path: root/tools/g++5ABIcheck/README
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--- a/tools/g++5ABIcheck/README
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-g++5 ABI test tool
-This is a simple tool to test a system for g++5's libstdc++ at runtime.
-GCC5.1 introduced a new library ABI for the C++ standard library.
-The old 3.4 .. 5.0 ABI is not compatible.
-Some GNU/Linux distributions systems switched to the new ABI already
-and compile plugins with the new gcc.
-If a plugin uses a c++ library that is also shipped with ardour-bundles,
-the ABI of that library must match. Currently known cases: gtkmm, glibmm.
-e.g. Ingen or eq10q provided by a distro compiled with gcc5 will not
-load in Ardour as provided by compiled with gcc4 because ardour
-ships an incompatible gtkmm, glibmm, cairomm, ...
-The plugin will fail to load. For example:
-suil error: Unable to open UI library /usr/lib/lv2/sapistaEQv2.lv2/gui/ (/usr/lib/lv2/sapistaEQv2.lv2/gui/ undefined symbol: _ZN4Glib7ustringC1ERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE)
-suil error: Unable to open UI library /usr/lib/lv2/vocproc.lv2/ (/usr/lib/lv2/vocproc.lv2/ undefined symbol: _ZN3Gtk7Builder13add_from_fileERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE)
-lilv_lib_open(): error: Failed to open library /usr/lib/lv2/ingen.lv2/ (/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN4Glib6ModuleC1ERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEENS_11ModuleFlagsEEE)
-ie `Glib::ustring::ustring(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)`
-This tool must be compiled on a system with gcc5.1 or later.
- make
-will fail the resulting binary does not use the new __cxx11 ABI.
-The resulting binary will *not* run on systems with only the old ABI.
-For convenience (packaging gcc4 builds), pre-compiled binaries are included.
-The idea is to include the precompiled binaries in the installer
- - Ardour/gcc-4 installer must fail if the binary runs
- - Ardour/gcc-5 installer must fail if the binary does not run