path: root/gtk2_ardour/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-04-15Disable spill when target-bus is removed #8014Robin Gareus
Individual mixer-strip already revert to default display when the send vanishes. This also resets the mixer view.
2020-04-13Fix typos in the GUI in preparation for translationsEdgar Aichinger
2020-04-03Fix fan-out port connection race-conditionRobin Gareus
This directly creates tracks without auto-connect.
2020-04-02Move RouteUI::fan_out to Mixer_UIRobin Gareus
The previous version had various issues, in particular when creating Tracks with an instrument, the RouteUI was not available when the signal was emitted (likely caused by recent ee-work of Audio+MIDI and Tape track removal). However as side-effect fanned-out tracks/busses may now be ordered before the new instrument route. This also fixes an edge case of multiple fan-out in case there is more than one RouteUI instance (mixer, editor-mixer, meter-bridge).
2020-03-23Show Sends button should instigate a Spill, akin to a VCA spillBen Loftis
2020-02-22Foldback: Sync nav buttons when a new foldback bus is addedBen Loftis
2019-11-20add mixer actions for toggle disk & input monitoring; bind to d and i in ↵Paul Davis
mixer bindings
2019-11-06Session should not be accessed when not there.Len Ovens
2019-09-13desensitize foldback show unless there is a foldback busLen Ovens
The view menu should not show the foldback item if there is no foldback bus available.
2019-09-11Foldback gui: Added hide and showLen Ovens
- New menu item in view menu - Foldback strip has hide button - Adding a new foldback bus sets show - setting is saved and restored
2019-09-03Move foldback strip to left of MasterLen Ovens
2019-09-03Fix mute toggle actions when mute is automatedRobin Gareus
Track menu, as well as mixer-shortcut to set/unset mute of selected tracks needs to send a start_touch() event, otherwise the change is not effective.
2019-08-30Fix mixer-side-bar show/hide actionsRobin Gareus
Changes need to be propagated to the Stripable's PresentationInfo. So far this was not done for batch-changes using the mixer's left side-bar "Show all", "Hide all" actions. They remained local to the mixer and were not persistent.
2019-08-28properly remove foldback strip so it can be created againLen Ovens
2019-08-28Ensure monitor section is always leftmost in mixer windowLen Ovens
2019-08-26Add strip GUI first try for foldback busLen Ovens
2019-08-03Update GPL boilerplate and (C)Robin Gareus
Copyright-holder and year information is extracted from git log. git history begins in 2005. So (C) from 1998..2005 is lost. Also some (C) assignment of commits where the committer didn't use --author.
2019-07-18Tweak Mixer screenshot method, include VCA, master-busRobin Gareus
2019-07-17Prepare screenshot of all mixer-stripsRobin Gareus
This will allow to create a PNG of all mixer-strips, even those currently off-screen due to scrolling. It currently shows the main scroll-pane page only (master-bus, VCAs are not included). This method is not yet exposed.
2019-07-17Use an explicit class-member for the mixer-strip containerRobin Gareus
2019-03-14On selection, move/scroll VCA into viewRobin Gareus
2019-03-12Snap to VCA strips in the mixer when scrollingRobin Gareus
2019-03-07Fix some Gtk::Menu memory leaksRobin Gareus
A Gtk::manage()d widget will be deleted when its parent container is destroyed. Top-level context menus are not inside a container and hence need to be manually deallocated. The solution here is to use a shared Gtk::Menu pointer that is centrally de/re-allocated. This works because the GUI is single-threaded and at most one context menu is visible at a time.
2019-03-01Show VCA pane when a new VCA is created.Robin Gareus
2019-02-28Initialize per session instant stateRobin Gareus
Per session (instant.xml) GUI options do not have a sigc::slot<> backed configuration interface to initialize the Actions. This fixes a first-time start issue (no instant.xml) where GUI panes may be visible (default) while the actions are "off" (default). This is a tentative solution, instant.xml backed ToggleAction initialization needs to be consolidated somehow.
