path: root/gtk2_ardour/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-01-27mark session dirty when dragging tempo markers.nick_m
2017-01-07amend 4cb009058 (if newly active tempo became last it had no curve)nick_m
2017-01-07fix some inactive tempi bugsnick_m
- no tempo curve for inactive tempi - inactive and meter-locked tempi cannot be deleted.
2016-12-19add frame parameter for Meter ctor and TempoMap::replace_meter(). allow for ↵nick_m
various failures.
2016-12-12sort tempo curves initially as well.nick_m
2016-12-12amend previous commitnick_m
2016-12-11fix flickering in tempo curve when markers are reordered.nick_m
2016-11-11rename Tempo _beats_per_minute to _note_types_per_minute, provide pulse helpers.nick_m
- adds quarter_notes_per_minute(), note_divisions_per_minute (double) pulses_per_minute() and frames_per_quarter_note() - this should be a no-op except for the use of tempo by the vst callback which definitely uses quarter notes per minute. - the XML node for TempoSection named 'beats-per-minute' has been renamed.
2016-11-11MidiRegion _start/_length beats are frame based only when lock style is ↵nick_m
2016-11-11Refactor tempo api, include quarter-note distance in frames method.nick_m
- moves frame rounding up to TempoMap, which is needed in order to calculate pulse distance without frame rounding. - the time unit for tempo is still minute, but this now also applies to meter sections. (new audio locked meter sections no longer require a frame position). - there is no longer a discontinuity in the pulse for audio-locked meter/tempi. - temporarily add debugging output in Region::set_position() to test for region beat not matching region frame.
2016-10-19Improve bbt ruler drawing performance for large time ranges.nick_m
- when the timeline displays many bars, zoom/autoscroll speed is improved by calculating the bbt ruler scale first then requesting a suitably scaled grid.
2016-08-20Add a colour for music-locked meters.nick_m
2016-08-14Allow negative return in TempoMap::beat_at_frame() and its exact_ variant.nick_m
- audio-locked midi regions can be start-trimmed properly when close to 1|1|0 - a midi region placed before the first meter will continue the tempo curve and first meter. Only a couple of callers require change, as bbt_at_beat() already deals with this.
2016-07-14enough with umpteen "i18n.h" files. Consolidate on pbd/i18n.hPaul Davis
2016-07-10Simplify Editor::mouse_add_new_meter_event() a bit.nick_m
2016-07-10Stop passing references to things that may disappear when a metric section ↵nick_m
is replaced.
2016-07-10Indicate meter frame even when adding a music-locked meter from the gui.nick_m
2016-06-16Register colour aliases for tempo curve.nick_m
2016-06-13Pick a colour for music-locked tempo markers.nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - rename bbt_time() -> bbt_at_frame(), frame_time() -> ↵nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - rename tempo_at() -> tempo_at_frame().. 3 decimals for the ↵nick_m
audioclock tempo display.
2016-05-27Gd Lk ramps - rework auto scaling. change colour.nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - fix huge marker height mark, remove unused var.nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - rename for consistency, remove some testing code, add meter ↵nick_m
based bbt->pulse conversions.
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - rework tempo drags, improve comments.nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - consolidate TempoMap::predict_tempo()nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - more code cleanup, fix cross-marker jumping using tempo dialog bbtnick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - more code consolidation wrt add meter/tempo.nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - clean up add/replace temponick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - ensure displayed grid extends beyond the leftmost frame.nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - fix ambiguous api, fix flickering tempo curves.nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - tempo marker's mark indicates curve height ar point.nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - more bbt dragging work.nick_m
- display prev tempo and tempo at mouse while dragging - simplify ramp dilation somewhat.
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - add visualtempo curve, dragging bbt or music rulers with ↵nick_m
constraint modifier dilates previous tempo.
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - remove unused var.nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - prevent adding tempos before the first tempo.nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - adding a new tempo doesn't involve a dialog.nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - tempo marks use mvc-style copy drag, don't crash if two ↵nick_m
successive ramped tempos are the same :|
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - api change, remove some code.nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - pressing constraint modifier keys during tempo drag changes ↵nick_m
tempo with vertical movement, incorporating beat constraint (if present). - makes it easy to find suitable accelerandos for hit points in conjunction with playhead position, beat-locked tempos and initial meter frame.
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - small bug fixes/cleanup.nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - music-locked meters now use beats rather than pulses as their ↵nick_m
reference. - fixes many problems with a non-zero audio-locked first meter.
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - improve music-locked meter drags, improve dump().nick_m
- dump now shows cross-calculation of tempo positions.
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - allow moving the first meter if audio locked.nick_m
- strangely broken wrt the grid, but kind-of works.
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - check for impossible locations tempo dialog bbt entry. ↵nick_m
reorganise code.
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - add method to handle beat-based tempo reordering. clean code.nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - fix crash-causing locking errors. clean up code a bit.nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - setting bbt of an audio-locked tempo marker in the tempo ↵nick_m
dialog works.
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - restore bbt settings in tempo dialog for audio-locked tempo ↵nick_m
markers - see comments
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - fix messed up meter section state, audio-locked tempos ignore ↵nick_m
the bbt setting in the tempo dialog for now.