AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-03-26change velocity bar inside notes to extend to edges of note6.0-pre1Paul Davis
Having the velocity bar inset from note causes distracting space at beginning of note when viewing a MIDI note that is zoomed out
2020-03-26Update ardour.1.esConstantino Álvarez Casado
Fixed typo error.
2020-03-26Update ardour.1.esConstantino Álvarez Casado
Fixed little typo.
2020-03-26Only show the Sun driver on NetBSD and sun-ish systems.nia
2020-03-26Add Sun backend option for JACKnia
2020-03-26NetBSD has /etc/login.conf too.nia
2020-03-26Add support for NetBSD by generalizing BSD OS tests.nia
2020-03-26Use POSIX semaphores on NetBSD too.nia
2020-03-26Fix websocket to glib IO condition mappingRobin Gareus
2020-03-26remove visibility of "draggable playhead" optionPaul Davis
2020-03-26Some initial changes (currently for libpbd only) to help a new contributer ↵John Emmas
who's trying to build with MSVC2017 These changes compile okay for me (using VS2019) although they wouldn't link to my older-built libraries. Hopefully he'll be okay if he builds everything with the same compiler.
2020-03-25stop transport clocks from jumping after the playhead is moved via a CursorDragPaul Davis
2020-03-26Display unit-label of VST parameters -- #7938Robin Gareus
2020-03-26Fix compiler warningRobin Gareus
2020-03-25set Editor::_pending_locate_request to true before sending locate request.Paul Davis
2020-03-25Prevent updates to the playhead when a locate is pending after a drag/click ↵Paul Davis
is used to move the playhead. There are two problem cases: 1) the drag "fake-located" the playhead, but a redraw happens before the locate itself finishes. 2) the transport emits Session::PositionChanged from Session::non_realtime_stop(), even though this is occuring in the "middle" of the locate process (we stop first). In the first case, the drag code sets _pending_locate_request, since we need this to be true even before the queued SessionEvent for the locate has been processed. So to deal with this case In the second case, we use Session::locate_initiated() to decide if we're in the middle of a locate.
2020-03-25Convert polarity invert state from v2 sessionsRobin Gareus
2020-03-25remove some additional debug outputPaul Davis
2020-03-25change text for a couple of UI config optionsPaul Davis
2020-03-25likely fix for cases where a button release event falls through from the ↵Paul Davis
canvas to the editor, during a drag The drag code expects coordinates in canvas coordinates, but we were not translating them at the editor level (canvas event handling does do this, but cannot affect the situation if the event falls through to the editor)
2020-03-25remove accumulated debug outputPaul Davis
2020-03-25Do not allow aux sends from the master-busRobin Gareus
This always leads to feedback situations. It may be acceptable via the "allow feedback" option and accepting 1 cycle delay. yet Aux-sends from the master bus are just bad practice, and no found on any mixing desk.
2020-03-25Add restrictions for aux send cut/copy/paste & DnDRobin Gareus
This prevents adding duplicate sends via copy/paste, or creating invalid aux-send in the destination bus.
2020-03-25Fix Aux-Send names on copy/pasteRobin Gareus
Sends do not have any ports, so a unique name is not required. Since 82541b33a4a custom aux names are kept when setting state. Previously this "worked" because set_state() change the name of the new aux-send to the name of the target-bus.
2020-03-25more playhead-drag/click locate debuggingPaul Davis
2020-03-25more playhead-drag/click locate debuggingPaul Davis
2020-03-25more playhead-drag/click locate debuggingPaul Davis
2020-03-25more playhead-drag/click locate debuggingPaul Davis
2020-03-25more playhead-drag/click locate debuggingPaul Davis
2020-03-25remove a few cerr outputs and change a couple to use cout, since they are ↵Paul Davis
not errors
2020-03-25more playhead-drag/click locate debuggingPaul Davis
2020-03-25more playhead-drag/click locate debuggingPaul Davis
2020-03-25fix two poorly-formed uses of Glib::DateTimePaul Davis
2020-03-25remove old, undocumented mechanism to set PBD::DEBUG flags from environment ↵Paul Davis
variable An app-level mechanism now exists in main(), via ARDOUR_DEBUG_FLAGS, and will do the same thing
2020-03-25do not parse debug options in a non-debug buildPaul Davis
2020-03-25improve debug flag setting messagePaul Davis
2020-03-25if user chooses not to delete a scratch session, removed the file that ↵Paul Davis
identifies it as unnamed (GUI)
2020-03-25if user chooses not to delete a scratch session, removed the file that ↵Paul Davis
identifies it as unnamed This way they will not be asked again if they reload and then quit the session
2020-03-25Suppress debug output in optimized buildsRobin Gareus
2020-03-25Fix generic UI crash when plugin has ctrl outputs -- #7937Robin Gareus
build_control_ui() special cases `AutomationControl mcontrol = NULL` to create read-only output display. So Iterating over Evoral::Control that are not AutomationControl must not crash. This fixes a bug introduced in a44fecb740d3. "Edit with generic controls" caused crashes for plugins with ctrl outs.
2020-03-24remove debug outputPaul Davis
2020-03-24basic pass at deleting scratch sessionsPaul Davis
2020-03-25Also allow scratch sessions via Session > NewRobin Gareus
2020-03-25NO-OP: whitespaceRobin Gareus
2020-03-25Fix crash at exit when closing session before quitRobin Gareus
2020-03-24debug outputPaul Davis
2020-03-24debug outputPaul Davis
2020-03-24handle scratch session when quittingPaul Davis
2020-03-24add debug trace output for locatePaul Davis
2020-03-24Do not trim MIDI region end to last event on session-loadRobin Gareus
This amends 295fb3ff5a17e. Tape tracks were only available for audio data.