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Diffstat (limited to 'DOCUMENTATION')
19 files changed, 2555 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/DOCUMENTATION/.cvsignore b/DOCUMENTATION/.cvsignore
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index 0000000000..3dda72986f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DOCUMENTATION/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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--- /dev/null
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+Paul Davis (Philadelphia, PA) was and is the primary author of Ardour.
+Taybin Rutkin (New York, NY) has contributed lots of code, and was
+particularly responsible for the use of XML in the state persistence
+aspect of the program. He also (re)wrote the soundfile library code to
+use LRDF. In addition he was responsible for the integration of the
+gettext system and the compose() templates that make Ardour's
+internationalization possible. He has consistently made suggestions
+that resulted in significantly more elegant code and design. Taybin
+also set up and oversees the Mantis bug reporting system used by all
+of us, and tends to take on "infrastructure" issues such as the switch
+to SCons as the build system.
+Jesse Chappell (Washington, DC) keeps on making major contributions to
+Ardour. It almost seems pointless to list the things he has worked on
+because there is so much of it. They include being able to handle
+multichannel tracks, a major change in the program's design and
+capabilities, and many additions/improvements to the GTK GUI,
+including mouse zoom mode and the route params editor. Jesse was the
+first person to just "walk in" and understand the Ardour codebase.
+Marcus Andersson (Karlstad, Sweden) contributed a number of useful
+patches and worked on the dB-related issues in the gain stages and
+metering, other numeric computations, and much useful debugging, bug
+reporting and analysis.
+Jeremy Hall (Sterling, VA) contributed several patches and worked
+intensively on ksi_ardour, the keystroke-based-interface to libardour
+designed for sight-impaired and GUI-averse users.
+Steve Harris (Southampton, UK) contributed code to handle speed-based
+interpolation, an area I did not want to get my head around, as well
+as dithering, panning, metering and other DSP-centric issues. He also
+wrote the LRDF library used by Ardour's soundfile library code, not to
+mention dozens of LADSPA plugins that make Ardour a genuinely useful
+Tim Mayberry (Brisbane, Australia) did lots and lots and lots of work
+on mouse-driven editing.
+Nick Mainsbridge <> is responsible for many
+improvements to the rulers, and several other tweaks.
+Colin Law wrote the code that supports Ardour's integration with
+the CMT Animatics engine. He was also very involved in refactoring the
+GUI code design to support different kinds of tracks, thus laying the
+groundwork for extending ardour's domain to include MIDI and video.
+Gerard van Dongen (Rotterdam, Netherlands) has done a set of scattered
+but critical work with a vague focus on the mouse. He has made some
+particularly important fixes to the incredibly hairy code that draws
+automation curves. Gerard also helped out with a workshop on Ardour
+held at the Dutch Electronic Arts Festival, Rotterdam, in November
+Smaller (but not necessarily minor) patches were received from the
+following people:
+ Mark Stewart
+ Sam Chessman (Reston, VA)
+ Jack O'Quin (Austin, TX)
+ Matt Krai
+ Ben Bell
+ Thomas Charbonnel (Lyon, France)
+ Robert Jordens
+ Christopher George
+ Rob Holland
+ Joshua Leachman
+ Sampo Savolainen
+ Per Sigmond
+ \ No newline at end of file
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..93f16773c1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+Paul Davis (de Philadelphia, PA) fue y es el principal autor de Ardour.
+Taybin Rutkin (de New York, NY) ha contribuido grandes cantidades de
+codigo y fue particularmente responsable por el uso de XML en el
+aspecto de persistencia de estado del programa. Tambien escribio y
+reescribio el codigo relativo a la libreria soundfile (archivo de
+sonido) para que use LRDF. Ademas fue responsable por la integracion
+del sistema gettext y los esquemas compose() que hacen posible la
+internacionalizacion de Ardour. Ha hecho constantes sugerencias las
+cuales resultaron en codigo y disenio significativamente mas elegantes.
+Taybin tambien configuro y administra el sistema Mantis de reporte de
+bugs (errores de codigo) usado por todos nosotros.
+Jesse Chappell (de Washington, DC) continua haciendo grandes
+contribuciones a Ardour, particularmente en el hecho de que Ardour sea
+capaz de manejar pistas multicanal, un cambio mayor en el disenio del
+programa y capacidades. Tambien hizo muchos agregados y mejoras a la
+interfaz visual de GTK, incluyendo el modo de zoom mediante mouse y el
+editor de parametros de ruteo. Jessie fue la primera persona en "pasar"
+y entender las bases del codigo de Ardour.
+Marcus Andersson (de Karlstad, Sweden) contribuyo un numero de patches
+(actualizaciones) utiles y trabajo con los problemas relacionados a "dB"
+en las etapas de gain (volumen) y vumetros, otras computaciones numericas
+y muy util debugging, reporte de bugs y analisis.
+Jeremy Hall (de Sterling, VA) contribuyo varios patches y trabajo
+intensamente con ksi_ardour, que es la interfase basada en teclas de la
+libreria libardour diseniada para no videntes y amantes de lineas de
+comando (consolas).
+Steve Harris (de Southampton, UK) contribuyo codigo para manejar
+interpolacion basada en velocidad, un area en la cual no me queria meter,
+asi como dithering, balance, vumetros y otros temas relacionados con
+procesamiento de senial. Tambien escribio la libreria LRDF usada por
+el codigo de Ardour de la libreria soundfile, sin mencionar docenas
+de plugins LADSPA que hacen a Ardour una herramienta genuinamente util.
+Tim Mayberry (de Brisbane, Australia) hizo mucho, mucho, mucho trabajo
+en cuanto a edicion basada en mouse.
+Nick Mainsbridge <> es responsable de muchas
+mejoras a los medidores/lineas/referencias de tiempo.
+Colin Law <> escribio el codigo que soporta la integracion de Ardour
+al sistema de Animatics CMT. Tambien se ocupo en el redisenio del codigo
+de la interfase visual para soportar diferentes tipos de pistas.
+Mas pequenios (preo no necesariamente menores) patches fueron recividos
+de las siguientes personas:
+ Mark Stewart
+ Sam Chessman (Reston, VA)
+ Jack O'Quin (Austin, TX)
+ Matt Krai
+ Ben Bell
+ Gerard vanDongen (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
+ Thomas Charbonnel (Lyon, France)
+ Robert Jordens
+Nota de Traduccion (Spanish Translation Note)
+#Nota del tipeo:la letra pronunciada ENIE aparece en este archivo
+#como ni (letra "n" y letra "i") para mayor compatibilidad con todos
+#los visores de texto.
+#Asi mismo no se han aplicado las tildes(acentos).
+#Estos no son errores de tipeo. Si llegara a encontrar algun otro error
+#en cualquiera de los archivos con extension ".es" por favor
+#hagamelo saber a
+# Muchas gracias
+# Alex \ No newline at end of file
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..010e097e74
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+ -------------------------------
+Please: before you do anything else, take a moment to go and join the
+ardour-dev mailing list (members only). It is very important that the
+community of people using, testing and developing this software are on
+the list, and I will NOT deal with questions relating to Ardour's
+compilation or bugs that are not sent to that list. See
+ for details on joining the mailing list.
+You can also get in touch with developers and users on IRC. Joining
+#ardour at The core developers and several key users
+hang out here on IRC, at pretty much any hour of the night or day.
+ Full information on building Ardour can be found at:
+ Information has been left in this file for those who do not have
+ network access but is not guaranteed to be accurate or up to date.
+Please ensure that before attempting to compile Ardour, you have
+* Tools:
+ gcc/g++ 3.x or above
+ scons 0.96 or above
+ gettext 0.12.1 or above
+ pkgconfig 0.8.0 or above
+ lex and yacc are also required.
+ any verison of bison >= 1.35 should work fine.
+* Libraries:
+Recommended versions, where applicable, are shown under the general
+ JACK 0.99.50 (CVS or snapshot release) (
+ libxml2 2.5.X (
+ libart_lgpl 2.3.X
+ - available as part of gnome-libs, which you may already
+ have on your system.
+ - also available via download from GNOME source FTP sites.
+ - see
+ and then follow to sources/libart_lgpl
+ glib 1.2 (
+ glib-1.2.8 (included with most distributions)
+ GTK+ 1.2 (
+ gtk+-1.2.8 (included with most distributions)
+ libsndfile (
+ libsndfile-1.0 or higher
+ libsamplerate (
+ libsamplerate 0.0.13 or higher
+ the LADSPA SDK (
+ (See below)
+ raptor (
+ lrdf (needs raptor) (
+ liblrdf 0.4.0 or higher (earlier versions will
+ causes crashes when using plugin presets)
+Getting LADSPA
+The Linux Audio Developers Simple Plugin API (LADSPA) really only
+consists of a header file, which is already included in the Ardour
+source tree.
+However, you may want the plugins that come the "full" LADSPA "SDK",
+so go ahead and download the whole package (it's not big) from
+I would also recommend getting Steve Harris' excellent set of LADSPA
+plugins from They make Ardour into a truly
+useful application. Other LADSPA plugins will be appearing - be sure
+to watch the Linux Audio Development mailing list for announcements.
+Checkout the source from Ardour CVS (the `%' here is meant to be your
+shell prompt):
+% cd /usr/local/src # just an example, it can be anywhere
+% cvs login
+ # you will need to contact
+ # paul at linuxaudiosystems dot com
+ # to get the passphrase. See
+ #
+ # for details on why this is.
+% cvs -z3 co ardour
+As usual, fetch and unpack the tarball. The directory it creates,
+ardour-<version>, is referred to below as "$AD".
+We use the wonderful scons build system, which is started by just typing:
+ scons
+in the top level directory of the ardour source tree.
+To speed things up, on a uniprocessor system, use "scons -j2", and on
+an SMP system try "scons -j3", which will do a parallel build
+(constructing more than one thing at a time).
+If you want to build ardour so that it can be debugged, you may wish
+to use the DEBUG=yes option. Without it, ardour is built with
+extreme optimization turned on and the result cannot be debugged
+If you don't want the installation to happen in the "usual place", add
+a PREFIX=/my/preferred/prefix option to scons.
+Compilation takes a while. Running with scons -j3 on a dual PII-450,
+the entire build takes about 20 minutes, about the same time with
+scons -j2 on 2.6GHz P4.
+Other scons options can be discovered using "scons --help"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a620209735
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+ --------------------------------------
+Пожалуйста внимание: прежде чем приступить к работе с Ardour, найдите
+время чтобы подписаться на список рассылки разработчиков. Это очень
+важно, потому что сообщество людей, использующих, тестирующих и
+разрабатывающих Ardour, общаются в этом списке рассылки, и я НЕ БУДУ
+отвечать на вопросы относительно сборки или ошибок в работе Ardour,
+если они не будут заданы в этом списке. Подробнее об этом читайте на
+странице или, где указано
+как подписаться на список рассылки.
