path: root/libs/taglib/taglib/toolkit/tstring.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 456 deletions
diff --git a/libs/taglib/taglib/toolkit/tstring.h b/libs/taglib/taglib/toolkit/tstring.h
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--- a/libs/taglib/taglib/toolkit/tstring.h
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- copyright : (C) 2002 - 2008 by Scott Wheeler
- email :
- ***************************************************************************/
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version *
- * 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
- * *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
- * Lesser General Public License for more details. *
- * *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software *
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 *
- * USA *
- * *
- * Alternatively, this file is available under the Mozilla Public *
- * License Version 1.1. You may obtain a copy of the License at *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#include "taglib_export.h"
-#include "taglib.h"
-#include "tbytevector.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <ostream>
- * \relates TagLib::String
- *
- * Converts a TagLib::String to a QString without a requirement to link to Qt.
- */
-#define QStringToTString(s) TagLib::String(s.utf8().data(), TagLib::String::UTF8)
- * \relates TagLib::String
- *
- * Converts a TagLib::String to a QString without a requirement to link to Qt.
- */
-#define TStringToQString(s) QString::fromUtf8(s.toCString(true))
-namespace TagLib {
- //! A \e wide string class suitable for unicode.
- /*!
- * This is an implicitly shared \e wide string. For storage it uses
- * TagLib::wstring, but as this is an <i>implementation detail</i> this of
- * course could change. Strings are stored internally as UTF-16BE. (Without
- * the BOM (Byte Order Mark)
- *
- * The use of implicit sharing means that copying a string is cheap, the only
- * \e cost comes into play when the copy is modified. Prior to that the string
- * just has a pointer to the data of the \e parent String. This also makes
- * this class suitable as a function return type.
- *
- * In addition to adding implicit sharing, this class keeps track of four
- * possible encodings, which are the four supported by the ID3v2 standard.
- */
- class TAGLIB_EXPORT String
- {
- public:
- typedef std::basic_string<wchar>::iterator Iterator;
- typedef std::basic_string<wchar>::const_iterator ConstIterator;
- /**
- * The four types of string encodings supported by the ID3v2 specification.
- * ID3v1 is assumed to be Latin1 and Ogg Vorbis comments use UTF8.
- */
- enum Type {
- /*!
- * IS08859-1, or <i>Latin1</i> encoding. 8 bit characters.
- */
- Latin1 = 0,
- /*!
- * UTF16 with a <i>byte order mark</i>. 16 bit characters.
- */
- UTF16 = 1,
- /*!
- * UTF16 <i>big endian</i>. 16 bit characters. This is the encoding used
- * internally by TagLib.
- */
- UTF16BE = 2,
- /*!
- * UTF8 encoding. Characters are usually 8 bits but can be up to 32.
- */
- UTF8 = 3,
- /*!
- * UTF16 <i>little endian</i>. 16 bit characters.
- */
- UTF16LE = 4
- };
- /*!
- * Constructs an empty String.
- */
- String();
- /*!
- * Make a shallow, implicitly shared, copy of \a s. Because this is
- * implicitly shared, this method is lightweight and suitable for
- * pass-by-value usage.
- */
- String(const String &s);
- /*!
- * Makes a deep copy of the data in \a s.
- *
- * \note This should only be used with the 8-bit codecs Latin1 and UTF8, when
- * used with other codecs it will simply print a warning and exit.
- */
- String(const std::string &s, Type t = Latin1);
- /*!
- * Makes a deep copy of the data in \a s.
- */
- String(const wstring &s, Type t = UTF16BE);
- /*!
- * Makes a deep copy of the data in \a s.
- */
- String(const wchar_t *s, Type t = UTF16BE);
- /*!
- * Makes a deep copy of the data in \a c.
- *
- * \note This should only be used with the 8-bit codecs Latin1 and UTF8, when
- * used with other codecs it will simply print a warning and exit.
- */
- String(char c, Type t = Latin1);
- /*!
- * Makes a deep copy of the data in \a c.
- */
- String(wchar_t c, Type t = Latin1);
- /*!
- * Makes a deep copy of the data in \a s.
- *
- * \note This should only be used with the 8-bit codecs Latin1 and UTF8, when
- * used with other codecs it will simply print a warning and exit.
- */
- String(const char *s, Type t = Latin1);
- /*!
- * Makes a deep copy of the data in \a s.
- *
- * \note This should only be used with the 8-bit codecs Latin1 and UTF8, when
- * used with other codecs it will simply print a warning and exit.
- */
- String(const ByteVector &v, Type t = Latin1);
- /*!
- * Destroys this String instance.
- */
- virtual ~String();
- /*!
- * If \a unicode if false (the default) this will return a \e Latin1 encoded
- * std::string. If it is true the returned std::wstring will be UTF-8
- * encoded.
- */
- std::string to8Bit(bool unicode = false) const;
- /*!
- * Returns a wstring version of the TagLib string as a wide string.
- */
- wstring toWString() const;
- /*!
- * Creates and returns a C-String based on the data. This string is still
- * owned by the String (class) and as such should not be deleted by the user.
- *
- * If \a unicode if false (the default) this string will be encoded in
- * \e Latin1. If it is true the returned C-String will be UTF-8 encoded.
- *
- * This string remains valid until the String instance is destroyed or
- * another export method is called.
- *
- * \warning This however has the side effect that this C-String will remain
- * in memory <b>in addition to</b> other memory that is consumed by the
- * String instance. So, this method should not be used on large strings or
- * where memory is critical.
- */
- const char *toCString(bool unicode = false) const;
- /*!
- * Returns an iterator pointing to the beginning of the string.
- */
- Iterator begin();
- /*!
