path: root/libs/canvas/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-10-17Tempo curve cleanup, now also works on optimized builds.nick_m
2016-06-04Fix FramedCurve Outside fill for curve.nick_m
2016-06-04More FramedCurve render worknick_m
2016-06-04Fix framed curve thinko.nick_m
2016-06-03Small cleanup in FramedCurve.nick_m
2016-06-03Fix assorted drawing bugs in framed curve.nick_m
2016-06-02Fix conditional on uninitialised idx (via n_samples) in framed curve.nick_m
2016-05-29Hopefully finally fix tempo curve flickering.nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - finally fix flicker in framed curve.nick_m
2016-05-27Yr,[p ramps - fix flickering tempo curves when zoomed in.nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - add Canvas::FramedCurve and use it in the tempo marker bar.nick_m