path: root/gtk2_ardour/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-08-03Update GPL boilerplate and (C)Robin Gareus
2019-01-02Add external drive references for most file-browsersRobin Gareus
2016-07-14enough with umpteen "i18n.h" files. Consolidate on pbd/i18n.hPaul Davis
2015-11-04Fix ordering of buttons in midi export dialog.André Nusser
2015-10-05NOOP, remove trailing tabs/whitespace.Robin Gareus
2012-08-10fix erroneous use of i18n.h in a header filePaul Davis
2012-05-23minor polish for midi export dialogPaul Davis
2012-05-23add basic, not terribly glossy MIDI region exportPaul Davis