diff options
13 files changed, 1355 insertions, 1060 deletions
diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/SConscript b/gtk2_ardour/SConscript
index 0388910ebd..818b0fa15c 100644
--- a/gtk2_ardour/SConscript
+++ b/gtk2_ardour/SConscript
@@ -172,10 +172,12 @@
diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/ b/gtk2_ardour/
index ac68f6d907..b382200d38 100644
--- a/gtk2_ardour/
+++ b/gtk2_ardour/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
#include <gtkmm/messagedialog.h>
-#include "export_main_dialog.h"
+#include "export_dialog.h"
#include "editor.h"
#include "public_editor.h"
#include "selection.h"
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ using namespace Gtk;
Editor::export_audio ()
- ExportMainDialog dialog (*this);
+ ExportDialog dialog (*this);
dialog.set_session (session);;
@@ -62,9 +62,8 @@ Editor::export_audio ()
Editor::export_selection ()
- ExportMainDialog dialog (*this);
+ ExportSelectionDialog dialog (*this);
dialog.set_session (session);
- dialog.select_timespan (X_("selection"));;
@@ -82,9 +81,8 @@ Editor::export_range ()
bool is_start;
if (((l = find_location_from_marker (marker, is_start)) != 0) && (l->end() > l->start())) {
- ExportMainDialog dialog (*this);
+ ExportRangeDialog dialog (*this, l->id().to_s());
dialog.set_session (session);
- dialog.select_timespan (l->id().to_s());;
diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/ b/gtk2_ardour/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ae81a016a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gtk2_ardour/
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2008 Paul Davis
+ Author: Sakari Bergen
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#include "export_dialog.h"
+#include <sigc++/signal.h>
+#include <pbd/filesystem.h>
+#include <ardour/export_status.h>
+#include <ardour/export_handler.h>
+using namespace ARDOUR;
+using namespace PBD;
+ExportDialog::ExportDialog (PublicEditor & editor, Glib::ustring title) :
+ ArdourDialog (title),
+ editor (editor),
+ warn_label ("", Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT),
+ list_files_label (_("<span color=\"#ffa755\">Some already existing files will be overwritten.</span>"), Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT),
+ list_files_button (_("List files"))
+{ }
+ExportDialog::~ExportDialog ()
+{ }
+ExportDialog::set_session (ARDOUR::Session* s)
+ init ();
+ session = s;
+ /* Init handler and profile manager */
+ handler = session->get_export_handler ();
+ status = session->get_export_status ();
+ profile_manager.reset (new ExportProfileManager (*session));
+ preset_selector->set_manager (profile_manager);
+ file_notebook->set_session_and_manager (session, profile_manager);
+ /* Hand on selection range to profile manager */
+ TimeSelection const & time (editor.get_selection().time);
+ if (!time.empty()) {
+ profile_manager->set_selection_range (time.front().start, time.front().end);
+ } else {
+ profile_manager->set_selection_range ();
+ }
+ /* Load states */
+ profile_manager->load_profile ();
+ sync_with_manager ();
+ /* Warnings */
+ preset_selector->CriticalSelectionChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportDialog::sync_with_manager));
+ timespan_selector->CriticalSelectionChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportDialog::update_warnings));
+ channel_selector->CriticalSelectionChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportDialog::update_warnings));
+ file_notebook->CriticalSelectionChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportDialog::update_warnings));
+ status->Aborting.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportDialog::notify_errors));
+ update_warnings ();
+ExportDialog::init ()
+ init_components ();
+ init_gui ();
+ /* warnings */
+ warning_widget.pack_start (warn_hbox, true, true, 6);
+ warning_widget.pack_end (list_files_hbox, false, false, 0);
+ warn_hbox.pack_start (warn_label, true, true, 16);
+ warn_label.set_use_markup (true);
+ list_files_hbox.pack_end (list_files_button, false, false, 6);
+ list_files_hbox.pack_end (list_files_label, false, false, 6);
+ list_files_label.set_use_markup (true);
+ list_files_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportDialog::show_conflicting_files));
+ /* Progress indicators */
+ progress_widget.pack_start (progress_label, false, false, 6);
+ progress_widget.pack_start (progress_bar, false, false, 6);
+ /* Buttons */
