path: root/libs/libsndfile/src/sds.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'libs/libsndfile/src/sds.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 993 deletions
diff --git a/libs/libsndfile/src/sds.c b/libs/libsndfile/src/sds.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3769bf021c..0000000000
--- a/libs/libsndfile/src/sds.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,993 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Erik de Castro Lopo <>
-** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-** it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
-** (at your option) any later version.
-** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#include "sfconfig.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "sndfile.h"
-#include "sfendian.h"
-#include "common.h"
-#include "float_cast.h"
-#define SDS_DATA_OFFSET 0x15
-#define SDS_BLOCK_SIZE 127
-#define SDS_3BYTE_TO_INT_DECODE(x) (((x) & 0x7F) | (((x) & 0x7F00) >> 1) | (((x) & 0x7F0000) >> 2))
-#define SDS_INT_TO_3BYTE_ENCODE(x) (((x) & 0x7F) | (((x) << 1) & 0x7F00) | (((x) << 2) & 0x7F0000))
-** Typedefs.
-typedef struct tag_SDS_PRIVATE
-{ int bitwidth, frames ;
- int samplesperblock, total_blocks ;
- int (*reader) (SF_PRIVATE *psf, struct tag_SDS_PRIVATE *psds) ;
- int (*writer) (SF_PRIVATE *psf, struct tag_SDS_PRIVATE *psds) ;
- int read_block, read_count ;
- unsigned char read_data [SDS_BLOCK_SIZE] ;
- int read_samples [SDS_BLOCK_SIZE / 2] ; /* Maximum samples per block */
- int write_block, write_count ;
- unsigned char write_data [SDS_BLOCK_SIZE] ;
- int write_samples [SDS_BLOCK_SIZE / 2] ; /* Maximum samples per block */
-** Private static functions.
-static int sds_close (SF_PRIVATE *psf) ;
-static int sds_write_header (SF_PRIVATE *psf, int calc_length) ;
-static int sds_read_header (SF_PRIVATE *psf, SDS_PRIVATE *psds) ;
-static int sds_init (SF_PRIVATE *psf, SDS_PRIVATE *psds) ;
-static sf_count_t sds_read_s (SF_PRIVATE *psf, short *ptr, sf_count_t len) ;
-static sf_count_t sds_read_i (SF_PRIVATE *psf, int *ptr, sf_count_t len) ;
-static sf_count_t sds_read_f (SF_PRIVATE *psf, float *ptr, sf_count_t len) ;
-static sf_count_t sds_read_d (SF_PRIVATE *psf, double *ptr, sf_count_t len) ;
-static sf_count_t sds_write_s (SF_PRIVATE *psf, const short *ptr, sf_count_t len) ;
-static sf_count_t sds_write_i (SF_PRIVATE *psf, const int *ptr, sf_count_t len) ;
-static sf_count_t sds_write_f (SF_PRIVATE *psf, const float *ptr, sf_count_t len) ;
-static sf_count_t sds_write_d (SF_PRIVATE *psf, const double *ptr, sf_count_t len) ;
-static sf_count_t sds_seek (SF_PRIVATE *psf, int mode, sf_count_t offset) ;
-static int sds_2byte_read (SF_PRIVATE *psf, SDS_PRIVATE *psds) ;
-static int sds_3byte_read (SF_PRIVATE *psf, SDS_PRIVATE *psds) ;
-static int sds_4byte_read (SF_PRIVATE *psf, SDS_PRIVATE *psds) ;
-static int sds_read (SF_PRIVATE *psf, SDS_PRIVATE *psds, int *iptr, int readcount) ;
-static int sds_2byte_write (SF_PRIVATE *psf, SDS_PRIVATE *psds) ;
-static int sds_3byte_write (SF_PRIVATE *psf, SDS_PRIVATE *psds) ;
-static int sds_4byte_write (SF_PRIVATE *psf, SDS_PRIVATE *psds) ;
-static int sds_write (SF_PRIVATE *psf, SDS_PRIVATE *psds, const int *iptr, int writecount) ;
-** Public function.