+Этот документ написан для пользователей, хорошо знающих процесс сборки
+программного обеспечения из исходных текстов с использованием пакетов
+GNU automake и autoconf. Если Вы не знакомы с этим, тогда возможно вам
+придётся подождать до тех пор, пока не появятся релизы Ardour, не требующие
+сборки из исходных текстов (binary releases).
+GNU autoconf весьма мощная система, однако у неё имеется как минимум
+один существенный недостаток. По умолчанию autoconf (aclocal) ведёт
+поиск требуемых файлов только в ОДНОМ каталоге. Это нормально работает,
+кроме случаев, когда в системе установлены другие пакеты, размещающие
+свои файлы autoconf или в каталоге /usr/local/lib/share/aclocal,
+или /usr/lib/share/aclocal.
+В результате, autoconf часто не может найти файлы, требуемые для сборки
+Ardour, к тому же у многих пользователей одновременно имеются копии
+библиотек, установленных разными способами: из исходных текстов (файлы
+autoconf обычно находятся в каталоге /usr/local/lib...) и из собранных
+пакетов (в этом случае файлы располагаются в каталоге /usr/lib...).
+Рекомендуется указать расположение каталогов autoconf путем определения
+в переменной ACLOCAL_FLAGS всех путей поиска.
+Сначала найдите все aclocal директории:
+ $ locate /aclocal/
+и проверьте (найдите) все каталоги, содержащие файлы с расширением ".m4" .
+Затем задайте переменную окружения ACLOCAL_FLAGS, как указано ниже
+(в качестве примера):
+ export ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I /usr/share/aclocal -I /usr/local/share/aclocal -I /opt/gnome/share/aclocal"
+Вы можете добавить эту строку в файлы .bashrc или .profile в вашем домашнем
+каталоге, она будет исполняться каждый раз при входе в систему.
+Грубое и менее деликатное решение, описанное ниже, подразумевает слияние
+всех директорий aclocal. Это не может быть рекомендовано, хотя этот
+вариант также работает.
+Пожалуйста, проверьте содержимое обеих директорий перед тем как делать
+"слияние", чтобы случайно не стереть корректную версию копий файлов
+ * Если у вас есть оба каталога:
+ cd /usr/lib/share/aclocal
+ cp *.m4 /usr/local/lib/share/aclocal
+ cd ..
+ rm -rf aclocal
+ ln -s /usr/local/lib/share/aclocal .
+ * Если имеется только /usr/lib/share/aclocal
+ cd /usr/local/lib
+ ln -s /usr/lib/share/aclocal .
+В некоторые дистрибутивах linux aclocal находится в различных местах.
+Перед тем как компилировать Ardour убедитесь, что у вас установлены
+следующие компоненты:
+* Программы и утилиты:
+ gcc/g++ версии 2.95.3 или выше (gcc/g++ 3.x works also)
+ autoconf 2.52 или выше
+ automake 1.5 или выше
+ libtool 1.4.2 или выше
+ gettext 0.11.5 или выше
+ pkgconfig 0.8.0 или выше
+ требуются также lex и yacc.
+ любая версия bison >= 1.35 должна работать.
+* Библиотеки:
+Рекомендуемые версии, которые должны работать, показаны ниже.
+ ALSA 0.9.X (CVS или текущий релиз) (
+ JACK (
+ libxml2 2.5.X (
+ libart_lgpl 2.3.X
+ - обычно является частью gnome-libs, которые как правило
+ уже установлены
+ - в противном случае вы можете загрузить библиотеку с FTP-сайта
+ исходных текстов GNOME.
+ - см.
+ и ищите в sources/libart_lgpl
+ glib 1.2 (
+ glib-1.2.8 (включено в большинство дистрибутивов)
+ GTK+ 1.2 (
+ gtk+-1.2.8 (включено в большинство дистрибутивов)
+ libsndfile (
+ libsndfile-1.0 или выше
+ libsamplerate (
+ libsamplerate 0.0.13 или выше
+ the LADSPA SDK (
+ (см. ниже)
+ raptor (
+ lrdf (needs raptor) (
+ liblrdf 0.4.0 или выше
+Установка LADSPA
+Сегодня описание интерфейса Linux Audio Developers Simple Plugin API
+(LADSPA) содержит только заголовочный файл (header file), который
+уже включён в дерево исходных текстов Ardour.
+Тем не менее, вы можете захотеть установить и модули LADSPA plugins,
+которые входят в состав полного пакета LADSPA SDK. Его можно найти и
+загрузить (размер пакета небольшой) по адресу
+Также, я рекомендую загрузить прекрасный набор модулей (plugins) LADSPA
+от Steve Harris с сайта Это намного повысит
+полезные возможности Ardour. Со временем появятся и другие модули LADSPA,
+чтобы быть в курсе - следите за анонсами в списке рассылки Linux Audio
+2A) Компилирование из CVS
+Загрузите или обновите дерево исходных текстов Ardour из CVS. (В приведённом
+ниже примере символ '%' означает приглашение командной строки):
+% cd /usr/local/src # в качестве примера, вы можете сделать это где
+ пожелаете
+% cvs login
+ # (нажмите Enter/Return когда появится приглашение
+ к вводу пароля)
+% cvs -z3 co ardour
+Итак, вам нужно решить, являетесь ли вы разработчиком ardour или
+пользователем. Если вы относите себя к первым из перечисленных, то возможно
+ускорить работу, собрав библиотеку libardour как разделяемую. Это позволит
+избавиться от перелинковки после каждого внесения изменений в эту библиотеку.
+Если вы просто пользователь, этот шаг лишь осложнит вам жизнь. Итак,
+если вы разработчик, тогда выполните следующую команду:
+ touch ardour/libs/ardour/BUILD_FOR_DEVELOPMENT
+Теперь библиотека libardour будет скомпилирована как разделяемая (shared).
+Также вы должны использовать ключ --enable-development-build в команде
+Создайте autoconf/automake файлы:
+% cd ardour
+% sh
+Теперь переходим к пункту 3.
+Всё как обычно, загрузите и распакуйте архив. Файлы исходных текстов
+будут находиться в каталоге с именем ardour-<номер версии>.
+ ./configure (с любыми опциями которые пожелаете)
+ make
+ make install
+Если вы являетесь разработчиком и намереваетесь поработать над libardour,
+используйте опцию --enable-development-build, которая включает динамическую
+линковку ardour и его библиотек. Это позволит сэкономить время, так как
+позволит избежать медленной процедуры статической линковки каждый раз, как
+вы поменяете что-либо в libardour.
+Если вы хотите скомпилировать Ardour так, чтобы в дальнейшем его можно
+было запустить в отладчике, используйте опцию --disable-optimize.
+В противном случае Ardour будет собран с максимальной оптимизацией,
+что помешает эффективной отладке.
+Как обычно в команде ./configure вы можете использовать опции --prefix
+и --sysconfdir, чтобы изменить расположение файлов программы. Они будут
+помещены по указанным путям командой "make install".
+Компилирование исходных текстов может занять некоторое время. К примеру,
+с ключом - j3 на системе dual PII-450 занимает около 20 минут.
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index 0000000000..6e6fa2697a
--- /dev/null
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+In addition to those listed in the AUTHORS file, the following people
+are among those who offered financial support, design insights and
+ideas, encouragement, feedback, bug reports and much more during
+Ardour's pre-release development. They generally suffered from days of
+frustration, and withstood hundreds of CVS revisions without
+No thanks or praise is sufficient for their contributions to Ardour.
+(in no particular order)
+Joe Hartley
+Marek Peteraj
+Ryan Gallagher
+Rob Holland
+Jan Depner
+Bryan Koschmann
+Patrick Shirkey
+Rob Fell
+Ant <>
+Chris Ross
+Joshua Pritikin
+Rohan Drape
+Johan De Groote
+Bob Ham
+I would particularly like to recognize:
+Frank Carmickle
+ - first financial supporter of Ardour,
+ instigator of ardour/ksi.
+Ron Parker (Minneapolis, MN)
+ - first user of Ardour in a commercial studio,
+ financial contributor, major initiator of
+ MTC and MMC functionality.
+DuWayne Holsbeck
+ - an early financial and infrastructure sponsor
+Havoc Pennington & Owen Taylor
+ - provided much assistance in understanding, diagnosing and
+ cajoling GTK+.
+Tom Pincince (Shasta, CA)
+ - provided continuous, excellent design insights and
+ rationalizations, as well as info on the operation of some
+ existing DAW's.
+I would also like to thank Jim Hamilton of Rittenhouse Recording,
+Philadelphia, for the partnership, friendship and foresight he showed
+in allowing me to use the studio as the development basis for
+Ardour. I met Jim playing a jazz drumkit at a fundraiser to celebrate
+the 30th anniversary of our children's nursery school. Since then, he
+has continued to open my eyes to both music itself, the process of
+making music, and the life of a working musician. Jim's the best and
+most inventive percussionist I have ever seen, and one of the best
+I've ever heard. He has always believed in the social and philosphical
+implications of Ardour, and his support and interest have been vital
+in Ardour's development. Although as of this writing, Rittenhouse
+Recording is not running Ardour, its only a matter of time!
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+Ademas de aquellos que aparecen mencionados en el archivo,
+las siguientes personas estan entre aquellas que ofrecieron soporte
+financiero, observaciones de disenio e ideas, animo, aportes, reportes
+de bugs (errores en codigo) y mucho mas durante el desarrollo del
+pre lanzamiento de Ardour. Generalmente, ellos sufrieron de dias de
+frustracion y soportaron cientas de revisiones de CVS sin quejas.
+Ninguna plegaria o agradecimiento posible es suficiente por sus
+contribuciones a Ardour.
+(en ningun orden en particular)
+Joe Hartley
+Marek Peteraj
+Ryan Gallagher
+Rob Holland
+Jan Depner
+Bryan Koschmann
+Patrick Shirkey
+Rob Fell
+Ant <>
+Chris Ross
+Joshua Pritikin
+Rohan Drape
+Johan De Groote
+Bob Ham
+Quisiera destacar particularmente a:
+Frank Carmickle
+ - primer brinadador de soporte financiero a Ardour,
+ instigador de ardour/ksi.
+Ron Parker (de Minneapolis, MN)
+ - primer usuario de Ardour en un estudio comercial,
+ contribuidor financiero, iniciador mayor de
+ funcionalidad MTC and MMC.
+DuWayne Holsbeck
+ - dominio de disenio de sponsors ,
+ configuro la base de datos bugzilla y mas.
+Havoc Pennington & Owen Taylor
+ - brindaron mucha asistencia en cuanto a comprension,
+ diagnostico y simplificacion de GTK+.
+Tom Pincince (de Shasta, CA)
+ - contribuyo continuas y exceles observaciones de disenio y
+ racionalizaciones, asi como informacion acerca de
+ estaciones de trabajo de audio digital existentes.
+Tambien quisiera agradecer a Jim Hamilton de Rittenhouse Recording,
+Philadelphia, for el companierismo, amistad y vision que demostro
+al permitirme usar el estudio como base de desarrollo para Ardour.