+ cancel_button = add_button (Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, RESPONSE_CANCEL);
+ rt_export_button = add_button (_("Realtime export"), RESPONSE_RT);
+ fast_export_button = add_button (_("Fast Export"), RESPONSE_FAST);
+ cancel_button->signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportDialog::close_dialog));
+ rt_export_button->signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportDialog::export_rt));
+ fast_export_button->signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportDialog::export_fw));
+ /* Done! */
+ show_all_children ();
+ progress_widget.hide_all();
+ExportDialog::init_gui ()
+ Gtk::Alignment * preset_align = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Alignment());
+ preset_align->add (*preset_selector);
+ preset_align->set_padding (0, 12, 0, 0);
+ get_vbox()->pack_start (*preset_align, false, false, 0);
+ Gtk::Alignment * timespan_align = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Alignment());
+ Gtk::Label * timespan_label = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Label (_("Time Span"), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT));
+ timespan_align->add (*timespan_selector);
+ timespan_align->set_padding (0, 12, 18, 0);
+ get_vbox()->pack_start (*timespan_label, false, false, 0);
+ get_vbox()->pack_start (*timespan_align, false, false, 0);
+ Gtk::Alignment * channels_align = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Alignment());
+ Gtk::Label * channels_label = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Label (_("Channels"), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT));
+ channels_align->add (*channel_selector);
+ channels_align->set_padding (0, 12, 18, 0);
+ get_vbox()->pack_start (*channels_label, false, false, 0);
+ get_vbox()->pack_start (*channels_align, false, false, 0);
+ get_vbox()->pack_start (*file_notebook, false, false, 0);
+ get_vbox()->pack_start (warning_widget, true, true, 0);
+ get_vbox()->pack_start (progress_widget, true, true, 0);
+ Pango::AttrList bold;
+ Pango::Attribute b = Pango::Attribute::create_attr_weight (Pango::WEIGHT_BOLD);
+ bold.insert (b);
+ timespan_label->set_attributes (bold);
+ channels_label->set_attributes (bold);
+ExportDialog::init_components ()
+ preset_selector.reset (new ExportPresetSelector ());
+ timespan_selector.reset (new ExportTimespanSelectorMultiple ());
+ channel_selector.reset (new ExportChannelSelector ());
+ file_notebook.reset (new ExportFileNotebook ());
+ExportDialog::notify_errors ()
+ if (status->errors()) {
+ Glib::ustring txt = _("Export has been aborted due to an error!\nSee the Log for details.");
+ Gtk::MessageDialog msg (txt, false, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, true);
+ }
+ExportDialog::close_dialog ()
+ if (status->running) {
+ status->abort();
+ }
+ hide_all ();
+ set_modal (false);
+ExportDialog::sync_with_manager ()
+ timespan_selector->set_state (profile_manager->get_timespans().front(), session);
+ channel_selector->set_state (profile_manager->get_channel_configs().front(), session);
+ file_notebook->sync_with_manager ();
+ update_warnings ();
+ExportDialog::update_warnings ()
+ /* Reset state */
+ warn_string = "";
+ warn_label.set_markup (warn_string);
+ list_files_hbox.hide ();
+ list_files_string = "";
+ fast_export_button->set_sensitive (true);
+ rt_export_button->set_sensitive (true);
+ /* Add new warnings */
+ boost::shared_ptr<ExportProfileManager::Warnings> warnings = profile_manager->get_warnings();
+ for (std::list<Glib::ustring>::iterator it = warnings->errors.begin(); it != warnings->errors.end(); ++it) {
+ add_error (*it);
+ }
+ for (std::list<Glib::ustring>::iterator it = warnings->warnings.begin(); it != warnings->warnings.end(); ++it) {
+ add_warning (*it);
+ }
+ if (!warnings->conflicting_filenames.empty()) {
+ ();
+ for (std::list<Glib::ustring>::iterator it = warnings->conflicting_filenames.begin(); it != warnings->conflicting_filenames.end(); ++it) {
+ ustring::size_type pos = it->find_last_of ("/");
+ list_files_string += "\n" + it->substr (0, pos + 1) + "<b>" + it->substr (pos + 1) + "</b>";
+ }
+ }
+ExportDialog::show_conflicting_files ()
+ ArdourDialog dialog (_("Files that will be overwritten"), true);
+ Gtk::Label label ("", Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT);
+ label.set_use_markup (true);
+ label.set_markup (list_files_string);
+ dialog.get_vbox()->pack_start (label);
