path: root/libs/audiographer/audiographer/process_context.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'libs/audiographer/audiographer/process_context.h')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/libs/audiographer/audiographer/process_context.h b/libs/audiographer/audiographer/process_context.h
index 36abd4fba0..16e637b85c 100644
--- a/libs/audiographer/audiographer/process_context.h
+++ b/libs/audiographer/audiographer/process_context.h
@@ -45,30 +45,30 @@ public:
ProcessContext (T * data, framecnt_t frames, ChannelCount channels)
: _data (data), _frames (frames), _channels (channels)
{ validate_data(); }
/// Normal copy constructor
ProcessContext (ProcessContext<T> const & other)
: Throwing<throwLevel>(), _data (other._data), _frames (other._frames), _channels (other._channels), _flags (other._flags)
{ /* No need to validate data */ }
/// "Copy constructor" with unique data, frame and channel count, but copies flags
template<typename Y>
ProcessContext (ProcessContext<Y> const & other, T * data, framecnt_t frames, ChannelCount channels)
: Throwing<throwLevel>(), _data (data), _frames (frames), _channels (channels), _flags (other.flags())
{ validate_data(); }
/// "Copy constructor" with unique data and frame count, but copies channel count and flags
template<typename Y>
ProcessContext (ProcessContext<Y> const & other, T * data, framecnt_t frames)
: Throwing<throwLevel>(), _data (data), _frames (frames), _channels (other.channels()), _flags (other.flags())
{ validate_data(); }
/// "Copy constructor" with unique data, but copies frame and channel count + flags
template<typename Y>
ProcessContext (ProcessContext<Y> const & other, T * data)
: Throwing<throwLevel>(), _data (data), _frames (other.frames()), _channels (other.channels()), _flags (other.flags())
{ /* No need to validate data */ }
/// Make new Context out of the beginning of this context
ProcessContext beginning (framecnt_t frames)
@@ -78,39 +78,39 @@ public:
% DebugUtils::demangled_name (*this) % frames % _frames));
validate_data ();
return ProcessContext (*this, _data, frames);
virtual ~ProcessContext () {}
/// \a data points to the array of data to process
inline T const * data() const { return _data; }
inline T * data() { return _data; }
/// \a frames tells how many frames the array pointed by data contains
inline framecnt_t const & frames() const { return _frames; }
/** \a channels tells how many interleaved channels \a data contains
* If \a channels is greater than 1, each channel contains \a frames / \a channels frames of data
inline ChannelCount const & channels() const { return _channels; }
/// Returns the amount of frames per channel
inline framecnt_t frames_per_channel() const { return _frames / _channels; }
/* Flags */
inline bool has_flag (Flag flag) const { return _flags.has (flag); }
inline void set_flag (Flag flag) const { _flags.set (flag); }
inline void remove_flag (Flag flag) const { _flags.remove (flag); }
inline FlagField const & flags () const { return _flags; }
T * const _data;
framecnt_t _frames;
ChannelCount _channels;
mutable FlagField _flags;
@@ -132,32 +132,32 @@ public:
/// Allocates uninitialized memory
AllocatingProcessContext (framecnt_t frames, ChannelCount channels)
: ProcessContext<T> (new T[frames], frames, channels) {}
/// Allocates and copies data from raw buffer
AllocatingProcessContext (T const * data, framecnt_t frames, ChannelCount channels)
: ProcessContext<T> (new T[frames], frames, channels)
{ TypeUtils<float>::copy (data, ProcessContext<T>::_data, frames); }
/// Copy constructor, copies data from other ProcessContext
AllocatingProcessContext (ProcessContext<T> const & other)
: ProcessContext<T> (other, new T[other._frames])
{ TypeUtils<float>::copy (ProcessContext<T>::_data, other._data, other._frames); }
/// "Copy constructor" with uninitialized data, unique frame and channel count, but copies flags
template<typename Y>
AllocatingProcessContext (ProcessContext<Y> const & other, framecnt_t frames, ChannelCount channels)
: ProcessContext<T> (other, new T[frames], frames, channels) {}
/// "Copy constructor" with uninitialized data, unique frame count, but copies channel count and flags
template<typename Y>
AllocatingProcessContext (ProcessContext<Y> const & other, framecnt_t frames)
: ProcessContext<T> (other, new T[frames], frames, other.channels()) {}
/// "Copy constructor" uninitialized data, that copies frame and channel count + flags
template<typename Y>
AllocatingProcessContext (ProcessContext<Y> const & other)
: ProcessContext<T> (other, new T[other._frames]) {}
~AllocatingProcessContext () { delete [] ProcessContext<T>::_data; }
@@ -169,21 +169,21 @@ class /*LIBAUDIOGRAPHER_API*/ ConstProcessContext
/// Basic constructor with data, frame and channel count
ConstProcessContext (T const * data, framecnt_t frames, ChannelCount channels)
: context (const_cast<T *>(data), frames, channels) {}
/// Copy constructor from const ProcessContext
ConstProcessContext (ProcessContext<T> const & other)
: context (const_cast<ProcessContext<T> &> (other)) {}
/// "Copy constructor", with unique data, frame and channel count, but copies flags
template<typename ProcessContext>
ConstProcessContext (ProcessContext const & other, T const * data, framecnt_t frames, ChannelCount channels)
: context (other, const_cast<T *>(data), frames, channels) {}
/// "Copy constructor", with unique data and frame count, but copies channel count and flags
template<typename ProcessContext>
ConstProcessContext (ProcessContext const & other, T const * data, framecnt_t frames)
: context (other, const_cast<T *>(data), frames) {}
/// "Copy constructor", with unique data, but copies frame and channel count + flags
template<typename ProcessContext>
ConstProcessContext (ProcessContext const & other, T const * data)