2019-01-23Kill the last remaining busesRobin Gareus
In Ardour's world, the plural of a "Bus[Bar]" is "Busses". (some day we may or may not search/replace 'em all to "buses")
2018-12-18Only show user-presets in favorite sidebarRobin Gareus
Plugins can have hundreds of factory presets, or in case of VST useless "default" program/presets. Those just clutter up the favorite plugin-list.
2018-12-13Fix Mixbus action fc83d044f8 & 65bda27d4 rebase orderingRobin Gareus
2018-12-11remove explicit use of ::cast_dynamic() from Gtk::Action to Gtk::ToggleActionPaul Davis
2018-12-11use syntactic sugarPaul Davis
2018-12-11do not reset session for MonitorSection just because monitor out was removedPaul Davis
2018-12-11full (?) set of changes required to make MonitorSection an "always-there" ↵Paul Davis
component of the MixerUI Obviously, it is not always shown, but it always exists, which means that its actions are always accessible
2018-12-11change action group owner pointer to be the relevant keybindings; reorder ↵Paul Davis
setting keybindings value and defining actions The reorder is required so that the value of "bindings" has been set and is meaningful
2018-12-10no longer delete and recreate MonitorSection when it is removed/added to a ↵Paul Davis
2018-12-10show-editor and show-mixer actions are now part of Common, not Window or ↵Paul Davis
Mixer action groups This is a bit arbitary but they are supposed to be invokable from anywhere, and since they control Tabbables and note pure windows, they are not part of WM::Manager's purview (Window/* actions). Thus ... Common
2018-12-10use ActionManager namespace, rather than ActionMap objects, and remove all ↵Paul Davis
per-context action maps
2018-12-08NO-OP: whitespace and some guaranteed assertion removalRobin Gareus
2018-12-07Tweaks to Mixer and Monitor keybindings:Ben Loftis
Add Mixer-specific view keybindings for list, vca, mon. (thanks to: the_CLA) Move monitor keybindings (mute, dim, mono) to be globally-accessible. Implement new mixer-specific actions to show/hide monitor,vcas,mixbuses (the_CLA) Move monitor funcs (mute,dim,mono) to globally-accessible actions. Make a new Monitor group insted of using Transport group. Allow use-monitor-section to be controlled by both menu and session-options dialog.
2018-12-05start using ActionMap in preference to ActionManagerPaul Davis
2018-11-07Change get_routes to get_routelist where appropriate.Len Ovens
2018-11-01Work around tooltips in treeviews selection issue #7678Robin Gareus
When tooltips are disabled, but a tooltip column is set for a treeview, the treeview selection behaves inconsistently. It requires a 3rd click after expanding any child-rows to select a child.
2018-10-02Fix context-menu item "bus" = audio and midi busses.Robin Gareus
Hide/show logic uses "not track". This results in matching both audio and midi busses.
2018-09-01Restore mixer scroll offset after spillRobin Gareus
2018-08-24use new CoreSelection methods in editor and mixerPaul Davis
2018-08-24provide mixer-specific bindings for Alt-(up|down) to match editorPaul Davis
2018-08-24move select-all-tracks,deselect-all,invert-selection to be global actions ↵Paul Davis
(and bindings)
2018-08-09Set VCA Pane toggle sensitivityRobin Gareus
2018-08-09Fix VCA pane being made visible when redisplaying tracksRobin Gareus
2018-08-09Backport Mixbus' mixer shadowRobin Gareus
This is incomplete, pending backporting of Mixbus mixer_ui.h changes, but this way it won't be forgotten. And it might be handy to also include the shadow in Ardour's theme?!
2018-05-08Plugin Ordering: PluginStatusChanged signal went missing. This fixes ↵Ben Loftis
breakage in drag+drop and live status-updates from the Plugin Manager window.