (region->hidden()) { TreeModel::iterator iter = _model->get_iter ("0"); TreeModel::Row parent; if (!iter) { parent = *(_model->append()); parent[_columns.name] = _("Hidden"); boost::shared_ptr proxy = parent[_columns.region]; proxy.reset (); } else { string s = (*iter)[_columns.name]; if (s != _("Hidden")) { parent = *(_model->insert(iter)); parent[_columns.name] = _("Hidden"); boost::shared_ptr proxy = parent[_columns.region]; proxy.reset (); } else { parent = *iter; } } row = *(_model->append (parent.children())); } else if (region->whole_file()) { TreeModel::iterator i; TreeModel::Children rows = _model->children(); for (i = rows.begin(); i != rows.end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr rr = (*i)[_columns.region]; if (rr && region->region_list_equivalent (rr)) { return; } } row = *(_model->append()); if (missing_source) { // c.set_rgb(65535,0,0); // FIXME: error color from style set_color_from_rgba (c, UIConfiguration::instance().color ("region list missing source")); } else if (region->automatic()){ // c.set_rgb(0,65535,0); // FIXME: error color from style set_color_from_rgba (c, UIConfiguration::instance().color ("region list automatic")); } else { set_color_from_rgba (c, UIConfiguration::instance().color ("region list whole file")); } row[_columns.color_] = c; if (region->source()->name()[0] == '/') { // external file if (region->whole_file()) { boost::shared_ptr afs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(region->source()); str = ".../"; if (afs) { str = region_name_from_path (afs->path(), region->n_channels() > 1); } else { str += region->source()->name(); } } else { str = region->name(); } } else { str = region->name(); } populate_row_name (region, row); row[_columns.region] = region; row[_columns.property_toggles_visible] = false; if (missing_source) { row[_columns.path] = _("(MISSING) ") + Gtkmm2ext::markup_escape_text (region->source()->name()); } else { boost::shared_ptr fs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(region->source()); if (fs) { row[_columns.path] = Gtkmm2ext::markup_escape_text (fs->path()); } else { row[_columns.path] = Gtkmm2ext::markup_escape_text (region->source()->name()); } } region_row_map.insert(pair, Gtk::TreeModel::RowReference>(region, TreeRowReference(_model, TreePath (row))) ); parent_regions_sources_map.insert(pair(region->source_string(), TreeRowReference(_model, TreePath (row))) ); return; } else { // find parent node, add as new child TreeModel::iterator i; boost::unordered_map::iterator it; it = parent_regions_sources_map.find (region->source_string()); if (it != parent_regions_sources_map.end()){ TreeModel::iterator j = _model->get_iter ((*it).second.get_path()); TreeModel::iterator ii; TreeModel::Children subrows = (*j).children(); /* XXXX: should we be accounting for all regions? */ /* for (ii = subrows.begin(); ii != subrows.end(); ++ii) { boost::shared_ptr rr = (*ii)[_columns.region]; if (region->region_list_equivalent (rr)) { return; } } */ row = *(_model->insert (subrows.end())); } else { row = *(_model->append()); } row[_columns.property_toggles_visible] = true; } row[_columns.region] = region; region_row_map.insert(pair, Gtk::TreeModel::RowReference>(region, TreeRowReference(_model, TreePath (row))) ); PropertyChange pc; populate_row(region, (*row), pc); } void EditorRegions::remove_unused_regions () { vector choices; string prompt; if (!