path: root/libs/ardour/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/ardour/')
1 files changed, 413 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/ardour/ b/libs/ardour/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b5ec16b36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/ardour/
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+#include "ardour/export_graph_builder.h"
+#include "audiographer/interleaver.h"
+#include "audiographer/normalizer.h"
+#include "audiographer/peak_reader.h"
+#include "audiographer/process_context.h"
+#include "audiographer/sample_format_converter.h"
+#include "audiographer/sndfile_writer.h"
+#include "audiographer/sr_converter.h"
+#include "audiographer/silence_trimmer.h"
+#include "audiographer/threader.h"
+#include "audiographer/tmp_file.h"
+#include "audiographer/utils.h"
+#include "ardour/audioengine.h"
+#include "ardour/export_channel_configuration.h"
+#include "ardour/export_filename.h"
+#include "ardour/export_format_specification.h"
+#include "ardour/sndfile_helpers.h"
+#include "pbd/filesystem.h"
+using namespace AudioGrapher;
+namespace ARDOUR {
+ExportGraphBuilder::ExportGraphBuilder (Session const & session)
+ : session (session)
+ , thread_pool (4) // FIXME thread amount to cores amount
+ process_buffer_frames = session.engine().frames_per_cycle();
+ process_buffer = new Sample[process_buffer_frames];
+ // TODO move and/or use global silent buffers
+ AudioGrapher::Utils::init_zeros<Sample> (process_buffer_frames);
+ExportGraphBuilder::~ExportGraphBuilder ()
+ delete [] process_buffer;
+ // TODO see bove
+ AudioGrapher::Utils::free_resources();
+ExportGraphBuilder::process (nframes_t frames, bool last_cycle)
+ for (ChannelMap::iterator it = channels.begin(); it != channels.end(); ++it) {
+ it->first->read (process_buffer, process_buffer_frames);
+ ProcessContext<Sample> context(process_buffer, process_buffer_frames, 1);
+ if (last_cycle) { context.set_flag (ProcessContext<Sample>::EndOfInput); }
+ it->second->process (context);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ExportGraphBuilder::reset ()
+ channel_configs.clear ();
+ channels.clear ();
+ExportGraphBuilder::add_config (FileSpec const & config)
+ for (ChannelConfigList::iterator it = channel_configs.begin(); it != channel_configs.end(); ++it) {
+ if (*it == config) {
+ it->add_child (config);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // No duplicate channel config found, create new one
+ channel_configs.push_back (ChannelConfig (*this));
+ ChannelConfig & c_config (channel_configs.back());
+ c_config.init (config, channels);
+/* Encoder */
+template <>
+boost::shared_ptr<AudioGrapher::Sink<Sample> >
+ExportGraphBuilder::Encoder::init (FileSpec const & new_config)
+ config = new_config;
+ init_writer (float_writer);
+ return float_writer;
+template <>
+boost::shared_ptr<AudioGrapher::Sink<int> >
+ExportGraphBuilder::Encoder::init (FileSpec const & new_config)
+ config = new_config;
+ init_writer (int_writer);
+ return int_writer;
+template <>
+boost::shared_ptr<AudioGrapher::Sink<short> >
+ExportGraphBuilder::Encoder::init (FileSpec const & new_config)
+ config = new_config;
+ init_writer (short_writer);
+ return short_writer;
+ExportGraphBuilder::Encoder::add_child (FileSpec const & new_config)
+ filenames.push_back (new_config.filename);
+ExportGraphBuilder::Encoder::operator== (FileSpec const & other_config) const
+ return get_real_format (config) == get_real_format (other_config);
+ExportGraphBuilder::Encoder::get_real_format (FileSpec const & config)
+ ExportFormatSpecification & format = *config.format;
+ return format.format_id() | format.sample_format() | format.endianness();
+template<typename T>
+ExportGraphBuilder::Encoder::init_writer (boost::shared_ptr<AudioGrapher::SndfileWriter<T> > & writer)
+ unsigned channels = config.channel_config->get_n_chans();
+ int format = get_real_format (config);
+ Glib::ustring filename = config.filename->get_path (config.format);
+ writer.reset (new AudioGrapher::SndfileWriter<T> (channels, config.format->sample_rate(), format, filename));
+ writer->FileWritten.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportGraphBuilder::Encoder::copy_files));