+ dialog.add_button (Gtk::Stock::OK, 0);
+ dialog.show_all_children ();
+ExportDialog::export_rt ()
+ profile_manager->prepare_for_export ();
+ handler->do_export (true);
+ show_progress ();
+ExportDialog::export_fw ()
+ profile_manager->prepare_for_export ();
+ handler->do_export (false);
+ show_progress ();
+ExportDialog::show_progress ()
+ status->running = true;
+ cancel_button->set_label (_("Stop Export"));
+ rt_export_button->set_sensitive (false);
+ fast_export_button->set_sensitive (false);
+ progress_bar.set_fraction (0.0);
+ warning_widget.hide_all();
+ ();
+ progress_widget.show_all_children ();
+ progress_connection = Glib::signal_timeout().connect (mem_fun(*this, &ExportDialog::progress_timeout), 100);
+ gtk_main_iteration ();
+ while (status->running) {
+ if (gtk_events_pending()) {
+ gtk_main_iteration ();
+ } else {
+ usleep (10000);
+ }
+ }
+ExportDialog::progress_timeout ()
+ switch (status->stage) {
+ case export_None:
+ progress_label.set_text ("");
+ break;
+ case export_ReadTimespan:
+ progress_label.set_text (string_compose (_("Reading timespan %1 of %2"), status->timespan, status->total_timespans));
+ break;
+ case export_PostProcess:
+ progress_label.set_text (string_compose (_("Processing file %2 of %3 (%1) from timespan %4 of %5"),
+ file_notebook->get_nth_format_name (status->format),
+ status->format, status->total_formats,
+ status->timespan, status->total_timespans));
+ break;
+ case export_Write:
+ progress_label.set_text (string_compose (_("Encoding file %2 of %3 (%1) from timespan %4 of %5"),
+ file_notebook->get_nth_format_name (status->format),
+ status->format, status->total_formats,
+ status->timespan, status->total_timespans));
+ break;
+ }
+ progress_bar.set_fraction (status->progress);
+ return TRUE;
+ExportDialog::add_error (Glib::ustring const & text)
+ fast_export_button->set_sensitive (false);
+ rt_export_button->set_sensitive (false);
+ if (warn_string.empty()) {
+ warn_string = _("<span color=\"#ffa755\">Error: ") + text + "</span>";
+ } else {
+ warn_string = _("<span color=\"#ffa755\">Error: ") + text + "</span>\n" + warn_string;
+ }
+ warn_label.set_markup (warn_string);
+ExportDialog::add_warning (Glib::ustring const & text)
+ if (warn_string.empty()) {
+ warn_string = _("<span color=\"#ffa755\">Warning: ") + text + "</span>";
+ } else {
+ warn_string = warn_string + _("\n<span color=\"#ffa755\">Warning: ") + text + "</span>";
+ }
+ warn_label.set_markup (warn_string);
+/*** Dialog specializations ***/
+ExportRangeDialog::ExportRangeDialog (PublicEditor & editor, Glib::ustring range_id) :
+ ExportDialog (editor, _("Export Range")),
+ range_id (range_id)
+ExportRangeDialog::init_components ()
+ preset_selector.reset (new ExportPresetSelector ());
+ timespan_selector.reset (new ExportTimespanSelectorSingle (range_id));
+ channel_selector.reset (new ExportChannelSelector ());
+ file_notebook.reset (new ExportFileNotebook ());
+ExportSelectionDialog::ExportSelectionDialog (PublicEditor & editor) :
+ ExportDialog (editor, _("Export Selection"))
+ExportSelectionDialog::init_components ()
+ preset_selector.reset (new ExportPresetSelector ());
+ timespan_selector.reset (new ExportTimespanSelectorSingle (X_("selection")));
+ channel_selector.reset (new ExportChannelSelector ());
+ file_notebook.reset (new ExportFileNotebook ());
diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/export_dialog.h b/gtk2_ardour/export_dialog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0c5a24b20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gtk2_ardour/export_dialog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2008 Paul Davis
+ Author: Sakari Bergen
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#ifndef __export_dialog_h__
+#define __export_dialog_h__
+#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
+#include <ardour/export_handler.h>
+#include <ardour/export_profile_manager.h>
+#include "public_editor.h"
+#include "export_timespan_selector.h"
+#include "export_channel_selector.h"
+#include "export_file_notebook.h"
+#include "export_preset_selector.h"
+#include "ardour_dialog.h"
+#include <gtkmm.h>
+#include "i18n.h"
+namespace ARDOUR {
+ class ExportStatus;
+class ExportTimespanSelector;
+class ExportChannelSelector;
+class ExportDialog : public ArdourDialog {
+ public:
+ explicit ExportDialog (PublicEditor & editor, Glib::ustring title = _("Export"));
+ ~ExportDialog ();
+ void set_session (ARDOUR::Session* s);
+ /* Responses */
+ enum Responses {
+ };
+ protected:
+ // initializes GUI layout
+ virtual void init_gui ();
+ // Must initialize all the shared_ptrs below
+ virtual void init_components ();
+ boost::shared_ptr<ExportPresetSelector> preset_selector;
+ boost::shared_ptr<ExportTimespanSelector> timespan_selector;
+ boost::shared_ptr<ExportChannelSelector> channel_selector;
+ boost::shared_ptr<ExportFileNotebook> file_notebook;
+ Gtk::VBox warning_widget;
+ Gtk::VBox progress_widget;
+ private:
+ void init ();
+ void notify_errors ();
+ void close_dialog ();
+ void sync_with_manager ();
+ void update_warnings ();
+ void show_conflicting_files ();
+ void export_rt ();
+ void export_fw ();
+ void show_progress ();
+ gint progress_timeout ();
+ typedef boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ExportHandler> HandlerPtr;
+ typedef boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager> ManagerPtr;
+ typedef boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ExportStatus> StatusPtr;
+ PublicEditor & editor;
+ HandlerPtr handler;
+ ManagerPtr profile_manager;
+ StatusPtr status;
+ /*** GUI components ***/
+ /* Warning area */
+ Gtk::HBox warn_hbox;
+ Gtk::Label warn_label;
+ Glib::ustring warn_string;
+ Gtk::HBox list_files_hbox;
+ Gtk::Label list_files_label;
+ Gtk::Button list_files_button;
+ Glib::ustring list_files_string;
+ void add_error (Glib::ustring const & text);
+ void add_warning (Glib::ustring const & text);
+ /* Progress bar */
+ Gtk::Label progress_label;
+ Gtk::ProgressBar progress_bar;
+ sigc::connection progress_connection;
+ /* Buttons */
+ Gtk::Button * cancel_button;
+ Gtk::Button * rt_export_button;
+ Gtk::Button * fast_export_button;
+class ExportRangeDialog : public ExportDialog
+ public:
+ ExportRangeDialog (PublicEditor & editor, Glib::ustring range_id);
+ private:
+ void init_components ();
+ Glib::ustring range_id;
+class ExportSelectionDialog : public ExportDialog
+ public:
+ ExportSelectionDialog (PublicEditor & editor);
+ private:
+ void init_components ();
+#endif /* __ardour_export_dialog_h__ */
diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/ b/gtk2_ardour/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..001b180560
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gtk2_ardour/
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2008 Paul Davis
+ Author: Sakari Bergen
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#include "export_file_notebook.h"
+#include <ardour/export_format_specification.h>
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "i18n.h"
+using namespace ARDOUR;
+ExportFileNotebook::ExportFileNotebook () :
+ page_counter (1)
+ /* Last page */
+ new_file_button.add (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Image (::get_icon("add"))));
+ new_file_button.set_alignment (0, 0.5);
+ new_file_button.set_relief (Gtk::RELIEF_NONE);
+ new_file_hbox.pack_start (new_file_button, true, true);
+ append_page (new_file_dummy, new_file_hbox);
+ set_tab_label_packing (new_file_dummy, true, true, Gtk::PACK_START);
+ new_file_hbox.show_all_children ();
+ page_change_connection = signal_switch_page().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportFileNotebook::handle_page_change));
+ new_file_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportFileNotebook::add_new_file_page));
+ExportFileNotebook::set_session_and_manager (ARDOUR::Session * s, boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager> manager)
+ session = s;
+ profile_manager = manager;
+ sync_with_manager ();
+ExportFileNotebook::sync_with_manager ()
+ /* Clear pages from notebook
+ The page switch handling has to be disabled during removing all pages due to a gtk bug
+ */
+ page_change_connection.block();
+ while (get_n_pages() > 1) {
+ remove_page (0);
+ }
+ page_change_connection.block(false);
+ page_counter = 1;
+ last_visible_page = 0;
+ /* File notebook */
+ ExportProfileManager::FormatStateList const & formats = profile_manager->get_formats ();
+ ExportProfileManager::FormatStateList::const_iterator format_it;
+ ExportProfileManager::FilenameStateList const & filenames = profile_manager->get_filenames ();
+ ExportProfileManager::FilenameStateList::const_iterator filename_it;
+ for (format_it = formats.begin(), filename_it = filenames.begin();
+ format_it != formats.end() && filename_it != filenames.end();
+ ++format_it, ++filename_it) {
+ add_file_page (*format_it, *filename_it);