_session) { return; } prompt = _("Do you really want to remove unused regions?" "\n(This is destructive and cannot be undone)"); choices.push_back (_("No, do nothing.")); choices.push_back (_("Yes, remove.")); Gtkmm2ext::Choice prompter (_("Remove unused regions"), prompt, choices); if (prompter.run () == 1) { _no_redisplay = true; _session->cleanup_regions (); _no_redisplay = false; redisplay (); } } void EditorRegions::region_changed (boost::shared_ptr r, const PropertyChange& what_changed) { PropertyChange our_interests; our_interests.add (ARDOUR::Properties::name); our_interests.add (ARDOUR::Properties::position); our_interests.add (ARDOUR::Properties::length); our_interests.add (ARDOUR::Properties::start); our_interests.add (ARDOUR::Properties::locked); our_interests.add (ARDOUR::Properties::position_lock_style); our_interests.add (ARDOUR::Properties::muted); our_interests.add (ARDOUR::Properties::opaque); our_interests.add (ARDOUR::Properties::fade_in); our_interests.add (ARDOUR::Properties::fade_out); our_interests.add (ARDOUR::Properties::fade_in_active); our_interests.add (ARDOUR::Properties::fade_out_active); if (what_changed.contains (our_interests)) { if (last_row != 0) { TreeModel::iterator j = _model->get_iter (last_row.get_path()); boost::shared_ptr c = (*j)[_columns.region]; if (c == r) { populate_row (r, (*j), what_changed); if (what_changed.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::hidden)) { redisplay (); } return; } } RegionRowMap::iterator it; it = region_row_map.find (r); if (it != region_row_map.end()){ TreeModel::iterator j = _model->get_iter ((*it).second.get_path()); boost::shared_ptr c = (*j)[_columns.region]; if (c == r) { populate_row (r, (*j), what_changed); if (what_changed.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::hidden)) { redisplay (); } return; } } } if (what_changed.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::hidden)) { redisplay (); } } void EditorRegions::selection_changed () { if (ignore_region_list_selection_change) { return; } _editor->_region_selection_change_updates_region_list = false; if (_display.get_selection()->count_selected_rows() > 0) { TreeIter iter; TreeView::Selection::ListHandle_Path rows = _display.get_selection()->get_selected_rows (); _editor->get_selection().clear_regions (); for (TreeView::Selection::ListHandle_Path::iterator i = rows.begin(); i != rows.end(); ++i) { if ((iter = _model->get_iter (*i))) { boost::shared_ptr region = (*iter)[_columns.region]; // they could have clicked on a row that is just a placeholder, like "Hidden" // although that is not allowed by our selection filter. check it anyway // since we need a region ptr. if (region) { _change_connection.block (true); _editor->set_selected_regionview_from_region_list (region, Selection::Add); _change_connection.block (false); } } } } else { _editor->get_selection().clear_regions (); } _editor->_region_selection_change_updates_region_list = true; } void EditorRegions::set_selected (RegionSelection& regions) { for (RegionSelection::iterator i = regions.begin(); i != regions.end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr r ((*i)->region()); RegionRowMap::iterator it; it = region_row_map.find (r); if (it != region_row_map.end()){ TreeModel::iterator j = _model->get_iter ((*it).second.get_path()); _display.get_selection()->select(*j); } } } void EditorRegions::redisplay () { if (_no_redisplay || !_session) { return; } bool tree_expanded = false; /* If the list was expanded prior to rebuilding, expand it again afterwards */ if (toggle_full_action()->get_active()) { tree_expanded = true; } _display.set_model (Glib::RefPtr(0)); _model->clear (); _model->set_sort_column (-2, SORT_ASCENDING); //Disable sorting to gain performance region_row_map.clear(); parent_regions_sources_map.clear(); /* now add everything we have, via a temporary list used to help with sorting */ const RegionFactory::RegionMap& regions (RegionFactory::regions()); for (RegionFactory::RegionMap::const_iterator i = regions.begin(); i != regions.end(); ++i) { if ( i->second->whole_file()) { /* add automatic regions first so that children can find their parents as we add them */ add_region (i->second); continue; } tmp_region_list.push_front (i->second); } for (list >::iterator r = tmp_region_list.begin(); r != tmp_region_list.end(); ++r) { add_region (*r); } _model->set_sort_column (0, SORT_ASCENDING); // renabale sorting _display.set_model (_model); tmp_region_list.clear(); if (tree_expanded) { _display.expand_all(); } } void EditorRegions::update_row (boost::shared_ptr region) { if (!region || !