path: root/libs/ardour/sse_functions_64bit.s
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 609 deletions
diff --git a/libs/ardour/sse_functions_64bit.s b/libs/ardour/sse_functions_64bit.s
deleted file mode 100644
index 0242db3e77..0000000000
--- a/libs/ardour/sse_functions_64bit.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,609 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Paul Davis, John Rigg
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- Author: Sampo Savolainen
- 64-bit conversion: John Rigg
- $Id$
-#; void x86_sse_mix_buffers_with_gain (float *dst, float *src, unsigned int nframes, float gain);
-.globl x86_sse_mix_buffers_with_gain
- .type x86_sse_mix_buffers_with_gain,@function
-#; %rdi float *dst
-#; %rsi float *src
-#; %rdx unsigned int nframes
-#; %xmm0 float gain
- pushq %rbp
- movq %rsp, %rbp
- #; save the registers
- pushq %rbx
- pushq %rdi
- pushq %rsi
- #; if nframes == 0, go to end
- cmp $0, %rdx
- je .MBWG_END
- #; Check for alignment
- movq %rdi, %rax
- andq $12, %rax #; mask alignment offset
- movq %rsi, %rbx
- andq $12, %rbx #; mask alignment offset
- cmp %rax, %rbx
- jne .MBWG_NONALIGN #; if not aligned, calculate manually
- #; if we are aligned
- cmp $0, %rbx
- jz .MBWG_SSE
- #; Pre-loop, we need to run 1-3 frames "manually" without
- #; SSE instructions
- #; gain is already in %xmm0
- movss (%rsi), %xmm1
- mulss %xmm0, %xmm1
- addss (%rdi), %xmm1
- movss %xmm1, (%rdi)
- addq $4, %rdi #; dst++
- addq $4, %rsi #; src++
- decq %rdx #; nframes--
- jz .MBWG_END
- addq $4, %rbx
- cmp $16, %rbx #; test if we've reached 16 byte alignment
- cmp $4, %rdx #; we know it's not zero, but if it's not >=4, then
- jnge .MBWG_NONALIGN #; we jump straight to the "normal" code
- #; gain is already in %xmm0
- shufps $0x00, %xmm0, %xmm0
- movaps (%rsi), %xmm1 #; source => xmm0
- mulps %xmm0, %xmm1 #; apply gain to source
- addps (%rdi), %xmm1 #; mix with destination
- movaps %xmm1, (%rdi) #; copy result to destination
- addq $16, %rdi #; dst+=4
- addq $16, %rsi #; src+=4
- subq $4, %rdx #; nframes-=4
- cmp $4, %rdx
- cmp $0, %rdx
- je .MBWG_END
- #; if there are remaining frames, the nonalign code will do nicely
- #; for the rest 1-3 frames.
- #; not aligned!
- #; gain is already in %xmm0
- movss (%rsi), %xmm1
- mulss %xmm0, %xmm1
- addss (%rdi), %xmm1
- movss %xmm1, (%rdi)
- addq $4, %rdi
- addq $4, %rsi
- decq %rdx
- popq %rsi
- popq %rdi
- popq %rbx
- #; return
- leave
- ret
-.size x86_sse_mix_buffers_with_gain, .-x86_sse_mix_buffers_with_gain
-#; void x86_sse_mix_buffers_no_gain (float *dst, float *src, unsigned int nframes);
-.globl x86_sse_mix_buffers_no_gain
- .type x86_sse_mix_buffers_no_gain,@function
-#; %rdi float *dst
-#; %rsi float *src
-#; %rdx unsigned int nframes
- pushq %rbp
- movq %rsp, %rbp
- #; save the registers
- pushq %rbx
- pushq %rdi
- pushq %rsi
- #; the real function
- #; if nframes == 0, go to end
- cmp $0, %rdx
- je .MBNG_END
- #; Check for alignment
- movq %rdi, %rax
- andq $12, %rax #; mask alignment offset
- movq %rsi, %rbx
- andq $12, %rbx #; mask alignment offset
- cmp %rax, %rbx
- jne .MBNG_NONALIGN #; if not aligned, calculate manually
- cmp $0, %rbx
- je .MBNG_SSE
- #; Pre-loop, we need to run 1-3 frames "manually" without
- #; SSE instructions
- movss (%rsi), %xmm0
- addss (%rdi), %xmm0
- movss %xmm0, (%rdi)
- addq $4, %rdi #; dst++
- addq $4, %rsi #; src++
- decq %rdx #; nframes--
- jz .MBNG_END
- addq $4, %rbx
- cmp $16, %rbx #; test if we've reached 16 byte alignment
- cmp $4, %rdx #; if there are frames left, but less than 4
- jnge .MBNG_NONALIGN #; we can't run SSE
- movaps (%rsi), %xmm0 #; source => xmm0
- addps (%rdi), %xmm0 #; mix with destination
- movaps %xmm0, (%rdi) #; copy result to destination
- addq $16, %rdi #; dst+=4
- addq $16, %rsi #; src+=4
- subq $4, %rdx #; nframes-=4
- cmp $4, %rdx
- cmp $0, %rdx
- je .MBNG_END
- #; if there are remaining frames, the nonalign code will do nicely
- #; for the rest 1-3 frames.
