path: root/tools/bug_tool/ClientCookie/
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1 files changed, 1833 insertions, 0 deletions
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+"""HTTP cookie handling for web clients, plus some other stuff.
+This module originally developed from my port of Gisle Aas' Perl module
+HTTP::Cookies, from the libwww-perl library.
+Docstrings, comments and debug strings in this code refer to the
+attributes of the HTTP cookie system as cookie-attributes, to distinguish
+them clearly from Python attributes.
+Comments to John J Lee <>.
+Copyright 2002-2003 John J Lee <>
+Copyright 1997-1999 Gisle Aas (original libwww-perl code)
+Copyright 2002-2003 Johnny Lee (original MSIE Perl code)
+This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the BSD License (see the file COPYING included with the
+VERSION = "0.4.9"
+# Public health warning: anyone who thought 'cookies are simple, aren't they?',
+# run away now :-(
+import sys, re, urlparse, string, copy, time, struct
+ import threading
+ _threading = threading; del threading
+except ImportError:
+ import dummy_threading
+ _threading = dummy_threading; del dummy_threading
+import httplib # only for the default HTTP port
+MISSING_FILENAME_TEXT = ("a filename was not supplied (nor was the CookieJar "
+ "instance initialised with one)")
+try: True
+except NameError:
+ True = 1
+ False = 0
+try: StopIteration
+except NameError:
+ class StopIteration(Exception): pass
+import ClientCookie
+from _HeadersUtil import split_header_words, join_header_words, \
+ parse_ns_headers
+from _Util import startswith, endswith, iso2time, time2isoz
+from _Debug import debug
+try: bool
+except NameError:
+ def bool(expr):
+ if expr: return True
+ else: return False
+try: issubclass(Exception, (Exception,))
+except TypeError:
+ real_issubclass = issubclass
+ from _Util import compat_issubclass
+ issubclass = compat_issubclass
+ del compat_issubclass
+for c in string.whitespace:
+ SPACE_DICT[c] = None
+del c
+def isspace(string):
+ for c in string:
+ if not SPACE_DICT.has_key(c): return False
+ return True
+def getheaders(msg, name):
+ """Get all values for a header.
+ This returns a list of values for headers given more than once; each
+ value in the result list is stripped in the same way as the result of
+ getheader(). If the header is not given, return an empty list.
+ """
+ result = []
+ current = ''
+ have_header = 0
+ for s in msg.getallmatchingheaders(name):
+ if isspace(s[0]):
+ if current:
+ current = "%s\n %s" % (current, string.strip(s))
+ else:
+ current = string.strip(s)
+ else:
+ if have_header:
+ result.append(current)
+ current = string.strip(s[string.find(s, ":") + 1:])
+ have_header = 1
+ if have_header:
+ result.append(current)
+ return result
+def reraise_unmasked_exceptions(unmasked=()):
+ # There are a few catch-all except: statements in this module, for
+ # catching input that's bad in unexpected ways.
+ # This function re-raises some exceptions we don't want to trap.
+ raise
+ unmasked = unmasked + (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit)
+ etype = sys.exc_info()[0]
+ if issubclass(etype, unmasked):
+ raise
+IPV4_RE = re.compile(r"\.\d+$")
+def is_HDN(text):
+ """Return True if text is a host domain name."""
+ # XXX
+ # This may well be wrong. Which RFC is HDN defined in, if any (for
+ # the purposes of RFC 2965)?
+ # For the current implementation, what about IPv6? Remember to look
+ # at other uses of IPV4_RE also, if change this.
+ if
+ return False
+ if text == "":
+ return False
+ if text[0] == "." or text[-1] == ".":
+ return False
+ return True
+def domain_match(A, B):
+ """Return True if domain A domain-matches domain B, according to RFC 2965.
+ A and B may be host domain names or IP addresses.
+ RFC 2965, section 1:
+ Host names can be specified either as an IP address or a HDN string.
+ Sometimes we compare one host name with another. (Such comparisons SHALL
+ be case-insensitive.) Host A's name domain-matches host B's if
+ * their host name strings string-compare equal; or
+ * A is a HDN string and has the form NB, where N is a non-empty
+ name string, B has the form .B', and B' is a HDN string. (So,
+ domain-matches but not
+ Note that domain-match is not a commutative operation:
+ domain-matches, but not the reverse.
+ """
+ # Note that, if A or B are IP addresses, the only relevant part of the
+ # definition of the domain-match algorithm is the direct string-compare.
+ A = string.lower(A)
+ B = string.lower(B)
+ if A == B:
+ return True
+ if not is_HDN(A):
+ return False
+ i = string.rfind(A, B)
+ if i == -1 or i == 0:
+ # A does not have form NB, or N is the empty string
+ return False
+ if not startswith(B, "."):
+ return False
+ if not is_HDN(B[1:]):
+ return False
+ return True
+def liberal_is_HDN(text):
+ """Return True if text is a sort-of-like a host domain name.
+ For accepting/blocking domains.
+ """
+ if
+ return False
+ return True
+def user_domain_match(A, B):
+ """For blocking/accepting domains.
+ A and B may be host domain names or IP addresses.
+ """
+ A = string.lower(A)
+ B = string.lower(B)
+ if not (liberal_is_HDN(A) and liberal_is_HDN(B)):
+ if A == B:
+ # equal IP addresses
+ return True
+ return False
+ initial_dot = startswith(B, ".")
+ if initial_dot and endswith(A, B):
+ return True
+ if not initial_dot and A == B:
+ return True
+ return False
+cut_port_re = re.compile(r":\d+$")
+def request_host(request):
+ """Return request-host, as defined by RFC 2965.
+ Variation from RFC: returned value is lowercased, for convenient
+ comparison.
+ """
+ url = request.get_full_url()
+ host = urlparse.urlparse(url)[1]
+ if host == "":
+ host = request.headers.get("Host", "")
+ # remove port, if present
+ host = cut_port_re.sub("", host, 1)
+ return string.lower(host)
+def eff_request_host(request):
+ """Return a tuple (request-host, effective request-host name).
+ As defined by RFC 2965, except both are lowercased.
+ """
+ erhn = req_host = request_host(request)
+ if string.find(req_host, ".") == -1 and not
+ erhn = req_host + ".local"
+ return req_host, erhn
+def request_path(request):
+ """request-URI, as defined by RFC 2965."""
+ url = request.get_full_url()
+ #scheme, netloc, path, parameters, query, frag = urlparse.urlparse(url)
+ req_path = normalize_path(string.join(urlparse.urlparse(url)[2:], ""))
+ if not startswith(req_path, "/"):
+ # fix bad RFC 2396 absoluteURI
+ req_path = "/"+req_path
+ return req_path
+def request_port(request):
+ # ATM (Python 2.3) request.port is always None, and unused by urllib2
+ port = request.port
+ host = request.get_host()
+ if port is None:
+ i = string.find(host, ':')
+ if i >= 0:
+ port = host[i+1:]
+ try:
+ int(port)
+ except ValueError:
+ debug("nonnumeric port: '%s'" % port)
+ return None
+ else:
+ return port
+def unescape_path_fn(match):
+ x = string.upper(
+ if x == "2F" or x == "25":
+ return "%%%s" % (x,)
+ else:
+ # string.atoi deprecated in 2.0, but 1.5.2 int function won't do
+ # radix conversion
+ return struct.pack("B", string.atoi(x, 16))
+def normalize_path_fn(match):
+ return "%%%02X" % ord(
+unescape_re = re.compile(r"%([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])")
+normalize_re = re.compile(r"([\0-\x20\x7f-\xff])")
+def normalize_path(path):
+ """Normalise URI path so that plain string compare can be used.