_session) { return; } RegionRowMap::iterator it; it = region_row_map.find (region); if (it != region_row_map.end()){ PropertyChange c; TreeModel::iterator j = _model->get_iter ((*it).second.get_path()); populate_row(region, (*j), c); } } void EditorRegions::update_all_rows () { if (!_session) { return; } RegionRowMap::iterator i; for (i = region_row_map.begin(); i != region_row_map.end(); ++i) { TreeModel::iterator j = _model->get_iter ((*i).second.get_path()); boost::shared_ptr region = (*j)[_columns.region]; if (!region->automatic()) { PropertyChange c; populate_row(region, (*j), c); } } } void EditorRegions::format_position (framepos_t pos, char* buf, size_t bufsize, bool onoff) { Timecode::BBT_Time bbt; Timecode::Time timecode; if (pos < 0) { error << string_compose (_("EditorRegions::format_position: negative timecode position: %1"), pos) << endmsg; snprintf (buf, bufsize, "invalid"); return; } switch (ARDOUR_UI::instance()->secondary_clock->mode ()) { case AudioClock::BBT: bbt = _session->tempo_map().bbt_at_frame (pos); if (onoff) { snprintf (buf, bufsize, "%03d|%02d|%04d" , bbt.bars, bbt.beats, bbt.ticks); } else { snprintf (buf, bufsize, "(%03d|%02d|%04d)" , bbt.bars, bbt.beats, bbt.ticks); } break; case AudioClock::MinSec: framepos_t left; int hrs; int mins; float secs; left = pos; hrs = (int) floor (left / (_session->frame_rate() * 60.0f * 60.0f)); left -= (framecnt_t) floor (hrs * _session->frame_rate() * 60.0f * 60.0f); mins = (int) floor (left / (_session->frame_rate() * 60.0f)); left -= (framecnt_t) floor (mins * _session->frame_rate() * 60.0f); secs = left / (float) _session->frame_rate(); if (onoff) { snprintf (buf, bufsize, "%02d:%02d:%06.3f", hrs, mins, secs); } else { snprintf (buf, bufsize, "(%02d:%02d:%06.3f)", hrs, mins, secs); } break; case AudioClock::Frames: if (onoff) { snprintf (buf, bufsize, "%" PRId64, pos); } else { snprintf (buf, bufsize, "(%" PRId64 ")", pos); } break; case AudioClock::Timecode: default: _session->timecode_time (pos, timecode); if (onoff) { snprintf (buf, bufsize, "%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d", timecode.hours, timecode.minutes, timecode.seconds, timecode.frames); } else { snprintf (buf, bufsize, "(%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d)", timecode.hours, timecode.minutes, timecode.seconds, timecode.frames); } break; } } void EditorRegions::populate_row (boost::shared_ptr region, TreeModel::Row const &row, PBD::PropertyChange const &what_changed) { boost::shared_ptr audioregion = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(region); //uint32_t used = _session->playlists->region_use_count (region); /* Presently a region is only used once so let's save on the sequential scan to determine use count */ uint32_t used = 1; PropertyChange c; const bool all = what_changed == c; if (all || what_changed.contains (Properties::position)) { populate_row_position (region, row, used); } if (all || what_changed.contains (Properties::start)) { populate_row_sync (region, row, used); } if (all || what_changed.contains (Properties::fade_in)) { populate_row_fade_in (region, row, used, audioregion); } if (all || what_changed.contains (Properties::fade_out)) { populate_row_fade_out (region, row, used, audioregion); } if (all || what_changed.contains (Properties::locked)) { populate_row_locked (region, row, used); } if (all || what_changed.contains (Properties::position_lock_style)) { populate_row_glued (region, row, used); } if (all || what_changed.contains (Properties::muted)) { populate_row_muted (region, row, used); } if (all || what_changed.contains (Properties::opaque)) { populate_row_opaque (region, row, used); } if (all || what_changed.contains (Properties::length)) { populate_row_end (region, row, used); populate_row_length (region, row); } if (all) { populate_row_source (region, row); } if (all || what_changed.contains (Properties::name)) { populate_row_name (region, row); } if (all) { populate_row_used (region, row, used); } } #if 0 if (audioRegion && fades_in_seconds) { framepos_t left; int mins; int millisecs; left = audioRegion->fade_in()->back()->when; mins = (int) floor (left / (_session->frame_rate() * 60.0f)); left -= (framepos_t) floor (mins * _session->frame_rate() * 60.0f); millisecs = (int) floor ((left * 1000.0f) / _session->frame_rate()); if (audioRegion->fade_in()->back()->when >= _session->frame_rate()) { sprintf (fadein_str, "%01dM %01dmS", mins, millisecs); } else { sprintf (fadein_str, "%01dmS", millisecs); } left = audioRegion->fade_out()->back()->when; mins = (int) floor (left / (_session->frame_rate() * 60.0f)); left -= (framepos_t) floor (mins * _session->frame_rate() * 60.0f); millisecs = (int) floor ((left * 1000.0f) / _session->frame_rate()); if (audioRegion->fade_out()->back()->when >= _session->frame_rate()) { sprintf (fadeout_str, "%01dM %01dmS", mins, millisecs); } else { sprintf (fadeout_str, "%01dmS", millisecs); } } #endif void EditorRegions::populate_row_used (boost::shared_ptr, TreeModel::Row const& row, uint32_t used) { char buf[8]; snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%4d" , used); row[_columns.used] = buf; } void EditorRegions::populate_row_length (boost::shared_ptr region, TreeModel::Row const &row) { char buf[16]; if (ARDOUR_UI::instance()->secondary_clock->mode () == AudioClock::BBT) { TempoMap& map (_session->tempo_map()); Timecode::BBT_Time bbt = map.bbt_at_beat (map.beat_at_frame (region->last_frame()) - map.beat_at_frame (region->first_frame())); snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%03d|%02d|%04d" , bbt.bars, bbt.beats, bbt.ticks); } else { format_position (region->length(), buf, sizeof (buf)); } row[_columns.length] = buf; } void EditorRegions::populate_row_end (boost::shared_ptr region, TreeModel::Row const &row, uint32_t used) { if (region->whole_file()) { row[_columns.end] = ""; } else if (used > 1) { row[_columns.end] = _("Mult."); } else if (region->last_frame() >= region->first_frame()) { char buf[16]; format_position (region->last_frame(), buf, sizeof (buf)); row[_columns.end] = buf; } else { row[_columns.end] = "empty"; } } void EditorRegions::populate_row_position (boost::shared_ptr region, TreeModel::Row const &row, uint32_t used) { if (region->whole_file()) { row[_columns.position] = ""; } else if (used > 1) { row[_columns.position] = _("Mult."); } else { char buf[16]; format_position (region->position(), buf, sizeof (buf)); row[_columns.position] = buf; } } void EditorRegions::populate_row_sync (boost::shared_ptr region, TreeModel::Row const &row, uint32_t used) { if (region->whole_file()) { row[_columns.sync] = ""; } else if (used > 1) { row[_columns.sync] = _("Mult."); /* translators: a short phrase for "multiple" as in "many" */ } else { if (region->sync_position() == region->position()) { row[_columns.sync] = _("Start"); } else if (region->sync_position() == (region->last_frame())) { row[_columns.sync] = _("End"); } else { char buf[16]; format_position (region->sync_position(), buf, sizeof (buf)); row[_columns.sync] = buf; } } } void EditorRegions::populate_row_fade_in (boost::shared_ptr region, TreeModel::Row const &row, uint32_t used, boost::shared_ptr audioregion) { if (!audioregion || region->whole_file()) { row[_columns.fadein] = ""; } else { if (used > 1) { row[_columns.fadein] = _("Multiple"); } else { char buf[32]; format_position (audioregion->fade_in()->back()->when, buf, sizeof (buf), audioregion->fade_in_active()); row[_columns.fadein] = buf; } } } void EditorRegions::populate_row_fade_out (boost::shared_ptr region, TreeModel::Row const &row, uint32_t used, boost::shared_ptr audioregion) { if (!audioregion || region->whole_file()) { row[_columns.fadeout] = ""; } else { if (used > 1) { row[_columns.fadeout] = _("Multiple"); } else { char buf[32]; format_position (audioregion->fade_out()->back()->when, buf, sizeof (buf), audioregion->fade_out_active()); row[_columns.fadeout] = buf; } } } void