path: root/gtk2_ardour/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-03-24Do not use openGL backed canvas + widgets on CatalinaRobin Gareus
This needs testing: local builds on Catalina vs. running existing (10.6, 10.11) builds on 10.15.
2020-03-24Add API to query OSX/MacOS versionRobin Gareus
2019-12-30restore early-return from fixup_bundle_environment() on macOS if not running ↵Paul Davis
from a bundle Mistakenly removed while getting stdout/stderr logging to work
2019-12-14move i/o redirect for macOS bundle before no_app_nap() and commentPaul Davis
2019-12-14remove use of os_log() API from macOSPaul Davis
This enables building on earlier versions of that platform. It was only used for debugging anyway
2019-12-13fix up stderr and stdout on macOS to write to log files in ↵Paul Davis
2019-12-12fix ASL logging/stdout+stderr when running from terminal in macOSPaul Davis
2019-12-05Undo habits of a Serif font loverRobin Gareus
2019-12-04Load and register ArdourSans font at application startRobin Gareus
2019-10-23Fix prev commit, g_setenv() paramsRobin Gareus
2019-10-23Allow to run Ardour without start-script on MacOSRobin Gareus
This might break JACK, since the previous environment is no longer re-set before calling JackConnection::open(), then again, no Ardour does not un/set any critical env variables on MacOS.
2019-08-03Update GPL boilerplate and (C)Robin Gareus
Copyright-holder and year information is extracted from git log. git history begins in 2005. So (C) from 1998..2005 is lost. Also some (C) assignment of commits where the committer didn't use --author.
2018-09-21Fix --no-nls (3/5), prefer #if in gtk2_ardourRobin Gareus
This is for consistency with system-wide gettext.h which is used by some 3rd party libs. system-wide gettext uses `#if ENABLE_NLS`, not #ifdef
2017-07-01NO-OP whitespace (updated GH PR #357)Thomas Brand
2016-08-19add code to disable AppNap on OS X/MacOSPaul Davis
Should build on versions before 10.9 and run everywhere due to respondsToSelector check.
2016-07-14enough with umpteen "i18n.h" files. Consolidate on pbd/i18n.hPaul Davis
2016-04-25compile-time test for useful ASL APIPaul Davis
2016-04-24restore sending stderr/stdout to the consolePaul Davis
This is done unconditionally right now for any ARDOUR_BUNDLED case. Need to find a conditional, so that we can run from the command line/inside a debugger. The -psn_XXXX argument will likely work
2015-12-07the variable used to define GTK2 RC files is GTK2_RC_FILES not GTK_RC_FILES ↵Paul Davis
(it was changed in GTK+ back in 2002
2015-10-05remove unused fstream includesRobin Gareus
2015-10-05NOOP, remove trailing tabs/whitespace.Robin Gareus
2015-10-04globally remove all trailing whitespace from ardour code base.Paul Davis
Paul Davis was responsible for introducing almost all of this.
2015-04-17fix typo after localedir changePaul Davis
2015-04-17fix novice-level mistake that causes localedir to point to random, reusable ↵Paul Davis
(typically stack) memory
2015-03-23OSX: pango & gtk-pixbuf modules be gone.Robin Gareus
2014-06-25Rename PBD::find_file_in_search_path to just PBD::find_fileTim Mayberry
saves a bit of typing and not necessary if you look at how it is used.
2014-03-02move fixup_bundle_environment() code into per-platform filesPaul Davis