-sds_open (SF_PRIVATE *psf)
-{ SDS_PRIVATE *psds ;
- int error = 0 ;
- /* Hmmmm, need this here to pass update_header_test. */
- psf->sf.frames = 0 ;
- if (! (psds = calloc (1, sizeof (SDS_PRIVATE))))
- psf->fdata = psds ;
- if (psf->mode == SFM_READ || (psf->mode == SFM_RDWR && psf->filelength > 0))
- { if ((error = sds_read_header (psf, psds)))
- return error ;
- } ;
- if ((psf->sf.format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) != SF_FORMAT_SDS)
- if (psf->mode == SFM_WRITE || psf->mode == SFM_RDWR)
- { if (sds_write_header (psf, SF_FALSE))
- return psf->error ;
- psf->write_header = sds_write_header ;
- psf_fseek (psf, SDS_DATA_OFFSET, SEEK_SET) ;
- } ;
- if ((error = sds_init (psf, psds)) != 0)
- return error ;
- psf->seek = sds_seek ;
- psf->container_close = sds_close ;
- psf->blockwidth = 0 ;
- return error ;
-} /* sds_open */
-static int
-sds_close (SF_PRIVATE *psf)
- if (psf->mode == SFM_WRITE || psf->mode == SFM_RDWR)
- { SDS_PRIVATE *psds ;
- if ((psds = (SDS_PRIVATE *) psf->fdata) == NULL)
- { psf_log_printf (psf, "*** Bad psf->fdata ptr.\n") ;
- return SFE_INTERNAL ;
- } ;
- if (psds->write_count > 0)
- { memset (&(psds->write_data [psds->write_count]), 0, (psds->samplesperblock - psds->write_count) * sizeof (int)) ;
- psds->writer (psf, psds) ;
- } ;
- sds_write_header (psf, SF_TRUE) ;
- } ;
- return 0 ;
-} /* sds_close */
-static int
-sds_init (SF_PRIVATE *psf, SDS_PRIVATE *psds)
- if (psds->bitwidth < 8 || psds->bitwidth > 28)
- return (psf->error = SFE_SDS_BAD_BIT_WIDTH) ;
- if (psds->bitwidth < 14)
- { psds->reader = sds_2byte_read ;
- psds->writer = sds_2byte_write ;
- psds->samplesperblock = SDS_AUDIO_BYTES_PER_BLOCK / 2 ;
- }
- else if (psds->bitwidth < 21)
- { psds->reader = sds_3byte_read ;
- psds->writer = sds_3byte_write ;
- psds->samplesperblock = SDS_AUDIO_BYTES_PER_BLOCK / 3 ;
- }
- else
- { psds->reader = sds_4byte_read ;
- psds->writer = sds_4byte_write ;
- psds->samplesperblock = SDS_AUDIO_BYTES_PER_BLOCK / 4 ;
- } ;
- if (psf->mode == SFM_READ || psf->mode == SFM_RDWR)
- { psf->read_short = sds_read_s ;
- psf->read_int = sds_read_i ;
- psf->read_float = sds_read_f ;
- psf->read_double = sds_read_d ;
- /* Read first block. */
- psds->reader (psf, psds) ;
- } ;
- if (psf->mode == SFM_WRITE || psf->mode == SFM_RDWR)
- { psf->write_short = sds_write_s ;
- psf->write_int = sds_write_i ;
- psf->write_float = sds_write_f ;
- psf->write_double = sds_write_d ;
- } ;
- return 0 ;
-} /* sds_init */
-static int
-sds_read_header (SF_PRIVATE *psf, SDS_PRIVATE *psds)
-{ unsigned char channel, bitwidth, loop_type, byte ;
- unsigned short sample_no, marker ;
- unsigned int samp_period, data_length, sustain_loop_start, sustain_loop_end ;
- int bytesread, blockcount ;
- /* Set position to start of file to begin reading header. */
- bytesread = psf_binheader_readf (psf, "pE211", 0, &marker, &channel, &byte) ;
- if (marker != 0xF07E || byte != 0x01)
- return SFE_SDS_NOT_SDS ;
- psf_log_printf (psf, "Midi Sample Dump Standard (.sds)\nF07E\n Midi Channel : %d\n", channel) ;
- bytesread += psf_binheader_readf (psf, "e213", &sample_no, &bitwidth, &samp_period) ;
- sample_no = SDS_3BYTE_TO_INT_DECODE (sample_no) ;
- samp_period = SDS_3BYTE_TO_INT_DECODE (samp_period) ;
- psds->bitwidth = bitwidth ;
- psf->sf.samplerate = 1000000000 / samp_period ;