- #; not aligned!
- movss (%rsi), %xmm0 #; src => xmm0
- addss (%rdi), %xmm0 #; xmm0 += dst
- movss %xmm0, (%rdi) #; xmm0 => dst
- addq $4, %rdi
- addq $4, %rsi
- decq %rdx
- popq %rsi
- popq %rdi
- popq %rbx
- #; return
- leave
- ret
-.size x86_sse_mix_buffers_no_gain, .-x86_sse_mix_buffers_no_gain
-#; void x86_sse_apply_gain_to_buffer (float *buf, unsigned int nframes, float gain);
-.globl x86_sse_apply_gain_to_buffer
- .type x86_sse_apply_gain_to_buffer,@function
-#; %rdi float *buf 32(%rbp)
-#; %rsi unsigned int nframes
-#; %xmm0 float gain
-#; %xmm1 float buf[0]
- pushq %rbp
- movq %rsp, %rbp
- #; save %rdi
- pushq %rdi
- #; the real function
- #; if nframes == 0, go to end
- movq %rsi, %rcx #; nframes
- cmp $0, %rcx
- je .AG_END
- #; set up the gain buffer (gain is already in %xmm0)
- shufps $0x00, %xmm0, %xmm0
- #; Check for alignment
- movq %rdi, %rdx #; buf => %rdx
- andq $12, %rdx #; mask bits 1 & 2, result = 0, 4, 8 or 12
- jz .AG_SSE #; if buffer IS aligned
- #; we iterate 1-3 times, doing normal x87 float comparison
- #; so we reach a 16 byte aligned "buf" (=%rdi) value
- #; Load next value from the buffer into %xmm1
- movss (%rdi), %xmm1
- mulss %xmm0, %xmm1
- movss %xmm1, (%rdi)
- #; increment buffer, decrement counter
- addq $4, %rdi #; buf++;
- decq %rcx #; nframes--
- jz .AG_END #; if we run out of frames, we go to the end
- addq $4, %rdx #; one non-aligned byte less
- cmp $16, %rdx
- jne .AGLP_START #; if more non-aligned frames exist, we do a do-over
- #; We have reached the 16 byte aligned "buf" ("rdi") value
- #; Figure out how many loops we should do
- movq %rcx, %rax #; copy remaining nframes to %rax for division
- movq $0, %rdx #; 0 the edx register
- pushq %rdi
- movq $4, %rdi
- divq %rdi #; %rdx = remainder == 0
- popq %rdi
- #; %rax = SSE iterations
- cmp $0, %rax
- movaps (%rdi), %xmm1
- mulps %xmm0, %xmm1
- movaps %xmm1, (%rdi)
- addq $16, %rdi
- subq $4, %rcx #; nframes-=4
- decq %rax
- jnz .AGLP_SSE
- #; Next we need to post-process all remaining frames
- #; the remaining frame count is in %rcx
- #; if no remaining frames, jump to the end
- cmp $0, %rcx
- andq $3, %rcx #; nframes % 4
- je .AG_END
- movss (%rdi), %xmm1
- mulss %xmm0, %xmm1
- movss %xmm1, (%rdi)
- #; increment buffer, decrement counter
- addq $4, %rdi #; buf++;
- decq %rcx #; nframes--
- jnz .AGPOST_START #; if we run out of frames, we go to the end
- popq %rdi
- #; return
- leave
- ret
-.size x86_sse_apply_gain_to_buffer, .-x86_sse_apply_gain_to_buffer
-#; end proc
-#; x86_sse_apply_gain_vector(float *buf, float *gain_vector, unsigned int nframes)
-.globl x86_sse_apply_gain_vector
- .type x86_sse_apply_gain_vector,@function
-#; %rdi float *buf
-#; %rsi float *gain_vector
-#; %rdx unsigned int nframes
- pushq %rbp
- movq %rsp, %rbp
- #; Save registers
- pushq %rdi
- pushq %rsi
- pushq %rbx
- #; if nframes == 0 go to end
- cmp $0, %rdx
- je .AGA_END
- #; Check alignment
- movq %rdi, %rax
- andq $12, %rax
- movq %rsi, %rbx
- andq $12, %rbx
- cmp %rax,%rbx
- cmp $0, %rax
- jz .AGA_SSE #; if buffers are aligned, jump to the SSE loop
-#; Buffers aren't 16 byte aligned, but they are unaligned by the same amount
- movss (%rdi), %xmm0 #; buf => xmm0
- movss (%rsi), %xmm1 #; gain value => xmm1
- mulss %xmm1, %xmm0 #; xmm1 * xmm0 => xmm0
- movss %xmm0, (%rdi) #; signal with gain => buf
- decq %rdx
- jz .AGA_END
- addq $4, %rdi #; buf++
- addq $4, %rsi #; gab++
- addq $4, %rax
- cmp $16, %rax
-#; There are frames left for sure, as that is checked in the beginning