+ >>> normalize_path("%19\xd3%Fb%2F%25%26")
+ '%19%D3%FB%2F%25&'
+ >>>
+ In normalised form, all non-printable characters are %-escaped, and all
+ printable characters are given literally (not escaped). All remaining
+ %-escaped characters are capitalised. %25 and %2F are special-cased,
+ because they represent the printable characters"%" and "/", which are used
+ as escape and URI path separator characters respectively.
+ """
+ path = unescape_re.sub(unescape_path_fn, path)
+ path = normalize_re.sub(normalize_path_fn, path)
+ return path
+def reach(h):
+ """Return reach of host h, as defined by RFC 2965, section 1.
+ The reach R of a host name H is defined as follows:
+ * If
+ - H is the host domain name of a host; and,
+ - H has the form A.B; and
+ - A has no embedded (that is, interior) dots; and
+ - B has at least one embedded dot, or B is the string "local".
+ then the reach of H is .B.
+ * Otherwise, the reach of H is H.
+ >>> reach("")
+ ''
+ >>> reach("")
+ ''
+ >>> reach("acme.local")
+ '.local'
+ """
+ i = string.find(h, ".")
+ if i >= 0:
+ #a = h[:i] # this line is only here to show what a is
+ b = h[i+1:]
+ i = string.find(b, ".")
+ if is_HDN(h) and (i >= 0 or b == "local"):
+ return "."+b
+ return h
+def is_third_party(request):
+ """
+ RFC 2965, section 3.3.6:
+ An unverifiable transaction is to a third-party host if its request-
+ host U does not domain-match the reach R of the request-host O in the
+ origin transaction.
+ """
+ req_host = string.lower(request_host(request))
+ # the origin request's request-host was stuffed into request by
+ # _urllib2_support.AbstractHTTPHandler
+ if not domain_match(req_host, reach(request.origin_req_host)):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+class Cookie:
+ """HTTP Cookie.
+ This class represents both Netscape and RFC 2965 cookies.
+ This is deliberately a very simple class. It just holds attributes. It's
+ possible to construct Cookie instances that don't comply with the cookie
+ standards. CookieJar.make_cookies is the factory function for Cookie
+ objects -- it deals with cookie parsing, supplying defaults, and
+ normalising to the representation used in this class. CookiePolicy is
+ responsible for checking them to see whether they should be accepted from
+ and returned to the server.
+ version: integer;
+ name: string (may be None);
+ value: string;
+ port: string; None indicates no attribute was supplied (eg. "Port", rather
+ than eg. "Port=80"); otherwise, a port string (eg. "80") or a port list
+ string (eg. "80,8080")
+ port_specified: boolean; true if a value was supplied with the Port
+ cookie-attribute
+ domain: string;
+ domain_specified: boolean; true if Domain was explicitly set
+ domain_initial_dot: boolean; true if Domain as set in HTTP header by server
+ started with a dot (yes, this really is necessary!)
+ path: string;
+ path_specified: boolean; true if Path was explicitly set
+ secure: boolean; true if should only be returned over secure connection
+ expires: integer; seconds since epoch (RFC 2965 cookies should calculate
+ this value from the Max-Age attribute)
+ discard: boolean, true if this is a session cookie; (if no expires value,
+ this should be true)
+ comment: string;
+ comment_url: string;
+ rest: mapping of other attributes
+ Note that the port may be present in the headers, but unspecified ("Port"
+ rather than"Port=80", for example); if this is the case, port is None.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, version, name, value,
+ port, port_specified,
+ domain, domain_specified, domain_initial_dot,
+ path, path_specified,
+ secure,
+ expires,
+ discard,
+ comment,
+ comment_url,
+ rest):
+ if version is not None: version = int(version)
+ if expires is not None: expires = int(expires)
+ if port is None and port_specified is True:
+ raise ValueError("if port is None, port_specified must be false")
+ self.version = version
+ = name
+ self.value = value
+ self.port = port
+ self.port_specified = port_specified
+ # normalise case, as per RFC 2965 section 3.3.3
+ self.domain = string.lower(domain)
+ self.domain_specified = domain_specified
+ # Sigh. We need to know whether the domain given in the
+ # cookie-attribute had an initial dot, in order to follow RFC 2965
+ # (as clarified in draft errata). Needed for the returned $Domain
+ # value.
+ self.domain_initial_dot = domain_initial_dot
+ self.path = path
+ self.path_specified = path_specified
+ = secure
+ self.expires = expires
+ self.discard = discard
+ self.comment = comment
+ self.comment_url = comment_url
+ = copy.copy(rest)
+ def is_expired(self, now=None):
+ if now is None: now = time.time()
+ if (self.expires is not None) and (self.expires <= now):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.port is None: p = ""
+ else: p = ":"+self.port
+ limit = self.domain + p + self.path
+ if is not None:
+ namevalue = "%s=%s" % (, self.value)
+ else:
+ namevalue = self.value
+ return "<Cookie %s for %s>" % (namevalue, limit)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ args = []
+ for name in ["version", "name", "value",
+ "port", "port_specified",
+ "domain", "domain_specified", "domain_initial_dot",
+ "path", "path_specified",
+ "secure", "expires", "discard", "comment", "comment_url"]:
+ attr = getattr(self, name)
+ args.append("%s=%s" % (name, attr))
+ args.append(repr(
+ return "Cookie(%s)" % string.join(args, ", ")
+class CookiePolicy:
+ """Defines which cookies get accepted from and returned to server.
+ The subclass DefaultCookiePolicy defines the standard rules for Netscape
+ and RFC 2965 cookies -- override that if you want a customised policy.
+ As well as implementing set_ok and return_ok, implementations of this
+ interface must also supply the following attributes, indicating which
+ protocols should be used, and how. These can be read and set at any time,
+ though whether that makes complete sense from the protocol point of view is
+ doubtful.
+ Public attributes:
+ netscape: implement netscape protocol
+ rfc2965: implement RFC 2965 protocol
+ hide_cookie2: don't add Cookie2 header to requests (the presence of
+ this header indicates to the server that we understand RFC 2965
+ cookies)
+ """
+ def set_ok(self, cookie, request, unverifiable):
+ """Return true if (and only if) cookie should be accepted from server.
+ Currently, pre-expired cookies never get this far -- the CookieJar
+ class deletes such cookies itself.
+ cookie: ClientCookie.Cookie object
+ request: object implementing the interface defined by
+ CookieJar.extract_cookies.__doc__
+ unverifiable: flag indicating whether the transaction is unverifiable,
+ as defined by RFC 2965
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def return_ok(self, cookie, request, unverifiable):
+ """Return true if (and only if) cookie should be returned to server.
+ cookie: ClientCookie.Cookie object
+ request: object implementing the interface defined by
+ CookieJar.add_cookie_header.__doc__
+ unverifiable: flag indicating whether the transaction is unverifiable,
+ as defined by RFC 2965
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def domain_return_ok(self, domain, request, unverifiable):
+ """Return false if cookies should not be returned, given cookie domain.
+ This is here as an optimization, to remove the need for checking every
+ cookie with a particular domain (which may involve reading many files).
+ The default implementations of domain_return_ok and path_return_ok
+ (return True) leave all the work to return_ok.