- psf_log_printf (psf, " Sample Number : %d\n"
- " Bit Width : %d\n"
- " Sample Rate : %d\n",
- sample_no, psds->bitwidth, psf->sf.samplerate) ;
- bytesread += psf_binheader_readf (psf, "e3331", &data_length, &sustain_loop_start, &sustain_loop_end, &loop_type) ;
- data_length = SDS_3BYTE_TO_INT_DECODE (data_length) ;
- sustain_loop_start = SDS_3BYTE_TO_INT_DECODE (sustain_loop_start) ;
- sustain_loop_end = SDS_3BYTE_TO_INT_DECODE (sustain_loop_end) ;
- psf_log_printf (psf, " Sustain Loop\n"
- " Start : %d\n"
- " End : %d\n"
- " Loop Type : %d\n",
- sustain_loop_start, sustain_loop_end, loop_type) ;
- psf->dataoffset = SDS_DATA_OFFSET ;
- psf->datalength = psf->filelength - psf->dataoffset ;
- if (data_length != psf->filelength - psf->dataoffset)
- { psf_log_printf (psf, " Datalength : %d (truncated data??? %d)\n", data_length, psf->filelength - psf->dataoffset) ;
- data_length = psf->filelength - psf->dataoffset ;
- }
- else
- psf_log_printf (psf, " Datalength : %d\n", data_length) ;
- bytesread += psf_binheader_readf (psf, "1", &byte) ;
- if (byte != 0xF7)
- psf_log_printf (psf, "bad end : %X\n", byte & 0xFF) ;
- for (blockcount = 0 ; bytesread < psf->filelength ; blockcount++)
- {
- bytesread += psf_fread (&marker, 1, 2, psf) ;
- if (marker == 0)
- break ;
- psf_fseek (psf, SDS_BLOCK_SIZE - 2, SEEK_CUR) ;
- bytesread += SDS_BLOCK_SIZE - 2 ;
- } ;
- psf_log_printf (psf, "\nBlocks : %d\n", blockcount) ;
- psds->total_blocks = blockcount ;
- psds->samplesperblock = SDS_AUDIO_BYTES_PER_BLOCK / ((psds->bitwidth + 6) / 7) ;
- psf_log_printf (psf, "Samples/Block : %d\n", psds->samplesperblock) ;
- psf_log_printf (psf, "Frames : %d\n", blockcount * psds->samplesperblock) ;
- psf->sf.frames = blockcount * psds->samplesperblock ;
- psds->frames = blockcount * psds->samplesperblock ;
- /* Always Mono */
- psf->sf.channels = 1 ;
- psf->sf.sections = 1 ;
- /*
- ** Lie to the user about PCM bit width. Always round up to
- ** the next multiple of 8.
- */
- switch ((psds->bitwidth + 7) / 8)
- { case 1 :
- psf->sf.format = SF_FORMAT_SDS | SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8 ;
- break ;
- case 2 :
- psf->sf.format = SF_FORMAT_SDS | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16 ;
- break ;
- case 3 :
- psf->sf.format = SF_FORMAT_SDS | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24 ;
- break ;
- case 4 :
- psf->sf.format = SF_FORMAT_SDS | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32 ;
- break ;
- default :
- psf_log_printf (psf, "*** Weird byte width (%d)\n", (psds->bitwidth + 7) / 8) ;
- } ;
- psf_fseek (psf, SDS_DATA_OFFSET, SEEK_SET) ;
- return 0 ;
-} /* sds_read_header */
-static int
-sds_write_header (SF_PRIVATE *psf, int calc_length)
-{ SDS_PRIVATE *psds ;
- sf_count_t current ;
- int samp_period, data_length, sustain_loop_start, sustain_loop_end ;
- unsigned char loop_type = 0 ;
- if ((psds = (SDS_PRIVATE *) psf->fdata) == NULL)
- { psf_log_printf (psf, "*** Bad psf->fdata ptr.\n") ;
- return SFE_INTERNAL ;
- } ;
- if (psf->pipeoffset > 0)
- return 0 ;
- current = psf_ftell (psf) ;
- if (calc_length)
- psf->sf.frames = psds->total_blocks * psds->samplesperblock + psds->write_count ;
- if (psds->write_count > 0)
- { int current_count = psds->write_count ;
- int current_block = psds->write_block ;
- psds->writer (psf, psds) ;