+Conoci a Jim tocando percusion jazz en un evento de recaudacion de
+fondos para celebrar el 30imo aniversario de la guarderia escolar de
+nuestros hijos. Desde entonces me ha abierto los ojos a ambos, la musica
+misma, el proceso de hacer musica y la vida de un musico trabajando.
+Jim es el mejor y mas inventivo percusionista que haya visto, y uno
+de los mejores que he oido. El siempre ha creido en las implicaciones
+filosoficas y sociales de Ardoury su soporte e interes han sido vitales
+en el desarrollo de Ardour. Es solo cuestion de tiempo hasta que
+Rittenhouse Recording use Ardour.
+Nota de Traduccion (Spanish Translation Note)
+#Nota del tipeo:la letra pronunciada ENIE aparece en este archivo
+#como ni (letra "n" y letra "i") para mayor compatibilidad con todos
+#los visores de texto.
+#Asi mismo no se han aplicado las tildes(acentos).
+#Estos no son errores de tipeo. Si llegara a encontrar algun otro error
+#en cualquiera de los archivos con extension ".es" por favor
+#hagamelo saber a
+# Muchas gracias
+# Alex \ No newline at end of file
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ac38e8f2f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+The Ardour FAQ
+January 23, 2004
+1.1. Why can't I get configure to run when ...
+1.2. I'm getting syntax errors during build.
+1.3. I get the warning: "Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate image file in
+1.4. What's an xrun?
+1.5. The region area overlaps the buttons in the editor.
+1.6. Ardour keeps freezing. Here's the strace...
+1.7. What is "ardev" and why is it a shell script?
+1.8. How do I debug this thing?
+1.9. I want Ardour to run faster.
+2.1. Are plugins supported?
+2.2. Are VST plugins supported?
+2.3. Does Ardour run on non-Linux systems?
+2.4. Ardour needs to have this feature now.
+2.5. Why doesn't Ardour support MP3s?
+2.6. Does Ardour support MIDI?
+2.7. What soundfile formats are supported?
+2.8. Can I use multiple cards?
+2.9. How do I save captures across partitions?
+3.1. How do I pan stereo outputs?
+3.2. Where's the patch bay?
+3.3. How do I do stuff?
+4.1. What's the deal with JACK, LAAGA, and Audioengine?
+4.2. Is Ardour internationalized?
+4.3. How do I get support?
+4.4. Well, where's the manual?
+4.5. Why are all these libraries included? I already have ...
+4.6. Why not another frontend to libardour? Why not QT?
+1.1. Why can't I get configure to run when ...
+You can only run configure at the top level of the Ardour source
+tree. You don't want to know why this is true. Don't try to work
+around it.
+1.2. I'm getting syntax errors during build.
+This probably means that you are using an out of date library. Or you
+might be using a very new library that has changed its API. Check the
+version number. If it is lower than what is listed in the BUILD file,
+update your library. If it is higher than what is listed in the BUILD file,
+email the mailing list. Note that you have to be a member of the mailing
+list to send mail to it, which is done to prevent the list from receiving
+much spam.
+1.3. I get the warning: "Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate image file in
+ pixmap_path: "set-next-button.xpm"
+The most common cause of this error is simply that you have not set
+the pixmap pathname correctly. It can be specified in the Ardour
+config file. See the BUILD file.
+1.4. What's an xrun?
+It's a generic term used to describe a situation where the software
+did not keep up with the hardware, either by feeding it data, or by
+collecting data from it. It generally means that you're having
+trouble with latency. This can be caused by several factors. You
+could have a misconfigured system, you might be trying to do to much,
+or both.
+If you're haven't read,
+then your system is probably misconfigured.
+If you are running many many tracks, with multiple LADSPA plugins, then it
+is possible that your system just can't keep up with what you want to do.
+Either simplify your music, or upgrade your machine. A dual processor does
+You can test your setup with the latencytest tool, available at
+ .
+Jan Depner's HOWTO is loaded with latency tuning tips for Ardour:
+1.5. The region area overlaps the buttons in the editor.
+Make sure that you are using the appropriate font size for your monitor's
+resolution. If you are running at 1024x768 or below, you should use the
+75dpi package, not the 100dpi. This is usually set in /etc/X11/XF86Config.
+1.6. Ardour keeps freezing. Here's the strace...
+The results from strace aren't very useful. To provide helpful information
+to the developers, run Ardour under gdb. If you don't know how to use
+gdb, this isn't the time to learn. If you do know how to use gdb, read
+section 1.8.
+1.7. What is "ardev" and why is it a shell script?
+This is only applicable if configure was run with --enable-development-build.
+To speed up the process of developing Ardour, we do not statically
+link Ardour and its library, libardour. Instead, we use dynamic
+linking, which allows the developers to avoid the (very) long
+relinking step when they make certain kinds of changes to libardour.
+This means that the executable image for Ardour relies on the system
+being able to find libardour whenever you start it. Rather than leave
+this to chance and/or the whims of your system adminstrator (probably
+yourself), we instead use a short shell script to make sure that the
+connection between the two of them can be established.
+This has almost zero impact on any aspect of Ardour's operation. The
+only noticeable effect is that it makes debugging slightly more
+difficult. See 1.8 for more on this.
+1.8. How do I debug this thing?
+| NOTE: Newer versions of gdb and/or glibc and/or the kernel have broken
+| gdb in a critical way that make it impossible to run ardour. The gdb
+| development group claim to have fixed this, but on many
+| distributions, the version that is provided is still broken.
+| Under such circumstances, you will have to get a core dump from
+| ardour, and then use gdb to analyse the core dump, rather than
+| using gdb as a "live tool".
+| Many distributions set the default core dump size to 0, to prevent
+| core dumps completely. So the first step is to do enter this
+| at your shell prompt (in a terminal window):
+| ulimit -c 9999999999
+| Then run ardour in whatever way causes a crash. after the crash
+| you should find a file called "core" in your working directory.
+| then run:
+| gdb ardour core
+| When the gdb> prompt appears, type
+| backtrace
+| Collect the output, and file it as an attachment to a Mantis
+| bug report at
+| Thanks for helping to improve Ardour.
+A) How to start gdb ....
+A1) IF YOU DID NOT USE --enable-development-build
+You can use gdb the usual way:
+ % cd /where/you/built/ardour
+ % gdb ardour
+A2) IF YOU USE --enable-development-build
+The first and most basic thing you need to know is how to invoke
+gdb. Because of the dynamic linking between Ardour and its library you
+can't just invoke Ardour and get it to work. Besides, "ardour" itself
+is a shell script (see 1.10 for more on this). So, what you need to do
+is to invoke gdb with LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to point to the place where
+libardour is installed, and use the name of actual executable image.
+If you installed in the default location, this command will invoke gdb
+ env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/ardour gdb /usr/local/lib/ardour/ardourx
+If you used a --prefix argument during the build process so that
+Ardour would be installed somewhere other than under /usr/local, then
+replace /usr/local in the command above with whatever "prefix" you
+You could easily make the above a shell alias or a 1 line shell script
+if you think you'll be debugging Ardour with gdb a lot.
+Moving all your LADSPA plugins out of the way will make gdb very much
+quicker to start. For example, if you normally keep them in
+/usr/local/lib/ladspa, you could do something like:
+ mkdir /usr/local/lib/LADSPA
+ mv /usr/local/lib/ladpsa/* /usr/local/lib/LADSPA
+gdb doesn't do very well when forced to handle dozens of dynamically
+loaded objects, as typically happens with LADSPA plugins.
+It might be easier to redefine LADSPA_PATH to a dummy path.
+B) What to do with gdb
+When Ardour has crashed or is "stuck", issue the following command
+to gdb (you will need to use Ctrl-C if its "stuck" to get back to the
+gdb command prompt):
+ thread apply all bt
+collect the output from this, and then go to
+and file a new bug report with the output attached. This will allow
+us to get the most out of your misfortune.
+If you compiled ardour from source and want to be even more helpful,
+recompile it after running
+ ./configure --disable-optimize
+at the top level. This will make the debugging output more useful.
+1.9. I want Ardour to run faster.
+The --enable-optimize flag is enabled by default which turns
+on compiler features that can make Ardour run up to 50% faster.
+If you downloaded Ardour as a binary package, it should have been
+compiled with that flag already.
+2.1. Are plugins supported?
+LADSPA plugins are supported. To use them, click the middle mouse
+button in the top box at the top of the mixerstrip you wish to have a
+plugin for. This opens up a window which lists all the plugins. Double
+click on the one you wish to use. In the mixer window, click on the
+plugin to toggle it on and off, option-click to edit its values, or
+shift-click to remove it.
+2.2. Are VST plugins supported?
+There are several issues here:
+1) Generic VST support
+ Many people have asked about VST support within Ardour. Work has been
+ done on this, but there are both license issues and technical
+ ones. The licensing issues seem relatively easy to resolve.
+ On the technical front, given that the goal is to not require VST
+ developers to build new native Linux versions of their plugins, the
+ most promising approach involves using Wine to support native
+ Windows VST plugins. It is already possible to run most VST plugins as
+ JACK clients and thus use them as inserts with Ardour, but the process
+ of doing so is not what most users would term "convenient".
+ However, Wine cannot currently be used within a complex
+ multithreaded application. The Wine development team are working on
+ this, and as a rough guess, I'd expect progress within about 6 months
+ (i.e end of 2003). At that time, it will be possible to use most VST
+ plugins that have their own GUI ("editor") from within Ardour.
+ However, initially, this functionality will be available only as
+ part of a for-cost distribution of Ardour.
+2) Specific plugins
+ a) executable format issues
+ Plugins are pieces of executable code. The format used for
+ the files that store this code is different under windows
+ and macos than it is for linux. Some people have managed
+ to find workarounds for this --- there are reports of people
+ running windows-derived buzz plugins under linux, but nobody
+ has looked into trying it with vst plugins.
+ Linux also runs on a lot more hardware than windows or MacOS.
+ We assume that when you say linux, you mean "linux on an intel
+ compatible processor", but keep in mind that to most of us,
+ linux means more than that --- it includes the PPC, Sparc, Alpha,
+ ARM, MIPS and many other chip architectures. Of that list,
+ only PPC has any VST plugin support at all.
+ This problem would go away if a VST plugin was available as source
+ code, but to my knowledge, only 1 is (freeverb).
+ b) OS dependency issues
+ Most VST plugin writers do not follow Steinberg's design advice,
+ and write plugins that have operating system dependencies. As
+ a result, even if you could find a way to actually use, say,
+ a windows-format VST plugin on Linux on an Intel machine, the
+ plugin would contain calls to operating system services that
+ don't exist (in the same way) under Linux.
+So, the basic answer is "no". I am an active member of the VST-plugins
+mailing list, and I try to encourage people who write free plugins to
+make their source code available so that we can use it under Linux, as
+well as reminding people to try to avoid operating system dependencies
+in their plugins. I think this mostly falls on deaf ears.