+ If domain_return_ok returns true for the cookie domain, path_return_ok
+ is called for the cookie path. Otherwise, path_return_ok and return_ok
+ are never called for that cookie domain. If path_return_ok returns
+ true, return_ok is called with the Cookie object itself for a full
+ check. Otherwise, return_ok is never called for that cookie path.
+ Note that domain_return_ok is called for every *cookie* domain, not
+ just for the *request* domain. For example, the function might be
+ called with both "" and "" if the request domain is
+ "". The same goes for path_return_ok.
+ For argument documentation, see the docstring for return_ok.
+ """
+ return True
+ def path_return_ok(self, path, request, unverifiable):
+ """Return false if cookies should not be returned, given cookie path.
+ See the docstring for domain_return_ok.
+ """
+ return True
+class DefaultCookiePolicy(CookiePolicy):
+ """Implements the standard rules for accepting and returning cookies.
+ Both RFC 2965 and Netscape cookies are covered.
+ The easiest way to provide your own policy is to override this class and
+ call its methods in your overriden implementations before adding your own
+ additional checks.
+ import ClientCookie
+ class MyCookiePolicy(ClientCookie.DefaultCookiePolicy):
+ def set_ok(self, cookie, request, unverifiable):
+ if not ClientCookie.DefaultCookiePolicy.set_ok(
+ self, cookie, request, unverifiable):
+ return False
+ if i_dont_want_to_store_this_cookie():
+ return False
+ return True
+ In addition to the features required to implement the CookiePolicy
+ interface, this class allows you to block and allow domains from setting
+ and receiving cookies. There are also some strictness switches that allow
+ you to tighten up the rather loose Netscape protocol rules a little bit (at
+ the cost of blocking some benign cookies).
+ A domain blacklist and whitelist is provided (both off by default). Only
+ domains not in the blacklist and present in the whitelist (if the whitelist
+ is active) participate in cookie setting and returning. Use the
+ blocked_domains constructor argument, and blocked_domains and
+ set_blocked_domains methods (and the corresponding argument and methods for
+ allowed_domains). If you set a whitelist, you can turn it off again by
+ setting it to None.
+ Domains in block or allow lists that do not start with a dot must
+ string-compare equal. For example, "" matches a blacklist entry of
+ "", but "" does not. Domains that do start with a dot
+ are matched by more specific domains too. For example, both ""
+ and "" match "" (but "" itself does
+ not). IP addresses are an exception, and must match exactly. For example,
+ if blocked_domains contains "" and ".168.1.2" is
+ blocked, but is not.
+ Additional Public Attributes:
+ General strictness switches
+ strict_domain: don't allow sites to set two-component domains with
+ country-code top-level domains like,, etc.
+ This is far from perfect and isn't guaranteed to work!
+ RFC 2965 protocol strictness switches
+ strict_rfc2965_unverifiable: follow RFC 2965 rules on unverifiable
+ transactions (usually, an unverifiable transaction is one resulting from
+ a redirect or an image hosted on another site); if this is false, cookies
+ are NEVER blocked on the basis of verifiability
+ Netscape protocol strictness switches
+ strict_ns_unverifiable: apply RFC 2965 rules on unverifiable transactions
+ even to Netscape cookies
+ strict_ns_domain: flags indicating how strict to be with domain-matching
+ rules for Netscape cookies:
+ DomainStrictNoDots: when setting cookies, host prefix must not contain a
+ dot (eg. can't set a cookie for, because
+ contains a dot)
+ DomainStrictNonDomain: cookies that did not explicitly specify a Domain
+ cookie-attribute can only be returned to a domain that string-compares
+ equal to the domain that set the cookie (eg. won't
+ be returned cookies from that had no Domain cookie-attribute)
+ DomainRFC2965Match: when setting cookies, require a full RFC 2965
+ domain-match
+ DomainLiberal and DomainStrict are the most useful combinations of the
+ above flags, for convenience
+ strict_ns_set_initial_dollar: ignore cookies in Set-Cookie: headers that
+ have names starting with '$'
+ strict_ns_set_path: don't allow setting cookies whose path doesn't
+ path-match request URI
+ """
+ DomainStrictNoDots = 1
+ DomainStrictNonDomain = 2
+ DomainRFC2965Match = 4
+ DomainLiberal = 0
+ DomainStrict = DomainStrictNoDots|DomainStrictNonDomain
+ def __init__(self,
+ blocked_domains=None, allowed_domains=None,
+ netscape=True, rfc2965=True,
+ hide_cookie2=False,
+ strict_domain=False,
+ strict_rfc2965_unverifiable=True,
+ strict_ns_unverifiable=False,
+ strict_ns_domain=DomainLiberal,
+ strict_ns_set_initial_dollar=False,
+ strict_ns_set_path=False):
+ """
+ blocked_domains: sequence of domain names that we never accept cookies
+ from, nor return cookies to
+ allowed_domains: if not None, this is a sequence of the only domains
+ for which we accept and return cookies
+ For other arguments, see CookiePolicy.__doc__ and
+ DefaultCookiePolicy.__doc__..
+ """
+ self.netscape = netscape
+ self.rfc2965 = rfc2965
+ self.hide_cookie2 = hide_cookie2
+ self.strict_domain = strict_domain
+ self.strict_rfc2965_unverifiable = strict_rfc2965_unverifiable
+ self.strict_ns_unverifiable = strict_ns_unverifiable
+ self.strict_ns_domain = strict_ns_domain
+ self.strict_ns_set_initial_dollar = strict_ns_set_initial_dollar
+ self.strict_ns_set_path = strict_ns_set_path
+ if blocked_domains is not None:
+ self._blocked_domains = tuple(blocked_domains)
+ else:
+ self._blocked_domains = ()
+ if allowed_domains is not None:
+ allowed_domains = tuple(allowed_domains)
+ self._allowed_domains = allowed_domains
+ def blocked_domains(self):
+ """Return the sequence of blocked domains (as a tuple)."""
+ return self._blocked_domains
+ def set_blocked_domains(self, blocked_domains):
+ """Set the sequence of blocked domains."""
+ self._blocked_domains = tuple(blocked_domains)
+ def is_blocked(self, domain):
+ for blocked_domain in self._blocked_domains:
+ if user_domain_match(domain, blocked_domain):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def allowed_domains(self):
+ """Return None, or the sequence of allowed domains (as a tuple)."""
+ return self._allowed_domains
+ def set_allowed_domains(self, allowed_domains):
+ """Set the sequence of allowed domains, or None."""
+ if allowed_domains is not None:
+ allowed_domains = tuple(allowed_domains)
+ self._allowed_domains = allowed_domains
+ def is_not_allowed(self, domain):
+ if self._allowed_domains is None:
+ return False
+ for allowed_domain in self._allowed_domains:
+ if user_domain_match(domain, allowed_domain):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def set_ok(self, cookie, request, unverifiable):
+ """
+ If you override set_ok, be sure to call this method. If it returns
+ false, so should your subclass (assuming your subclass wants to be more
+ strict about which cookies to accept).
+ """
+ debug(" - checking cookie %s=%s" % (, cookie.value))
+ assert cookie.value is not None
+ for n in "version", "verifiability", "name", "path", "domain", "port":
+ fn_name = "set_ok_"+n
+ fn = getattr(self, fn_name)
+ if not fn(cookie, request, unverifiable):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def set_ok_version(self, cookie, request, unverifiable):
+ if cookie.version is None:
+ # Version is always set to 0 by parse_ns_headers if it's a Netscape
+ # cookie, so this must be an invalid RFC 2965 cookie.