- * Returns a const iterator pointing to the beginning of the string.
- */
- ConstIterator begin() const;
- /*!
- * Returns an iterator pointing to the end of the string (the position
- * after the last character).
- */
- Iterator end();
- /*!
- * Returns a const iterator pointing to the end of the string (the position
- * after the last character).
- */
- ConstIterator end() const;
- /*!
- * Finds the first occurrence of pattern \a s in this string starting from
- * \a offset. If the pattern is not found, -1 is returned.
- */
- int find(const String &s, int offset = 0) const;
- /*!
- * Returns true if the strings starts with the substring \a s.
- */
- bool startsWith(const String &s) const;
- /*!
- * Extract a substring from this string starting at \a position and
- * continuing for \a n characters.
- */
- String substr(uint position, uint n = 0xffffffff) const;
- /*!
- * Append \a s to the current string and return a reference to the current
- * string.
- */
- String &append(const String &s);
- /*!
- * Returns an upper case version of the string.
- *
- * \warning This only works for the characters in US-ASCII, i.e. A-Z.
- */
- String upper() const;
- /*!
- * Returns the size of the string.
- */
- uint size() const;
- /*!
- * Returns the length of the string. Equivalent to size().
- */
- uint length() const;
- /*!
- * Returns true if the string is empty.
- *
- * \see isNull()
- */
- bool isEmpty() const;
- /*!
- * Returns true if this string is null -- i.e. it is a copy of the
- * String::null string.
- *
- * \note A string can be empty and not null.
- * \see isEmpty()
- */
- bool isNull() const;
- /*!
- * Returns a ByteVector containing the string's data. If \a t is Latin1 or
- * UTF8, this will return a vector of 8 bit characters, otherwise it will use
- * 16 bit characters.
- */
- ByteVector data(Type t) const;
- /*!
- * Convert the string to an integer.
- */
- int toInt() const;
- /*!
- * Returns a string with the leading and trailing whitespace stripped.
- */
- String stripWhiteSpace() const;
- /*!
- * Returns true if the file only uses characters required by Latin1.
- */
- bool isLatin1() const;
- /*!
- * Returns true if the file only uses characters required by (7-bit) ASCII.
- */
- bool isAscii() const;
- /*!
- * Converts the base-10 integer \a n to a string.
- */
- static String number(int n);
- /*!
- * Returns a reference to the character at position \a i.
- */
- wchar &operator[](int i);
- /*!
- * Returns a const reference to the character at position \a i.
- */
- const wchar &operator[](int i) const;
- /*!
- * Compares each character of the String with each character of \a s and
- * returns true if the strings match.
- */
- bool operator==(const String &s) const;
- /*!
- * Appends \a s to the end of the String.
- */
- String &operator+=(const String &s);
- /*!
- * Appends \a s to the end of the String.
- */
- String &operator+=(const wchar_t* s);
- /*!
- * Appends \a s to the end of the String.
- */
- String &operator+=(const char* s);
- /*!
- * Appends \a s to the end of the String.
- */
- String &operator+=(wchar_t c);
- /*!
- * Appends \a c to the end of the String.
- */
- String &operator+=(char c);
- /*!
- * Performs a shallow, implicitly shared, copy of \a s, overwriting the
- * String's current data.
- */
- String &operator=(const String &s);
- /*!
- * Performs a deep copy of the data in \a s.
- */
- String &operator=(const std::string &s);
- /*!
- * Performs a deep copy of the data in \a s.
- */
- String &operator=(const wstring &s);
- /*!
- * Performs a deep copy of the data in \a s.
- */
- String &operator=(const wchar_t *s);
- /*!
- * Performs a deep copy of the data in \a s.
- */
- String &operator=(char c);
- /*!
- * Performs a deep copy of the data in \a s.
- */
- String &operator=(wchar_t c);
- /*!
- * Performs a deep copy of the data in \a s.
- */
- String &operator=(const char *s);
- /*!
- * Performs a deep copy of the data in \a v.
- */
- String &operator=(const ByteVector &v);
- /*!
- * To be able to use this class in a Map, this operator needed to be
- * implemented. Returns true if \a s is less than this string in a bytewise
- * comparison.
- */
- bool operator<(const String &s) const;
- /*!
- * A null string provided for convenience.
- */
- static String null;
- protected:
- /*!
- * If this String is being shared via implicit sharing, do a deep copy of the
- * data and separate from the shared members. This should be called by all
- * non-const subclass members.
- */
- void detach();
- private:
- /*!
- * This checks to see if the string is in \e UTF-16 (with BOM) or \e UTF-8
- * format and if so converts it to \e UTF-16BE for internal use. \e Latin1
- * does not require conversion since it is a subset of \e UTF-16BE and
- * \e UTF16-BE requires no conversion since it is used internally.
- */
- void prepare(Type t);
- class StringPrivate;
- StringPrivate *d;
- };
- * \relates TagLib::String
- *
- * Concatenates \a s1 and \a s2 and returns the result as a string.
- */
-TAGLIB_EXPORT const TagLib::String operator+(const TagLib::String &s1, const TagLib::String &s2);
- * \relates TagLib::String
- *
- * Concatenates \a s1 and \a s2 and returns the result as a string.
- */
-TAGLIB_EXPORT const TagLib::String operator+(const char *s1, const TagLib::String &s2);
- * \relates TagLib::String
- *
- * Concatenates \a s1 and \a s2 and returns the result as a string.
- */
-TAGLIB_EXPORT const TagLib::String operator+(const TagLib::String &s1, const char *s2);
- * \relates TagLib::String
- *
- * Send the string to an output stream.
- */
-TAGLIB_EXPORT std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const TagLib::String &str);