path: root/libs/ardour/
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Diffstat (limited to 'libs/ardour/')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 661 deletions
diff --git a/libs/ardour/ b/libs/ardour/
index b21bf38873..da0fa364b9 100644
--- a/libs/ardour/
+++ b/libs/ardour/
@@ -35,655 +35,15 @@
using namespace std;
using namespace ARDOUR;
-void MidiModel::write_lock() {
- _lock.writer_lock();
- _automation_lock.lock();
-void MidiModel::write_unlock() {
- _lock.writer_unlock();
- _automation_lock.unlock();
-void MidiModel::read_lock() const {
- _lock.reader_lock();
- /*_automation_lock.lock();*/
-void MidiModel::read_unlock() const {
- _lock.reader_unlock();
- /*_automation_lock.unlock();*/
-// Read iterator (const_iterator)
-MidiModel::const_iterator::const_iterator(const MidiModel& model, double t)
- : _model(&model)
- , _is_end( (t == DBL_MAX) || model.empty() )
- , _locked( !_is_end )
- //cerr << "Created MIDI iterator @ " << t << " (is end: " << _is_end << ")" << endl;
- if (_is_end) {
- return;
- }
- model.read_lock();
- _note_iter = model.notes().end();
- // find first note which begins after t
- for (MidiModel::Notes::const_iterator i = model.notes().begin(); i != model.notes().end(); ++i) {
- if ((*i)->time() >= t) {
- _note_iter = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- MidiControlIterator earliest_control(boost::shared_ptr<AutomationList>(), DBL_MAX, 0.0);
- _control_iters.reserve(model.controls().size());
- // find the earliest control event available
- for (Automatable::Controls::const_iterator i = model.controls().begin();
- i != model.controls().end(); ++i) {
- assert(
- i->first.type() == MidiCCAutomation ||
- i->first.type() == MidiPgmChangeAutomation ||
- i->first.type() == MidiPitchBenderAutomation ||
- i->first.type() == MidiChannelAftertouchAutomation);
- double x, y;
- bool ret = i->second->list()->rt_safe_earliest_event_unlocked(t, DBL_MAX, x, y);
- if (!ret) {
- //cerr << "MIDI Iterator: CC " << i-> << " (size " << i->second->list()->size()
- // << ") has no events past " << t << endl;
- continue;
- }
- assert(x >= 0);
- if (y < i->first.min() || y > i->first.max()) {
- cerr << "ERROR: Controller (" << i->first.to_string() << ") value '" << y
- << "' out of range [" << i->first.min() << "," << i->first.max()
- << "], event ignored" << endl;
- continue;
- }
- const MidiControlIterator new_iter(i->second->list(), x, y);
- //cerr << "MIDI Iterator: CC " << i-> << " added (" << x << ", " << y << ")" << endl;
- _control_iters.push_back(new_iter);
- // if the x of the current control is less than earliest_control
- // we have a new earliest_control
- if (x < earliest_control.x) {
- earliest_control = new_iter;
- _control_iter = _control_iters.end();
- --_control_iter;
- // now _control_iter points to the last Element in _control_iters
- }
- }
- if (_note_iter != model.notes().end()) {
- _event = boost::shared_ptr<MIDI::Event>(new MIDI::Event((*_note_iter)->on_event(), true));
- }
- double time = DBL_MAX;
- // in case we have no notes in the region, we still want to get controller messages
- if (_event.get()) {
- time = _event->time();
- // if the note is going to make it this turn, advance _note_iter
- if (earliest_control.x > time) {
- _active_notes.push(*_note_iter);
- ++_note_iter;
- }
- }
- // <=, because we probably would want to send control events first
- if (earliest_control.automation_list.get() && earliest_control.x <= time) {
- model.control_to_midi_event(_event, earliest_control);
- } else {
- _control_iter = _control_iters.end();
- }
- if ( (! _event.get()) || _event->size() == 0) {
- //cerr << "Created MIDI iterator @ " << t << " is at end." << endl;
- _is_end = true;
- // eliminate possible race condition here (ugly)
- static Glib::Mutex mutex;
- Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(mutex);
- if (_locked) {
- _model->read_unlock();
- _locked = false;
- }
- } else {
- //printf("New MIDI Iterator = %X @ %lf\n", _event->type(), _event->time());
- }
- assert(_is_end || (_event->buffer() && _event->buffer()[0] != '\0'));
- if (_locked) {
- _model->read_unlock();
- }
-const MidiModel::const_iterator& MidiModel::const_iterator::operator++()