+ }
+ set_current_page (0);
+ CriticalSelectionChanged ();
+ExportFileNotebook::get_nth_format_name (uint32_t n)
+ FilePage * page;
+ if ((page = dynamic_cast<FilePage *> (get_nth_page (n - 1)))) {
+ return page->get_format_name();
+ }
+ return "";
+ExportFileNotebook::add_new_file_page ()
+ FilePage * page;
+ if ((page = dynamic_cast<FilePage *> (get_nth_page (get_current_page())))) {
+ add_file_page (profile_manager->duplicate_format_state (page->get_format_state()),
+ profile_manager->duplicate_filename_state (page->get_filename_state()));
+ }
+ExportFileNotebook::add_file_page (ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::FormatStatePtr format_state, ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::FilenameStatePtr filename_state)
+ FilePage * page = Gtk::manage (new FilePage (session, profile_manager, this, page_counter, format_state, filename_state));
+ page->CriticalSelectionChanged.connect (CriticalSelectionChanged.make_slot());
+ insert_page (*page, page->get_tab_widget(), get_n_pages() - 1);
+ update_remove_file_page_sensitivity ();
+ show_all_children();
+ ++page_counter;
+ CriticalSelectionChanged ();
+ExportFileNotebook::remove_file_page (FilePage * page)
+ profile_manager->remove_format_state (page->get_format_state());
+ profile_manager->remove_filename_state (page->get_filename_state());
+ remove_page (*page);
+ update_remove_file_page_sensitivity ();
+ CriticalSelectionChanged ();
+ExportFileNotebook::update_remove_file_page_sensitivity ()
+ FilePage * page;
+ if ((page = dynamic_cast<FilePage *> (get_nth_page (0)))) {
+ if (get_n_pages() > 2) {
+ page->set_remove_sensitive (true);
+ } else {
+ page->set_remove_sensitive (false);
+ }
+ }
+ExportFileNotebook::handle_page_change (GtkNotebookPage*, uint32_t page)
+ if (page + 1 == (uint32_t) get_n_pages()) {
+ set_current_page (last_visible_page);
+ } else {
+ last_visible_page = page;
+ }
+ExportFileNotebook::FilePage::FilePage (Session * s, ManagerPtr profile_manager, ExportFileNotebook * parent, uint32_t number,
+ ExportProfileManager::FormatStatePtr format_state,
+ ExportProfileManager::FilenameStatePtr filename_state) :
+ format_state (format_state),
+ filename_state (filename_state),
+ profile_manager (profile_manager),
+ format_label (_("Format"), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT),
+ filename_label (_("Location"), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT),
+ tab_number (number)
+ set_border_width (12);
+ pack_start (format_label, false, false, 0);
+ pack_start (format_align, false, false, 0);
+ pack_start (filename_label, false, false, 0);
+ pack_start (filename_align, false, false, 0);
+ format_align.add (format_selector);
+ format_align.set_padding (6, 12, 18, 0);
+ filename_align.add (filename_selector);
+ filename_align.set_padding (0, 12, 18, 0);
+ Pango::AttrList bold;
+ Pango::Attribute b = Pango::Attribute::create_attr_weight (Pango::WEIGHT_BOLD);
+ bold.insert (b);
+ format_label.set_attributes (bold);
+ filename_label.set_attributes (bold);
+ tab_label.set_attributes (bold);
+ /* Set states */
+ format_selector.set_state (format_state, s);
+ filename_selector.set_state (filename_state, s);
+ /* Signals */
+ tab_close_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*parent, &ExportFileNotebook::remove_file_page), this));
+ profile_manager->FormatListChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (format_selector, &ExportFormatSelector::update_format_list));
+ format_selector.FormatEdited.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportFileNotebook::FilePage::save_format_to_manager));
+ format_selector.FormatRemoved.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*profile_manager, &ExportProfileManager::remove_format_profile));
+ format_selector.NewFormat.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*profile_manager, &ExportProfileManager::get_new_format));
+ format_selector.CriticalSelectionChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportFileNotebook::FilePage::update_tab_label));
+ filename_selector.CriticalSelectionChanged.connect (CriticalSelectionChanged.make_slot());
+ /* Tab widget */
+ tab_close_button.add (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Image (::get_icon("close"))));
+ tab_close_alignment.add (tab_close_button);
+ tab_close_alignment.set (0.5, 0.5, 0, 0);
+ tab_widget.pack_start (tab_label, false, false, 3);
+ tab_widget.pack_end (tab_close_alignment, false, false, 0);
+ tab_widget.show_all_children ();
+ update_tab_label ();
+ /* Done */
+ show_all_children ();
+ExportFileNotebook::FilePage::~FilePage ()
+ExportFileNotebook::FilePage::set_remove_sensitive (bool value)
+ tab_close_button.set_sensitive (value);
+ExportFileNotebook::FilePage::get_format_name () const
+ if (format_state && format_state->format) {
+ return format_state->format->name();
+ }
+ return "No format!";
+ExportFileNotebook::FilePage::save_format_to_manager (FormatPtr format)
+ profile_manager->save_format_to_disk (format);
+ExportFileNotebook::FilePage::update_tab_label ()
+ tab_label.set_text (string_compose ("%1 %2", tab_number, get_format_name()));
+ CriticalSelectionChanged();
diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/export_file_notebook.h b/gtk2_ardour/export_file_notebook.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aed9a0fcc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gtk2_ardour/export_file_notebook.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2008 Paul Davis
+ Author: Sakari Bergen
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#ifndef __export_file_notebook_h__
+#define __export_file_notebook_h__
+#include <sigc++/signal.h>
+#include <gtkmm.h>
+#include <ardour/export_profile_manager.h>
+#include "export_format_selector.h"
+#include "export_filename_selector.h"
+namespace ARDOUR {
+ class Session;
+class ExportFileNotebook : public Gtk::Notebook
+ public:
+ ExportFileNotebook ();
+ void set_session_and_manager (ARDOUR::Session * s, boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager> manager);
+ void sync_with_manager ();
+ Glib::ustring get_nth_format_name (uint32_t n);
+ sigc::signal<void> CriticalSelectionChanged;
+ private:
+ typedef boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager> ManagerPtr;
+ typedef boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ExportFormatSpecification> FormatPtr;
+ typedef boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ExportFilename> FilenamePtr;
+ class FilePage;
+ ManagerPtr profile_manager;
+ ARDOUR::Session * session;
+ void add_new_file_page ();
+ void add_file_page (ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::FormatStatePtr format_state, ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::FilenameStatePtr filename_state);
+ void remove_file_page (FilePage * page);
+ void update_remove_file_page_sensitivity ();
+ sigc::connection page_change_connection;
+ void handle_page_change (GtkNotebookPage*, uint32_t page);
+ Gtk::HBox new_file_hbox;
+ Gtk::Button new_file_button;
+ Gtk::VBox new_file_dummy;
+ uint32_t last_visible_page;
+ uint32_t page_counter;
+ class FilePage : public Gtk::VBox {
+ public:
+ FilePage (ARDOUR::Session * s, ManagerPtr profile_manager, ExportFileNotebook * parent, uint32_t number,
+ ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::FormatStatePtr format_state,
+ ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::FilenameStatePtr filename_state);
+ virtual ~FilePage ();
+ Gtk::Widget & get_tab_widget () { return tab_widget; }
+ void set_remove_sensitive (bool value);
+ Glib::ustring get_format_name () const;
+ ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::FormatStatePtr get_format_state () const { return format_state; }
+ ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::FilenameStatePtr get_filename_state () const { return filename_state; }
+ sigc::signal<void> CriticalSelectionChanged;
+ private:
+ void save_format_to_manager (FormatPtr format);
+ void update_tab_label ();
+ ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::FormatStatePtr format_state;
+ ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::FilenameStatePtr filename_state;
+ ManagerPtr profile_manager;
+ /* GUI components */
+ Gtk::Label format_label;
+ Gtk::Alignment format_align;
+ ExportFormatSelector format_selector;
+ Gtk::Label filename_label;
+ Gtk::Alignment filename_align;
+ ExportFilenameSelector filename_selector;
+ Gtk::HBox tab_widget;
+ Gtk::Label tab_label;
+ Gtk::Alignment tab_close_alignment;
+ Gtk::Button tab_close_button;
+ uint32_t tab_number;
+ };
diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/ b/gtk2_ardour/
deleted file mode 100644
index e653a48bf0..0000000000
--- a/gtk2_ardour/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,656 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 2008 Paul Davis
- Author: Sakari Bergen