+ debug(" Set-Cookie2 without version attribute (%s=%s)" %
+ (, cookie.value))
+ return False
+ if cookie.version > 0 and not self.rfc2965:
+ debug(" RFC 2965 cookies are switched off")
+ return False
+ elif cookie.version == 0 and not self.netscape:
+ debug(" Netscape cookies are switched off")
+ return False
+ return True
+ def set_ok_verifiability(self, cookie, request, unverifiable):
+ if unverifiable and is_third_party(request):
+ if cookie.version > 0 and self.strict_rfc2965_unverifiable:
+ debug(" third-party RFC 2965 cookie during unverifiable "
+ "transaction")
+ return False
+ elif cookie.version == 0 and self.strict_ns_unverifiable:
+ debug(" third-party Netscape cookie during unverifiable "
+ "transaction")
+ return False
+ return True
+ def set_ok_name(self, cookie, request, unverifiable):
+ # Try and stop servers setting V0 cookies designed to hack other
+ # servers that know both V0 and V1 protocols.
+ if (cookie.version == 0 and self.strict_ns_set_initial_dollar and
+ ( is not None) and startswith(, "$")):
+ debug(" illegal name (starts with '$'): '%s'" %
+ return False
+ return True
+ def set_ok_path(self, cookie, request, unverifiable):
+ if cookie.path_specified:
+ req_path = request_path(request)
+ if ((cookie.version > 0 or
+ (cookie.version == 0 and self.strict_ns_set_path)) and
+ not startswith(req_path, cookie.path)):
+ debug(" path attribute %s is not a prefix of request "
+ "path %s" % (cookie.path, req_path))
+ return False
+ return True
+ def set_ok_domain(self, cookie, request, unverifiable):
+ if self.is_blocked(cookie.domain):
+ debug(" domain %s is in user block-list" % cookie.domain)
+ return False
+ if self.is_not_allowed(cookie.domain):
+ debug(" domain %s is not in user allow-list" % cookie.domain)
+ return False
+ if cookie.domain_specified:
+ req_host, erhn = eff_request_host(request)
+ domain = cookie.domain
+ if self.strict_domain and (string.count(domain, ".") >= 2):
+ i = string.rfind(domain, ".")
+ j = string.rfind(domain, ".", 0, i)
+ if j == 0: # domain like
+ tld = domain[i+1:]
+ sld = domain[j+1:i]
+ if (string.lower(sld) in [
+ "co", "ac",
+ "com", "edu", "org", "net", "gov", "mil", "int"] and
+ len(tld) == 2):
+ # domain like
+ debug(" country-code second level domain %s" %
+ domain)
+ return False
+ if startswith(domain, "."):
+ undotted_domain = domain[1:]
+ else:
+ undotted_domain = domain
+ embedded_dots = (string.find(undotted_domain, ".") >= 0)
+ if not embedded_dots and domain != ".local":
+ debug(" non-local domain %s contains no embedded dot" %
+ domain)
+ return False
+ if cookie.version == 0:
+ if (not endswith(erhn, domain) and
+ (not startswith(erhn, ".") and
+ not endswith("."+erhn, domain))):
+ debug(" effective request-host %s (even with added "
+ "initial dot) does not end end with %s" %
+ (erhn, domain))
+ return False
+ if (cookie.version > 0 or
+ (self.strict_ns_domain & self.DomainRFC2965Match)):
+ if not domain_match(erhn, domain):
+ debug(" effective request-host %s does not domain-match "
+ "%s" % (erhn, domain))
+ return False
+ if (cookie.version > 0 or
+ (self.strict_ns_domain & self.DomainStrictNoDots)):
+ host_prefix = req_host[:-len(domain)]
+ if (string.find(host_prefix, ".") >= 0 and
+ not
+ debug(" host prefix %s for domain %s contains a dot" %
+ (host_prefix, domain))
+ return False
+ return True
+ def set_ok_port(self, cookie, request, unverifiable):
+ if cookie.port_specified:
+ req_port = request_port(request)
+ if req_port is None:
+ req_port = "80"
+ else:
+ req_port = str(req_port)
+ for p in string.split(cookie.port, ","):
+ try:
+ int(p)
+ except ValueError:
+ debug(" bad port %s (not numeric)" % p)
+ return False
+ if p == req_port:
+ break
+ else:
+ debug(" request port (%s) not found in %s" %
+ (req_port, cookie.port))
+ return False
+ return True
+ def return_ok(self, cookie, request, unverifiable):
+ """
+ If you override return_ok, be sure to call this method. If it returns
+ false, so should your subclass.
+ """
+ # Path has already been checked by path_return_ok, and domain blocking
+ # done by domain_return_ok.
+ debug(" - checking cookie %s=%s" % (, cookie.value))
+ for n in "version", "verifiability", "secure", "expires", "port", "domain":
+ fn_name = "return_ok_"+n
+ fn = getattr(self, fn_name)
+ if not fn(cookie, request, unverifiable):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def return_ok_version(self, cookie, request, unverifiable):
+ if cookie.version > 0 and not self.rfc2965:
+ debug(" RFC 2965 cookies are switched off")
+ return False
+ elif cookie.version == 0 and not self.netscape:
+ debug(" Netscape cookies are switched off")
+ return False
+ return True
+ def return_ok_verifiability(self, cookie, request, unverifiable):
+ if unverifiable and is_third_party(request):
+ if cookie.version > 0 and self.strict_rfc2965_unverifiable:
+ debug(" third-party RFC 2965 cookie during unverifiable "
+ "transaction")
+ return False
+ elif cookie.version == 0 and self.strict_ns_unverifiable:
+ debug(" third-party Netscape cookie during unverifiable "
+ "transaction")
+ return False
+ return True
+ def return_ok_secure(self, cookie, request, unverifiable):
+ if and request.get_type() != "https":
+ debug(" secure cookie with non-secure request")
+ return False
+ return True
+ def return_ok_expires(self, cookie, request, unverifiable):
+ if cookie.is_expired(self._now):
+ debug(" cookie expired")
+ return False
+ return True
+ def return_ok_port(self, cookie, request, unverifiable):
+ if cookie.port:
+ req_port = request_port(request)
+ if req_port is None:
+ req_port = "80"
+ for p in string.split(cookie.port, ","):
+ if p == req_port:
+ break
+ else:
+ debug(" request port %s does not match cookie port %s" %
+ (req_port, cookie.port))
+ return False
+ return True
+ def return_ok_domain(self, cookie, request, unverifiable):
+ req_host, erhn = eff_request_host(request)
+ domain = cookie.domain
+ # strict check of non-domain cookies: Mozilla does this, MSIE5 doesn't
+ if (cookie.version == 0 and
+ (self.strict_ns_domain & self.DomainStrictNonDomain) and
+ not cookie.domain_specified and domain != erhn):
+ debug(" cookie with unspecified domain does not string-compare "
+ "equal to request domain")
+ return False
+ if cookie.version > 0 and not domain_match(erhn, domain):
+ debug(" effective request-host name %s does not domain-match "
+ "RFC 2965 cookie domain %s" % (erhn, domain))
+ return False
+ if cookie.version == 0 and not endswith("."+req_host, domain):
+ debug(" request-host %s does not match Netscape cookie domain "
+ "%s" % (req_host, domain))
+ return False
+ return True
+ def domain_return_ok(self, domain, request, unverifiable):
+ if self.is_blocked(domain):
+ debug(" domain %s is in user block-list" % domain)
+ return False
+ if self.is_not_allowed(domain):
+ debug(" domain %s is not in user allow-list" % domain)
+ return False
+ return True
+ def path_return_ok(self, path, request, unverifiable):
+ debug("- checking cookie path=%s" % path)
+ req_path = request_path(request)
+ if not startswith(req_path, path):
+ debug(" %s does not path-match %s" % (req_path, path))
+ return False
+ return True
+def lwp_cookie_str(cookie):
+ """Return string representation of Cookie in an the LWP cookie file format.
