path: root/gtk2_ardour/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-07-30Ruler visibility is not really a session-prop.Robin Gareus
2018-07-27new_grid: fix some thinkos in ruler math, to better match sensible grid lines.Ben Loftis
2018-02-26Rename SMPTE enum back to Timecode.Ben Loftis
2018-02-26Fix a rather large naming thinko: GridTypeSamples should be CDFrames.Ben Loftis
2018-02-24NO-OP: whitespaceRobin Gareus
2018-02-09new_grid: Rewrite of Snap and Grid. (squashed commit)Ben Loftis
2017-09-18globally change all use of "frame" to refer to audio into "sample".Paul Davis
2017-07-01NO-OP whitespace (updated GH PR #357)Thomas Brand
2017-05-23Remove dead assignment in Editor::metric_get_bbtTim Mayberry
2017-04-19Use XMLNode::get/set_property API in EditorRulers classTim Mayberry
2017-03-10Fix likely thinko in bbt ruler.Ben Loftis
2016-12-08Clarify "frames" (video, timecode) vs "samples" (audio)Robin Gareus
2016-11-02prevent infinite loop when calculating tick marks on low zoom levelsRobin Gareus
2016-10-19Improve bbt ruler drawing performance for large time ranges.nick_m
2016-08-14Allow negative return in TempoMap::beat_at_frame() and its exact_ variant.nick_m
2016-07-14enough with umpteen "i18n.h" files. Consolidate on pbd/i18n.hPaul Davis
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - rename bbt_time() -> bbt_at_frame(), frame_time() -> frame_at_b...nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - rulers don't request negative bbt.nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo rambo - more bbt scale fiddling.nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - bbt ruler scale tweaks.nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - small tweak to ruler scale.nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps- bbt ruler scale accounts for non-beat ranges for consistent resu...nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - respect tempo note type and meter note divisor correctly.nick_m
2016-05-27Tempo ramps - audio-locked meters have a bbt of 1|1|0nick_m
2016-05-27Initial stab at tempo ramps.nick_m
2016-05-04OMNIBUS COMMIT: prefer const XMLNode::property method (and provide a real one)Paul Davis
2016-02-22change GTKOSX macro constant to use __APPLE__ insteadPaul Davis
2016-02-22remove all trace of SAE from source code.Paul Davis
2015-12-09Remove two useless separator elements from editor ruler popups.André Nusser
2015-10-05NOOP, remove trailing tabs/whitespace.Robin Gareus
2015-10-04globally remove all trailing whitespace from ardour code base.Paul Davis
2015-09-16Move UIConfiguration Singleton into UIConfiguration headerTim Mayberry
2015-04-21Update editor_rulers.ccahellquist
2015-04-21merge fix for tempo branchBen Loftis
2015-03-13Right-clicking on the Loop/Punch ruler should "Do Something".Ben Loftis
2015-03-11add video-monitor to timeline context-menuRobin Gareus
2015-02-12Separate out creation of xrun markers from Editor::mouse_add_new_marker()Colin Fletcher
2014-12-21restore ardour-style ruler labels for timecode ruler.Paul Davis
2014-12-11tweaks to minsec and timecode ruler display, especially at very high zoom.Paul Davis
2014-11-23assign minsec_ruler_scale and minsec_mark_modulo when zoomed very far outPaul Davis
2014-10-21remove "canvasvar_" from all functions related to obtaining values from ARDOU...Paul Davis
2014-07-15try to get font size for rulers right or at least better on OS XPaul Davis
2014-06-25move utility functions into a dedicated namespaceRobin Gareus
2014-06-25do not include ruler visibility items in context click menu on timebarsPaul Davis
2014-06-25use new ruler dialog class for context clicks on ruler labels areaPaul Davis
2014-06-22more canvas refactoring.Paul Davis
2014-06-21use newly factored canvas in gtk2_ardourPaul Davis
2014-06-13add all the fonts, and use the right name for the rulers as a resultPaul Davis
2014-06-13use canvas ruler font specification rather than get_font_for_style()Paul Davis
2014-06-12remove no-longer-used codePaul Davis