path: root/libs/ardour/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-12-03Remove all use of nframes_t.Carl Hetherington
2010-11-02Fix invalid assertion from previous commit, and possibly fix having random ga...Sakari Bergen
2010-11-02Add assertion to export code to make sure the buffer size hasn't changed some...Sakari Bergen
2010-11-02Fix Ogg export (maybe float export also?)Sakari Bergen
2010-09-14remove Glib::ustring from libardour; allow any characters except '/' and '\' ...Paul Davis
2010-08-19Write BWF info on export. Fixes #3398.Carl Hetherington
2010-04-02Make audiographer SndfileWriter use PBD::Signal and use it properly. Also mak...Sakari Bergen
2010-03-30Fix split channel export (which was broken during export refactoring)Sakari Bergen
2010-03-15Fix export, which has been broken since the boost::signals2 changes. Also upd...Sakari Bergen
2010-02-08new RegionCommand object; remove unused string argument from Region::thaw(); ...Paul Davis
2009-12-27- Fix process callbakc handling during exportSakari Bergen
2009-12-27Re-integrate export-optimization branch.Sakari Bergen