path: root/libs/ardour/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-12-09Remove unused variableDavid Robillard
2019-11-02rename all Evoral source from .(hpp|cpp)$ to .(h|cc)Paul Davis
2019-11-02introduce new all-in-RAM MIDI datastructure and use it for MIDI playbackPaul Davis
2019-08-03Update libardour GPL boilerplate and (C) from git logRobin Gareus
2019-08-01(Source List) Clean up the natural_position implementation (libardour part).Ben Loftis
2019-04-08NO-OP: whitespaceRobin Gareus
2018-02-23catch (incorrect) inclusion of non-MIDI related automation parameters in ↵Paul Davis
MidiSource XML nodes
2017-09-24fix header order and space alignmentPaul Davis
2017-09-24convert codebase to use Temporal for various time typesPaul Davis
2017-09-18globally change all use of "frame" to refer to audio into "sample".Paul Davis
Generated by tools/f2s. Some hand-editing will be required in a few places to fix up comments related to timecode and video in order to keep the legible
2017-09-18changes required to operate with the Evoral::Beats ticktime commitPaul Davis
2017-04-19Use XMLNode::get/set_property API in ARDOUR::MidiSource classTim Mayberry
2017-02-28when destroying a MidiSource, invalidate any existing MidiCursorsPaul Davis
(such as those held in a MidiPlaylist's RegionTrackers
2016-12-03Fix Sequence/Event const-correctness issuesDavid Robillard
2016-11-11rename Region pulse to pos_beats. use new beat distance api where required.nick_m
- add more debugging output detecting regions whose beat and frame position do not align on a playlist. this is required as a check as we have never used frame rounding on constant tempi before 8884a5723dc
2016-11-08Support multiple readers for MIDI source/modelDavid Robillard
Fixes the multiple reader issue #6541 properly without resorting to a linear search kludge. All the read state has been pulled out into a MidiCursor which the caller is required to pass. The playlist keeps cursors for all the regions it is reading, any number of cursors are allowed at a time. MidiCursor should probably be made a smarter and more fool-proof object (and/or possibly merged with some of the other tracker/fixer stuff) but for now I wanted to keep it simple.
2016-11-08Remove dead codeDavid Robillard
2016-10-25remove unnecessary rounding from MidiSource::midi_read()nick_m
- we already have start_beats, so don't try to recalculate something similar for the position comparison.
2016-10-17Clean up MIDI debugging outputDavid Robillard
2016-09-29Remove _length_pulse from MidiSource.nick_m
2016-09-23Remove _midi_regions_use_bbt_beats from Session, _start_pulse and ↵nick_m
_length_pulse from MidiRegion. - _start/length_beats are now quarter notes regardless of loaded session version. - also restores note colour update
2016-09-13change all MIDI read-from-source to map all events into the loop-range for ↵Paul Davis
seamless looping (if using)
2016-08-31Add length_pulse to MidiSource, usr quarter-notes in midi_read().nick_m
- MidiSource _length_beats is in quarter notes. Here we duplicate length_beats for backwards compatibility
2016-07-20Add a dedicated export method to MidiRegionJulien "_FrnchFrgg_" RIVAUD
To export a MIDI region to a file, the code used MidiRegion::clone() since it takes care of creating a new file-backed source with the wanted contents. Nevertheless, it had several side-effects: - it created and registered a new region which is confusing to users - it only exported notes that were in the region range, but didn't remove the region start offset from MIDI events, essentially producing a spurious silence at the beginning of the exported file (this is not a problem for region cloning because the newly created region is made aware of the offset and caters for it). Add a dedicated code path for export, that uses the new offsetting capabilities of MidiModel::write_section_to().
2016-07-14enough with umpteen "i18n.h" files. Consolidate on pbd/i18n.hPaul Davis
2016-07-10Experimental patch to ensure playback buffer bounds use minimal beat->frame ↵nick_m
2016-05-04OMNIBUS COMMIT: prefer const XMLNode::property method (and provide a real one)Paul Davis
2015-08-27clarify midi-iterator commentRobin Gareus
2015-08-25fix linked midi-regions on different tracks #6541Robin Gareus
A somewhat hacky solution to address missing note-off events when a linked midi-region is used on separate tracks at the same time. see the source-code comment for further info.
2015-03-29Fix mute of MIDI tracks with channel forcing.David Robillard
This moves MIDI channel filtering into a reusable class and moves filtering to the source, rather than modifying the buffer afterwards. This is necessary so that the playlist trackers reflect the emitted notes (and thus are able to stop them in situations like mute). As a perk, this is also faster because events are just dropped on read, rather than pushed into a buffer then later removed (which is very slow). Really hammering on mute or solo still seems to produce stuck notes occasionally (perhaps related to multiple-on warnings). I am not yet sure why, but occasional beats always.
2015-03-05Handle edits while playing precisely.David Robillard
This avoids stuck notes if active notes are edited, but without stopping all active notes in the region on any edit as before. This implementation injects note ons in places that aren't actually note starts. Depending on how percussive the instrument is, this may not be desired. In the future, an option for this would be an improvement, but there are other places where "start notes in the middle" is a reasonable option. I think that should be handled universally if we're to do it at all, so not considering it a part of this fix for now.
2015-01-07MusicalTime => Beats.David Robillard
2014-12-30Fix MIDI CC record/playback crash.David Robillard
2014-12-30Revert "Fix occasional MIDI read crash."David Robillard
This reverts commit ec947ff8fd2cf229284f757b8bd6b0f96cbd6383.
