path: root/libs/ardour/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2009-12-31stop metering thread as we disconnect a session from audioengine; explicitly ...Paul Davis
2009-12-25rationalize destruction pathway (some more); tidy-ify some ImageFrame codePaul Davis
2009-12-17switch to using boost::signals2 instead of sigc++, at least for libardour. no...Paul Davis
2009-12-09major design changes: use glib event loop for MIDI thread/UI; rework design o...Paul Davis
2009-12-04cross-thread handling of SessionEvent allocation/deallocation, with widesprea...Paul Davis
2009-10-24Move butler methods from Session to Butler.David Robillard
2009-10-23Split butler into separate object (partially, just data so far...)David Robillard