+ Actually, the format is slightly extended from that used by LWP's
+ (libwww-perl's) HTTP::Cookies, to avoid losing some RFC 2965
+ information not recorded by LWP.
+ Used by the CookieJar base class for saving cookies to a file.
+ """
+ h = [(, cookie.value),
+ ("path", cookie.path),
+ ("domain", cookie.domain)]
+ if cookie.port is not None: h.append(("port", cookie.port))
+ if cookie.path_specified: h.append(("path_spec", None))
+ if cookie.port_specified: h.append(("port_spec", None))
+ if cookie.domain_initial_dot: h.append(("domain_dot", None))
+ if h.append(("secure", None))
+ if cookie.expires: h.append(("expires",
+ time2isoz(float(cookie.expires))))
+ if cookie.discard: h.append(("discard", None))
+ if cookie.comment: h.append(("comment", cookie.comment))
+ if cookie.comment_url: h.append(("commenturl", cookie.comment_url))
+ keys =
+ keys.sort()
+ for k in keys:
+ h.append((k, str([k])))
+ h.append(("version", str(cookie.version)))
+ return join_header_words([h])
+def vals_sorted_by_key(adict):
+ keys = adict.keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ return map(adict.get, keys)
+class MappingIterator:
+ """Iterates over nested mapping, depth-first, in sorted order by key."""
+ def __init__(self, mapping):
+ self._s = [(vals_sorted_by_key(mapping), 0, None)] # LIFO stack
+ def __iter__(self): return self
+ def next(self):
+ # this is hairy because of lack of generators
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ vals, i, prev_item = self._s.pop()
+ except IndexError:
+ raise StopIteration()
+ if i < len(vals):
+ item = vals[i]
+ i = i + 1
+ self._s.append((vals, i, prev_item))
+ try:
+ item.items
+ except AttributeError:
+ # non-mapping
+ break
+ else:
+ # mapping
+ self._s.append((vals_sorted_by_key(item), 0, item))
+ continue
+ return item
+# Used as second parameter to dict.get method, to distinguish absent
+# dict key from one with a None value.
+class Absent: pass
+class CookieJar:
+ """Collection of HTTP cookies.
+ The major methods are extract_cookies and add_cookie_header; these are all
+ you are likely to need. In fact, you probably don't even need to know
+ about this class: use the cookie-aware extensions to the urllib2 callables
+ provided by this module: urlopen in particular (and perhaps also
+ build_opener, install_opener, HTTPCookieProcessor, HTTPRefererProcessor,
+ HTTPRefreshHandler, HTTPEquivProcessor, SeekableProcessor, etc.).
+ CookieJar supports the iterator protocol. Iteration also works in 1.5.2:
+ for cookie in cookiejar:
+ # do something with cookie
+ Methods:
+ CookieJar(filename=None, delayload=False, policy=None)
+ add_cookie_header(request, unverifiable=False)
+ extract_cookies(response, request, unverifiable=False)
+ make_cookies(response, request)
+ set_cookie_if_ok(cookie, request, unverifiable=False)
+ set_cookie(cookie)
+ save(filename=None, ignore_discard=False, ignore_expires=False)
+ load(filename=None, ignore_discard=False, ignore_expires=False)
+ revert(filename=None, ignore_discard=False, ignore_expires=False)
+ clear(domain=None, path=None, key=None)
+ clear_session_cookies()
+ clear_expired_cookies()
+ as_string(skip_discard=False) (str(cookies) also works)
+ Public attributes
+ filename: filename for loading and saving cookies
+ policy: CookiePolicy object
+ Public readable attributes
+ delayload: request that cookies are lazily loaded from disk; this is only
+ a hint since this only affects performance, not behaviour (unless the
+ cookies on disk are changing); a CookieJar object may ignore it (in fact,
+ only MSIECookieJar lazily loads cookies at the moment)
+ cookies: a three-level dictionary [domain][path][key] containing Cookie
+ instances; you almost certainly don't need to use this
+ """
+ non_word_re = re.compile(r"\W")
+ quote_re = re.compile(r"([\"\\])")
+ strict_domain_re = re.compile(r"\.?[^.]*")
+ domain_re = re.compile(r"[^.]*")
+ dots_re = re.compile(r"^\.+")
+ magic_re = r"^\#LWP-Cookies-(\d+\.\d+)"
+ def __init__(self, filename=None, delayload=False, policy=None):
+ """
+ See CookieJar.__doc__ for argument documentation.
+ Cookies are NOT loaded from the named file until either the load or
+ revert method is called.
+ """
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.delayload = delayload
+ if policy is None:
+ policy = DefaultCookiePolicy()
+ self.policy = policy
+ self._cookies_lock = _threading.RLock()
+ self.cookies = {}
+ # for __getitem__ iteration in pre-2.2 Pythons
+ self._prev_getitem_index = 0
+ def _cookies_for_domain(self, domain, request, unverifiable):
+ """Return a list of cookies to be returned to server."""
+ debug("Checking %s for cookies to return" % domain)
+ if not self.policy.domain_return_ok(domain, request, unverifiable):
+ return []
+ cookies_by_path = self.cookies.get(domain)
+ if cookies_by_path is None:
+ return []
+ cookies = []
+ for path in cookies_by_path.keys():
+ if not self.policy.path_return_ok(path, request, unverifiable):
+ continue
+ for name, cookie in cookies_by_path[path].items():
+ if not self.policy.return_ok(cookie, request, unverifiable):
+ debug(" not returning cookie")
+ continue
+ debug(" it's a match")
+ cookies.append(cookie)
+ return cookies
+ def _cookie_attrs(self, cookies):
+ """Return a list of cookie-attributes to be returned to server.
+ like ['foo="bar"; $Path="/"', ...]
+ The $Version attribute is also added when appropriate (currently only
+ once per request).
+ """
+ # add cookies in order of most specific (ie. longest) path first
+ def decreasing_size(a, b): return cmp(len(b.path), len(a.path))
+ cookies.sort(decreasing_size)
+ version_set = False
+ attrs = []
+ for cookie in cookies:
+ # set version of Cookie header
+ # XXX
+ # What should it be if multiple matching Set-Cookie headers have
+ # different versions themselves?
+ # Answer: there is no answer; was supposed to be settled by
+ # RFC 2965 errata, but that may never appear...
+ version = cookie.version
+ if not version_set:
+ version_set = True
+ if version > 0:
+ attrs.append("$Version=%s" % version)
+ # quote cookie value if necessary
+ # (not for Netscape protocol, which already has any quotes
+ # intact, due to the poorly-specified Netscape Cookie: syntax)
+ if and version > 0:
+ value = self.quote_re.sub(r"\\\1", cookie.value)
+ else:
+ value = cookie.value
+ # add cookie-attributes to be returned in Cookie header
+ if is None:
+ attrs.append(value)
+ else:
+ attrs.append("%s=%s" % (, value))
+ if version > 0:
+ if cookie.path_specified:
+ attrs.append('$Path="%s"' % cookie.path)
+ if startswith(cookie.domain, "."):
+ domain = cookie.domain
+ if (not cookie.domain_initial_dot and
+ startswith(domain, ".")):
+ domain = domain[1:]
+ attrs.append('$Domain="%s"' % domain)
+ if cookie.port is not None:
+ p = "$Port"
+ if cookie.port_specified:
+ p = p + ('="%s"' % cookie.port)
+ attrs.append(p)
+ return attrs
+ def add_cookie_header(self, request, unverifiable=False):
+ """Add correct Cookie: header to request (urllib2.Request object).
