path: root/libs/ardour/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-04-15fix plurals and other mistakes in error strings; switch to PBD::warning ↵Paul Davis
since these are not user errors nor fixable
2020-04-08remove debug outputPaul Davis
2020-04-08when renaming a port, remove the backend's port map entry based on the *old* ↵Paul Davis
name (not the new one)
2020-04-07better fix for port destructionPaul Davis
2020-04-07fix up shared_ptr<> use in JACK backendPaul Davis
2020-04-07use shared_ptr to manage backend port lifetimes (Pulse,ALSA,Dummy,JACK)Paul Davis
JACK is not yet finished. Changes also include minor reformatting and a spelling correction (latecies to latencies)
2020-04-02use _instance_name in all messages from PortEngineSharedImplPaul Davis
2020-04-02use PortEngineSharedImpl with DummyAudioBackendPaul Davis
2020-04-02refactor shared PortEngine implementation from AlsaAudioBackendPaul Davis