+2.3. Does Ardour run on non-Linux systems?
+Ardour depends on the JACK system to access the sound hardware. Jack
+has (as of this writing) support for Linux, Solaris, and MacOSX. There
+have not been any reports of running Ardour on any platforms besides Linux
+In addition, Ardour has abstracted the JACK dependency, so it can be ported
+to use another sound library. But at the time, it only uses the JACK
+library. The JACK website is
+2.4. Ardour needs to have this feature now.
+Paul accepts donations through his paypal account. The feature will
+(probably) be added more quickly if you pay him. Contact him first.
+2.5. Why doesn't Ardour support MP3s?
+Ardour is meant for serious audio work. MP3 is a lossy format
+unsuitable for this. Ardour does export sessions to wav format, which
+is trivial to convert to MP3.
+2.6. Does Ardour support MIDI?
+Ardour currently supports MIDI in the sense of:
+ * functioning as a MIDI Timecode master (it generates MTC)
+ * functioning as a MIDI Timecode slave (experimental; send reports!)
+ * understanding MIDI Machine Control
+ * allowing the user to bind GUI controls (sliders, etc.) to
+ MIDI Continuous Controller and NoteOn/NoteOff messages
+It does not offer any facilities for editing or arranging or recording
+or playing MIDI data. There has been talk of integrating Midi
+Mountain, an excellent midi editor. There hasn't been any progress in
+this direction lately, mostly due to other areas that need to be fixed
+up. It's not a trivial affair if the integration is going to proceed
+in a way leaves the result feeling "natural".
+2.7. What soundfile formats are supported?
+It depends on what version of libsndfile is installed. This link lists the
+latest formats:
+Please note that Ardour requires the 1.x series of libsndfile.
+2.8. Can I use multiple cards?
+In a word: maybe.
+The sync issues that arise even between the same make and model of a card
+aren't worth the effort of fixing. If you want to have more than two
+channels, buy a professional card.
+On the other hand, if you already have two professional cards with word-sync,
+you might be able to get them to work. This is several layers removed from
+Ardour; the proper place to ask for help is at .
+There is more information at
+2.9. How do I save captures across partitions?
+Ardour lets you specify multiple directories to save captured audio
+in. In the options editor, in the session path box, specify the full
+paths of the directories you wish to use, seperated by colons (:).
+These can be on different partitions or even different disks. Using
+this "software RAID"-like setup can greatly increase your disk
+3.1. How do I pan stereo outputs?
+Panning works over JACK ports. So even if you have two outputs
+connected to one port, Ardour doesn't consider this to be stereo. You
+need to make sure that you have two ports, and then add one (or more)
+destination to each port.
+You need to think of the ports as if they were physical sockets to
+which you can connect as many plugs as you want. A single port means
+mono, even though you can send the signal to many different
+places. Two ports means stereo, even though the right and left signals
+can each go to any number of different places.
+3.2. Where's the patch bay?
+There is no separate dedicated patch bay. Patch bay functionality
+is integral to the mixer. The mixer can have any number of inputs,
+any number of busses, etc. In other words, it *is* the patchbay.
+3.3. How do I do stuff?
+Region Dragging (object mode)
+ click-drag => moves region
+ shift-click-drag => moves region with time position held constant
+ (i.e. across tracks)
+ ctl-click-drag => moves a copy of the region
+ ctl-shift-click-drag => time-constrained movement of a copy of the
+ region
+ snapmod-click-drag => ignores current snap setting
+Region Alignment (clicks without motion)
+ [ all alignment uses:
+ 1) current region selection, if it exists
+ 2) else the edit cursor
+ ]
+ ctl-click => aligns start of region
+ ctl-shift-click => aligns end of region
+ ctl-alt-click => aligns sync point of region
+ click in tempo track to create a new tempo mark
+ click in meter track to create a new meter mark
+ click in marker track to create a new marker
+ regular edit op for tempo/meter allows editing
+ regular delete op for all markers (except initial
+ tempo/meter markers)
+ snapmod-click-drag to move a marker while ignoring
+ current snap mode
+ default is ctl-button3 click
+ default is shift-button3 click
+Context Menu
+ button3 click
+Snap Modifier
+ default is mod3 (typically meta/windows/start key). using
+ ctl or shift or alt will cause problems. you can also
+ use combinations, but again, combinations using ctl and shift
+ will cause problems. mod3 or mod4 are probably your best
+ choices.
+Selection (RANGE MODE required)
+ click on a region => make a region selection
+ shift-click on a region => add region to region selection
+ click-drag => make a range selection
+ shift-click-drag => add to range selection
+ ctrl-click-drag => move selection
+ in range mode:
+ a) make a single range selection
+ then, to split existing region apart
+ b) right click => Selection => Separate region
+ OR, to creates a new region without splitting original
+ b) switch to object mode
+ c) click on selection and drag
+ to toggle solo/mute/RE for EVERYTHING:
+ ctl-shift-click on a solo/mute/RE button
+ to solo/mute/RE mix group (when group is not active)
+ ctl-click on solo/mute button
+ to toggle solo-safe status (which appears to not work
+ correctly right now)
+ shift-click on solo button
+ to momentarily engage solo while pressing a mouse button
+ use button2 instead of button1
+gain sliders
+ shift-click to reset to 0dB
+ ctl-click-drag for finer scale
+ ctl-alt-click-drag for even finer scale
+ (stereo): shift-click to reset to center
+4.1. What's the deal with JACK?
+JACK is the Jack Audio Connection Kit. There is a basic problem with
+audio+MIDI apps on Linux at this time: they are not able to exchange
+data with each other in situations where low latency is a system goal.
+There are systems (aRts, MidiShare, parts of alsa-lib) that allow data
+sharing, but not when the latencies get down below 20ms.
+JACK is an API that solves this problem. Also, and quite importantly,
+JACK drastically simplifies the programming of audio applications.
+Applications that use JACK do not need to know anything about audio
+hardware. They do not interact with it directly in any way
+whatsoever. All they do is provide a few callbacks to the server they
+connect with; the primary callback is responsible for producing and/or
+consuming a specified amount of data whenever it is called. This is a
+'callback' model, and is extremely different from ALSA, OSS, and
+several other audio APIs. It is, however, very similar to Apple's
+CoreAudio, Steinberg's ASIO, the PortAudio library, and most plugin
+APIs. See
+4.2. Is Ardour internationalized?
+Parts of Ardour are. Work is ongoing to fully internationlize Ardour. If
+you speak a language besides English, feel free to volunteer to help
+These languages have translations:
+French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, and Russian
+4.3. How do I get support?
+Ardour is a volunteer project. There is no one devoted to providing
+support. However, there is a members only mailing list where someone
+might answer your question. You can join at Ardour's website:
+There is also the IRC #ardour channel on the FreeNode network.
+Alternatively, you can pay Paul for specific support. Check with him
+for hourly rates.
+4.4. Well, where's the manual?
+Currently, the existing documentation is sparse. You might want to check out
+the Protools reference; Ardour is rather similar to it. Also, Paul wants
+users to be able to complete the Mackie HDR tutorial using Ardour; so that
+is another manual to check out. Both are available online from
+<a href=>DigiDesign</a> and <a
+There is the begining of a manual in Ardour's manual directory. Feel
+free to create your own HOWTOs, tips and tricks sheets, tutorials, or
+whatever you feel like adding.
+A couple people have written some documentation to get people started with
+Ardour. It is available at
+4.5. Why are all these libraries included? I already have ...
+Yes, we know that it's quite likely that you already have gtkmm or
+sigc++ installed on your machine, let alone others. There
+are 2 problems.
+Ardour requires either the latest version of these libraries or even a
+version with a patch that has not yet been incorporated into a release
+of the library. Rather than require you to get the library source,
+patch it, recompile and install it, Ardour keeps its own copy, builds
+a static, private version of the library and links against it. That
+way, we don't have to worry about crashes caused by you having the
+wrong version of the library.
+The second problem is more general. C++ does not yet have a unified
+"Application Binary Interface", even on a single process
+architecture+OS combination. This is unlikely to ever change (it was
+encouraged by the inventor of C++). This means that libraries compiled
+with one compiler are not always compatible with applications compiled
+with another compiler. By "another compiler", we can mean something as
+subtle as a different version of g++. Worse, because many C++
+libraries feature inlined code, we even need to be sure you compile
+against exactly the same version of the library as other parts of
+Ardour will use. Even worse, there are compile time flags you or
+someone else could give to a C++ compiler that would make the library
+incompatible in subtle ways with code compiled with different flags.
+After a year of trying to address these problems "the normal way", the
+Ardour team gave up and decided to include every necessary library
+that is written in C++ and/or has patches required. You may not like
+this very much, but trust us, you would like the alternative even
+4.6. Why not another frontend to libardour? Why not QT?
+The GTK+ frontend to libardour is almost 7 times the size of libardour. GUIs
+for these sort of programs are very large and detail orientated. It would be
+a waste of time to try to reimplement Ardour with another widget set. This is
+also why there won't be a native port of Ardour to MacOS X.
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+ Paul Davis <> June 2003
+Welcome to Ardour. This program is still very much under development,
+but has now reached the stage where it will be productive and useful
+to have other people testing it out and perhaps (hopefully!) fixing
+bugs and adding features.
+**** SECURITY *******************************************************
+To run Ardour with the lowest latencies, it's necessary to use POSIX
+Real-Time Scheduling as well as locking all the memory it uses into
+physical RAM. These requirements can only be met if Ardour is run with
+root priviledges.
+On the other hand, things are not so bad. If you don't attempt to
+install it setuid root (which actually won't work anyway), then
+someone needs to have gained root access in order to run it like this.
+If they already have root access, Ardour is the least of your
+problems. So relax. We'll use capabilities once Linux kernels start
+arriving with them enabled, though this won't help too much with
+security, since the relevant capabilities would still allow a wiley
+cracker to do anything at all.
+Alternatively, you can choose to run Ardour without RT scheduling, and
+then there's no concern at all. It just won't be useful in low latency
+situations, which are desirable in most studio environments. Note that
+this is not so important if you have audio hardware that is capable of
+doing "hardware monitoring" - in this case, a lack of low latency will
+simply make response to Ardour's UI controls a little sluggish, but
+monitoring during capture will be excellent.
+**** HARDWARE COMPATIBILITY *****************************************
+Ardour uses JACK for all its audio I/O, thus providing seamless
+connections to both audio hardware and other applications. Its really
+not the right place to discuss JACK, but in case you are wondering:
+Although JACK uses the ALSA 0.9.0 API, it exercises this API in a way
+that no other application to date has done, and it also tries to use
+certain hardware features that again, no other existing applications
+use. As a result, although complete portability to all ALSA supported
+h/w is an eventual and very achievable goal, there may be issues
+surrounding h/w compatibility. Please remember that my primary goal
+with JACK is to build a professional audio system, and with Ardour, a
+professional digital audio workstation. If they happen to be useful
+for people with 2/4 channel cards, then great, but it's not my own
+primary focus.
