path: root/gtk2_ardour/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2009-03-02ICS (image compositor socket) patches from robin gareus, to keep ICS alive in...Paul Davis
2008-05-02many changes related to region zooming; proto-visual state undo/redo stack; f...Paul Davis
2007-02-22remove all lines to avoid recompiles after commitsPaul Davis
2006-09-28fixes for destructive track offsets of various kinds; move from jack_nframes_...Paul Davis
2006-06-20fixes for libsndfile conversion issues, tape track waveform display and overl...Paul Davis
2005-12-22s/stringcr_t/const string &/Karsten Wiese
2005-12-16use stringcr_t and gain 1/1000 binary size reduction. not thaat much...Karsten Wiese
2005-11-27convert set_property("foo", bar) to property_foo() = barKarsten Wiese
2005-11-24advance compiling to the m*.cc pointPaul Davis
2005-11-23Gnome::Canvas -> ArdourCanvas and some other small fixesNick Mainsbridge
2005-11-15latest workPaul Davis
2005-11-13some C++-ification of GnomeCanvasBlahNick Mainsbridge
2005-10-052 cleanup patches from nickm, plus work on so that it compilesPaul Davis
2005-09-25Switched to use libgnomecanvas (not the C++ one).Taybin Rutkin
2005-09-25replaced slot() with mem_fun() and ptr_fun().Taybin Rutkin
2005-09-25Fly my pretties!Taybin Rutkin
2005-09-25Initial import of gtk2_ardour.Taybin Rutkin