+ExportGraphBuilder::Encoder::copy_files (std::string orig_path)
+ while (filenames.size()) {
+ FilenamePtr & filename = filenames.front();
+ PBD::sys::copy_file (orig_path, filename->get_path (config.format).c_str());
+ filenames.pop_front();
+ }
+/* SFC */
+ExportGraphBuilder::SFC::init (FileSpec const & new_config, nframes_t max_frames)
+ config = new_config;
+ data_width = sndfile_data_width (Encoder::get_real_format (config));
+ unsigned channels = new_config.channel_config->get_n_chans();
+ if (data_width == 8 || data_width == 16) {
+ short_converter = ShortConverterPtr (new SampleFormatConverter<short> (channels));
+ short_converter->init (max_frames, config.format->dither_type(), data_width);
+ add_child (config);
+ return short_converter;
+ } else if (data_width == 24 || data_width == 32) {
+ int_converter = IntConverterPtr (new SampleFormatConverter<int> (channels));
+ int_converter->init (max_frames, config.format->dither_type(), data_width);
+ add_child (config);
+ return int_converter;
+ } else {
+ float_converter = FloatConverterPtr (new SampleFormatConverter<Sample> (channels));
+ float_converter->init (max_frames, config.format->dither_type(), data_width);
+ add_child (config);
+ return float_converter;
+ }
+ExportGraphBuilder::SFC::add_child (FileSpec const & new_config)
+ for (std::list<Encoder>::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it) {
+ if (*it == new_config) {
+ it->add_child (new_config);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ children.push_back (Encoder());
+ Encoder & encoder = children.back();
+ if (data_width == 8 || data_width == 16) {
+ short_converter->add_output (encoder.init<short> (new_config));
+ } else if (data_width == 24 || data_width == 32) {
+ int_converter->add_output (encoder.init<int> (new_config));
+ } else {
+ float_converter->add_output (encoder.init<Sample> (new_config));
+ }
+ExportGraphBuilder::SFC::operator== (FileSpec const & other_config) const
+ return config.format->sample_format() == other_config.format->sample_format();
+/* Normalizer */
+ExportGraphBuilder::Normalizer::init (FileSpec const & new_config, nframes_t /*max_frames*/)
+ config = new_config;
+ max_frames_out = 4086; // TODO good chunk size
+ buffer.reset (new AllocatingProcessContext<Sample> (max_frames_out, config.channel_config->get_n_chans()));
+ peak_reader.reset (new PeakReader ());
+ normalizer.reset (new AudioGrapher::Normalizer (config.format->normalize_target()));
+ threader.reset (new Threader<Sample> (parent.thread_pool));
+ normalizer->alloc_buffer (max_frames_out);
+ normalizer->add_output (threader);
+ int format = ExportFormatBase::F_RAW | ExportFormatBase::SF_Float;
+ tmp_file.reset (new TmpFile<float> (config.channel_config->get_n_chans(),
+ config.format->sample_rate(), format));
+ tmp_file->FileWritten.connect (sigc::hide (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Normalizer::start_post_processing)));
+ add_child (new_config);
+ peak_reader->add_output (tmp_file);
+ return peak_reader;
+ExportGraphBuilder::Normalizer::add_child (FileSpec const & new_config)
+ for (std::list<SFC>::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it) {
+ if (*it == new_config) {
+ it->add_child (new_config);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ children.push_back (SFC (parent));
+ threader->add_output (children.back().init (new_config, max_frames_out));
+ExportGraphBuilder::Normalizer::operator== (FileSpec const & other_config) const
+ return config.format->normalize() == other_config.format->normalize() &&
+ config.format->normalize_target() == other_config.format->normalize_target();
+ normalizer->set_peak (peak_reader->get_peak());
+ tmp_file->seek (0, SndfileReader<Sample>::SeekBeginning);
+ parent.thread_pool.push (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Normalizer::do_post_processing));
+ while (tmp_file->read (*buffer) == buffer->frames()) {
+ normalizer->process (*buffer);
+ }
+/* SRC */
+ExportGraphBuilder::SRC::init (FileSpec const & new_config, nframes_t max_frames)
+ config = new_config;
+ converter.reset (new SampleRateConverter (new_config.channel_config->get_n_chans()));
+ ExportFormatSpecification & format = *new_config.format;