+One other important issue is that your audio interface must support
+full duplex i/o with the same sample format for both capture and
+playback. This means, for example, that the SoundBlaster AWE cannot
+be used with JACK in full duplex mode - it only supports full duplex
+i/o if one of the two directions (capture or playback) is 8 bit and
+the other is 16. Very few cards have this kind of limitation, and if
+they do, they typically are not suitable for use with applications
+like JACK or Ardour for other reasons.
+To date, JACK has been run with:
+ RME Hammerfall (Digi9652) (26 channels in, 26 channels out)
+ RME Hammerfall DSP (hdsp) (26 channels in, 26 channels out)
+ RME Hammerfall Light (Digi9636) (18 channels in, 18 channels out)
+ Midiman Delta series (ice1712 chipset) (12 channels in, 10 channels out)
+ Various consumer grade audio interfaces, typically with 2 channels
+ in, 2/4 channels out, including:
+ Hoontech 4Dwave-NX (Trident chipset)
+ Ensoniq 5880
+ Soundblaster 32
+ Soundblaster 64
+ Creative SBLive64
+and many more.
+So, basically, it appears to work for just about all ALSA supported
+cards, which is the goal.
+Bugs should be reported to . They are more
+likely to be remembered and dealt with there. Please check the existing bugs
+to make sure it has not already been reported and/or fixed in CVS.
+Please see the file "BUILD".
+NOTE: You must have a running JACK server before starting Ardour.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------
+Typing "ardour" will hopefully have some effect. "ardour --help" lists
+available options.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc29f64608
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+ Paul Davis <> June 2003
+Bienvenido a Ardour. Este programa aun esta bajo desarrollo,
+pero ha llegado a un estado en el cual es productivo y util tener
+a otras personas probandolo y tal vez (con suerte!) arreglando errores
+y agregando nuevas caracteristicas.
+**** SEGURIDAD *******************************************************
+Para ejecutar Ardour con la mas baja latencia posible, es necesario usar
+POSIX Real-Time Scheduling (tiempo Real) como tambien bloquear toda la
+memoria que usa en la memoria fisica de la RAM. Estos requerimientos solo
+se pueden cumplir si Ardour es ejecutado con privilegios de usuario root.
+Por otro lado, esto no es tan malo. Si no planea instalar a Ardour
+usando el comando "setuid root"(lo cual no funcionaria de todas formas),
+entonces alguna persona que use su estacion de trabajo debera tener
+que haber "ganado" privilegios de acceso root para hacerlo funcionar
+de esa forma.Si esa otra persona ya tiene acceso de tipo root, Ardour
+es la menor de sus preocupaciones. Asi que, relajese. Usaremos
+capabilities (privilegios root) una vez que los Kernels de Linux empiecen
+a aparecer con estas ya activadas, aunque esto no ayudara mucho a la
+seguridad, ya que las mencionadas "capabilities" habilitarian a cualquier
+hacker astatuto a hacer lo que quiciera.
+Alternativamente, usted puede elegir ejecutar a Ardour sin Scheduling
+de Tiempo Real, lo cual no es tan terrible. Simplemente no va a ser util
+en situaciones que demandan baja latencia, las cuales son deseables en
+la mayoria de los ambientes de estudios.
+Note que esto pierde importancia en el caso que usted disponga de
+hardware de audio capaz de hacer "monitorizacion por hardware". Esto
+hace recaer gran parte del peso de procesamiento sobre el dispositivo
+de audio y no sobre el CPU como es el caso de la "monitorizacion por
+software". En el caso de monitorizacion por hardware, la falta de baja
+latencia hara que los controles de la interfaz visual de Ardour
+reaccionen con menos fluidez, sin embargo la monitorizacion durante la
+captura sera excelente.
+**** COMPATIBILIDAD DE HARDWARE *************************************
+Ardour usa JACK para todo el manejo de entradas y salidas de audio,
+lo cual provee conecciones directas al hardware de audio y a otras
+aplicaciones compatibles con JACK. Este no es el lugar mas apropiado
+para discutir acerca de JACK, pero en caso de que se estubiera
+Aunque JACK usa la libreria ALSA 0.9.0, JACK la aprovecha de una forma
+que ninguna otra aplicacion lo ha hecho hasta ahora y, tambien intenta
+usar ciertas caracteristicas de hardware que nuevamente, ninguna de las
+actuales aplicaciones usa. Como resultado, aunque una completa
+portabilidad a todo el hardware soportado por ALSA es un objetivo
+eventualmente realizable, puede ser que nazcan problemas relacionados
+con la compatibildad de hardware. Por favor recuerde que mi objetivo
+principal con JCK es el de crear un sistema profesional de audio y, con
+Ardour, una estacion de trabajo de audio digital profesional. Si estos
+terminan siendo utiles para personas con placas de 2/4 canales, muy bien,
+pero ese no es mi foco de interes principal.
+Otro punto importante es que su dispositivo de sonido debe soportar
+full duplex de entrada/salida (reproduccion y grabacion simultaneas)
+con el mismo formato para la captura y la reproduccion (no se puede
+usar una frecuencia de muestreo de 44.1 khz para reproducir y una
+de 48khz para grabar, ambas deben ser iguales, lo mismo sucede para
+la resolucion en bits. Esto significa, por ejemplo, que la placa
+SoundBlaster AWE no puede ser usada con JACK en modo full duplex.
+-Esta placa solo soporta fullduplex si una de las dos (grabacion o
+reproduccion) usa 8 bits y la otra 16 bits.
+Este tipo de limitacion existe solo en algunas placas y, de ser asi
+no son adecuadas para el uso en aplicaciones como JACK y ARDOUR por
+otras razones.
+Hasta la fecha, JACK fue probado con las siguientes interfaces de audio:
+ RME Hammerfall (Digi9652) (26 channels in, 26 channels out)
+ RME Hammerfall DSP (hdsp) (26 channels in, 26 channels out)
+ RME Hammerfall Light (Digi9636) (18 channels in, 18 channels out)
+ Midiman Delta series (ice1712 chipset) (12 channels in, 10 channels out)
+ Varios chips de sonido de nivel de consumidor (relativamente baratas),
+ tipicamente con 2 canales de entrada y 2/4 de salida,incluyendo:
+ Hoontech 4Dwave-NX (chipset Trident)
+ Ensoniq 5880
+ Soundblaster 32
+ Soundblaster 64
+ Creative SBLive64
+y muchas mas.
+Asi que, basicamente, parece funcionar con practicamente todas aquellas
+placas que son soportadas por ALSA, lo cual es el objetivo.
+Los bugs deben ser reportados a . Es mas probable
+que estos sean recordados y analizados alli. Por favor, chequee alli la lista
+de bugs ya reportados para asegurarse que el que usted encontro no haya sido
+reportado aun o haya sido resuelto en CVS.
+Vea el archivo "BUILD" (por ahora en ingles, espaniol mas adelante).
+NOTA: Debe haber ya un server JACK corriendo antes de ejecutar Ardour
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------
+* Escribiendo ardour en una consola y presionando ENTER o INTRO deberia iniciar
+ el programa.
+* "ardour --help" muestra las opciones disponibles desde la linea de comando
+Nota de Traduccion (Spanish Translation Note)
+#Nota del tipeo:la letra pronunciada ENIE aparece en este archivo
+#como ni (letra "n" y letra "i") para mayor compatibilidad con todos
+#los visores de texto.
+#Asi mismo no se han aplicado las tildes(acentos).
+#Estos no son errores de tipeo. Si llegara a encontrar algun otro error
+#en cualquiera de los archivos con extension ".es" por favor
+#hagamelo saber a
+# Muchas gracias
+# Alex
new file mode 100644
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+ Paul Davis <> Juin 2003
+Bienvenue sur Ardour. Ce programme est encore en cours de dИveloppement,
+mais a atteint un Иtat oЫ il peut Йtre utile et productif afin que
+d'autres personnes puissent le tester et peut-Йtre (je l'espХre !) corriger
+les bogues et ajouter des fonctionnalitИs.
+**** SиCURITи *******************************************************
+Afin d'utiliser Ardour avec un temps de latence le plus bas possible,
+il est nИcessaire d'utiliser l'ordonnancement temps rИel POSIX ainsi
+que de verrouiller toute la mИmoire qu'il utilise en mИmoire vive physique.
+Ces prИ requis ne peuvent Йtre atteint que lorsque Ardour est lancИ
+avec les privilХges du super-utilisateur (root).
+D'un autre cТtИ, ce n'est pas si grave que Гa. Si vous n'essayez pas
+de l'installer en setuid root (ce qui ne marchera pas de toute faГon),
+alors les utilisateurs devront avoir obtenu l'accХs root pour pouvoir le
+lancer comme cela. S'ils ont dИjЮ l'accХs root, Ardour est bien le dernier
+de vos problХmes. Donc tranquillisez-vous. Nous utiliserons les "capacitИs"
+(capabilities en anglais, NdT) quand les noyaux Linux arriverons avec
+leur support activИ, bien que les capacitИs en question autoriserons
+toujours un cracker mal intentionnИ Ю faire Ю peu prХs n'importe quoi.
+L'alternative est de lancer Ardour sans ordonnancement temps-rИel, dans
+ce cas, il n'y a plus de souci. Ardour ne sera juste plus trХs utile
+dans des conditions de faible latence, ce qui est dИsirable dans la
+plupart des environnements de studio. Notez que cela n'est pas si important
+lorsque vous avez du matИriel audio qui est capable de faire du
+"monitoring matИriel" -- dans ce cas, un temps de latence trop important
+provoquera juste des temps de rИponse un peu longs pour l'interface
+utilisateur d'Ardour, mais le monitoring pendant l'enregistrement
+sera excellent.
+**** COMPATIBILITи MATиRIELLE *****************************************
+Ardour utilise JACK pour toutes ses entrИs/sorties audio, fournissant
+ainsi des connexions transparentes au matИriel audio ainsi qu'Ю d'autres
+applications. Cela n'est pas du tout l'endroit pour parler de JACK,
+mais dans le cas oЫ vous vous poseriez la question :
+Bien que JACK utilise l'API (Application Programming Interface, NdT) ALSA
+0.9.0, il utilise cette API d'une maniХre que nulle autre application
+ne l'a jamais fait jusqu'Ю prИsent, et essaie aussi d'utiliser certaines
+possibilitИs matИrielles qui Иgalement n'ont jamais ИtИ employИes par
+d'autres applications. En consИquence, bien que la portabilitИ complХte de
+tout matИriel supportИ par ALSA est un objectif trХs atteignable, il peut
+y avoir des problХmes concernant la compatibilitИ matИrielle. Veuillez
+garder en mИmoire que le but principal avec JACK est d'obtenir
+un systХme audio professionnel, et avec Ardour, d'obtenir une station
+de travail audio-numИrique professionnelle. S'ils parviennent Ю Йtre
+utilisИs par des gens avec des cartes audio ayant 2/4 canaux, gИnial,
+mais ce n'est pas ma prioritИ.