+ The Cookie2 header is also added unless policy.hide_cookie2 is true.
+ The request object (usually a urllib2.Request instance) must support
+ the methods get_full_url, get_host, get_type and add_header, as
+ documented by urllib2, and the attributes headers (a mapping containing
+ the request's HTTP headers) and port (the port number).
+ If unverifiable is true, it will be assumed that the transaction is
+ unverifiable as defined by RFC 2965, and appropriate action will be
+ taken.
+ """
+ debug("add_cookie_header")
+ self._cookies_lock.acquire()
+ self.policy._now = self._now = int(time.time())
+ req_host, erhn = eff_request_host(request)
+ strict_non_domain = \
+ self.policy.strict_ns_domain & self.policy.DomainStrictNonDomain
+ cookies = []
+ domain = erhn
+ # First check origin server effective host name for an exact match.
+ cookies.extend(self._cookies_for_domain(domain, request, unverifiable))
+ # Then, start with effective request-host with initial dot prepended
+ # (for Netscape cookies with explicitly-set Domain cookie-attributes)
+ # -- eg. and check all possible derived domain strings
+ # (,, for cookies.
+ # This isn't too finicky about which domains to check, because we have
+ # to cover both V0 and V1 cookies, and policy.return_ok will check the
+ # domain in any case.
+ if not
+ # IP addresses must string-compare equal in order to domain-match
+ # (IP address case will have been checked above as erhn == req_host
+ # in that case).
+ if domain != ".local":
+ domain = "."+domain
+ while string.find(domain, ".") >= 0:
+ cookies.extend(self._cookies_for_domain(
+ domain, request, unverifiable))
+ if strict_non_domain:
+ domain = self.strict_domain_re.sub("", domain, 1)
+ else:
+ # strip either initial dot only, or initial component only
+ # -->
+ # -->
+ if startswith(domain, "."):
+ domain = domain[1:]
+ # we've already done the erhn
+ if domain == erhn:
+ domain = self.domain_re.sub("", domain, 1)
+ else:
+ domain = self.domain_re.sub("", domain, 1)
+ attrs = self._cookie_attrs(cookies)
+ if attrs:
+ request.add_header("Cookie", string.join(attrs, "; "))
+ # if necessary, advertise that we know RFC 2965
+ if self.policy.rfc2965 and not self.policy.hide_cookie2:
+ for cookie in cookies:
+ if cookie.version != 1:
+ request.add_header("Cookie2", '$Version="1"')
+ break
+ self._cookies_lock.release()
+ self.clear_expired_cookies()
+ def _normalized_cookie_tuples(self, attrs_set):
+ """Return list of tuples containing normalised cookie information.
+ attrs_set is the list of lists of key,value pairs extracted from
+ the Set-Cookie or Set-Cookie2 headers.
+ Tuples are name, value, standard, rest, where name and value are the
+ cookie name and value, standard is a dictionary containing the standard
+ cookie-attributes (discard, secure, version, expires or max-age,
+ domain, path and port) and rest is a dictionary containing the rest of
+ the cookie-attributes.
+ """
+ cookie_tuples = []
+ boolean_attrs = "discard", "secure"
+ value_attrs = ("version",
+ "expires", "max-age",
+ "domain", "path", "port",
+ "comment", "commenturl")
+ for cookie_attrs in attrs_set:
+ name, value = cookie_attrs[0]
+ # Build dictionary of standard cookie-attributes (standard) and
+ # dictionary of other cookie-attributes (rest).
+ # Note: expiry time is normalised to seconds since epoch. V0
+ # cookies should have the Expires cookie-attribute, and V1 cookies
+ # should have Max-Age, but since V1 includes RFC 2109 cookies (and
+ # since V0 cookies may be a mish-mash of Netscape and RFC 2109), we
+ # accept either (but prefer Max-Age).
+ max_age_set = False
+ bad_cookie = False
+ standard = {}
+ rest = {}
+ for k, v in cookie_attrs[1:]:
+ lc = string.lower(k)
+ # don't lose case distinction for unknown fields
+ if lc in value_attrs or lc in boolean_attrs:
+ k = lc
+ if k in boolean_attrs and v is None:
+ # boolean cookie-attribute is present, but has no value
+ # (like "discard", rather than "port=80")
+ v = True
+ if standard.has_key(k):
+ # only first value is significant
+ continue
+ if k == "domain":
+ if v is None:
+ debug(" missing value for domain attribute")
+ bad_cookie = True
+ break
+ # RFC 2965 section 3.3.3
+ v = string.lower(v)
+ if k == "expires":
+ if max_age_set:
+ # Prefer max-age to expires (like Mozilla)
+ continue
+ if v is None:
+ debug(" missing or invalid value for expires "
+ "attribute: treating as session cookie")
+ continue
+ if k == "max-age":
+ max_age_set = True
+ try:
+ v = int(v)
+ except ValueError:
+ debug(" missing or invalid (non-numeric) value for "
+ "max-age attribute")
+ bad_cookie = True
+ break
+ # convert RFC 2965 Max-Age to seconds since epoch
+ # XXX Strictly you're supposed to follow RFC 2616
+ # age-calculation rules. Remember that zero Max-Age is a
+ # is a request to discard (old and new) cookie, though.
+ k = "expires"
+ v = self._now + v
+ if (k in value_attrs) or (k in boolean_attrs):
+ if (v is None and
+ k not in ["port", "comment", "commenturl"]):
+ debug(" missing value for %s attribute" % k)
+ bad_cookie = True
+ break
+ standard[k] = v
+ else:
+ rest[k] = v
+ if bad_cookie:
+ continue
+ cookie_tuples.append((name, value, standard, rest))
+ return cookie_tuples
+ def _cookie_from_cookie_tuple(self, tup, request):
+ # standard is dict of standard cookie-attributes, rest is dict of the
+ # rest of them
+ name, value, standard, rest = tup
+ domain = standard.get("domain", Absent)
+ path = standard.get("path", Absent)
+ port = standard.get("port", Absent)
+ expires = standard.get("expires", Absent)
+ # set the easy defaults
+ version = standard.get("version", None)
+ if version is not None: version = int(version)
+ secure = standard.get("secure", False)
+ # (discard is also set if expires is Absent)
+ discard = standard.get("discard", False)
+ comment = standard.get("comment", None)
+ comment_url = standard.get("commenturl", None)
+ # set default path
+ if path is not Absent and path != "":
+ path_specified = True
+ path = normalize_path(path)
+ else:
+ path_specified = False
+ path = request_path(request)
+ i = string.rfind(path, "/")
+ if i != -1:
+ if version == 0:
+ # Netscape spec parts company from reality here
+ path = path[:i]
+ else:
+ path = path[:i+1]
+ if len(path) == 0: path = "/"
+ # set default domain
+ domain_specified = domain is not Absent
+ # but first we have to remember whether it starts with a dot
+ domain_initial_dot = False
+ if domain_specified:
+ domain_initial_dot = bool(startswith(domain, "."))