2014-12-28Fix occasional MIDI read crash.David Robillard
Locking should prevent this from being a problem, but taking a reference to the cached iterator and mutating it directly causes occasional crashes for me for reasons I can't quite figure out. This fixes the issue and is arguably more sane anyway, so whatever.
2014-12-17Fix various MIDI locking issues.David Robillard
Attempt to make mistakes much less likely in the future by statically requiring caller to pass scoped locks where necessary.
2014-12-06Invalidate iterator whenever model changes.David Robillard
I suspect this is an underlying cause of several tricky to reproduce bugs, but we'll have to wait around and see...
2014-12-05Make recorded MIDI controls discrete, take 2.David Robillard
Hopefully-desired behaviour is that controls created in the GUI are linear, so clicking in stuff works like other automation, but controls that originated from recording are set to discrete so Ardour plays back the input exactly, instead of doing crazy things like linear interpolation of already high-rate user input, hold pedals, and so on. Hopefully that remains the desired behaviour, because we're basically screwed for ever making any control discrete by default, since we only save the mode to XML at all if it's not the default, which is currently linear.
2014-12-01Replace half-baked param metadata with descriptor.David Robillard
Among other things, this means that automation controls/lists have the actual min/max/normal/toggled of parameters, and not those inferred from the Parameter ID, which is not correct for things like plugin parameters. Pushing things down to the Evoral::ParmeterDescriptor may be useful in the future to have lists do smarter things based on parameter range, but currently I have just pushed down the above-mentioned currently used attributes.
2014-11-30Move EventRingBuffer to libardour.David Robillard
This is not used anywhere in Evoral and is just a wrapper around the PBD RingBuffer anyway. Towards a (once again?) independently buildable/testable Evoral and fewer cross-dependencies.
2014-11-22Wrap MusicalTime in a class.David Robillard
This lets us get a more explicit handle on time conversions, and is the main step towards using actual beat:tick time and getting away from floating point precision problems.
2014-11-20Fix lost MIDI note offs and controllers.David Robillard
Fix initial read of discrete MIDI controllers. Fix spurious note offs when starting to play in the middle of a note. Faster search for initial event when cached iterator is invalid. So much for dropping the cached iterator. The iterator is responsible for handling note offs, so that doesn't work. This design means we have some stuck note issues at the source read level, but they should be taken care of by the state tracker anyway.
2014-11-20Clean up some MIDI code.David Robillard
2014-11-19Fix dropped MIDI events, especially with record enabled.David Robillard
I am not precisely sure why the cached iterator was causing this problem, it shouldn't be invalidated, and the times make sense. It may be some lock related issue since the iterator holds a lock on the source. In any case, this cached iterator was just to avoid repeated linear search of the model, but since the model has a logarithmic search, instead just scrap all this problematic persistent state and search for the appropriate start time every read. No need to be careful about invalidating when anything changes.
2014-04-14dramatic change in logic and naming for operations related to adding a MIDI ↵Paul Davis
region on demand and cloning/unlinking Existing code would cause data loss due to creation of two Source objects referring the same path, one with removable flags and one without. Careful code review suggested a variety of thinkos, function naming problems and other confusion that caused this. I have tried ot extensively comment what is going on with these operations, because it is one key area in which MIDI differs from audio: with audio, capture is the only way to add a new audio region, but for MIDI there are GUI input events that can add a new region.
2014-04-10redesign technique for naming/creating regions for MIDI clone (or other ↵Paul Davis
non-capture driven MIDI region creation operations). See comments in Session::new_midi_source_name() for details.
2014-04-04after cloning a MIDI region, mark the source file as non-removable. Fixes ↵Paul Davis
reports about missing MIDI files on the forums and IRC
2013-07-11Remove non-portable and unnused header includesPaul Davis
2013-03-30fix up some confusion with filesources' _origin and _file_is_new members. if ↵Paul Davis
_origin is set, it means that the file is "external" to the session (aka "embedded") and for some purposes this is more significant than _file_is_new. rename SourceFactory::createReadable() to ::createExternal() to more clearly indicate its purpose; remove never-supplied "origin" argument from SourceFactor::createWritable(). Fixes problems caused by 864ce8f0
2013-01-21Fix MIDI loop recording.David Robillard
This changes how things work a bit, but I am committing it for 3.0 since the previous revision often crashed (and never worked), this one seems to work fine, and the code is quite a bit more cogent. I have tested the following use cases with live input and audible output: * Non-loop recording, armed before roll * Non-loop recording, arm while rolling * Loop recording, armed before roll * Loop recording, arm during roll In the last case, the source/region is created starting at the loop start rather than the current transport frame as usual so time makes sense when it wraps around. See the documentation added to the code for details, but the basic idea here is to simply push MIDI events to the source with increasing monotonic time, ignoring looping altogether. Essentially we pretend the loop does not exist, but the source knows all the details so it can implement whatever behaviour is appropriate. Currently, this is simply recording a complete non-destructive copy of the input, which is a good thing. Perhaps not what the user expects of loop recording, but at least it works and is one sensible option. We will need to add more later. Display while recording is a little bit wacky, but whatever. git-svn-id: svn://localhost/ardour2/branches/3.0@13940 d708f5d6-7413-0410-9779-e7cbd77b26cf