+Un autre problХme important est que votre interface audio doit supporter
+l'entrИe/sortie en mode full duplex avec le mЙme format d'Иchantillonage
+pour l'enregistrement que pour la restitution. Cela veut dire, par exemple,
+que la SoundBlaster AWE ne peut Йtre utilisИe par JACK en mode full duplex
+-- elle supporte seulement l'entrИe/sortie en full duplex si l'une des
+deux directions (enregistrement ou restitution) est en 8 bits et
+ que l'autre est en 16 bits. TrХs peu de cartes ont cette limitation,
+ et si c'est le cas, elles ne sont de toute faГon pas adИquates pour des
+utilisations avec des applications telles que JACK ou Ardour pour d'autres
+ю ce jour, JACK a ИtИ utilisИ avec :
+ RME Hammerfall (Digi9652) (26 canaux en entrИe, 26 canaux en sortie)
+ RME Hammerfall DSP (hdsp) (26 canaux en entrИe, 26 canaux en sortie)
+ RME Hammerfall Light (Digi9636) (18 canaux en entrИe, 18 canaux en sortie)
+ Midiman Delta series (ice1712 chipset) (12 canaux en entrИe, 10 canaux en sortie)
+Diverses interface audio grand public, gИnИralement avec deux canaux d'entrИe, deux
+canaux de sortie, incluant :
+ Hoontech 4Dwave-NX (Trident chipset)
+ Ensoniq 5880
+ Soundblaster 32
+ Soundblaster 64
+ Creative SBLive64
+et bien d'autres.
+Donc, pour rИsumer, il semble fonctionner pour toute carte supportИ par ALSA, ce qui
+est le but.
+Les bogues doivent Йtre rapportИs sur Ils seront
+certainement plus Ю mЙme d'Йtre conservИs et traitИs Ю cet endroit. Veuillez
+consulter les bogues existant afin d'Йtre sШr que le votre n'a pas dИjЮ ИtИ
+rapportИ et/ou corrigИ dans le CVS.
+Veuillez consulter le fichier "BUILD".
+NOTE : Vous devez avoir un serveur JACK lancИ avant de lancer Ardour.
+ --------------------------------------------------------------
+Taper "ardour" devrait sans doute avoir quelque effet. "ardour --help" liste
+les options disponibles.
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+ Paul Davis <> June 2003
+ Italian Traslation by Vieri Verze <> August 2002
+ Update by Filippo Pappalardo <> December 2003
+Benvenuti in Ardour. Sebbene questo programma sia ancora in via di
+sviluppo, e` pronto a rendervi produttivi, permettervi di testarlo
+e (si spera!) risolvere i bug e aggiungere nuove caratteristiche.
+**** SICUREZZA *******************************************************
+Per eseguire Ardour con la latenza piu` bassa e` necessario usare il
+POSIX Real-Time Scheduling e disporre di tutta la memoria di cui ha
+bisogno sotto forma di RAM fisica. Queste richieste possono essere
+soddisfatte soltanto se Ardour viene eseguito con i privilegi di root.
+D'altra parte non tutto il male viene per nuocere. Se non installate
+Ardour con setuid root (che comunque non funziona), gli altri avranno
+bisogno dei privilegi di root per eseguirlo. Se li hanno Ardour e` il
+vostro ultimo problema. Quindi rilassatevi. Implementeremo le
+capabilities non appena il kernel le supportera`, benche` questo non
+aiuti molto la sicurezza, dal momento che un cracker intelligente
+potra` comunque fare di tutto.
+In alternativa, potete scegliere di esguire Ardour senza il RT
+scheduling e non avrete nessun problema. Non sara` molto utile nelle
+situazioni in cui e` necessaria una bassa latenza. Praticamente nella
+maggior parte dei casi. Ricordatevi che tutto questo e` irrilevante se
+possedete una scheda audio capace di fare "hardware monitoring".
+In questo caso una latenza piu` alta rendera` un po` lenti i controlli
+della UI di Ardour, mentre il monitoring durante la capture saranno
+**** COMPATIBILITA` HARDWARE *****************************************
+Ardour usa il server audio JACK per tutte le operazioni di I/O. In
+questo modo fornisce un impareggiabile sistema di comunicazione con il
+substrato hardware audio e le altre applicazioni. Non Х certamente
+questo il luogo per discutere di JACK, ma se vi state chiedendo:
+JACK usa le ALSA 0.9.0 API. La particolarita` e` che le sfrutta in
+un modo completamente nuovo soprattutto per quanto riguarda l' uso
+dell' hardware. Come risultato, benche` il totale supporto delle
+periferiche h/w da parte di ALSA sia un successo facilmente ottenibile,
+potrebbero esserci problemi concernenti la compatiblita` h/w. Bisogna
+tenere presente che il mio scopo principale e` di creare con JACK un
+sistem audio professionale, e con Ardour un sistema professionale di
+HDR. Se puo` essere utile a utenti con schede a 2/4 canali, ben venga,
+ma ricordate che questo non e` l' interesse primo.
+Un altro aspetto importante e` che la vostra interfaccia audio deve
+supportare l' I/O in full duplex nello stesso formato sia in registrazione
+che suonando. Significa, per esempio, che una Soundblaster AWE non
+potra` essere usata con JACK in modalita` full duplex, a meno che una
+delle due direzioni (registrazione o playback) e` a 8 bit e l' altra a 16.
+Sono poche le schede che hanno questo tipo di limitazione, e non sono
+generalmente adatte ad essere usate con JACK e Ardour per altri motivi.
+Ad oggi, Ardour ha girato con:
+ RME Hammerfall (Digi9652) (26 canali in, 26 canali out)
+ RME Hammerfall Light (Digi9636) (18 canali in, 18 canali out)
+ Midiman Delta series (ice1712 chipset) (12 canali in, 10 canali out)
+ Diverse interfacce di fascia consumer, solitamente a 2 canali in,
+ 2/4 canali out, incluse:
+ Hoontech 4Dwave-NX (Trident chipset)
+ Ensoniq 5880
+ Soundblaster 32
+ Soundblaster 64
+ Creative SBLive64
+Al momento sembra funzionare con tutte le schede supportate da ALSA,
+che e` l'obiettivo proposto.
+**** SEGNALARE UN BUG ************************************************
+I bug vanno segnalati ad . Dove Х
+probabile che vengano presi in considerazione e trattati. Prima di
+segnalare un bug Х opportuno accertarsi che non sia gia` stato
+segnalato e/o eliminato in cvs.
+**** COMPILAZIONE E INSTALLAZIONE ************************************
+GNU autoconf e` un sistema intelligente, ma ha una grande lacuna.
+Di default, autoconf (adesso aclocal) controlla UNA sola directory
+alla ricerca dei file di cui ha bisogno. Sarebbe OK se non venissero
+installati altri pacchetti che qualche volta mettono i loro file di
+autoconf in /usr/local/lib/share/aclocal e altre volte in
+Succede che autoconf non riesce a trovare i file di cui ha bisogno per
+costruire Ardour, dal momento che molta gente ha una moltitudine di
+librerie installate dalla distribuzione (i file di autoconf finiscono
+in /usr/local/lib...) e dai pacchetti pre-costruiti (in questo caso i
+pacchetti finiscono solitamente in /usr/lib...).
+Per la vostra tranquillita`, vi raccomando di eseguire i seguenti passi
+da root. Controllate i contenuti di entrambe le direcroty prima di
+eseguire questi comandi in modo da non cancellare accidentalmente la
+corretta versione di un file autoconf:
+ * Se avete esntrambe le directory:
+ cd /usr/lib/share/aclocal
+ cp *.m4 /usr/local/lib/share/aclocal
+ cd ..
+ rm -rf aclocal
+ ln -s /usr/local/lib/share/aclocal .
+ * Se avete solo /usr/lib/share/aclocal
+ cd /usr/local/lib
+ ln -s /usr/lib/share/aclocal .
+Alcune distribuzioni hanno aclocal in altre directory. YMMV.
+Prima di compilare Ardour, accertatevi di avere installato:
+* Strumenti:
+ gcc/g++ 2.95.3 o superiore (funziona anche gcc/g++ 3.x)
+ autoconf 2.52 o superiore
+ automake 1.5 o superiore
+ libtool 1.4.2 o superiore
+ gettext 0.11.5 o superiore
+ pkgconfig 0.8.0 o superiore
+ sono necessari anche lex e yacc
+ andra` bene qualsiasi versione di bison >= 1.35
+* Librerie:
+Le versioni raccomandate, quando necessario, sono presenti sotto le
+versioni generiche.
+ ALSA 0.9.X (CVS o snapshot release) (
+ JACK (
+ libxml2 2.5.X (
+ libart_lgpl 2.3.X
+ - available as part of gnome-libs, which you may already
+ have on your system.
+ - also available via download from GNOME source FTP sites.
+ - see then
+ follow to sources/libart_lgpl
+ glib 1.2 (
+ glib-1.2.8 (inclusa nella maggior parte delle distribuzioni)
+ GTK+ 1.2 (
+ gtk+-1.2.8 (inclusa nella maggior parte delle distribuzioni)
+ libsndfile (
+ libsndfile-0.0-28
+ libsamplerate (
+ libsamplerate 0.0.13 o superiore
+ the LADSPA SDK (
+ (Guardate sotto)
+ raptor (
+ lrdf (richiede raptor) (
+ liblrdf 0.3.1 or higher
+Ottenere LADSPA
+Nota: La Linux Audio Developers Simple Plugin API (LADSPA) consiste
+in realta` di un semplice file header, giЮ incluso nei sorgenti di
+Vorrete usare anche i suoi plugins, percui andate oltre e scaricate
+l' intero pacchetto (non e` grande), da
+Vi raccomando di scaricare un eccelente set di plugins per LADSPA,
+programmati da Steve Harris. Il link e`
+Trasformeranno Ardour in una appicazione vermante utile. Altri plugins
+di LADSPA sono in programmazione percui tenete d' occhio la Linux
+Audio Development mailing list.
+Posizionatevi nel path in cui volete copiare i CVS di Ardour (la '%'
+e` il vostro shell prompt):
+% cd /usr/local/src # e` un esempio, potete scegliere un path qualsiasi
+% cvs login
+ # (premete enter/return quando vi sara` chiesta
+ la password)
+% cvs -z3 co ardour
+Il prossimo passo Х quello di decidere se si vuole una installazione per
+sviluppatori o per semplici utenti. Se siete sviluppatori, potrebbe essere
+una buona idea compilare libardour come libreria condivisa, cosi` da evitare
+di collegare l'eseguibile ogni volta che cambiate versione di libreria.
+Se siete semplici utenti, questo renderebbe solo la vita piЫ difficile.
+In caso siate sviluppatori dunque eseguite:
+ touch ardour/libs/ardour/BUILD_FOR_DEVELOPMENT
+Questo fara` si` che libardour sia compilata come libreria condivisa. Dovreste
+conseguentemente passare il parametro --enable-development-build a configure.
