path: root/tools/doxy2json
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-07-17Update tools for new source-tree layoutRobin Gareus
2016-10-05refine Lua doc/doxygen-parser and handle special-casesRobin Gareus
2016-10-04update lua-doc formattingRobin Gareus
2016-04-12update luadoc toolsRobin Gareus
2016-04-11update lua documentation toolsRobin Gareus
2016-03-31update documentation extraction script (use .cc instead of .h)Robin Gareus
2016-03-31add debug mode to clang doxygen parser tool (print compile errors)Robin Gareus
2016-03-26add lua script to test channel-mapping, update docRobin Gareus
2016-03-25filter declarations in C++, improve luadocRobin Gareus
2016-03-25update doc scripts, disregard "const" when matching ABIsRobin Gareus
2016-03-25update luadoc scriptsRobin Gareus
2016-03-24add doxygen comments to lua-binding doc, compress json.Robin Gareus
2016-03-24Add small llvm/libclang util to exctract doxygen commentsRobin Gareus