- psf_fseek (psf, -1 * SDS_BLOCK_SIZE, SEEK_CUR) ;
- psds->write_count = current_count ;
- psds->write_block = current_block ;
- } ;
- /* Reset the current header length to zero. */
- psf->header [0] = 0 ;
- psf->headindex = 0 ;
- if (psf->is_pipe == SF_FALSE)
- psf_fseek (psf, 0, SEEK_SET) ;
- psf_binheader_writef (psf, "E211", 0xF07E, 0, 1) ;
- switch (psf->sf.format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK)
- { case SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8 :
- psds->bitwidth = 8 ;
- break ;
- case SF_FORMAT_PCM_16 :
- psds->bitwidth = 16 ;
- break ;
- case SF_FORMAT_PCM_24 :
- psds->bitwidth = 24 ;
- break ;
- default:
- } ;
- samp_period = SDS_INT_TO_3BYTE_ENCODE (1000000000 / psf->sf.samplerate) ;
- psf_binheader_writef (psf, "e213", 0, psds->bitwidth, samp_period) ;
- data_length = SDS_INT_TO_3BYTE_ENCODE (psds->total_blocks * SDS_BLOCK_SIZE) ;
- sustain_loop_start = SDS_INT_TO_3BYTE_ENCODE (0) ;
- sustain_loop_end = SDS_INT_TO_3BYTE_ENCODE (psf->sf.frames) ;
- psf_binheader_writef (psf, "e33311", data_length, sustain_loop_start, sustain_loop_end, loop_type, 0xF7) ;
- /* Header construction complete so write it out. */
- psf_fwrite (psf->header, psf->headindex, 1, psf) ;
- if (psf->error)
- return psf->error ;
- psf->dataoffset = psf->headindex ;
- psf->datalength = psds->write_block * SDS_BLOCK_SIZE ;
- if (current > 0)
- psf_fseek (psf, current, SEEK_SET) ;
- return psf->error ;
-} /* sds_write_header */
-static int
-sds_2byte_read (SF_PRIVATE *psf, SDS_PRIVATE *psds)
-{ unsigned char *ucptr, checksum ;
- unsigned int sample ;
- int k ;
- psds->read_block ++ ;
- psds->read_count = 0 ;
- if (psds->read_block * psds->samplesperblock > psds->frames)
- { memset (psds->read_samples, 0, psds->samplesperblock * sizeof (int)) ;
- return 1 ;
- } ;
- if ((k = psf_fread (psds->read_data, 1, SDS_BLOCK_SIZE, psf)) != SDS_BLOCK_SIZE)
- psf_log_printf (psf, "*** Warning : short read (%d != %d).\n", k, SDS_BLOCK_SIZE) ;
- if (psds->read_data [0] != 0xF0)
- { printf ("Error A : %02X\n", psds->read_data [0] & 0xFF) ;
- } ;
- checksum = psds->read_data [1] ;
- if (checksum != 0x7E)
- { printf ("Error 1 : %02X\n", checksum & 0xFF) ;
- }
- for (k = 2 ; k < SDS_BLOCK_SIZE - 3 ; k ++)
- checksum ^= psds->read_data [k] ;
- checksum &= 0x7F ;
- if (checksum != psds->read_data [SDS_BLOCK_SIZE - 2])
- { psf_log_printf (psf, "Block %d : checksum is %02X should be %02X\n", psds->read_data [4], checksum, psds->read_data [SDS_BLOCK_SIZE - 2]) ;
- } ;
- ucptr = psds->read_data + 5 ;
- for (k = 0 ; k < 120 ; k += 2)
- { sample = (ucptr [k] << 25) + (ucptr [k + 1] << 18) ;
- psds->read_samples [k / 2] = (int) (sample - 0x80000000) ;
- } ;
- return 1 ;
-} /* sds_2byte_read */
-static int
-sds_3byte_read (SF_PRIVATE *psf, SDS_PRIVATE *psds)
-{ unsigned char *ucptr, checksum ;
- unsigned int sample ;
- int k ;
- psds->read_block ++ ;
- psds->read_count = 0 ;
- if (psds->read_block * psds->samplesperblock > psds->frames)
- { memset (psds->read_samples, 0, psds->samplesperblock * sizeof (int)) ;
- return 1 ;
- } ;
- if ((k = psf_fread (psds->read_data, 1, SDS_BLOCK_SIZE, psf)) != SDS_BLOCK_SIZE)
- psf_log_printf (psf, "*** Warning : short read (%d != %d).\n", k, SDS_BLOCK_SIZE) ;
- if (psds->read_data [0] != 0xF0)
- { printf ("Error A : %02X\n", psds->read_data [0] & 0xFF) ;
- } ;
- checksum = psds->read_data [1] ;
- if (checksum != 0x7E)
- { printf ("Error 1 : %02X\n", checksum & 0xFF) ;
- }
- for (k = 2 ; k < SDS_BLOCK_SIZE - 3 ; k ++)
- checksum ^= psds->read_data [k] ;
- checksum &= 0x7F ;
- if (checksum != psds->read_data [SDS_BLOCK_SIZE - 2])
- { psf_log_printf (psf, "Block %d : checksum is %02X should be %02X\n", psds->read_data [4], checksum, psds->read_data [SDS_BLOCK_SIZE - 2]) ;
- } ;
- ucptr = psds->read_data + 5 ;
- for (k = 0 ; k < 120 ; k += 3)
- { sample = (ucptr [k] << 25) + (ucptr [k + 1] << 18) + (ucptr [k + 2] << 11) ;
- psds->read_samples [k / 3] = (int) (sample - 0x80000000) ;
- } ;
- return 1 ;
-} /* sds_3byte_read */
-static int
-sds_4byte_read (SF_PRIVATE *psf, SDS_PRIVATE *psds)
-{ unsigned char *ucptr, checksum ;
- unsigned int sample ;
- int k ;
- psds->read_block ++ ;
- psds->read_count = 0 ;
- if (psds->read_block * psds->samplesperblock > psds->frames)
- { memset (psds->read_samples, 0, psds->samplesperblock * sizeof (int)) ;
- return 1 ;
- } ;
- if ((k = psf_fread (psds->read_data, 1, SDS_BLOCK_SIZE, psf)) != SDS_BLOCK_SIZE)
- psf_log_printf (psf, "*** Warning : short read (%d != %d).\n", k, SDS_BLOCK_SIZE) ;
- if (psds->read_data [0] != 0xF0)
- { printf ("Error A : %02X\n", psds->read_data [0] & 0xFF) ;
- } ;
- checksum = psds->read_data [1] ;
- if (checksum != 0x7E)
- { printf ("Error 1 : %02X\n", checksum & 0xFF) ;
- }
- for (k = 2 ; k < SDS_BLOCK_SIZE - 3 ; k ++)
- checksum ^= psds->read_data [k] ;
- checksum &= 0x7F ;
- if (checksum != psds->read_data [SDS_BLOCK_SIZE - 2])
- { psf_log_printf (psf, "Block %d : checksum is %02X should be %02X\n", psds->read_data [4], checksum, psds->read_data [SDS_BLOCK_SIZE - 2]) ;
- } ;
- ucptr = psds->read_data + 5 ;
- for (k = 0 ; k < 120 ; k += 4)
- { sample = (ucptr [k] << 25) + (ucptr [k + 1] << 18) + (ucptr [k + 2] << 11) + (ucptr [k + 3] << 4) ;
- psds->read_samples [k / 4] = (int) (sample - 0x80000000) ;
- } ;
- return 1 ;
-} /* sds_4byte_read */
-static sf_count_t
-sds_read_s (SF_PRIVATE *psf, short *ptr, sf_count_t len)
-{ SDS_PRIVATE *psds ;
- int *iptr ;
- int k, bufferlen, readcount, count ;
- sf_count_t total = 0 ;
- if (psf->fdata == NULL)
- return 0 ;
- psds = (SDS_PRIVATE*) psf->fdata ;
- iptr = psf->u.ibuf ;
- bufferlen = ARRAY_LEN (psf->u.ibuf) ;
- while (len > 0)
- { readcount = (len >= bufferlen) ? bufferlen : len ;
- count = sds_read (psf, psds, iptr, readcount) ;
- for (k = 0 ; k < readcount ; k++)
- ptr [total + k] = iptr [k] >> 16 ;
- total += count ;
- len -= readcount ;
- } ;
- return total ;
-} /* sds_read_s */
-static sf_count_t
-sds_read_i (SF_PRIVATE *psf, int *ptr, sf_count_t len)
-{ SDS_PRIVATE *psds ;
- int total ;
- if (psf->fdata == NULL)
- return 0 ;
- psds = (SDS_PRIVATE*) psf->fdata ;
- total = sds_read (psf, psds, ptr, len) ;
- return total ;
-} /* sds_read_i */
-static sf_count_t
-sds_read_f (SF_PRIVATE *psf, float *ptr, sf_count_t len)
-{ SDS_PRIVATE *psds ;
- int *iptr ;
- int k, bufferlen, readcount, count ;
- sf_count_t total = 0 ;
- float normfact ;
- if (psf->fdata == NULL)
- return 0 ;
- psds = (SDS_PRIVATE*) psf->fdata ;
- if (psf->norm_float == SF_TRUE)
- normfact = 1.0 / 0x80000000 ;
- else
- normfact = 1.0 / (1 << psds->bitwidth) ;
- iptr = psf->u.ibuf ;
- bufferlen = ARRAY_LEN (psf->u.ibuf) ;
- while (len > 0)