+Ora costruite i file autoconf/automake:
+% cd ardour
+% sh
+Andate al passo 3.
+Come al solito: prelevate e scompattate il tarball. La directory creata,
+ardour-<versione>, e` chiamata piu` sotto "$AD".
+ ./configure (con tutte i parametri che vorrete passare)
+ make
+ make install
+Se siete uno sviluppatore che intende lavorare su libardour, potreste
+voler usare il parametro --enable-development-build, che colleghera`
+dinamicamente l'eseguibile a libardour, risparmiando molto tempo
+nell'evitare un collegamento statico da effettuare ogni volta che si
+operano cambiamenti su libardour.
+Se volete compilare ardour in modo che possiate farne il `debugging`,
+dovreste usare anche il parametro --disable-optimize. Senza questo
+Ardour viene compilato con ottimizzazioni estreme ed il risultato non
+puР essere oggetto di `debugging` in modo efficace.
+Come tutti gli script di configurazione, se non volete che
+l' installazione avvenga ne "solito posto", aggiungete un --prefix al
+comando ./configure. Potreste anche considerare di aggiungere un
+parametro --sysconfdir, dal momento che `make install` tenterЮ di
+installare tutti i file di configurazione in un percorso che tiene
+conti di questo parametro.
+La compilazione ci mette un po`. Eseguendo make -j3 su un dual PII-450
+l'intero processo impiega circa 10-15 minuti.
+NOTA: Dovete prima di tutto eseguire il server JACK.
+ ----------------------------------------------
+Se avete eseguito "make install", allora potete digitare "ardour" e
+qualcosa succedera`. Col comando "ardour --help" otterrete una
+lista delle possibili opzioni.
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+ Paul Davis <> June 2003
+ Russian translation by Igor Blinov <> November 2003
+Вас приветствует Ardour. Эта программа находится в стадии разработки,
+но уже может использоваться на практике, к тому же полезно когда
+другие люди тестируют её, если случается (почти уверен!) исправляют
+ошибки и расширяют функциональные возможности.
+**** БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ ***************************************************
+Работа Ardour требует минимальное время реакции на события (low latency),
+что требует использования POSIX-подсистемы реального времени (POSIX
+Real-Time Scheduling) и вдобавок блокирует всю используемую память
+в ОЗУ (RAM). Эти требования выполнимы, только если Ardour запущен с
+привилегиями пользователя root.
+С другой стороны всё не так уж и плохо. Если вы не можете установить
+флаг setuid root (который помогает не во всех случаях), тогда
+необходимо повысить свои привилегии до root для того, чтобы с этими
+правами запустить Ardour. Если вы уже имеете доступ как пользователь
+root, в таком случае запуск Ardour будет наименьшей проблемой. Итак.
+В работе используются некоторые возможности ядра linux, которые не
+способствует безопасности, так как они могут помочь злоумышленнику
+в его планах.
+В другом варианте вы можете запустить Ardour без приоритета реального
+времени и забыть про сказанное выше. Однако, это неудобно для ситуаций,
+в которых требуется малое время задержки сигнала, что желательно в обычной
+студийной работе. Замечу, что это не так важно, если ваше аппаратное
+обеспечение поддерживает функцию "hardware monitoring" - в этом случае
+возросшая задержка сигнала увеличивает время реакции при воздействии
+на управляющие элементы графического интерфейса Ardour, зато контроль
+(мониторинг) сигнала в процессе записи будет замечательным.
+**** ТРЕБОВАНИЯ К АППАРАТУРЕ ****************************************
+Ardour в своей работе для ввода/вывода аудиоданных использует JACK,
+который обеспечивает идеальное подключение приложений к ресурсам
+аппаратуры для работы со звуком. Мы не будем здесь обсуждать JACK,
+но сказанное ниже позволит избежать недоразумений:
+Несмотря на то, что JACK работает через ALSA 0.9.0 API, он использует
+его таким образом, что другие приложения в этот момент не могут
+работать с ним, к тому же задействуются некоторые особенности
+аппаратуры, неиспользуемые другими приложениями. Полная совместимость
+со всеми звуковыми картами, поддерживаемыми ALSA, является достижимой
+и очень желательной целью. Следствием этого может явиться поддержка
+оборудования с возможностями окружающего звука (surround sound).
+Однако, моя основная цель - это построение на основе JACK
+профессионального звукового сервера с Ardour в качестве не менее
+профессиональной звукозаписывающей системы (HDR). Если это окажется
+полезным для владельцев обычных 2/4 канальных звуковых карт, то это
+великолепно, но я не заостряю внимание на этом.
+Следующим важным моментом является то, что ваша звуковая карта должна
+поддерживать полнодуплексный режим работы, причём одновременно в одном
+формате аудиоданных, как на ввод, так и на вывод. Так, к примеру, карта
+SoundBlaster AWE не может использоваться с JACK в полнодуплексном
+режиме - ею поддерживается только такой полнодуплексный режим, в котором
+одно из двух направлений (запись или воспроизведение сигнала) работает
+в формате 8 бит данных, а другое в формате 16 бит. Очень немногие карты
+имеют это ограничение, и в этом случае они обычно не подходят для работы
+с такими приложениями как JACK или Ardour.
+На сегодняшний день, JACK работает со следующими звуковыми картами:
+ RME Hammerfall (Digi9652) (26 входов, 26 выходов)
+ RME Hammerfall Light (Digi9636) (18 входов, 18 выходов)
+ Midiman Delta series (ice1712 chipset) (12 входов, 10 выходов)
+ широко распространённые звуковые карты, обычно 2 входных канала,
+ 2/4 выходных канала, включая:
+ Hoontech 4Dwave-NX (Trident chipset)
+ Ensoniq 5880
+ Soundblaster 32
+ Soundblaster 64
+ Creative SBLive64
+и многие другие.
+Впоследствии он будет работать со всеми звуковыми картами, поддерживаемыми
+ALSA. Это одно из направлений разработки.
+Чтобы сообщить об обнаруженых вами ошибках в работе программы воспользуйтесь
+ссылкой . Возможно о них было сообщено ранее.
+Пожалуйста, проверьте существующие сообщения, чтобы убедиться в том, что
+об обнаруженной вами ошибке уже не сообщалось и/или она не исправлена в CVS.
+Подробное описание в файле "BUILD".
+ЗАМЕЧАНИЕ: Вы должны запустить JACK сервер прежде, чем откроете Ardour.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------
+Если вы выполнили команду "make install", тогда набрав на клавиатуре
+"ardour" получите желаемый результат. "ardour --help" выводит список
+доступных ключей программы.
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+* Automation
+ - must be able to apply a fade to a selected range
+* Drag handles for region/xfade curves
+* ensure I/O port is selected in connection dialog
+* add a small buffer near the left edge of the editor canvas to
+ make mouse operations near that edge easier to get right
+* context menus everywhere
+ - edit groups
+ - mix groups
+ - track lists
+ - region list
+ - click button
+ (miscellany)
+* propagate name changes to equivalent regions in region list
+* destroy region removes equivalent regions from region list
+* fix edit group visibility toggle
+* there must be a manual
+* make region state of a playlist be position,length,layer, and save
+ that for BoundsChange or Layer change.
+* automation modes (from protools):
+ - relative trim
+ - etc.
+* 2-step file expunge
+* allow sends/inserts and perhaps plugins to be named
+* popup a big panner
+* mix groups (adding new kinds of relationships to the groups, as per
+ old ideas from tom pincince)
+* add meter range control
+* change meter tap point
+* cassowary-based constraints for edit groups
+* serializing the edit history (i have a plan for this now)
+* gtk2 port
+* like, totally rock, dude.
+* make rulers reorderable
+* set of useful click sounds
+* use snapshot mechanism to provide persistent undo/redo
+ - needs better integration of automation state
+ into session state.
+* duplicate-with-gap
+* panner multichannel backend code
+* select new port display when its created
+* copy/paste io configurations
+* Better temporal navigation
+* new region via plugin.
+* digital input trim.
+* possibly allow metering max-level adjustment at run-time
+* use multi-loop-take ala Samplitude/PT
+* song mode autonames for locate points
+ intro, verse1, verse N, chorus, bridge, outro/tag
+* different clock display modes:
+ elapsed
+ remaining
+ time since location start
+ time till location end
+* handle missing audio sources when loading
+* option/action to snap selection to zero crossings
+* pitch shift?
+- Some global solo routing buttons and a sine/noise generator to
+ test all the connections. Possibly a talkback input and
+ control. Pretty much like the equivalent strip on a analog
+ console.
+WAITING FOR GTK+/gtkmm 2.0:
+general gtkmmext::ui solution to delete_event in recursive Gtk::Main::run()
+float<->ulong conversion in a GtkAdjustment (GTK2 uses doubles)
+ * fix the problems caused by range (float) limits on Locations.
+figure out how to get frames/timebars to extend to max_frames.
+track height?
+I/O connection state, etc.
+initial Tempo marker can be dragged
+duplicate region names can be created automatically
+ - which thread should:
+ - change playlists on a diskstream?
+ - change diskstreams on a track? (we don't support that in the UI)
+ - can we reliably construct a copy of the RT state, instead of
+ using locks everywhere?
+-- gerard --
+Region gain has some bugs. They dissappear when trimming. Don't always
+playback correctly.
+I had some strange things with a chunk where the last region seemed to use
+the audio file as a peakfile. It played back correctly, but it showed up
+frames_per_peak too large.
+-- gerard2 ---
+I see that automation editing is in the TODO. How about the whole deal:
+Changing it during aplay. relative or absolute, latch (is that the word) or
+momentary override etc
+Is this for >1.0 ? It is not that important for me but maybe for some
+Better metering configurability. Post/pre etc.
+Gui interface consistency.
+more keyboard shortcuts for f.i. (are they hard to add?):
+ -arrow keys to move selection from region to region
+ -seperate region. This one can be the same for split region, if there is
+ a range selected seperate, if not split.
+Should playhead also snap to grid?
+Adding/removing snapshots through snapshot pane.
+I would prefer to move the pre and post roll adjustments to the options
+menu, and have a start/end/duration of selection clocks.
+A way to deal with misbehaving plugins. They shouldn't be able to freeze
+What is the current (and planned) edit-group functionality? It doesn't seem
+to much.
+make use of transients a run-time option
+panning for export
+mute automation event
+region length/end editor clocks don't modify position
+should we allow N-channels regions to be inserted into non-N-channel routes?
+auto-crossfades are unreliable/hard to predict/confusing
+reset declick curves when doing a region copy (only if auto-crossfading?)
+audio clock editing
+ - make drag work again
+ - use tick field
+post fader plug/inserts get into a very inconsistent state wrt active/not active
+mixer strip widths are not persistent across state save/restore
+automation-read updates in mixer-strip in editor
+don't initiate MIDI binding if there is no MMC control
+export to audiofile
+ - exports tracks not marked for export (?)
