path: root/gtk2_ardour/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-08-03Update GPL boilerplate and (C)Robin Gareus
Copyright-holder and year information is extracted from git log. git history begins in 2005. So (C) from 1998..2005 is lost. Also some (C) assignment of commits where the committer didn't use --author.
2017-07-29Fix edit-cursor in TextEntryRobin Gareus
Gtk::WINDOW_POPUP cannot be used for windows that require focus. A gtk-entry without focus does not show an edit-cursor.
2017-07-21Fix recursion in FloatinTextEntry (amend f62c8c664d)Robin Gareus
2017-07-20Fix crash when renaming track to an invalid nameRobin Gareus
If the "Sorry I cannot do that" dialog is displayed from FloatingTextEntry::use_text(), the entry is still visible and accepts [focus] events. Also the dialog returns focus and multiple idle_delete_self() will be called for an Entry that's already being deleted.
2017-03-05Revert "some further debugging, just in case"Robin Gareus
This reverts commit 04ed05ecc4629d85d8f1fd3d6756669a42fb762b.
2017-03-05some further debugging, just in caseRobin Gareus
2017-03-05Prevent duplicate self-delete.Robin Gareus
debug-prints indicat it was at least possible for the same Window to receive FloatingTextEntry::entry_focus_out twice (without idle)
2016-07-14enough with umpteen "i18n.h" files. Consolidate on pbd/i18n.hPaul Davis
2016-07-02no need for a widget name herePaul Davis
2016-07-01remove commented codePaul Davis
2016-06-30no reason to make floating text entry be in STATE_SELECTED when constructedPaul Davis
2016-05-31stop playing silly games with widget packing when editing a route name in ↵Paul Davis
the edito Use a FloatingTextEntry instead. All clever functionality from previous implementation has been retained.
2016-02-22first compilable version of tabbable design.Paul Davis
I would have loved to split this apart, but there are just so many interrelated changes, it makes little sense and would be a huge effort that would break future git bisect use because so many intermediate commits would not compile
2015-10-05NOOP, remove trailing tabs/whitespace.Robin Gareus
2015-10-04globally remove all trailing whitespace from ardour code base.Paul Davis
Paul Davis was responsible for introducing almost all of this.
2014-11-25fix indentation nightmare from 9559cf3947Paul Davis
2014-11-25fix case of included header filePaul Davis
2014-11-25[Summary] Fixing behavior of the FloatingTextEntryVKamyshniy
2014-11-05permit initial contents of a FloatingTextEntryPaul Davis
2014-11-02repropagate button press event outside of FloatingTextEntry so that the ↵Paul Davis
click is still effective, as well as terminating the edit
2014-11-02use modal grab and event_is_inside_widget_window() to provide "expected" ↵Paul Davis
behaviour when editing in a FloatingTextEntry
2014-10-31add new floating text entry class (ported from Tracks)Paul Davis