-#; and within the previous loop. BUT, there might be less than 4 frames
-#; to process
- movq %rdx, %rax #; nframes => %rax
- shr $2, %rax #; unsigned divide by 4
- cmp $0, %rax #; Jos toimii ilman tätä, niin kiva
- movaps (%rdi), %xmm0
- movaps (%rsi), %xmm1
- mulps %xmm1, %xmm0
- movaps %xmm0, (%rdi)
- addq $16, %rdi
- addq $16, %rsi
- decq %rax
- andq $3, %rdx #; Remaining frames are nframes & 3
- jz .AGA_END
-#; Inside this loop, we know there are frames left to process
-#; but because either there are < 4 frames left, or the buffers
-#; are not aligned, we can't use the parallel SSE ops
- movss (%rdi), %xmm0 #; buf => xmm0
- movss (%rsi), %xmm1 #; gain value => xmm1
- mulss %xmm1, %xmm0 #; xmm1 * xmm0 => xmm0
- movss %xmm0, (%rdi) #; signal with gain => buf
- addq $4,%rdi
- addq $4,%rsi
- decq %rdx #; nframes--
- popq %rbx
- popq %rsi
- popq %rdi
- leave
- ret
-.size x86_sse_apply_gain_vector, .-x86_sse_apply_gain_vector
-#; end proc
-#; float x86_sse_compute_peak(float *buf, long nframes, float current);
-.globl x86_sse_compute_peak
- .type x86_sse_compute_peak,@function
-#; %rdi float *buf 32(%rbp)
-#; %rsi unsigned int nframes
-#; %xmm0 float current
-#; %xmm1 float buf[0]
- pushq %rbp
- movq %rsp, %rbp
- #; save %rdi
- pushq %rdi
- #; if nframes == 0, go to end
- movq %rsi, %rcx #; nframes
- cmp $0, %rcx
- je .CP_END
- #; create the "abs" mask in %xmm2
- pushq $2147483647
- movss (%rsp), %xmm2
- addq $8, %rsp
- shufps $0x00, %xmm2, %xmm2
- #; Check for alignment
- #;movq 8(%rbp), %rdi #; buf
- movq %rdi, %rdx #; buf => %rdx
- andq $12, %rdx #; mask bits 1 & 2, result = 0, 4, 8 or 12
- jz .CP_SSE #; if buffer IS aligned
- #; we iterate 1-3 times, doing normal x87 float comparison
- #; so we reach a 16 byte aligned "buf" (=%rdi) value
- #; Load next value from the buffer
- movss (%rdi), %xmm1
- andps %xmm2, %xmm1
- maxss %xmm1, %xmm0
- #; increment buffer, decrement counter
- addq $4, %rdi #; buf++;
- decq %rcx #; nframes--
- jz .CP_END #; if we run out of frames, we go to the end
- addq $4, %rdx #; one non-aligned byte less
- cmp $16, %rdx
- jne .LP_START #; if more non-aligned frames exist, we do a do-over
- #; We have reached the 16 byte aligned "buf" ("rdi") value
- #; Figure out how many loops we should do
- movq %rcx, %rax #; copy remaining nframes to %rax for division
- shr $2,%rax #; unsigned divide by 4
- #; %rax = SSE iterations
- #; current maximum is at %xmm0, but we need to ..
- shufps $0x00, %xmm0, %xmm0 #; shuffle "current" to all 4 FP's
- #;prefetcht0 16(%rdi)
- movaps (%rdi), %xmm1
- andps %xmm2, %xmm1
- maxps %xmm1, %xmm0
- addq $16, %rdi
- decq %rax
- jnz .LP_SSE
- #; Calculate the maximum value contained in the 4 FP's in %xmm0
- movaps %xmm0, %xmm1
- shufps $0x4e, %xmm1, %xmm1 #; shuffle left & right pairs (1234 => 3412)
- maxps %xmm1, %xmm0 #; maximums of the two pairs
- movaps %xmm0, %xmm1
- shufps $0xb1, %xmm1, %xmm1 #; shuffle the floats inside the two pairs (1234 => 2143)
- maxps %xmm1, %xmm0
- #; now every float in %xmm0 is the same value, current maximum value
- #; Next we need to post-process all remaining frames
- #; the remaining frame count is in %rcx
- #; if no remaining frames, jump to the end
- andq $3, %rcx #; nframes % 4
- jz .CP_END
- movss (%rdi), %xmm1
- andps %xmm2, %xmm1
- maxss %xmm1, %xmm0
- addq $4, %rdi #; buf++;
- decq %rcx #; nframes--;
- popq %rdi
- #; return
- leave
- ret
-.size x86_sse_compute_peak, .-x86_sse_compute_peak
-#; end proc
-#ifdef __ELF__
-.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits