path: root/libs/ardour/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-12-03Remove Evoral::MIDIEventDavid Robillard
It is slightly questionable whether type specific methods like velocity() belong on Event at all, these may be better off as free functions. However the code currently uses them as methods in many places, and it seems like a step in the right direction, since, for example, we might some day have events that have a velocity but aren't stored as MIDI messages (e.g. if Ardour uses an internal musical model that is more expressive). In any case, the former inheritance and plethora of sloppy casts is definitely not the right thing.
2015-03-29Fix mute of MIDI tracks with channel forcing.David Robillard
This moves MIDI channel filtering into a reusable class and moves filtering to the source, rather than modifying the buffer afterwards. This is necessary so that the playlist trackers reflect the emitted notes (and thus are able to stop them in situations like mute). As a perk, this is also faster because events are just dropped on read, rather than pushed into a buffer then later removed (which is very slow). Really hammering on mute or solo still seems to produce stuck notes occasionally (perhaps related to multiple-on warnings). I am not yet sure why, but occasional beats always.