path: root/gtk2_ardour/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-07-14enough with umpteen "i18n.h" files. Consolidate on pbd/i18n.hPaul Davis
2016-02-28allow to configure custom path to video monitorRobin Gareus
2015-08-18Change return type and name of get_win_special_folderTim Mayberry
Rename it get_win_special_folder_path to indicate what it is returning Move documentation for the function into the header and use doxygen style comments. Fixes a couple of memory leaks in ArdourVideoToolPaths class although it looks as if there are more.
2015-07-15Revert "add debug info for xjadeo binary"Robin Gareus
This reverts commit 8af2d08f88c4a9b3faf14f6d46b2ad2cecdc8ada.
2015-07-09add debug info for xjadeo binaryRobin Gareus
2015-03-12OSX use xjadeo directly (no IPC indirection)Robin Gareus
2015-01-05windows packaging: project agnostic names & registyRobin Gareus
2014-12-23consolidate video-tool filepaths - step three:Robin Gareus
prefer versions registered in HKLM Software\Ardour\video
2014-12-23consolidate video-tool filepaths - step two:Robin Gareus
common windows registry query
2014-12-23consolidate video-tool filepaths - step oneRobin Gareus
1:1 cut/paste