path: root/gtk2_ardour/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gtk2_ardour/')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/ b/gtk2_ardour/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..001b180560
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gtk2_ardour/
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2008 Paul Davis
+ Author: Sakari Bergen
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#include "export_file_notebook.h"
+#include <ardour/export_format_specification.h>
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "i18n.h"
+using namespace ARDOUR;
+ExportFileNotebook::ExportFileNotebook () :
+ page_counter (1)
+ /* Last page */
+ new_file_button.add (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Image (::get_icon("add"))));
+ new_file_button.set_alignment (0, 0.5);
+ new_file_button.set_relief (Gtk::RELIEF_NONE);
+ new_file_hbox.pack_start (new_file_button, true, true);
+ append_page (new_file_dummy, new_file_hbox);
+ set_tab_label_packing (new_file_dummy, true, true, Gtk::PACK_START);
+ new_file_hbox.show_all_children ();
+ page_change_connection = signal_switch_page().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportFileNotebook::handle_page_change));
+ new_file_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportFileNotebook::add_new_file_page));
+ExportFileNotebook::set_session_and_manager (ARDOUR::Session * s, boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager> manager)
+ session = s;
+ profile_manager = manager;
+ sync_with_manager ();
+ExportFileNotebook::sync_with_manager ()
+ /* Clear pages from notebook
+ The page switch handling has to be disabled during removing all pages due to a gtk bug
+ */
+ page_change_connection.block();
+ while (get_n_pages() > 1) {
+ remove_page (0);
+ }
+ page_change_connection.block(false);
+ page_counter = 1;
+ last_visible_page = 0;
+ /* File notebook */
+ ExportProfileManager::FormatStateList const & formats = profile_manager->get_formats ();
+ ExportProfileManager::FormatStateList::const_iterator format_it;
+ ExportProfileManager::FilenameStateList const & filenames = profile_manager->get_filenames ();
+ ExportProfileManager::FilenameStateList::const_iterator filename_it;
+ for (format_it = formats.begin(), filename_it = filenames.begin();
+ format_it != formats.end() && filename_it != filenames.end();
+ ++format_it, ++filename_it) {
+ add_file_page (*format_it, *filename_it);
+ }
+ set_current_page (0);
+ CriticalSelectionChanged ();
+ExportFileNotebook::get_nth_format_name (uint32_t n)
+ FilePage * page;
+ if ((page = dynamic_cast<FilePage *> (get_nth_page (n - 1)))) {
+ return page->get_format_name();
+ }
+ return "";
+ExportFileNotebook::add_new_file_page ()
+ FilePage * page;
+ if ((page = dynamic_cast<FilePage *> (get_nth_page (get_current_page())))) {
+ add_file_page (profile_manager->duplicate_format_state (page->get_format_state()),
+ profile_manager->duplicate_filename_state (page->get_filename_state()));
+ }
+ExportFileNotebook::add_file_page (ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::FormatStatePtr format_state, ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::FilenameStatePtr filename_state)
+ FilePage * page = Gtk::manage (new FilePage (session, profile_manager, this, page_counter, format_state, filename_state));
+ page->CriticalSelectionChanged.connect (CriticalSelectionChanged.make_slot());
+ insert_page (*page, page->get_tab_widget(), get_n_pages() - 1);
+ update_remove_file_page_sensitivity ();
+ show_all_children();
+ ++page_counter;
+ CriticalSelectionChanged ();
+ExportFileNotebook::remove_file_page (FilePage * page)
+ profile_manager->remove_format_state (page->get_format_state());
+ profile_manager->remove_filename_state (page->get_filename_state());
+ remove_page (*page);
+ update_remove_file_page_sensitivity ();
+ CriticalSelectionChanged ();
+ExportFileNotebook::update_remove_file_page_sensitivity ()
+ FilePage * page;
+ if ((page = dynamic_cast<FilePage *> (get_nth_page (0)))) {
+ if (get_n_pages() > 2) {
+ page->set_remove_sensitive (true);
+ } else {
+ page->set_remove_sensitive (false);
+ }
+ }
+ExportFileNotebook::handle_page_change (GtkNotebookPage*, uint32_t page)
+ if (page + 1 == (uint32_t) get_n_pages()) {
+ set_current_page (last_visible_page);
+ } else {
+ last_visible_page = page;
+ }
+ExportFileNotebook::FilePage::FilePage (Session * s, ManagerPtr profile_manager, ExportFileNotebook * parent, uint32_t number,
+ ExportProfileManager::FormatStatePtr format_state,
+ ExportProfileManager::FilenameStatePtr filename_state) :
+ format_state (format_state),
+ filename_state (filename_state),
+ profile_manager (profile_manager),
+ format_label (_("Format"), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT),
+ filename_label (_("Location"), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT),
+ tab_number (number)
+ set_border_width (12);
+ pack_start (format_label, false, false, 0);
+ pack_start (format_align, false, false, 0);
+ pack_start (filename_label, false, false, 0);
+ pack_start (filename_align, false, false, 0);
+ format_align.add (format_selector);
+ format_align.set_padding (6, 12, 18, 0);
+ filename_align.add (filename_selector);
+ filename_align.set_padding (0, 12, 18, 0);
+ Pango::AttrList bold;
+ Pango::Attribute b = Pango::Attribute::create_attr_weight (Pango::WEIGHT_BOLD);
+ bold.insert (b);
+ format_label.set_attributes (bold);
+ filename_label.set_attributes (bold);
+ tab_label.set_attributes (bold);
+ /* Set states */
+ format_selector.set_state (format_state, s);
+ filename_selector.set_state (filename_state, s);
+ /* Signals */
+ tab_close_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*parent, &ExportFileNotebook::remove_file_page), this));
+ profile_manager->FormatListChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (format_selector, &ExportFormatSelector::update_format_list));
+ format_selector.FormatEdited.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportFileNotebook::FilePage::save_format_to_manager));
+ format_selector.FormatRemoved.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*profile_manager, &ExportProfileManager::remove_format_profile));
+ format_selector.NewFormat.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*profile_manager, &ExportProfileManager::get_new_format));
+ format_selector.CriticalSelectionChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportFileNotebook::FilePage::update_tab_label));
+ filename_selector.CriticalSelectionChanged.connect (CriticalSelectionChanged.make_slot());
+ /* Tab widget */
+ tab_close_button.add (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Image (::get_icon("close"))));
+ tab_close_alignment.add (tab_close_button);
+ tab_close_alignment.set (0.5, 0.5, 0, 0);
+ tab_widget.pack_start (tab_label, false, false, 3);
+ tab_widget.pack_end (tab_close_alignment, false, false, 0);
+ tab_widget.show_all_children ();
+ update_tab_label ();
+ /* Done */
+ show_all_children ();
+ExportFileNotebook::FilePage::~FilePage ()
+ExportFileNotebook::FilePage::set_remove_sensitive (bool value)
+ tab_close_button.set_sensitive (value);
+ExportFileNotebook::FilePage::get_format_name () const
+ if (format_state && format_state->format) {
+ return format_state->format->name();
+ }
+ return "No format!";
+ExportFileNotebook::FilePage::save_format_to_manager (FormatPtr format)
+ profile_manager->save_format_to_disk (format);
+ExportFileNotebook::FilePage::update_tab_label ()
+ tab_label.set_text (string_compose ("%1 %2", tab_number, get_format_name()));
+ CriticalSelectionChanged();