+ - contains clicks/pops even with no SRC/dither (FIXED?)
+timefx region length error (check back with audacity crew)
+send gain control is clicky.
+some regionview names don't seem sensitive to canvas events
+splice mode needs to work correctly all the time, at the right times
+removing a port then adding a new one can cause duplicate names
+plugin automation buttons don't update from a plugin signal
+how to handle multichannel selections
+apparently selected location on startup of locations window, or
+ when creating new location from selection is *not* selected
+source/region naming/region list display
+RT-ness of all RT-thread STL usage
+Use mouse wheel events (button4/5)
+Remove regions from region list
+Some location window ops need dbl click, some don't
+make prompters look nicer still.
+make ladspa plugin selector look nicer
+don't popup "no group" when there are no groups (mixer strip).
+fix bug in Gtkmmext with wrapping on Gtkmmext::ClickBox
+make region editors look nicer
+region editor audition button doesn't pop up after audition is finished
+allow same color for all streamviews
+[ These are JACK TODO's ]
+* need to ensure that cards like the Hammerfall are really set
+ to the correct sample rate when connected to an external
+ clock source.
+* ::connect_to_session() should indicate a problem if the
+ sample rate is wrong ....
+MIDI Machine Control
+* handle stupid Mackie TC buttons
+* send MMC rec-enable messages
+* allow control (MMC/Local) selection to work
+* make sure that MMC ID works
+EDITOR, etc.
+* "use location to define selection"
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+If you would like to see Ardour in your native langauge, please contact
+the Ardour development mailing list. It's members only, but can be joined
+Many thanks to these translators for making Ardour available in other
+French: Alain FrИhel <>
+German: Karsten Petersen <>
+Italian: Filippo Pappalardo <>
+Portuguese: Rui Nuno Capela <>
+Brazilian Portuguese: Alexander da Franca Fernandes <>
+ Chris Ross <>
+Russian: Igor Blinov <>
+Spanish: Alex Krohn <>
diff --git a/DOCUMENTATION/ardour.1 b/DOCUMENTATION/ardour.1
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+.TH ARDOUR 1 2002-12-29
+ardour \- a digital audio workstation
+.B \-b
+.RB [ \-U
+.IR file ]
+.RI [ session ]
+.B \-\-help
+Ardour is a multichannel hard disk recorder (HDR) and digital audio
+workstation (DAW).
+It is capable of simultaneous recording 24 or more channels of 32 bit audio at
+Ardour is intended to function as a "professional" HDR system, replacing
+dedicated hardware solutions such as the Mackie HDR, the Tascam 2424 and more
+traditional tape systems like the Alesis ADAT series.
+It is also intended to provide the same or better functionality as software
+systems such as ProTools, Samplitude, Logic Audio, Nuendo and Cubase VST (we
+acknowledge these and all other names as trademarks of their respective
+It supports MIDI Machine Control, and so can be controlled from any MMC
+controller, such as the Mackie Digital 8 Bus mixer and many other modern
+digital mixers.
+.B \-b
+Print all possible keyboard binding names.
+.B \-U
+Specify the path to the GTK RC file to use.
+The provided one is called
+.B ardour_ui.rc
+and lives in the top level Ardour source directory.
+This file controls all color and font use within Ardour.
+Ardour will run without it, but its appearance is, uhm, ugly.
+.B \-\-help
+Displays the help message.
+.B ardour.rc
+Defaults and startup settings for Ardour.
+.B ardour_ui.rc
+Definitions for the Ardour interface.
+Path to ardour.rc.
+Path to the ardour_system.rc
+Path to LADSPA plugins.
+Paul Davis.
+.I not
+contact him directly.
+contact him at <>.
+You can subscribe here:
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--- /dev/null
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+.TH ARDOUR 1 2002-12-29
+ardour \- una estaciцЁn de trabajo de audio digital
+.B \-b
+.RB [ \-U
+.IR archivo ]
+.RI [ sesiцЁn ]
+.B \-\-help
+Ardour graba multiples canales simultц║neos a disco rigido (HDR) y es una
+estaciцЁn de trabajo de audio digital (DAW).
+Es capaz de grabar 24 o mas canales simultц║neamente con calidad de audio
+de 32 bit y a 48khz.
+La inteciцЁn de Ardour es funcionar como un sistema HDR "profesional",
+reemplazando soluciones de hardware dedicado como la Mackie HDR, el
+Tascam 2424 y otros sistemas tradicionales que emplean cinta como la
+linea de ADATs de Alesis.
+Tambien se busca igualar o mejorar la funcionalidad de sistemas
+basados en software como ProTools, Samplitude, Logic Audio,
+Nuendo y Cubase VST (reconocemos a estos y a todos los nombres ya
+mencionados, como marcas registradas de sus respectivos dueц╠os).
+Ardour soporta Control de Maquina MIDI, por lo que puede ser controlado
+desde cualquier controladora MMC, como la "Mackie Digital 8 Bus Mixer"
+y otros mixers digitales modernos.
+.B \-b
+Muestra todos los comandos asignables a teclas del teclado.
+.B \-U
+Especifica el archivo de interface visual.
+El que viene provisto por Ardour se llama
+.B ardour_ui.rc
+y se lo puede encontrar en el primer nivel de la carpeta del cцЁdigo de Ardour.
+Este archivo controla todos los colores y fuentes usados por Ardour.
+Ardour funcionarц║ sin este, pero se verц║, uhm, feo.
+.B \-\-help
+Muestra el mensaje de ayuda.
+.B ardour.rc
+Configuraciones preestablecidas y de inicio de Ardour.
+.B ardour_ui.rc
+Configuraciones de la interface visual de Ardour.
+UbicaciцЁn del archivo ardour.rc.
+UbicaciцЁn del archivo ardour_system.rc.
+UbicaciцЁn de plugins LADSPA.
+.SH BUGS (Errores en el codigo)
+Paul Davis.
+.I No
+contactarlo directamente.
+En cambio,
+mande un email a <>.
+Usted puede suscribirse a:
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--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+.TH ARDOUR 1 2002-12-29
+ardour \- une station de travail audio-numИrique
+.B \-b
+.RB [ \-U
+.IR fichier ]
+.RI [ session ]
+.B \-\-help
+Ardour est un enregistreur sur disque dur multi-canaux (HDR) et une station de
+travail audio-numИrique (DAW).
+Il est capable d'enregistrer simultanИment 24 ou plus canaux audio 32 bits Ю
+48 kHz.
+Ardour a pour vocation de fonctionner comme un enregistreur sur disque dur
+"professionnel", en remplacement de solutions matИrielles dИdiИes comme le
+Mackie HDR, le Tascam 2424 et les plus traditionnels systХme Ю bande tels que
+la sИrie Alesis ADAT.
+Il est aussi conГu pour procurer les mЙmes ou de meilleures fonctionnalitИs
+que des systХmes logiciels comme ProTools, Samplitude, Logic Audio, Nuendo et
+Cubase VST (nous reconnaissons ces marques comme marques dИposИes appartenant
+Ю leurs propriИtaires respectifs).
+Il supporte MIDI Machine Control, et peut ainsi Йtre contrТlИ depuis
+n'importe quel contrТleur MMC, comme le Mackie Digital 8 Bus mixer et de nombreux autres mИlangeurs audio-numИriques modernes.
+.B \-b
+Affiche tous les noms des codes clavier possibles.
+.B \-U
+Indiquer le chemin vers le fichier GTK RC Ю utiliser.
+Le fichier fourni s'appelle
+.B ardour_ui.rc
+et se trouve dans la racine du rИpertoire du code source d'Ardour.
+Ce fichier gХre l'utilisation de toutes les couleurs et polices de caractХre
+dans Ardour.
+Ardour fonctionnera sans, mais son aspect sera, disons, affreux.
+.B \-\-help
+Affiche le message d'aide.
+.B ardour.rc
+ParamХtre par dИfaut et de dИmarrage d'Ardour.
+.B ardour_ui.rc
+DИfinitions pour l'interface d'Ardour.
+Chemin vers ardour.rc.
+Chemin vers ardour_system.rc
+Chemin vers les greffons LADSPA.
+Paul Davis.
+.I pas
+le contacter directement.
+Contactez-le plutТt Ю <>.
+Vous pouvez vous inscrire ici :
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--- /dev/null
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+.TH "ARDOUR" "1" "2004-05-10" "" ""
+.SH "ИМЯ"
+ardour \- рабочая станция для цифровой обработки звука
+.B \-b
+.RB [ \-U
+.I R файл ]
+.RI [ сессия ]
+.B \-\-help
+Ardour \- это программа для многоканальной записи на жёсткий диск
+(hard disk recorder \- HDR) и одновременно редактор для цифровой обработки звука
+(digital audio workstation \- DAW).
+Он способен записывать одновременно до 24 или более каналов 32\-битных
+аудиоданных с частотой дискретизации 48 кГц.
+Ardour нацелен работать как "профессиональная" HDR\-система, способная
+заменить такие аппаратные решения как Mackie HDR, Tascam 2424 и многие
+традиционные системы записи на магнитную ленту, например серию Alesis ADAT.
+Также преследуется цель обеспечить функциональность аналогичную или даже большую
+по сравнению с такими программными продуктами как ProTools, Samplitude, Logic Audio,
+Nuendo and Cubase VST (мы признаём, что эти и другие наименования являются
+торговыми марками, которые принадлежат соответствующим обладателям).
+Имеется поддержка MIDI Machine Control (MMC), в том числе возможно и
+управление от любого MMC\-контроллера, например, такого как микшер Mackie Digital
+8 Bus или любого другого современного микшера.
+.B \-b, \-\-bindings
+Вывести список доступных "горячих" клавиш.
+.B \-n, \-\-no\-splash
+Не выводить заставку.
+.B \-U, \-\-ui\-rcfile путь
+Указать путь к файлу описания графического интерфейса (GTK RC).
+В нём определены все шрифты и цвета элементов интерфейса Ardour.
+Файл должен именоваться как
+.B ardour_ui.rc
+, его шаблон находится в корневом каталоге исходных текстов Ardour.
+Ardour можно запустить и без него, но внешний вид интерфейса будет безобразным.
+.B \-c, \-\-jack\-client\-name имя
+Использовать другое имя jack\-клиента, ardour по умолчанию.
+.B \-v, \-\-version
+Информация о версии программы.
+.B \-h, \-\-help
+Показать справку.
+.B ardour.rc
+Настройки по умолчанию и установки "горячих" клавиш для Ardour.
+.B ardour_ui.rc
+Описание пользовательского интерфейса Ardour.
+Путь к файлу ardour.rc.
+Путь к файлу ardour_system.rc
+Путь к модулям (плагинам) LADSPA.
+Да, имеются.
+Paul Davis (Пол Дэвис).
+.I не обращайтесь
+к нему напрямую.
+Связаться с ним и другими разработчиками можно отправив сообщение в список рассылки,
+Вы можете подписаться на него по адресу: