AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2015-04-08redraw playhead only if pixel position changed.4.0-rc3Robin Gareus
2015-04-08renice transport iconsRobin Gareus
2015-04-08NOOP, cleanup & commentsRobin Gareus
2015-04-08construct a metronomRobin Gareus
2015-04-08more transport button caironizing.Robin Gareus
2015-04-07fix de7d6a7 (too narrow bar)Robin Gareus
2015-04-07renice transport buttons (part one)Robin Gareus
2015-04-07update ArdourButton Icon APIRobin Gareus
2015-04-07update german translationPaul Davis
2015-04-07and 2c89ec5, keep backend running.Robin Gareus
2015-04-07Revert "prevent double declicks (click after RecStop)"Robin Gareus
This reverts commit 6ba555c2f57fb793431aef0cedfbacf11d643a2b. which does not yet take monitoring states into account. Ideally the case handled here should not happen in the first place, It should be fixed in session_transport transport_sub_state.
2015-04-07windows can’t rename open files.Robin Gareus
This needs a better solution after 4.0.
2015-04-07prevent double declicks (click after RecStop)Robin Gareus
If there's port-latency > period-size, there is a split cycle with (this_event->action_frame - _transport_frame). Yet Session::check_declick_out() keeps PendingDeclickOut if StopPendingCapture is set. The route declick’ed twice: Once with the period-size and one with the remaining frames, which resulted in a click.
2015-04-07linear declickRobin Gareus
2015-04-07low-pass filter gain-fader.Robin Gareus
fixes various fader zipper noise issues. It voids sample accuate fader automation (the fader-gain is low-pass filtered at 10Hz). Yet all musical purposes this makes a lot more sense than sample accuracy anyway.
2015-04-06fix crash during new session creation when sync-to-JACK is enabled as a ↵Paul Davis
2015-04-06add explanatory commentPaul Davis
2015-04-06make wording consistentPaul Davis
2015-04-06rationalize incorrect design for removing tracks.Paul Davis
Still requires a way to make this work correctly from the mixer window
2015-04-06Separate MonoSpace & Clock font.Robin Gareus
Fixes various issues on OSX (e.g. MIDI-tracer & list editor Layout)
2015-04-06renice 5-pin DIN/MIDI buttonRobin Gareus
2015-04-06renice mixer stripRobin Gareus
Also speed up track creation(!). get_icon()’s regexp file search takes a surprising long time.
2015-04-06replace two more icons w/vector drawing.Robin Gareus
2015-04-05remove non-existence menu itemPaul Davis
2015-04-05fix ambiguous use of pow()Paul Davis
2015-04-05cleanup, tweak, reorganize gone-silent dialogPaul Davis
2015-04-05bump default silent-after-seconds duration to 10 minutesPaul Davis
2015-04-05change the compile flags set by the --freebie configure option to enable ↵Paul Davis
2015-04-05show dialog when audioengine becomes silentPaul Davis
2015-04-05add libardour code for going completely silent after a compile-time defined ↵Paul Davis
number of seconds
2015-04-06Don't expand mixer track list for long names.nick_m
2015-04-05AU preset debugingRobin Gareus
2015-04-05removed unusued source filePaul Davis
2015-04-05installer: check for jackdbus fixes #6229Robin Gareus
2015-04-05session rename details:Robin Gareus
* don’t allow to rename read-only sessions * prevent periodic save (while rename is in progress) * no renaming while actively recording (peak files among other things will mess things up)
2015-04-05fix renaming renamed session.Robin Gareus
2015-04-05fix rename error messageRobin Gareus
2015-04-05update peak filename when renaming session, fixes #5869Robin Gareus
2015-04-05Port export usability tweaks.nick_m
Port combo didn't register the displayed port until focus changed. Add a separate column for track/bus name and let it take available space.
2015-04-05add missing includeRobin Gareus
hopefully fixes string collection
2015-04-05децибелRobin Gareus
2015-04-05for those who translate decibel.Robin Gareus
2015-04-05and lock, too.Robin Gareus
2015-04-05Lock, Lock & LockRobin Gareus
2015-04-05translatable monitor section labelsRobin Gareus
2015-04-05amend prev commit (SLA)Robin Gareus
2015-04-05add more contexts for SLA.Robin Gareus
2015-04-05add context to single-letter translatableRobin Gareus
2015-04-04fix mistake in small .de updateEdgar Aichinger
2015-04-05Port matrix useability fix.nick_m
When a page has changed, leave the adjustment where it is on the axis whose size remains the same. On the changed axis, set the scroller to zero.