- if (_is_end) {
- throw std::logic_error("Attempt to iterate past end of MidiModel");
- }
- assert(_event->buffer() && _event->buffer()[0] != '\0');
- /*cerr << "const_iterator::operator++: " << _event->to_string() << endl;*/
- if (! (_event->is_note() || _event->is_cc() || _event->is_pgm_change() || _event->is_pitch_bender() || _event->is_channel_aftertouch()) ) {
- cerr << "FAILED event buffer: " << hex << int(_event->buffer()[0]) << int(_event->buffer()[1]) << int(_event->buffer()[2]) << endl;
- }
- assert((_event->is_note() || _event->is_cc() || _event->is_pgm_change() || _event->is_pitch_bender() || _event->is_channel_aftertouch()));
- // Increment past current control event
- if (!_event->is_note() && _control_iter != _control_iters.end() && _control_iter->automation_list.get()) {
- double x = 0.0, y = 0.0;
- const bool ret = _control_iter->automation_list->rt_safe_earliest_event_unlocked(
- _control_iter->x, DBL_MAX, x, y, false);
- if (ret) {
- _control_iter->x = x;
- _control_iter->y = y;
- } else {
- _control_iter->automation_list.reset();
- _control_iter->x = DBL_MAX;
- }
- }
- const std::vector<MidiControlIterator>::iterator old_control_iter = _control_iter;
- _control_iter = _control_iters.begin();
- // find the _control_iter with the earliest event time
- for (std::vector<MidiControlIterator>::iterator i = _control_iters.begin();
- i != _control_iters.end(); ++i) {
- if (i->x < _control_iter->x) {
- _control_iter = i;
- }
- }
- Type type = NIL;
- double t = 0;
- // Next earliest note on
- if (_note_iter != _model->notes().end()) {
- type = NOTE_ON;
- t = (*_note_iter)->time();
- }
- // Use the next earliest note off iff it's earlier than the note on
- if (_model->note_mode() == Sustained && (! _active_notes.empty())) {
- if (type == NIL ||>end_time() <= (*_note_iter)->time()) {
- type = NOTE_OFF;
- t =>end_time();
- }
- }
- // Use the next earliest controller iff it's earlier than the note event
- if (_control_iter != _control_iters.end() && _control_iter->x != DBL_MAX /*&& _control_iter != old_control_iter */) {
- if (type == NIL || _control_iter->x < t) {
- type = AUTOMATION;
- }
- }
- if (type == NOTE_ON) {
- //cerr << "********** MIDI Iterator = note on" << endl;
- *_event = (*_note_iter)->on_event();
- cerr << "Event contents on note on: " << _event->to_string() << endl;
- _active_notes.push(*_note_iter);
- ++_note_iter;
- } else if (type == NOTE_OFF) {
- //cerr << "********** MIDI Iterator = note off" << endl;
- *_event =>off_event();
- _active_notes.pop();
- } else if (type == AUTOMATION) {
- //cerr << "********** MIDI Iterator = Automation" << endl;
- _model->control_to_midi_event(_event, *_control_iter);
- } else {
- //cerr << "********** MIDI Iterator = End" << endl;
- _is_end = true;
- }
- assert(_is_end || _event->size() > 0);
- return *this;
-bool MidiModel::const_iterator::operator==(const const_iterator& other) const
- if (_is_end || other._is_end) {
- return (_is_end == other._is_end);
- } else {
- return (_event == other._event);
- }
-MidiModel::const_iterator& MidiModel::const_iterator::operator=(const const_iterator& other)
- if (_locked && _model != other._model) {
- _model->read_unlock();
- }
- _model = other._model;
- _active_notes = other._active_notes;
- _is_end = other._is_end;
- _locked = other._locked;
- _note_iter = other._note_iter;
- _control_iters = other._control_iters;
- size_t index = other._control_iter - other._control_iters.begin();
- _control_iter = _control_iters.begin() + index;
- if (!_is_end) {
- _event = boost::shared_ptr<MIDI::Event>(new MIDI::Event(*other._event, true));
- }
- return *this;
-// MidiModel
MidiModel::MidiModel(MidiSource *s, size_t size)
- : Automatable(s->session(), "midi model")
- , _notes(size)
- , _note_mode(Sustained)
- , _writing(false)
- , _edited(false)
- , _end_iter(*this, DBL_MAX)
- , _next_read(UINT32_MAX)
- , _read_iter(*this, DBL_MAX)
+ : ControlSet()
+ , Automatable(s->session(), "midi model")
+ , Sequence(size)
, _midi_source(s)
- assert(_end_iter._is_end);
- assert( ! _end_iter._locked);
-/** Read events in frame range \a start .. \a start+cnt into \a dst,
- * adding \a stamp_offset to each event's timestamp.
- * \return number of events written to \a dst
- */
-size_t MidiModel::read(MidiRingBuffer& dst, nframes_t start, nframes_t nframes,
- nframes_t stamp_offset, nframes_t negative_stamp_offset) const
- //cerr << this << " MM::read @ " << start << " frames: " << nframes << " -> " << stamp_offset << endl;
- //cerr << this << " MM # notes: " << n_notes() << endl;
- size_t read_events = 0;
- if (start != _next_read) {
- _read_iter = const_iterator(*this, (double)start);
- //cerr << "Repositioning iterator from " << _next_read << " to " << start << endl;
- } else {
- //cerr << "Using cached iterator at " << _next_read << endl;
- }
- _next_read = start + nframes;
- while (_read_iter != end() && _read_iter->time() < start + nframes) {
- assert(_read_iter->size() > 0);
- assert(_read_iter->buffer());
- dst.write(_read_iter->time() + stamp_offset - negative_stamp_offset,
- _read_iter->size(),
- _read_iter->buffer());
- /*cerr << this << " MidiModel::read event @ " << _read_iter->time()
- << " type: " << hex << int(_read_iter->type()) << dec
- << " note: " << int(_read_iter->note())
- << " velocity: " << int(_read_iter->velocity())
- << endl;*/
- ++_read_iter;
- ++read_events;
- }
- return read_events;
-/** Write the controller event pointed to by \a iter to \a ev.
- * The buffer of \a ev will be allocated or resized as necessary.
- * \return true on success
- */
-MidiModel::control_to_midi_event(boost::shared_ptr<MIDI::Event>& ev, const MidiControlIterator& iter) const
- assert(iter.automation_list.get());
- if (!ev) {
- ev = boost::shared_ptr<MIDI::Event>(new MIDI::Event(0, 3, NULL, true));
- }
- switch (iter.automation_list->parameter().type()) {
- case MidiCCAutomation:
- assert(iter.automation_list.get());
- assert(iter.automation_list->parameter().channel() < 16);
- assert(iter.automation_list->parameter().id() <= INT8_MAX);
- assert(iter.y <= INT8_MAX);
- ev->time() = iter.x;
- ev->realloc(3);
- ev->buffer()[0] = MIDI_CMD_CONTROL + iter.automation_list->parameter().channel();
- ev->buffer()[1] = (uint8_t)iter.automation_list->parameter().id();
- ev->buffer()[2] = (uint8_t)iter.y;
- break;
- case MidiPgmChangeAutomation:
- assert(iter.automation_list.get());
- assert(iter.automation_list->parameter().channel() < 16);
- assert(iter.automation_list->parameter().id() == 0);
- assert(iter.y <= INT8_MAX);
- ev->time() = iter.x;
- ev->realloc(2);
- ev->buffer()[0] = MIDI_CMD_PGM_CHANGE + iter.automation_list->parameter().channel();
- ev->buffer()[1] = (uint8_t)iter.y;
- break;
- case MidiPitchBenderAutomation:
- assert(iter.automation_list.get());
- assert(iter.automation_list->parameter().channel() < 16);
- assert(iter.automation_list->parameter().id() == 0);
- assert(iter.y < (1<<14));
- ev->time() = iter.x;
- ev->realloc(3);
- ev->buffer()[0] = MIDI_CMD_BENDER + iter.automation_list->parameter().channel();
- ev->buffer()[1] = uint16_t(iter.y) & 0x7F; // LSB
- ev->buffer()[2] = (uint16_t(iter.y) >> 7) & 0x7F; // MSB
- //cerr << "Pitch bender event: " << ev->to_string() << " value: " << ev->pitch_bender_value() << " original value: " << iter.y << std::endl;
- break;
- case MidiChannelAftertouchAutomation:
- assert(iter.automation_list.get());
- assert(iter.automation_list->parameter().channel() < 16);
- assert(iter.automation_list->parameter().id() == 0);
- assert(iter.y <= INT8_MAX);
- ev->time() = iter.x;
- ev->realloc(2);
- ev->buffer()[0]
- = MIDI_CMD_CHANNEL_PRESSURE + iter.automation_list->parameter().channel();
- ev->buffer()[1] = (uint8_t)iter.y;
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-/** Clear all events from the model.
