path: root/gtk2_ardour/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-08-03Update GPL boilerplate and (C)Robin Gareus
2017-11-23Implement clock delta modesRobin Gareus
2016-09-06use moved version of reset_focus()Paul Davis
2016-07-14enough with umpteen "i18n.h" files. Consolidate on pbd/i18n.hPaul Davis
2016-03-15change API for CairoWidget::focus_handlerPaul Davis
2015-10-04globally remove all trailing whitespace from ardour code base.Paul Davis
2015-01-12show title bar for big clock windowRobin Gareus
2015-01-02fix big clock aspect ratio, and add minimum size to avoid resize glitchesPaul Davis
2015-01-02remember big clock window scaling, or rather, recompute it accuratelyPaul Davis
2014-12-31remove debug outputPaul Davis
2014-12-31use clock text scaling for big clock windowPaul Davis
2014-11-18Avoid possible use of uninitialized values.David Robillard
2014-06-25move utility functions into a dedicated namespaceRobin Gareus
2013-10-03'gtk2_ardour' - Use 'std::vector' to implement an array whose size is unknown...John Emmas
2013-05-05fix bigclockwindow's lack of hiding, set ArdourWindow to just-hide-on-delete ...Paul Davis
2013-05-04the big rework of window management. probably not complete at thsi point, but...Paul Davis
2013-05-04VisibilityTracker needs to inherit from sigc::tracker so that it can be used ...Paul Davis