EditorRegions::populate_row_locked (boost::shared_ptr region, TreeModel::Row const &row, uint32_t used) { if (region->whole_file()) { row[_columns.locked] = false; } else if (used > 1) { row[_columns.locked] = false; } else { row[_columns.locked] = region->locked(); } } void EditorRegions::populate_row_glued (boost::shared_ptr region, TreeModel::Row const &row, uint32_t used) { if (region->whole_file() || used > 1) { row[_columns.glued] = false; } else { if (region->position_lock_style() == MusicTime) { row[_columns.glued] = true; } else { row[_columns.glued] = false; } } } void EditorRegions::populate_row_muted (boost::shared_ptr region, TreeModel::Row const &row, uint32_t used) { if (region->whole_file() || used > 1) { row[_columns.muted] = false; } else { row[_columns.muted] = region->muted(); } } void EditorRegions::populate_row_opaque (boost::shared_ptr region, TreeModel::Row const &row, uint32_t used) { if (region->whole_file() || used > 1) { row[_columns.opaque] = false; } else { row[_columns.opaque] = region->opaque(); } } void EditorRegions::populate_row_name (boost::shared_ptr region, TreeModel::Row const &row) { if (region->n_channels() > 1) { row[_columns.name] = string_compose("%1 [%2]", Gtkmm2ext::markup_escape_text (region->name()), region->n_channels()); } else { row[_columns.name] = Gtkmm2ext::markup_escape_text (region->name()); } } void EditorRegions::populate_row_source (boost::shared_ptr region, TreeModel::Row const &row) { if (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(region->source())) { row[_columns.path] = _("MISSING ") + Gtkmm2ext::markup_escape_text (region->source()->name()); } else { row[_columns.path] = Gtkmm2ext::markup_escape_text (region->source()->name()); } } void EditorRegions::toggle_show_auto_regions () { _show_automatic_regions = toggle_show_auto_regions_action()->get_active(); redisplay (); } void EditorRegions::toggle_full () { set_full (toggle_full_action()->get_active ()); } void EditorRegions::set_full (bool f) { if (f) { _display.expand_all (); expanded = true; } else { _display.collapse_all (); expanded = false; } } void EditorRegions::show_context_menu (int button, int time) { if (_menu == 0) { _menu = dynamic_cast (ActionManager::get_widget ("/RegionListMenu")); } if (_display.get_selection()->count_selected_rows() > 0) { ActionManager::set_sensitive (ActionManager::region_list_selection_sensitive_actions, true); } else { ActionManager::set_sensitive (ActionManager::region_list_selection_sensitive_actions, false); } /* Enable the "Show" option if any selected regions are hidden, and vice versa for "Hide" */ bool have_shown = false; bool have_hidden = false; TreeView::Selection::ListHandle_Path rows = _display.get_selection()->get_selected_rows (); for (TreeView::Selection::ListHandle_Path::iterator i = rows.begin(); i != rows.end(); ++i) { TreeIter t = _model->get_iter (*i); boost::shared_ptr r = (*t)[_columns.region]; if (r) { if (r->hidden ()) { have_hidden = true; } else { have_shown = true; } } } hide_action()->set_sensitive (have_shown); show_action()->set_sensitive (have_hidden); _menu->popup (button, time); } bool EditorRegions::key_press (GdkEventKey* ev) { TreeViewColumn *col; switch (ev->keyval) { case GDK_Tab: case GDK_ISO_Left_Tab: if (name_editable) { name_editable->editing_done (); name_editable = 0; } col = _display.get_column (0); // select&focus on name column if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::TertiaryModifier)) { treeview_select_previous (_display, _model, col); } else { treeview_select_next (_display, _model, col); } return true; break; default: break; } return false; } bool EditorRegions::button_press (GdkEventButton *ev) { boost::shared_ptr region; TreeIter iter; TreeModel::Path path; TreeViewColumn* column; int cellx; int celly; if (_display.get_path_at_pos ((int)ev->x, (int)ev->y, path, column, cellx, celly)) { if ((iter = _model->get_iter (path))) { region = (*iter)[_columns.region]; } } if (Keyboard::is_context_menu_event (ev)) { show_context_menu (ev->button, ev->time); return false; } if (region != 0 && Keyboard::is_button2_event (ev)) { // start/stop audition if (!Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::PrimaryModifier)) { _editor->consider_auditioning (region); } return true; } return false; } int EditorRegions::sorter (TreeModel::iterator a, TreeModel::iterator b) { int cmp = 0; boost::shared_ptr r1 = (*a)[_columns.region]; boost::shared_ptr r2 = (*b)[_columns.region]; /* handle rows without regions, like "Hidden" */ if (r1 == 0) { return -1; } if (r2 == 0) { return 1; } boost::shared_ptr region1 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (r1); boost::shared_ptr region2 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (r2); if (region1 == 0 || region2 == 0) { std::string s1; std::string s2; switch (_sort_type) { case ByName: s1 = (*a)[_columns.name]; s2 = (*b)[_columns.name]; return (s1.compare (s2)); default: return 0; } } switch (_sort_type) { case ByName: cmp = region1->name().compare(region2->name()); break; case ByLength: cmp = region1->length() - region2->length(); break; case ByPosition: cmp = region1->position() - region2->position(); break; case ByTimestamp: cmp = region1->source()->timestamp() - region2->source()->timestamp(); break; case ByStartInFile: cmp = region1->start() - region2->start(); break; case ByEndInFile: // cerr << "Compare " << (region1->start() + region1->length()) << " and " << (region2->start() + region2->length()) << endl; cmp = (region1->start() + region1->length()) - (region2->start() + region2->length()); break; case BySourceFileName: cmp = region1->source()->name().compare(region2->source()->name()); break; case BySourceFileLength: cmp = region1->source_length(0) - region2->source_length(0); break; case BySourceFileCreationDate: cmp = region1->source()->timestamp() - region2->source()->timestamp(); break; case BySourceFileFS: if (region1->source()->name() == region2->source()->name()) { cmp = region1->name().compare(region2->name()); } else { cmp = region1->source()->name().compare(region2->source()->name()); } break; } // cerr << "Comparison on " << enum_2_string (_sort_type) << " gives " << cmp << endl; if (cmp < 0) { return -1; } else if (cmp > 0) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } void EditorRegions::reset_sort_type (RegionListSortType type, bool force) { if (type != _sort_type || force) { _sort_type = type; _model->set_sort_func (0, (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EditorRegions::sorter))); } } void EditorRegions::reset_sort_direction (bool up) { _model->set_sort_column (0, up ? SORT_ASCENDING : SORT_DESCENDING); } void EditorRegions::selection_mapover (sigc::slot > sl) { Glib::RefPtr selection = _display.get_selection(); TreeView::Selection::ListHandle_Path rows = selection->get_selected_rows (); TreeView::Selection::ListHandle_Path::iterator i = rows.begin(); if (selection->count_selected_rows() == 0 || _session == 0) { return; } for (; i != rows.end(); ++i) { TreeIter iter; if ((iter = _model->get_iter (*i))) { /* some rows don't have a region associated with them, but can still be selected (XXX maybe prevent them from being selected) */ boost::shared_ptr r = (*iter)[_columns.region]; if (r) { sl (r); } } } } void EditorRegions::drag_data_received (const RefPtr& context, int x, int y, const SelectionData& data, guint info, guint time) { vector paths; if (data.get_target() == "GTK_TREE_MODEL_ROW") { /* something is being dragged over the region list */ _editor->_drags->abort (); _display.on_drag_data_received (context, x, y, data, info, time); return; } if (_editor->convert_drop_to_paths (paths, context, x, y, data, info, time) == 0) { framepos_t pos = 0; bool copy = ((context->get_actions() & (Gdk::ACTION_COPY | Gdk::ACTION_LINK | Gdk::ACTION_MOVE)) == Gdk::ACTION_COPY); if (UIConfiguration::instance().get_only_copy_imported_files() || copy) { _editor->do_import (paths, Editing::ImportDistinctFiles, Editing::ImportAsRegion, SrcBest, pos); } else { _editor->do_embed (paths, Editing::ImportDistinctFiles, ImportAsRegion, pos); } context->drag_finish (true, false, time); } } bool EditorRegions::selection_filter (const RefPtr& model, const TreeModel::Path& path, bool already_selected) { /* not possible to select rows that do not represent regions, like "Hidden" */ if (already_selected) { /* deselecting anything is OK with us */ return true; } TreeModel::iterator iter = model->get_iter (path); if (iter) { boost::shared_ptr r =(*iter)[_columns.region]; if (!r) { return false; } } return true; } void EditorRegions::name_editing_started (CellEditable* ce, const Glib::ustring& path) { name_editable = ce; /* give it a special name */ Gtk::Entry *e = dynamic_cast (ce); if (e) { e->set_name (X_("RegionNameEditorEntry")); TreeIter iter; if ((iter = _model->get_iter (path))) { boost::shared_ptr region = (*iter)[_columns.region]; if(region) { e->set_text(region->name()); } } } } void EditorRegions::name_edit (const std::string& path, const std::string& new_text) { name_editable = 0; boost::shared_ptr region; TreeIter row_iter; if ((row_iter = _model->get_iter (path))) { region = (*row_iter)[_columns.region]; (*row_iter)[_columns.name] = new_text; } /* now mapover everything */ if (region) { vector equivalents; _editor->get_regions_corresponding_to (region, equivalents, false); for (vector::iterator i = equivalents.begin(); i != equivalents.end(); ++i) { if (new_text != (*i)->region()->name()) { (*i)->region()->set_name (new_text); } } populate_row_name (region, (*row_iter)); } } /** @return Region that has been dragged out of the list, or 0 */ boost::shared_ptr EditorRegions::get_dragged_region () { list > regions; TreeView* source; _display.get_object_drag_data (regions, &source); if (regions.empty()) { return boost::shared_ptr (); } assert (regions.size() == 1); return regions.front (); } void EditorRegions::clear () { _display.set_model (Glib::RefPtr (0)); _model->clear (); _display.set_model (_model); /* Clean up the maps */ region_row_map.clear(); parent_regions_sources_map.clear(); } boost::shared_ptr EditorRegions::get_single_selection () { Glib::RefPtr selected = _display.get_selection(); if (selected->count_selected_rows() != 1) { return boost::shared_ptr (); } TreeView::Selection::ListHandle_Path rows = selected->get_selected_rows (); /* only one row selected, so rows.begin() is it */ TreeIter iter = _model->get_iter (*rows.begin()); if (!iter) { return boost::shared_ptr (); } return (*iter)[_columns.region]; } void EditorRegions::freeze_tree_model (){ _display.set_model (Glib::RefPtr(0)); _model->set_sort_column (-2, SORT_ASCENDING); //Disable sorting to gain performance } void EditorRegions::thaw_tree_model (){ _model->set_sort_column (0, SORT_ASCENDING); // renabale sorting _display.set_model (_model); if (toggle_full_action()->get_active()) { _display.expand_all(); } } void EditorRegions::locked_changed (std::string const & path) { TreeIter i = _model->get_iter (path); if (i) { boost::shared_ptr region = (*i)[_columns.region]; if (region) { region->set_locked (!(*i)[_columns.locked]); } } } void EditorRegions::glued_changed (std::string const & path) { TreeIter i = _model->get_iter (path); if (i) { boost::shared_ptr region = (*i)[_columns.region]; if (region) { /* `glued' means MusicTime, and we're toggling here */ region->set_position_lock_style ((*i)[_columns.glued] ? AudioTime : MusicTime); } } } void EditorRegions::muted_changed (std::string const & path) { TreeIter i = _model->get_iter (path); if (i) { boost::shared_ptr region = (*i)[_columns.region]; if (region) { region->set_muted (!(*i)[_columns.muted]); } } } void EditorRegions::opaque_changed (std::string const & path) { TreeIter i = _model->get_iter (path); if (i) { boost::shared_ptr region = (*i)[_columns.region]; if (region) { region->set_opaque (!(*i)[_columns.opaque]); } } } XMLNode & EditorRegions::get_state () const { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode (X_("RegionList")); node->add_property (X_("sort-type"), enum_2_string (_sort_type)); RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("RegionList"), X_("SortAscending")); bool const ascending = RefPtr::cast_dynamic(act)->get_active (); node->add_property (X_("sort-ascending"), ascending ? "yes" : "no"); node->add_property (X_("show-all"), toggle_full_action()->get_active() ? "yes" : "no"); node->add_property (X_("show-automatic-regions"), _show_automatic_regions ? "yes" : "no"); return *node; } void EditorRegions::set_state (const XMLNode & node) { bool changed = false; if (node.name() != X_("RegionList")) { return; } XMLProperty const * p = node.property (X_("sort-type")); if (p) { Editing::RegionListSortType const t = static_cast (string_2_enum (p->value(), _sort_type)); if (_sort_type != t) { changed = true; } reset_sort_type (t, true); RefPtr ract = sort_type_action (t); ract->set_active (); } p = node.property (X_("sort-ascending")); if (p) { bool const yn = string_is_affirmative (p->value ()); SortType old_sort_type; int old_sort_column; _model->get_sort_column_id (old_sort_column, old_sort_type); if (old_sort_type != (yn ? SORT_ASCENDING : SORT_DESCENDING)) { changed = true; } reset_sort_direction (yn); RefPtr act; if (yn) { act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("RegionList"), X_("SortAscending")); } else { act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("RegionList"), X_("SortDescending")); } RefPtr::cast_dynamic(act)->set_active (); } p = node.property (X_("show-all")); if (p) { bool const yn = string_is_affirmative (p->value ()); if (expanded != yn) { changed = true; } set_full (yn); toggle_full_action()->set_active (yn); } p = node.property (X_("show-automatic-regions")); if (p) { bool const yn = string_is_affirmative (p->value ()); if (yn != _show_automatic_regions) { _show_automatic_regions = yn; toggle_show_auto_regions_action()->set_active (yn); changed = true; } } if (changed) { redisplay (); } } RefPtr EditorRegions::sort_type_action (Editing::RegionListSortType t) const { const char* action = 0; switch (t) { case Editing::ByName: action = X_("SortByRegionName"); break; case Editing::ByLength: action = X_("SortByRegionLength"); break; case Editing::ByPosition: action = X_("SortByRegionPosition"); break; case Editing::ByTimestamp: action = X_("SortByRegionTimestamp"); break; case Editing::ByStartInFile: action = X_("SortByRegionStartinFile"); break; case Editing::ByEndInFile: action = X_("SortByRegionEndinFile"); break; case Editing::BySourceFileName: action = X_("SortBySourceFileName"); break; case Editing::BySourceFileLength: action = X_("SortBySourceFileLength"); break; case Editing::BySourceFileCreationDate: action = X_("SortBySourceFileCreationDate"); break; case Editing::BySourceFileFS: action = X_("SortBySourceFilesystem"); break; default: fatal << string_compose (_("programming error: %1: %2"), "EditorRegions: impossible sort type", (int) t) << endmsg; abort(); /*NOTREACHED*/ } RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("RegionList"), action); assert (act); return RefPtr::cast_dynamic (act); } RefPtr EditorRegions::hide_action () const { return ActionManager::get_action (X_("RegionList"), X_("rlHide")); } RefPtr EditorRegions::show_action () const { return ActionManager::get_action (X_("RegionList"), X_("rlShow")); } RefPtr EditorRegions::remove_unused_regions_action () const { return ActionManager::get_action (X_("RegionList"), X_("removeUnusedRegions")); } RefPtr EditorRegions::toggle_full_action () const { Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("RegionList"), X_("rlShowAll")); assert (act); return Glib::RefPtr::cast_dynamic (act); } RefPtr EditorRegions::toggle_show_auto_regions_action () const { Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("RegionList"), X_("rlShowAuto")); assert (act); return Glib::RefPtr::cast_dynamic (act); }