- */
-void MidiModel::clear()
- _lock.writer_lock();
- _notes.clear();
- clear_automation();
- _next_read = 0;
- _read_iter = end();
- _lock.writer_unlock();
-/** Begin a write of events to the model.
- *
- * If \a mode is Sustained, complete notes with duration are constructed as note
- * on/off events are received. Otherwise (Percussive), only note on events are
- * stored; note off events are discarded entirely and all contained notes will
- * have duration 0.
- */
-void MidiModel::start_write()
- //cerr << "MM " << this << " START WRITE, MODE = " << enum_2_string(_note_mode) << endl;
- write_lock();
- _writing = true;
- for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
- _write_notes[i].clear();
- _dirty_automations.clear();
- write_unlock();
-/** Finish a write of events to the model.
- *
- * If \a delete_stuck is true and the current mode is Sustained, note on events
- * that were never resolved with a corresonding note off will be deleted.
- * Otherwise they will remain as notes with duration 0.
- */
-void MidiModel::end_write(bool delete_stuck)
- write_lock();
- assert(_writing);
- //cerr << "MM " << this << " END WRITE: " << _notes.size() << " NOTES\n";
- if (_note_mode == Sustained && delete_stuck) {
- for (Notes::iterator n = _notes.begin(); n != _notes.end() ;) {
- if ((*n)->duration() == 0) {
- cerr << "WARNING: Stuck note lost: " << (*n)->note() << endl;
- n = _notes.erase(n);
- // we have to break here because erase invalidates the iterator
- break;
- } else {
- ++n;
- }
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
- if (!_write_notes[i].empty()) {
- cerr << "WARNING: MidiModel::end_write: Channel " << i << " has "
- << _write_notes[i].size() << " stuck notes" << endl;
- }
- _write_notes[i].clear();
- }
- for (AutomationLists::const_iterator i = _dirty_automations.begin(); i != _dirty_automations.end(); ++i) {
- (*i)->Dirty.emit();
- (*i)->lookup_cache().left = -1;
- (*i)->search_cache().left = -1;
- }
- _writing = false;
- write_unlock();
-/** Append \a in_event to model. NOT realtime safe.
- *
- * Timestamps of events in \a buf are expected to be relative to
- * the start of this model (t=0) and MUST be monotonically increasing
- * and MUST be >= the latest event currently in the model.
- */
-void MidiModel::append(const MIDI::Event& ev)
- write_lock();
- _edited = true;
- assert(_notes.empty() || ev.time() >= _notes.back()->time());
- assert(_writing);
- if (ev.is_note_on()) {
- append_note_on_unlocked(, ev.time(), ev.note(),
- ev.velocity());
- } else if (ev.is_note_off()) {
- append_note_off_unlocked(, ev.time(), ev.note());
- } else if (ev.is_cc()) {
- append_automation_event_unlocked(MidiCCAutomation,,
- ev.time(), ev.cc_number(), ev.cc_value());
- } else if (ev.is_pgm_change()) {
- append_automation_event_unlocked(MidiPgmChangeAutomation,,
- ev.time(), ev.pgm_number(), 0);
- } else if (ev.is_pitch_bender()) {
- append_automation_event_unlocked(MidiPitchBenderAutomation,
-, ev.time(), ev.pitch_bender_lsb(),
- ev.pitch_bender_msb());
- } else if (ev.is_channel_aftertouch()) {
- append_automation_event_unlocked(MidiChannelAftertouchAutomation,
-, ev.time(), ev.channel_aftertouch(), 0);
- } else {
- printf("WARNING: MidiModel: Unknown event type %X\n", ev.type());
- }
- write_unlock();
-void MidiModel::append_note_on_unlocked(uint8_t chan, double time,
- uint8_t note_num, uint8_t velocity)
- /*cerr << "MidiModel " << this << " chan " << (int)chan <<
- " note " << (int)note_num << " on @ " << time << endl;*/
- assert(note_num <= 127);
- assert(chan < 16);
- assert(_writing);
- _edited = true;
- boost::shared_ptr<Note> new_note(new Note(chan, time, 0, note_num, velocity));
- _notes.push_back(new_note);
- if (_note_mode == Sustained) {
- //cerr << "MM Sustained: Appending active note on " << (unsigned)(uint8_t)note_num << endl;
- _write_notes[chan].push_back(_notes.size() - 1);
- }/* else {
- cerr << "MM Percussive: NOT appending active note on" << endl;
- }*/
-void MidiModel::append_note_off_unlocked(uint8_t chan, double time,
- uint8_t note_num)
- /*cerr << "MidiModel " << this << " chan " << (int)chan <<
- " note " << (int)note_num << " off @ " << time << endl;*/
- assert(note_num <= 127);
- assert(chan < 16);
- assert(_writing);
- _edited = true;
- if (_note_mode == Percussive) {
- cerr << "MidiModel Ignoring note off (percussive mode)" << endl;
- return;
- }
- /* FIXME: make _write_notes fixed size (127 noted) for speed */
- /* FIXME: note off velocity for that one guy out there who actually has
- * keys that send it */
- bool resolved = false;
- for (WriteNotes::iterator n = _write_notes[chan].begin(); n
- != _write_notes[chan].end(); ++n) {
- Note& note = *_notes[*n].get();
- if (note.note() == note_num) {
- assert(time >= note.time());
- note.set_duration(time - note.time());
- _write_notes[chan].erase(n);
- //cerr << "MM resolved note, duration: " << note.duration() << endl;
- resolved = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!resolved) {
- cerr << "MidiModel " << this << " spurious note off chan " << (int)chan
- << ", note " << (int)note_num << " @ " << time << endl;
- }
-void MidiModel::append_automation_event_unlocked(AutomationType type,
- uint8_t chan, double time, uint8_t first_byte, uint8_t second_byte)
- //cerr << "MidiModel " << this << " chan " << (int)chan <<
- // " CC " << (int)number << " = " << (int)value << " @ " << time << endl;
- assert(chan < 16);
- assert(_writing);
- _edited = true;
- double value;
- uint32_t id = 0;
- switch (type) {
- case MidiCCAutomation:
- id = first_byte;
- value = double(second_byte);
- break;
- case MidiChannelAftertouchAutomation:
- case MidiPgmChangeAutomation:
- id = 0;
- value = double(first_byte);
- break;
- case MidiPitchBenderAutomation:
- id = 0;
- value = double((0x7F & second_byte) << 7 | (0x7F & first_byte));
- break;
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- Parameter param(type, id, chan);
- boost::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> control = Automatable::control(param, true);
- control->list()->rt_add(time, value);
-void MidiModel::add_note_unlocked(const boost::shared_ptr<Note> note)
- //cerr << "MidiModel " << this << " add note " << (int)note.note() << " @ " << note.time() << endl;
- _edited = true;
- Notes::iterator i = upper_bound(_notes.begin(), _notes.end(), note,
- note_time_comparator);
- _notes.insert(i, note);
-void MidiModel::remove_note_unlocked(const boost::shared_ptr<const Note> note)
- _edited = true;
- //cerr << "MidiModel " << this << " remove note " << (int)note.note() << " @ " << note.time() << endl;
- for (Notes::iterator n = _notes.begin(); n != _notes.end(); ++n) {
- Note& _n = *(*n);
- const Note& _note = *note;
- // TODO: There is still the issue, that after restarting ardour
- // persisted undo does not work, because of rounding errors in the
- // event times after saving/restoring to/from MIDI files
- /*cerr << "======================================= " << endl;
- cerr << int(_n.note()) << "@" << int(_n.time()) << "[" << int( << "] --" << int(_n.duration()) << "-- #" << int(_n.velocity()) << endl;
- cerr << int(_note.note()) << "@" << int(_note.time()) << "[" << int( << "] --" << int(_note.duration()) << "-- #" << int(_note.velocity()) << endl;
- cerr << "Equal: " << bool(_n == _note) << endl;
- cerr << endl << endl;*/
- if (_n == _note) {
- _notes.erase(n);
- // we have to break here, because erase invalidates all iterators, ie. n itself
- break;
- }
- }
-/** Slow! for debugging only. */
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-bool MidiModel::is_sorted() const {
- bool t = 0;
- for (Notes::const_iterator n = _notes.begin(); n != _notes.end(); ++n)
- if ((*n)->time() < t)
- return false;
- else
- t = (*n)->time();
- return true;
/** Start a new command.
* This has no side-effects on the model or Session, the returned command
@@ -701,7 +61,8 @@ MidiModel::DeltaCommand* MidiModel::new_delta_command(const string name)
* Ownership of cmd is taken, it must not be deleted by the caller.
* The command will constitute one item on the undo stack.
-void MidiModel::apply_command(Command* cmd)
+MidiModel::apply_command(Command* cmd)
@@ -710,7 +71,8 @@ void MidiModel::apply_command(Command* cmd)
_edited = true;
-// MidiEditCommand
+// DeltaCommand
MidiModel::DeltaCommand::DeltaCommand(boost::shared_ptr<MidiModel> m,
const std::string& name)
@@ -727,21 +89,24 @@ MidiModel::DeltaCommand::DeltaCommand(boost::shared_ptr<MidiModel> m,
-void MidiModel::DeltaCommand::add(const boost::shared_ptr<Note> note)
+MidiModel::DeltaCommand::add(const boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Note> note)
//cerr << "MEC: apply" << endl;
-void MidiModel::DeltaCommand::remove(const boost::shared_ptr<Note> note)
+MidiModel::DeltaCommand::remove(const boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Note> note)
//cerr << "MEC: remove" << endl;
-void MidiModel::DeltaCommand::operator()()
// This could be made much faster by using a priority_queue for added and
// removed notes (or sort here), and doing a single iteration over _model
@@ -763,10 +128,10 @@ void MidiModel::DeltaCommand::operator()()
- for (std::list< boost::shared_ptr<Note> >::iterator i = _added_notes.begin(); i != _added_notes.end(); ++i)
+ for (std::list< boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Note> >::iterator i = _added_notes.begin(); i != _added_notes.end(); ++i)
- for (std::list< boost::shared_ptr<Note> >::iterator i = _removed_notes.begin(); i != _removed_notes.end(); ++i)
+ for (std::list< boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Note> >::iterator i = _removed_notes.begin(); i != _removed_notes.end(); ++i)
@@ -778,7 +143,8 @@ void MidiModel::DeltaCommand::operator()()
_model->ContentsChanged(); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
-void MidiModel::DeltaCommand::undo()
// This could be made much faster by using a priority_queue for added and
// removed notes (or sort here), and doing a single iteration over _model
@@ -800,11 +166,11 @@ void MidiModel::DeltaCommand::undo()
- for (std::list< boost::shared_ptr<Note> >::iterator i = _added_notes.begin(); i
+ for (std::list< boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Note> >::iterator i = _added_notes.begin(); i
!= _added_notes.end(); ++i)
- for (std::list< boost::shared_ptr<Note> >::iterator i =
+ for (std::list< boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Note> >::iterator i =
_removed_notes.begin(); i != _removed_notes.end(); ++i)
@@ -817,7 +183,8 @@ void MidiModel::DeltaCommand::undo()
_model->ContentsChanged(); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
-XMLNode & MidiModel::DeltaCommand::marshal_note(const boost::shared_ptr<Note> note)
+MidiModel::DeltaCommand::marshal_note(const boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Note> note)
XMLNode *xml_note = new XMLNode("note");
ostringstream note_str(ios::ate);
@@ -843,7 +210,7 @@ XMLNode & MidiModel::DeltaCommand::marshal_note(const boost::shared_ptr<Note> no
return *xml_note;
-boost::shared_ptr<Note> MidiModel::DeltaCommand::unmarshal_note(XMLNode *xml_note)
+boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Note> MidiModel::DeltaCommand::unmarshal_note(XMLNode *xml_note)
unsigned int note;
istringstream note_str(xml_note->property("note")->value());
@@ -865,7 +232,7 @@ boost::shared_ptr<Note> MidiModel::DeltaCommand::unmarshal_note(XMLNode *xml_not
istringstream velocity_str(xml_note->property("velocity")->value());
velocity_str >> velocity;
- boost::shared_ptr<Note> note_ptr(new Note(channel, time, duration, note, velocity));
+ boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Note> note_ptr(new Evoral::Note(channel, time, duration, note, velocity));
return note_ptr;
@@ -913,8 +280,8 @@ XMLNode& MidiModel::DeltaCommand::get_state()
struct EventTimeComparator {
- typedef const MIDI::Event* value_type;
- inline bool operator()(const MIDI::Event& a, const MIDI::Event& b) const {
+ typedef const Evoral::Event* value_type;
+ inline bool operator()(const Evoral::Event& a, const Evoral::Event& b) const {
return a.time() >= b.time();
@@ -930,14 +297,14 @@ bool MidiModel::write_to(boost::shared_ptr<MidiSource> source)
- const NoteMode old_note_mode = _note_mode;
- _note_mode = Sustained;
+ const bool old_percussive = percussive();
+ set_percussive(false);
for (const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) {
source->append_event_unlocked(Frames, *i);
- _note_mode = old_note_mode;
+ set_percussive(old_percussive);
_edited = false;