path: root/libs/ardour/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/ardour/')
1 files changed, 487 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/ardour/ b/libs/ardour/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6f2735351
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/ardour/
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <libgen.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include "ardour/linux_vst_support.h"
+#include "pbd/error.h"
+/* VSTFX - A set of modules for managing linux VST plugins */
+/*, and */
+/*Simple error handler stuff for VSTFX*/
+void vstfx_error (const char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list ap;
+ char buffer[512];
+ va_start (ap, fmt);
+ vsnprintf (buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, ap);
+ vstfx_error_callback (buffer);
+ va_end (ap);
+/*default error handler callback*/
+void default_vstfx_error_callback (const char *desc)
+ PBD::error << desc << endmsg;
+void (*vstfx_error_callback)(const char *desc) = &default_vstfx_error_callback;
+/* --- */
+/*Create and return a pointer to a new VSTFX handle*/
+VSTHandle *
+vstfx_handle_new ()
+ VSTHandle* vstfx = (VSTHandle *) calloc (1, sizeof (VSTHandle));
+ return vstfx;
+/*Create and return a pointer to a new vstfx instance*/
+VSTState *
+vstfx_new ()
+ VSTState* vstfx = (VSTState *) calloc (1, sizeof (VSTState));
+ /*Mutexes*/
+ pthread_mutex_init (&vstfx->lock, NULL);
+ pthread_cond_init (&vstfx->window_status_change, NULL);
+ pthread_cond_init (&vstfx->plugin_dispatcher_called, NULL);
+ pthread_cond_init (&vstfx->window_created, NULL);
+ /*Safe values*/
+ vstfx->want_program = -1;
+ vstfx->want_chunk = 0;
+ vstfx->n_pending_keys = 0;
+ vstfx->has_editor = 0;
+ vstfx->program_set_without_editor = 0;
+ vstfx->linux_window = 0;
+ vstfx->linux_plugin_ui_window = 0;
+ vstfx->eventProc = NULL;
+ vstfx->extra_data = NULL;
+ vstfx->want_resize = 0;
+ return vstfx;
+/*This loads the plugin shared library*/
+void* vstfx_load_vst_library(const char* path)
+ void* dll;
+ char* full_path;
+ char* envdup;
+ char* lxvst_path;
+ size_t len1;
+ size_t len2;
+ /*Try and load the shared library pointed to by the path -
+ NOTE: You have to give RTLD_LAZY or RTLD_NOW to dlopen or
+ you get some occasional failures to load - dlerror reports
+ invalid arguments*/
+ if ((dll = dlopen (path, RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_LAZY)) != NULL)
+ return dll;
+ /*We didn't find the library so try and get the path specified in the
+ env variable LXVST_PATH*/
+ envdup = getenv ("LXVST_PATH");
+ /*Path not specified - not much more we can do*/
+ if (envdup == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ /*Copy the path into envdup*/
+ envdup = strdup (envdup);
+ if (envdup == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ len2 = strlen(path);
+ /*Try all the possibilities in the path - deliminated by : */
+ lxvst_path = strtok (envdup, ":");
+ while (lxvst_path != NULL)
+ {
+ vstfx_error ("\"%s\"", lxvst_path);
+ len1 = strlen(lxvst_path);
+ full_path = (char*)malloc(len1 + 1 + len2 + 1);
+ memcpy(full_path, lxvst_path, len1);
+ full_path[len1] = '/';
+ memcpy(full_path + len1 + 1, path, len2);
+ full_path[len1 + 1 + len2] = '\0';
+ /*Try and load the library*/
+ if ((dll = dlopen(full_path, RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_LAZY)) != NULL)
+ {
+ /*Succeeded */
+ break;
+ }
+ /*Try again*/
+ lxvst_path = strtok (NULL, ":");
+ }
+ /*Free the path*/
+ free(envdup);
+ return dll;
+/*This loads up a plugin, given the path to its .so file and
+ finds its main entry point etc*/
+VSTHandle *
+vstfx_load (const char *path)
+ char* buf = NULL;
+ VSTHandle* fhandle;
+ int i;
+ /*Create a new handle we can use to reference the plugin*/
+ fhandle = vstfx_handle_new();
+ /*See if we have .so appended to the path - if not we need to make sure it is added*/
+ if (strstr (path, ".so") == NULL)
+ {
+ /*Append the .so to the path - Make sure the path has enough space*/
+ buf = (char *)malloc(strlen(path) + 4); //The .so and a terminating zero
+ sprintf (buf, "", path);
+ fhandle->nameptr = strdup (path);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*We already have .so appened to the filename*/
+ buf = strdup(path);
+ fhandle->nameptr = strdup (path);
+ }
+ /*Use basename to shorten the path and then strip off the .so - the old VST problem,
+ we don't know anything about its name until we load and instantiate the plugin
+ which we don't want to do at this point*/
+ for(i=0; i < (int)strlen(fhandle->nameptr); i++)
+ {
+ if(fhandle->nameptr[i] == '.')
+ fhandle->nameptr[i] = 0;
+ }
+ fhandle->name = basename (fhandle->nameptr);
+ /*call load_vstfx_library to actually load the .so into memory*/
+ if ((fhandle->dll = vstfx_load_vst_library (buf)) == NULL)
+ {
+ vstfx_unload (fhandle);
+ free(buf);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /*Find the main entry point into the plugin*/
+ if ((fhandle->main_entry = (main_entry_t) dlsym(fhandle->dll, "main")) == NULL)
+ {
+ /*If it can't be found, unload the plugin and return a NULL handle*/
+ vstfx_unload (fhandle);
+ free(buf);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ free(buf);
+ /*return the handle of the plugin*/
+ return fhandle;
+/*This unloads a plugin*/
+vstfx_unload (VSTHandle* fhandle)
+ if (fhandle->plugincnt)
+ {
+ /*Still have plugin instances - can't unload the library
+ - actually dlclose keeps an instance count anyway*/
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /*Valid plugin loaded?*/
+ if (fhandle->dll)
+ {
+ dlclose(fhandle->dll);
+ fhandle->dll = NULL;
+ }
+ if (fhandle->nameptr)
+ {
+ free (fhandle->nameptr);
+ fhandle->name = NULL;
+ }
+ /*Don't need the plugin handle any more*/
+ free (fhandle);
+ return 0;
+/*This instantiates a plugin*/
+VSTState *
+vstfx_instantiate (VSTHandle* fhandle, audioMasterCallback amc, void* userptr)
+ VSTState* vstfx = vstfx_new ();
+ if(fhandle == NULL)
+ {
+ vstfx_error( "** ERROR ** VSTFX : The handle was NULL\n" );
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ((vstfx->plugin = fhandle->main_entry (amc)) == NULL)
+ {
+ vstfx_error ("** ERROR ** VSTFX : %s could not be instantiated :(\n", fhandle->name);
+ free (vstfx);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ vstfx->handle = fhandle;
+ vstfx->plugin->user = userptr;
+ if (vstfx->plugin->magic != kEffectMagic)
+ {
+ vstfx_error ("** ERROR ** VSTFX : %s is not a VST plugin\n", fhandle->name);
+ free (vstfx);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ vstfx->plugin->dispatcher (vstfx->plugin, effOpen, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ /*May or May not need to 'switch the plugin on' here - unlikely
+ since FST doesn't and most plugins start up 'On' by default - I think this is the least of our worries*/
+ //vstfx->plugin->dispatcher (vstfx->plugin, effMainsChanged, 0, 1, NULL, 0);
+ vstfx->vst_version = vstfx->plugin->dispatcher (vstfx->plugin, effGetVstVersion, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ vstfx->handle->plugincnt++;
+ vstfx->wantIdle = 0;
+ return vstfx;
+/*Close a vstfx instance*/
+void vstfx_close (VSTState* vstfx)
+ vstfx_destroy_editor(vstfx);
+ if(vstfx->plugin)
+ {
+ vstfx->plugin->dispatcher (vstfx->plugin, effMainsChanged, 0, 0, NULL, 0);
+ /*Calling dispatcher with effClose will cause the plugin's destructor to
+ be called, which will also remove the editor if it exists*/
+ vstfx->plugin->dispatcher (vstfx->plugin, effClose, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (vstfx->handle->plugincnt)
+ vstfx->handle->plugincnt--;
+ /*vstfx_unload will unload the dll if the instance count allows -
+ we need to do this because some plugins keep their own instance count
+ and (JUCE) manages the plugin UI in its own thread. When the plugins
+ internal instance count reaches zero, JUCE stops the UI thread and won't
+ restart it until the next time the library is loaded. If we don't unload
+ the lib JUCE will never restart*/
+ if (vstfx->handle->plugincnt)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ /*Valid plugin loaded - so we can unload it and NULL the pointer
+ to it. We can't free the handle here because we don't know what else
+ might need it. It should be / is freed when the plugin is deleted*/
+ if (vstfx->handle->dll)
+ {
+ dlclose(vstfx->handle->dll); //dlclose keeps its own reference count
+ vstfx->handle->dll = NULL;
+ }
+vstfx_save_state (VSTState* vstfx, char * filename)
+ FILE* f = fopen (filename, "wb");
+ if (f)
+ {
+ int bytelen;
+ int numParams = vstfx->plugin->numParams;
+ int i;
+ char productString[64];
+ char effectName[64];
+ char vendorString[64];
+ int success;
+ /* write header */
+ fprintf(f, "<plugin_state>\n");
+ success = vstfx_call_dispatcher(vstfx, effGetProductString, 0, 0, productString, 0);
+ if(success == 1)
+ {
+ fprintf (f, " <check field=\"productString\" value=\"%s\"/>\n", productString);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf ("No product string\n");
+ }
+ success = vstfx_call_dispatcher(vstfx, effGetEffectName, 0, 0, effectName, 0);
+ if(success == 1)
+ {
+ fprintf (f, " <check field=\"effectName\" value=\"%s\"/>\n", effectName);
+ printf ("Effect name: %s\n", effectName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf ("No effect name\n");
+ }
+ success = vstfx_call_dispatcher(vstfx, effGetVendorString, 0, 0, vendorString, 0);
+ if( success == 1 )
+ {
+ fprintf (f, " <check field=\"vendorString\" value=\"%s\"/>\n", vendorString);
+ printf ("Vendor string: %s\n", vendorString);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf ("No vendor string\n");
+ }
+ if(vstfx->plugin->flags & 32 )
+ {
+ numParams = 0;
+ }
+ for(i=0; i < numParams; i++)
+ {
+ float val;
+ pthread_mutex_lock( &vstfx->lock );
+ val = vstfx->plugin->getParameter(vstfx->plugin, i );
+ pthread_mutex_unlock( &vstfx->lock );
+ fprintf( f, " <param index=\"%d\" value=\"%f\"/>\n", i, val );
+ }
+ if(vstfx->plugin->flags & 32 )
+ {
+ printf( "getting chunk...\n" );
+ void * chunk;
+ bytelen = vstfx_call_dispatcher(vstfx, 23, 0, 0, &chunk, 0 );
+ printf( "got tha chunk..\n" );
+ if( bytelen )
+ {
+ if( bytelen < 0 )
+ {
+ printf( "Chunke len < 0 !!! Not saving chunk.\n" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //char *encoded = g_base64_encode( chunk, bytelen );
+ //fprintf( f, " <chunk size=\"%d\">\n %s\n </chunk>\n", bytelen, encoded );
+ //g_free( encoded );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf( f, "</plugin_state>\n" );
+ fclose( f );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf ("Could not open state file\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+/*Set up a call to the plugins 'dispatcher' function*/
+int vstfx_call_dispatcher (VSTState* vstfx, int opcode, int index, int val, void *ptr, float opt)
+ pthread_mutex_lock (&vstfx->lock);
+ /*Set up the opcode and parameters*/
+ vstfx->dispatcher_opcode = opcode;
+ vstfx->dispatcher_index = index;
+ vstfx->dispatcher_val = val;
+ vstfx->dispatcher_ptr = ptr;
+ vstfx->dispatcher_opt = opt;
+ /*Signal that we want the call to happen*/
+ vstfx->dispatcher_wantcall = 1;
+ /*Wait for the call to happen*/
+ pthread_cond_wait (&vstfx->plugin_dispatcher_called, &vstfx->lock);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock (&vstfx->lock);
+ /*Return the result*/
+ return vstfx->dispatcher_retval;