- { readcount = (len >= bufferlen) ? bufferlen : len ;
- count = sds_read (psf, psds, iptr, readcount) ;
- for (k = 0 ; k < readcount ; k++)
- ptr [total + k] = normfact * iptr [k] ;
- total += count ;
- len -= readcount ;
- } ;
- return total ;
-} /* sds_read_f */
-static sf_count_t
-sds_read_d (SF_PRIVATE *psf, double *ptr, sf_count_t len)
-{ SDS_PRIVATE *psds ;
- int *iptr ;
- int k, bufferlen, readcount, count ;
- sf_count_t total = 0 ;
- double normfact ;
- if (psf->fdata == NULL)
- return 0 ;
- psds = (SDS_PRIVATE*) psf->fdata ;
- if (psf->norm_double == SF_TRUE)
- normfact = 1.0 / 0x80000000 ;
- else
- normfact = 1.0 / (1 << psds->bitwidth) ;
- iptr = psf->u.ibuf ;
- bufferlen = ARRAY_LEN (psf->u.ibuf) ;
- while (len > 0)
- { readcount = (len >= bufferlen) ? bufferlen : len ;
- count = sds_read (psf, psds, iptr, readcount) ;
- for (k = 0 ; k < readcount ; k++)
- ptr [total + k] = normfact * iptr [k] ;
- total += count ;
- len -= readcount ;
- } ;
- return total ;
-} /* sds_read_d */
-static int
-sds_read (SF_PRIVATE *psf, SDS_PRIVATE *psds, int *ptr, int len)
-{ int count, total = 0 ;
- while (total < len)
- { if (psds->read_block * psds->samplesperblock >= psds->frames)
- { memset (&(ptr [total]), 0, (len - total) * sizeof (int)) ;
- return total ;
- } ;
- if (psds->read_count >= psds->samplesperblock)
- psds->reader (psf, psds) ;
- count = (psds->samplesperblock - psds->read_count) ;
- count = (len - total > count) ? count : len - total ;
- memcpy (&(ptr [total]), &(psds->read_samples [psds->read_count]), count * sizeof (int)) ;
- total += count ;
- psds->read_count += count ;
- } ;
- return total ;
-} /* sds_read */
-static sf_count_t
-sds_seek (SF_PRIVATE *psf, int mode, sf_count_t seek_from_start)
-{ SDS_PRIVATE *psds ;
- sf_count_t file_offset ;
- int newblock, newsample ;
- if ((psds = psf->fdata) == NULL)
- { psf->error = SFE_INTERNAL ;
- return PSF_SEEK_ERROR ;
- } ;
- if (psf->datalength < 0 || psf->dataoffset < 0)
- { psf->error = SFE_BAD_SEEK ;
- return PSF_SEEK_ERROR ;
- } ;
- if (seek_from_start < 0 || seek_from_start > psf->sf.frames)
- { psf->error = SFE_BAD_SEEK ;
- return PSF_SEEK_ERROR ;
- } ;
- if (mode == SFM_READ && psds->write_count > 0)
- psds->writer (psf, psds) ;
- newblock = seek_from_start / psds->samplesperblock ;
- newsample = seek_from_start % psds->samplesperblock ;
- switch (mode)
- { case SFM_READ :
- if (newblock > psds->total_blocks)
- { psf->error = SFE_BAD_SEEK ;
- return PSF_SEEK_ERROR ;
- } ;
- file_offset = psf->dataoffset + newblock * SDS_BLOCK_SIZE ;
- if (psf_fseek (psf, file_offset, SEEK_SET) != file_offset)
- { psf->error = SFE_SEEK_FAILED ;
- return PSF_SEEK_ERROR ;
- } ;
- psds->read_block = newblock ;
- psds->reader (psf, psds) ;
- psds->read_count = newsample ;
- break ;
- case SFM_WRITE :
- if (newblock > psds->total_blocks)
- { psf->error = SFE_BAD_SEEK ;
- return PSF_SEEK_ERROR ;
- } ;
- file_offset = psf->dataoffset + newblock * SDS_BLOCK_SIZE ;
- if (psf_fseek (psf, file_offset, SEEK_SET) != file_offset)
- { psf->error = SFE_SEEK_FAILED ;
- return PSF_SEEK_ERROR ;
- } ;
- psds->write_block = newblock ;
- psds->reader (psf, psds) ;
- psds->write_count = newsample ;
- break ;
- default :
- psf->error = SFE_BAD_SEEK ;
- return PSF_SEEK_ERROR ;
- break ;
- } ;
- return seek_from_start ;
-} /* sds_seek */
-static int
-sds_2byte_write (SF_PRIVATE *psf, SDS_PRIVATE *psds)
-{ unsigned char *ucptr, checksum ;
- unsigned int sample ;
- int k ;
- psds->write_data [0] = 0xF0 ;
- psds->write_data [1] = 0x7E ;
- psds->write_data [2] = 0 ; /* Channel number */
- psds->write_data [3] = psds->write_block & 0x7F ; /* Packet number */
- ucptr = psds->write_data + 5 ;
- for (k = 0 ; k < 120 ; k += 2)
- { sample = psds->write_samples [k / 2] ;
- sample += 0x80000000 ;
- ucptr [k] = (sample >> 25) & 0x7F ;
- ucptr [k + 1] = (sample >> 18) & 0x7F ;
- } ;
- checksum = psds->write_data [1] ;
- for (k = 2 ; k < SDS_BLOCK_SIZE - 3 ; k ++)
- checksum ^= psds->write_data [k] ;
- checksum &= 0x7F ;
- psds->write_data [SDS_BLOCK_SIZE - 2] = checksum ;
- psds->write_data [SDS_BLOCK_SIZE - 1] = 0xF7 ;
- if ((k = psf_fwrite (psds->write_data, 1, SDS_BLOCK_SIZE, psf)) != SDS_BLOCK_SIZE)
- psf_log_printf (psf, "*** Warning : psf_fwrite (%d != %d).\n", k, SDS_BLOCK_SIZE) ;
- psds->write_block ++ ;
- psds->write_count = 0 ;
- if (psds->write_block > psds->total_blocks)
- psds->total_blocks = psds->write_block ;
- psds->frames = psds->total_blocks * psds->samplesperblock ;
- return 1 ;
-} /* sds_2byte_write */
-static int
-sds_3byte_write (SF_PRIVATE *psf, SDS_PRIVATE *psds)
-{ unsigned char *ucptr, checksum ;
- unsigned int sample ;
- int k ;
- psds->write_data [0] = 0xF0 ;
- psds->write_data [1] = 0x7E ;
- psds->write_data [2] = 0 ; /* Channel number */
- psds->write_data [3] = psds->write_block & 0x7F ; /* Packet number */
- ucptr = psds->write_data + 5 ;
- for (k = 0 ; k < 120 ; k += 3)
- { sample = psds->write_samples [k / 3] ;
- sample += 0x80000000 ;
- ucptr [k] = (sample >> 25) & 0x7F ;
- ucptr [k + 1] = (sample >> 18) & 0x7F ;
- ucptr [k + 2] = (sample >> 11) & 0x7F ;
- } ;
- checksum = psds->write_data [1] ;
- for (k = 2 ; k < SDS_BLOCK_SIZE - 3 ; k ++)
- checksum ^= psds->write_data [k] ;
- checksum &= 0x7F ;
- psds->write_data [SDS_BLOCK_SIZE - 2] = checksum ;
- psds->write_data [SDS_BLOCK_SIZE - 1] = 0xF7 ;
- if ((k = psf_fwrite (psds->write_data, 1, SDS_BLOCK_SIZE, psf)) != SDS_BLOCK_SIZE)
- psf_log_printf (psf, "*** Warning : psf_fwrite (%d != %d).\n", k, SDS_BLOCK_SIZE) ;
- psds->write_block ++ ;
- psds->write_count = 0 ;
- if (psds->write_block > psds->total_blocks)
- psds->total_blocks = psds->write_block ;
- psds->frames = psds->total_blocks * psds->samplesperblock ;
- return 1 ;
-} /* sds_3byte_write */
-static int
-sds_4byte_write (SF_PRIVATE *psf, SDS_PRIVATE *psds)
-{ unsigned char *ucptr, checksum ;
- unsigned int sample ;
- int k ;
- psds->write_data [0] = 0xF0 ;
- psds->write_data [1] = 0x7E ;
- psds->write_data [2] = 0 ; /* Channel number */
- psds->write_data [3] = psds->write_block & 0x7F ; /* Packet number */
- ucptr = psds->write_data + 5 ;
- for (k = 0 ; k < 120 ; k += 4)
- { sample = psds->write_samples [k / 4] ;
- sample += 0x80000000 ;
- ucptr [k] = (sample >> 25) & 0x7F ;
- ucptr [k + 1] = (sample >> 18) & 0x7F ;
- ucptr [k + 2] = (sample >> 11) & 0x7F ;
- ucptr [k + 3] = (sample >> 4) & 0x7F ;
- } ;
- checksum = psds->write_data [1] ;
- for (k = 2 ; k < SDS_BLOCK_SIZE - 3 ; k ++)
- checksum ^= psds->write_data [k] ;
- checksum &= 0x7F ;
- psds->write_data [SDS_BLOCK_SIZE - 2] = checksum ;
- psds->write_data [SDS_BLOCK_SIZE - 1] = 0xF7 ;
- if ((k = psf_fwrite (psds->write_data, 1, SDS_BLOCK_SIZE, psf)) != SDS_BLOCK_SIZE)
- psf_log_printf (psf, "*** Warning : psf_fwrite (%d != %d).\n", k, SDS_BLOCK_SIZE) ;
- psds->write_block ++ ;
- psds->write_count = 0 ;
- if (psds->write_block > psds->total_blocks)
- psds->total_blocks = psds->write_block ;
- psds->frames = psds->total_blocks * psds->samplesperblock ;
- return 1 ;
-} /* sds_4byte_write */
-static sf_count_t
-sds_write_s (SF_PRIVATE *psf, const short *ptr, sf_count_t len)
-{ SDS_PRIVATE *psds ;
- int *iptr ;
- int k, bufferlen, writecount, count ;
- sf_count_t total = 0 ;
- if (psf->fdata == NULL)
- return 0 ;
- psds = (SDS_PRIVATE*) psf->fdata ;
- iptr = psf->u.ibuf ;
- bufferlen = ARRAY_LEN (psf->u.ibuf) ;
- while (len > 0)
- { writecount = (len >= bufferlen) ? bufferlen : len ;
- for (k = 0 ; k < writecount ; k++)
- iptr [k] = ptr [total + k] << 16 ;
- count = sds_write (psf, psds, iptr, writecount) ;
- total += count ;
- len -= writecount ;
- } ;
- return total ;
-} /* sds_write_s */
-static sf_count_t
-sds_write_i (SF_PRIVATE *psf, const int *ptr, sf_count_t len)
-{ SDS_PRIVATE *psds ;
- int total ;
- if (psf->fdata == NULL)
- return 0 ;
- psds = (SDS_PRIVATE*) psf->fdata ;
- total = sds_write (psf, psds, ptr, len) ;
- return total ;
-} /* sds_write_i */
-static sf_count_t
-sds_write_f (SF_PRIVATE *psf, const float *ptr, sf_count_t len)
-{ SDS_PRIVATE *psds ;
- int *iptr ;
- int k, bufferlen, writecount, count ;
- sf_count_t total = 0 ;
- float normfact ;
- if (psf->fdata == NULL)
- return 0 ;
- psds = (SDS_PRIVATE*) psf->fdata ;
- if (psf->norm_float == SF_TRUE)
- normfact = 1.0 * 0x80000000 ;
- else
- normfact = 1.0 * (1 << psds->bitwidth) ;
- iptr = psf->u.ibuf ;
- bufferlen = ARRAY_LEN (psf->u.ibuf) ;
- while (len > 0)
- { writecount = (len >= bufferlen) ? bufferlen : len ;
- for (k = 0 ; k < writecount ; k++)
- iptr [k] = normfact * ptr [total + k] ;
- count = sds_write (psf, psds, iptr, writecount) ;
- total += count ;
- len -= writecount ;
- } ;
- return total ;
-} /* sds_write_f */
-static sf_count_t
-sds_write_d (SF_PRIVATE *psf, const double *ptr, sf_count_t len)
-{ SDS_PRIVATE *psds ;
- int *iptr ;
- int k, bufferlen, writecount, count ;
- sf_count_t total = 0 ;
- double normfact ;
- if (psf->fdata == NULL)
- return 0 ;
- psds = (SDS_PRIVATE*) psf->fdata ;
- if (psf->norm_double == SF_TRUE)
- normfact = 1.0 * 0x80000000 ;
- else
- normfact = 1.0 * (1 << psds->bitwidth) ;
- iptr = psf->u.ibuf ;
- bufferlen = ARRAY_LEN (psf->u.ibuf) ;
- while (len > 0)
- { writecount = (len >= bufferlen) ? bufferlen : len ;
- for (k = 0 ; k < writecount ; k++)
- iptr [k] = normfact * ptr [total + k] ;
- count = sds_write (psf, psds, iptr, writecount) ;
- total += count ;
- len -= writecount ;
- } ;
- return total ;
-} /* sds_write_d */
-static int
-sds_write (SF_PRIVATE *psf, SDS_PRIVATE *psds, const int *ptr, int len)
-{ int count, total = 0 ;
- while (total < len)
- { count = psds->samplesperblock - psds->write_count ;
- if (count > len - total)
- count = len - total ;
- memcpy (&(psds->write_samples [psds->write_count]), &(ptr [total]), count * sizeof (int)) ;
- total += count ;
- psds->write_count += count ;
- if (psds->write_count >= psds->samplesperblock)
- psds->writer (psf, psds) ;
- } ;
- return total ;
-} /* sds_write */
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