path: root/gtk2_ardour/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-05-18use a better Gtk stock item to describe "skip renaming an unnamed session"Paul Davis
2020-04-19Save-As for unnamed sessions becomes the same as SavePaul Davis
2020-03-25fix two poorly-formed uses of Glib::DateTimePaul Davis
2020-03-24when saving an unnamed session, rename it (GUI edition)Paul Davis
Note that this is done at the GUI level, might need to double check if there are other paths into a "save" that should be covered. Control surfaces use the action, but Lua comes to mind
2020-03-24introduce the idea of an "unnamed" session (GUI edition)Paul Davis
2020-03-17warn user about destructive/tape tracksPaul Davis
2020-03-08Replace strftime() with Glib::DateTime() -- GUIRobin Gareus
This is mainly for windows compatibility "%F" is not supported. An alternative would be to s/%F/%Y-%m-%d/ to produce the ISO date.
2020-02-28Display recent session-load errors in the GUIRobin Gareus
Dumping errors to stderr only is not very useful. Particularly not on Windows and MacOS. Even though a user may not be able to address the issue, this can lead to better reports vs just printing "corrupt state".
2020-02-27Dialog default to cancel (#7915)Robin Gareus
There are various ways to cancel a dialog. Only checking for RESPONSE_CANCEL is not sufficient. e.g. Esc causes a delete-event. * Gtk::RESPONSE_CLOSE * Gtk::RESPONSE_REJECT * Gtk::RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT * Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL * Gtk::RESPONSE_NO Among others this fixes "Clicking session > open, then hitting ESC opens the currently selected folder and session"
2020-02-18GUI Dialog to inform the user about missing filesRobin Gareus
So far this is only used for MIDI, missing audio files are already handled by asking a user to locate them. The same approach doesn't work for MIDI, since there cannot be externally referenced (embedded) .mid files (since MIDI is destructive).
2020-01-30Fix scripted/meta session templatesRobin Gareus
2020-01-25disconnect from audio/MIDI setup dialog signal response when done with itPaul Davis
2020-01-21Fix sessions not building according to templateNikolaus Gullotta
AFAICT, this was broken by either 5beeca2 or 242774e
2020-01-10Stop engine for new session creationRobin Gareus
This restores Ardour5 behavior and works around a missing "OK" button in the engine-dialog.
2020-01-10Special case JACK, sample-rate cannot be changed for new sessionsRobin Gareus
2020-01-09Allow to configure sample-rate of new sessionsRobin Gareus
When creating a session from the Editor (after Session > Close, or directly via Session > New) the engine-dialog needs to be displayed to allow configuring the sample-rate. This also consolidates scripted session setup: meta_session_setup() is now called from build_session(), instead of all callers.
2019-12-14First batch of MessageDialog replacementsRobin Gareus
2019-12-11when loading a session into a running instance, if the SR doesn't match the ↵Paul Davis
engine, stop engine and show dialog
2019-11-01fix logic error with contents of session dialog shown after "Close"Paul Davis
2019-10-29fix appearance of SessionDialog presented after Session > NewPaul Davis
Needed to be told "require_new" to make sure the correct display is shown
2019-10-11enforce singleton nature of Splash a little more rigorously, and slightly ↵Paul Davis
rationalize it's use
2019-10-10use const argument when calling ::build_session()Paul Davis
2019-10-10changes to ARDOUR_UI to reflect new startupFSM and non-modal SessionDialog ↵Paul Davis
2019-09-26Fix builds:Robin Gareus
i18n needs to be included last, and ui_session uses localtime_r
2019-09-24Mixbus backports -- part one of manyRobin Gareus
Changes that are not explicitly #ifdef'ed should go to ardour-git.
2019-09-24Include a header file needed for Windows VST supportJohn Emmas
2019-09-23split apart into a series of distinct source modules.Paul Davis
Should be a 100% no-op - no code was altered, just moved