+ if domain is Absent:
+ req_host, erhn = eff_request_host(request)
+ domain = erhn
+ elif not startswith(domain, "."):
+ domain = "."+domain
+ # set default port
+ port_specified = False
+ if port is not Absent:
+ if port is None:
+ # Port attr present, but has no value: default to request port.
+ # Cookie should then only be sent back on that port.
+ port = request_port(request)
+ else:
+ port_specified = True
+ port = re.sub(r"\s+", "", port)
+ else:
+ # No port attr present. Cookie can be sent back on any port.
+ port = None
+ # set default expires and discard
+ if expires is Absent:
+ expires = None
+ discard = True
+ elif expires <= self._now:
+ # Expiry date in past is request to delete cookie. This can't be
+ # in DefaultCookiePolicy, because can't delete cookies there.
+ try:
+ del self.cookies[domain][path][name]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ debug("Expiring cookie, domain='%s', path='%s', name='%s'" %
+ (domain, path, name))
+ return None
+ return Cookie(version,
+ name, value,
+ port, port_specified,
+ domain, domain_specified, domain_initial_dot,
+ path, path_specified,
+ secure,
+ expires,
+ discard,
+ comment,
+ comment_url,
+ rest)
+ def _cookies_from_attrs_set(self, attrs_set, request):
+ cookie_tuples = self._normalized_cookie_tuples(attrs_set)
+ cookies = []
+ for tup in cookie_tuples:
+ cookie = self._cookie_from_cookie_tuple(tup, request)
+ if cookie: cookies.append(cookie)
+ return cookies
+ def make_cookies(self, response, request):
+ """Return sequence of Cookie objects extracted from response object.
+ See extract_cookies.__doc__ for the interfaces required of the
+ response and request arguments.
+ """
+ # get cookie-attributes for RFC 2965 and Netscape protocols
+ headers =
+ rfc2965_hdrs = getheaders(headers, "Set-Cookie2")
+ ns_hdrs = getheaders(headers, "Set-Cookie")
+ rfc2965 = self.policy.rfc2965
+ netscape = self.policy.netscape
+ if ((not rfc2965_hdrs and not ns_hdrs) or
+ (not ns_hdrs and not rfc2965) or
+ (not rfc2965_hdrs and not netscape) or
+ (not netscape and not rfc2965)):
+ return [] # no relevant cookie headers: quick exit
+ try:
+ cookies = self._cookies_from_attrs_set(
+ split_header_words(rfc2965_hdrs), request)
+ except:
+ reraise_unmasked_exceptions()
+ cookies = []
+ if ns_hdrs and netscape:
+ try:
+ ns_cookies = self._cookies_from_attrs_set(
+ parse_ns_headers(ns_hdrs), request)
+ except:
+ reraise_unmasked_exceptions()
+ ns_cookies = []
+ # Look for Netscape cookies (from Set-Cookie headers) that match
+ # corresponding RFC 2965 cookies (from Set-Cookie2 headers).
+ # For each match, keep the RFC 2965 cookie and ignore the Netscape
+ # cookie (RFC 2965 section 9.1). Actually, RFC 2109 cookies are
+ # bundled in with the Netscape cookies for this purpose, which is
+ # reasonable behaviour.
+ if rfc2965:
+ lookup = {}
+ for cookie in cookies:
+ lookup[(cookie.domain, cookie.path,] = None
+ def no_matching_rfc2965(ns_cookie, lookup=lookup):
+ key = ns_cookie.domain, ns_cookie.path,
+ return not lookup.has_key(key)
+ ns_cookies = filter(no_matching_rfc2965, ns_cookies)
+ if ns_cookies:
+ cookies.extend(ns_cookies)
+ return cookies
+ def set_cookie_if_ok(self, cookie, request, unverifiable=False):
+ """Set a cookie if policy says it's OK to do so.
+ cookie: ClientCookie.Cookie instance
+ request: see extract_cookies.__doc__ for the required interface
+ unverifiable: see extract_cookies.__doc__
+ """
+ self._cookies_lock.acquire()
+ self.policy._now = self._now = int(time.time())
+ if self.policy.set_ok(cookie, request, unverifiable):
+ self.set_cookie(cookie)
+ self._cookies_lock.release()
+ def set_cookie(self, cookie):
+ """Set a cookie, without checking whether or not it should be set.
+ cookie: ClientCookie.Cookie instance
+ """
+ c = self.cookies
+ self._cookies_lock.acquire()
+ try:
+ if not c.has_key(cookie.domain): c[cookie.domain] = {}
+ c2 = c[cookie.domain]
+ if not c2.has_key(cookie.path): c2[cookie.path] = {}
+ c3 = c2[cookie.path]
+ c3[] = cookie
+ finally:
+ self._cookies_lock.release()
+ def extract_cookies(self, response, request, unverifiable=False):
+ """Extract cookies from response, where allowable given the request.
+ Look for allowable Set-Cookie: and Set-Cookie2: headers in the response
+ object passed as argument. Any of these headers that are found are
+ used to update the state of the object (subject to the policy.set_ok
+ method's approval).
+ The response object (usually be the result of a call to
+ ClientCookie.urlopen, or similar) should support an info method, which
+ returns a mimetools.Message object (in fact, the 'mimetools.Message
+ object' may be any object that provides a getallmatchingheaders
+ method).
+ The request object (usually a urllib2.Request instance) must support
+ the methods get_full_url and get_host, as documented by urllib2, and
+ the attributes headers (a mapping containing the request's HTTP
+ headers) and port (the port number). The request is used to set
+ default values for cookie-attributes as well as for checking that the
+ cookie is OK to be set.
+ If unverifiable is true, it will be assumed that the transaction is
+ unverifiable as defined by RFC 2965, and appropriate action will be
+ taken.
+ """
+ debug("extract_cookies: %s" %
+ self._cookies_lock.acquire()
+ self.policy._now = self._now = int(time.time())
+ for cookie in self.make_cookies(response, request):
+ if self.policy.set_ok(cookie, request, unverifiable):
+ debug(" setting cookie: "+str(cookie))
+ self.set_cookie(cookie)
+ self._cookies_lock.release()
+ def save(self, filename=None, ignore_discard=False, ignore_expires=False):
+ """Save cookies to a file.
+ filename: name of file in which to save cookies
+ ignore_discard: save even cookies set to be discarded
+ ignore_expires: save even cookies that have expired
+ The file is overwritten if it already exists, thus wiping all its
+ cookies. Saved cookies can be restored later using the load or revert
+ methods. If filename is not specified, self.filename is used; if
+ self.filename is None, ValueError is raised.
+ The CookieJar base class saves a sequence of "Set-Cookie3" lines.
+ "Set-Cookie3" is the format used by the libwww-perl libary, not known
+ to be compatible with any browser. The MozillaCookieJar subclass can
+ be used to save in a format compatible with the Netscape/Mozilla
+ browsers.
+ """
+ if filename is None:
+ if self.filename is not None: filename = self.filename
+ else: raise ValueError(MISSING_FILENAME_TEXT)
+ f = open(filename, "w")
+ try:
+ # There really isn't an LWP Cookies 2.0 format, but this indicates
+ # that there is extra information in here (domain_dot and
+ # port_spec) while still being compatible with libwww-perl, I hope.
+ f.write("#LWP-Cookies-2.0\n")
+ f.write(self.as_lwp_str(not ignore_discard, not ignore_expires))
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ def load(self, filename=None, ignore_discard=False, ignore_expires=False):
+ """Load cookies from a file.
+ Old cookies are kept unless overwritten by newly loaded ones.
+ Cookies in the file will be loaded even if they have expired or are
+ marked to be discarded.
+ If filename is not specified, self.filename is used; if self.filename
+ is None, ValueError is raised. The named file must be in the format
+ understood by the class, or IOError will be raised. This format will
+ be identical to that written by the save method, unless the load format
+ is not sufficiently well understood (as is the case for MSIECookieJar).
+ Note for subclassers: overridden versions of this method should not
+ alter the object's state other than by calling self.set_cookie.
+ """
+ if filename is None:
+ if self.filename is not None: filename = self.filename
+ else: raise ValueError(MISSING_FILENAME_TEXT)
+ f = open(filename)
+ try:
+ self._really_load(f, filename, ignore_discard, ignore_expires)
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ def _really_load(self, f, filename, ignore_discard, ignore_expires):
+ magic = f.readline()
+ if not, magic):
+ msg = "%s does not seem to contain cookies" % filename
+ raise IOError(msg)
+ now = time.time()
+ header = "Set-Cookie3:"
+ boolean_attrs = ("port_spec", "path_spec", "domain_dot",
+ "secure", "discard")
+ value_attrs = ("version",
+ "port", "path", "domain",
+ "expires",
+ "comment", "commenturl")
+ try:
+ while 1:
+ line = f.readline()
+ if line == "": break
+ if not startswith(line, header):
+ continue
+ line = string.strip(line[len(header):])
+ for data in split_header_words([line]):
+ name, value = data[0]
+ # name and value are an exception here, since a plain "foo"
+ # (with no "=", unlike "bar=foo") means a cookie with no
+ # name and value "foo". With all other cookie-attributes,
+ # the situation is reversed: "foo" means an attribute named
+ # "foo" with no value!
+ if value is None:
+ name, value = value, name
+ standard = {}
+ rest = {}
+ for k in boolean_attrs:
+ standard[k] = False
+ for k, v in data[1:]:
+ if k is not None:
+ lc = string.lower(k)
+ else:
+ lc = None
+ # don't lose case distinction for unknown fields
+ if (lc in value_attrs) or (lc in boolean_attrs):
+ k = lc
+ if k in boolean_attrs:
+ if v is None: v = True
+ standard[k] = v
+ elif k in value_attrs:
+ standard[k] = v
+ else:
+ rest[k] = v
+ h = standard.get
+ expires = h("expires")
+ discard = h("discard")
+ if expires is not None:
+ expires = iso2time(expires)
+ if expires is None:
+ discard = True
+ domain = h("domain")
+ domain_specified = startswith(domain, ".")
+ c = Cookie(h("version"), name, value,
+ h("port"), h("port_spec"),
+ domain, domain_specified, h("domain_dot"),
+ h("path"), h("path_spec"),
+ h("secure"),
+ expires,
+ discard,
+ h("comment"),
+ h("commenturl"),
+ rest)
+ if not ignore_discard and c.discard:
+ continue
+ if not ignore_expires and c.is_expired(now):
+ continue
+ self.set_cookie(c)
+ except:
+ reraise_unmasked_exceptions((IOError,))
+ raise IOError("invalid Set-Cookie3 format file %s" % filename)
+ def revert(self, filename=None,
+ ignore_discard=False, ignore_expires=False):
+ """Clear all cookies and reload cookies from a saved file.
+ Raises IOError if reversion is not successful; the object's state will
+ not be altered if this happens.
+ """
+ if filename is None:
+ if self.filename is not None: filename = self.filename
+ else: raise ValueError(MISSING_FILENAME_TEXT)
+ self._cookies_lock.acquire()
+ old_state = copy.deepcopy(self.cookies)
+ self.cookies = {}
+ try:
+ self.load(filename, ignore_discard, ignore_expires)
+ except IOError:
+ self.cookies = old_state
+ raise
+ self._cookies_lock.release()
+ def clear(self, domain=None, path=None, name=None):
+ """Clear some cookies.
+ Invoking this method without arguments will clear all cookies. If
+ given a single argument, only cookies belonging to that domain will be
+ removed. If given two arguments, cookies belonging to the specified
+ path within that domain are removed. If given three arguments, then
+ the cookie with the specified name, path and domain is removed.
+ Raises KeyError if no matching cookie exists.
+ """
+ if name is not None:
+ if (domain is None) or (path is None):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "domain and path must be given to remove a cookie by name")
+ del self.cookies[domain][path][name]
+ elif path is not None:
+ if domain is None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "domain must be given to remove cookies by path")
+ del self.cookies[domain][path]
+ elif domain is not None:
+ del self.cookies[domain]
+ else:
+ self.cookies = {}
+ def clear_session_cookies(self):
+ """Discard all session cookies.
+ Discards all cookies held by object which had either no Max-Age or
+ Expires cookie-attribute or an explicit Discard cookie-attribute, or
+ which otherwise have ended up with a true discard attribute. For
+ interactive browsers, the end of a session usually corresponds to
+ closing the browser window.
+ Note that the save method won't save session cookies anyway, unless you
+ ask otherwise by passing a true ignore_discard argument.
+ """
+ self._cookies_lock.acquire()
+ for cookie in self:
+ if cookie.discard:
+ del self.cookies[cookie.domain][cookie.path][]
+ self._cookies_lock.release()
+ def clear_expired_cookies(self):
+ """Discard all expired cookies.
+ You probably don't need to call this method: expired cookies are never
+ sent back to the server (provided you're using DefaultCookiePolicy),
+ this method is called by CookieJar itself every so often, and the save
+ method won't save expired cookies anyway (unless you ask otherwise by
+ passing a true ignore_expires argument).
+ """
+ self._cookies_lock.acquire()
+ now = time.time()
+ for cookie in self:
+ if cookie.is_expired(now):
+ del self.cookies[cookie.domain][cookie.path][]
+ self._cookies_lock.release()
+ def __getitem__(self, i):
+ if i == 0:
+ self._getitem_iterator = self.__iter__()
+ elif self._prev_getitem_index != i-1: raise IndexError(
+ "CookieJar.__getitem__ only supports sequential iteration")
+ self._prev_getitem_index = i
+ try:
+ return
+ except StopIteration:
+ raise IndexError()
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return MappingIterator(self.cookies)
+ def __len__(self):
+ """Return number of contained cookies."""
+ i = 0
+ for cookie in self: i = i + 1
+ return i
+ def __repr__(self):
+ r = []
+ for cookie in self: r.append(repr(cookie))
+ return "<%s[%s]>" % (self.__class__, string.join(r, ", "))
+ def __str__(self):
+ r = []
+ for cookie in self: r.append(str(cookie))
+ return "<%s[%s]>" % (self.__class__, string.join(r, ", "))
+ def as_lwp_str(self, skip_discard=False, skip_expired=False):
+ """Return cookies as a string of "\n"-separated "Set-Cookie3" headers.
+ If skip_discard is true, it will not return lines for cookies with the
+ Discard cookie-attribute.
+ """
+ now = time.time()
+ r = []
+ for cookie in self:
+ if skip_discard and cookie.discard:
+ continue
+ if skip_expired and cookie.is_expired(now):
+ continue
+ r.append("Set-Cookie3: %s" % lwp_cookie_str(cookie))
+ return string.join(r+[""], "\n")