+ converter->init (parent.session.nominal_frame_rate(), format.sample_rate(), format.src_quality());
+ max_frames_out = converter->allocate_buffers (max_frames);
+ add_child (new_config);
+ return converter;
+ExportGraphBuilder::SRC::add_child (FileSpec const & new_config)
+ if (new_config.format->normalize()) {
+ add_child_to_list (new_config, normalized_children);
+ } else {
+ add_child_to_list (new_config, children);
+ }
+template<typename T>
+ExportGraphBuilder::SRC::add_child_to_list (FileSpec const & new_config, std::list<T> & list)
+ for (typename std::list<T>::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {
+ if (*it == new_config) {
+ it->add_child (new_config);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ list.push_back (T (parent));
+ converter->add_output (list.back().init (new_config, max_frames_out));
+ExportGraphBuilder::SRC::operator== (FileSpec const & other_config) const
+ return config.format->sample_rate() == other_config.format->sample_rate();
+/* SilenceHandler */
+ExportGraphBuilder::SilenceHandler::init (FileSpec const & new_config, nframes_t max_frames)
+ config = new_config;
+ max_frames_in = max_frames;
+ nframes_t sample_rate = parent.session.nominal_frame_rate();
+ silence_trimmer.reset (new SilenceTrimmer<Sample>());
+ silence_trimmer->set_trim_beginning (config.format->trim_beginning());
+ silence_trimmer->set_trim_end (config.format->trim_end());
+ silence_trimmer->add_silence_to_beginning (config.format->silence_beginning(sample_rate));
+ silence_trimmer->add_silence_to_end (config.format->silence_end(sample_rate));
+ silence_trimmer->limit_output_size (max_frames_in);
+ add_child (new_config);
+ return silence_trimmer;
+ExportGraphBuilder::SilenceHandler::add_child (FileSpec const & new_config)
+ for (std::list<SRC>::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it) {
+ if (*it == new_config) {
+ it->add_child (new_config);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ children.push_back (SRC (parent));
+ silence_trimmer->add_output (children.back().init (new_config, max_frames_in));
+ExportGraphBuilder::SilenceHandler::operator== (FileSpec const & other_config) const
+ ExportFormatSpecification & format = *config.format;
+ ExportFormatSpecification & other_format = *other_config.format;
+ return (format.trim_beginning() == other_format.trim_beginning()) &&
+ (format.trim_end() == other_format.trim_end()) &&
+ (format.silence_beginning() == other_format.silence_beginning()) &&
+ (format.silence_end() == other_format.silence_end());
+/* ChannelConfig */
+ExportGraphBuilder::ChannelConfig::init (FileSpec const & new_config, ChannelMap & channel_map)
+ typedef ExportChannelConfiguration::ChannelList ChannelList;
+ config = new_config;
+ max_frames = parent.session.engine().frames_per_cycle();
+ interleaver.reset (new Interleaver<Sample> ());
+ interleaver->init (new_config.channel_config->get_n_chans(), max_frames);
+ ChannelList const & channel_list = config.channel_config->get_channels();
+ unsigned chan = 0;
+ for (ChannelList::const_iterator it = channel_list.begin(); it != channel_list.end(); ++it, ++chan) {
+ ChannelMap::iterator map_it = channel_map.find (*it);
+ if (map_it == channel_map.end()) {
+ std::pair<ChannelMap::iterator, bool> result_pair =
+ channel_map.insert (std::make_pair (*it, IdentityVertexPtr (new IdentityVertex<Sample> ())));
+ assert (result_pair.second);
+ map_it = result_pair.first;
+ }
+ map_it->second->add_output (interleaver->input (chan));
+ }
+ add_child (new_config);
+ExportGraphBuilder::ChannelConfig::add_child (FileSpec const & new_config)
+ for (std::list<SilenceHandler>::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it) {
+ if (*it == new_config) {
+ it->add_child (new_config);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ children.push_back (SilenceHandler (parent));
+ nframes_t max_frames_out = new_config.channel_config->get_n_chans() * max_frames;
+ interleaver->add_output (children.back().init (new_config, max_frames_out));
+ExportGraphBuilder::ChannelConfig::operator== (FileSpec const & other_config) const
+ return config.channel_config == other_config.channel_config;
+} // namespace ARDOUR