path: root/libs/surfaces
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-11-27faderport: shift+encoder controls pan width (for ardour only), input trim now...Paul Davis
2015-11-27faderport: basic panning via encoder knob.Paul Davis
2015-11-27fadeport: make fader touch workPaul Davis
2015-11-26Mackie Control: Disable Selected group in User/Selected view mode to allow in...Len Ovens
2015-11-25implement more Faderport buttons (window and fader automation). ToDo: automa...Ben Loftis
2015-11-26use human readable port-names in Mackie config.Robin Gareus
2015-11-25faderport: simpler logic for master/monitor/otherPaul Davis
2015-11-25faderport: handle mute for monitor out by using monitor processor ops; try to...Paul Davis
2015-11-25faderport: fix odd interaction when selecting master-then-monitor or monitor-...Paul Davis
2015-11-25faderport: fix odd interaction when selecting master-then-monitor or monitor-...Paul Davis
2015-11-25faderport: output button is a toggle between master (or monitor) and currentl...Paul Davis
2015-11-25faderport: enable "Output" button to select master out (or, with Shift, monit...Paul Davis
2015-11-25handle encoder changes. shift+knob = input trim. ToDo: panner controlBen Loftis
2015-11-25cruft removal from faderport codePaul Davis
2015-11-25faderport: implement fader supportPaul Davis
2015-11-25faderport: track GUI selection, use first selected route; implement mute, sol...Paul Davis
2015-11-25faderport: put back the working version of operations.ccPaul Davis
2015-11-24stub file to enable nightly buildsBen Loftis
2015-11-24faderport: more global button functions addedPaul Davis
2015-11-24add goto_zero() function for BasicUIPaul Davis
2015-11-24faderport: more interesting behaviour for the play button (locate to last sta...Paul Davis
2015-11-24clarify a DEBUG_TRACE remarkPaul Davis
2015-11-24faderport: make loop, prev marker, next marker and marker buttons do stuffPaul Davis
2015-11-24add debug "bits" for FaderPortPaul Davis
2015-11-24faderport: allow forcing LED state for use in ::all_lights_out()Paul Davis
2015-11-24faderport: fix modifiers for rewind, stop, undo etc ; listen to session trans...Paul Davis
2015-11-24fadeport: restructure button info actions to allow modifiers (shift, rewind, ...Paul Davis
2015-11-24give the faderport its own thread and event loop, rather than riding on the b...Paul Davis
2015-11-24faderport: after connecting, turn off all lights, then party with them, then ...Paul Davis
2015-11-24add some faderport infrastructure for button handling, and bind up the transp...Paul Davis
2015-11-24namespace and filename cleanupPaul Davis
2015-11-24remove debugging outputPaul Davis
2015-11-24create data structure to handle the fact that faderport firmware 1.38 uses di...Paul Davis
2015-11-24get faderport i/o working, basics of identifying control activityPaul Davis
2015-11-24rough-in for faderport protocol backendBen Loftis
2015-11-23allow use of (N)RPN messages in generic MIDI binding maps (UNTESTED)Paul Davis
2015-11-14Fix fader in mackie control to work with groups.Len Ovens
2015-11-06Mackie Control: Initialize vpot assignment on start-up.Len Ovens
2015-11-06Mackie Control: Add send functionality to vpot assign section.Len Ovens
2015-11-01Don't handle possible phase change if no audio channels in mackie controlLen Ovens
2015-11-01Fix Mackie surface phase control for flip and more than one audio channel.Len Ovens
2015-11-01Added Phase control mackie controls as part of the Trim (track) vpot assignment.Len Ovens
2015-10-25Changed MCP trim detection to match method used in GUI.Len Ovens
2015-10-22Make mackie control view mode save bank for all modes.Len Ovens
2015-10-20Make sure Mackie Control view modes start with route 1 except Mixer mode goes...Len Ovens
2015-10-20Added "Selected" view mode to Mackie Control.Len Ovens
2015-10-18Add Audio Tracks and Busses too.Len Ovens
2015-10-18Added Midi Tracks View mode.Len Ovens
2015-10-18Only display Trim for tracks that have Trim. On the way:Len Ovens
2015-10-17Assign Global view to get back to Mixer.Len Ovens