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#include "export_main_dialog.h"
-#include <sigc++/signal.h>
-#include <pbd/filesystem.h>
-#include "utils.h"
-#include <ardour/export_handler.h>
-#include <ardour/export_filename.h>
-#include <ardour/export_format_specification.h>
-#include <ardour/export_channel_configuration.h>
-#include <ardour/export_preset.h>
-#include "i18n.h"
-using namespace ARDOUR;
-using namespace PBD;
-ExportMainDialog::ExportMainDialog (PublicEditor & editor) :
- ArdourDialog (_("Export")),
- editor (editor),
- preset_label (_("Preset:"), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT),
- preset_save_button (Gtk::Stock::SAVE),
- preset_remove_button (Gtk::Stock::REMOVE),
- preset_new_button (Gtk::Stock::NEW),
- page_counter (1),
- warn_label ("", Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT),
- list_files_label (_("<span color=\"#ffa755\">Some already existing files will be overwritten.</span>"), Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT),
- list_files_button (_("List files")),
- timespan_label (_("Time Span"), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT),
- channels_label (_("Channels"), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT)
- /* Main packing */
- get_vbox()->pack_start (preset_align, false, false, 0);
- get_vbox()->pack_start (timespan_label, false, false, 0);
- get_vbox()->pack_start (timespan_align, false, false, 0);
- get_vbox()->pack_start (channels_label, false, false, 0);
- get_vbox()->pack_start (channels_align, false, false, 0);
- get_vbox()->pack_start (file_notebook, false, false, 0);
- get_vbox()->pack_start (warn_container, true, true, 0);
- get_vbox()->pack_start (progress_container, true, true, 0);
- timespan_align.add (timespan_selector);
- timespan_align.set_padding (0, 12, 18, 0);
- channels_align.add (channel_selector);
- channels_align.set_padding (0, 12, 18, 0);
- /* Preset manipulation */
- preset_list = Gtk::ListStore::create (preset_cols);
- preset_entry.set_model (preset_list);
- preset_entry.set_text_column (preset_cols.label);
- preset_align.add (preset_hbox);
- preset_align.set_padding (0, 12, 0, 0);
- preset_hbox.pack_start (preset_label, false, false, 0);
- preset_hbox.pack_start (preset_entry, true, true, 6);
- preset_hbox.pack_start (preset_save_button, false, false, 0);
- preset_hbox.pack_start (preset_remove_button, false, false, 6);
- preset_hbox.pack_start (preset_new_button, false, false, 0);
- preset_save_button.set_sensitive (false);
- preset_remove_button.set_sensitive (false);
- preset_new_button.set_sensitive (false);
- preset_select_connection = preset_entry.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportMainDialog::select_preset));
- preset_save_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportMainDialog::save_current_preset));
- preset_new_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportMainDialog::save_current_preset));
- preset_remove_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportMainDialog::remove_current_preset));
- /* warnings */
- warn_container.pack_start (warn_hbox, true, true, 6);
- warn_container.pack_end (list_files_hbox, false, false, 0);
- warn_hbox.pack_start (warn_label, true, true, 16);
- warn_label.set_use_markup (true);
- list_files_hbox.pack_end (list_files_button, false, false, 6);
- list_files_hbox.pack_end (list_files_label, false, false, 6);
- list_files_label.set_use_markup (true);
- list_files_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportMainDialog::show_conflicting_files));
- /* Progress indicators */
- progress_container.pack_start (progress_label, false, false, 6);
- progress_container.pack_start (progress_bar, false, false, 6);
- /* Buttons */
- cancel_button = add_button (Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, RESPONSE_CANCEL);
- rt_export_button = add_button (_("Realtime export"), RESPONSE_RT);
- fast_export_button = add_button (_("Fast Export"), RESPONSE_FAST);
- cancel_button->signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportMainDialog::close_dialog));
- rt_export_button->signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportMainDialog::export_rt));
- fast_export_button->signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportMainDialog::export_fw));
- /* Bolding for labels */
- Pango::AttrList bold;
- Pango::Attribute b = Pango::Attribute::create_attr_weight (Pango::WEIGHT_BOLD);
- bold.insert (b);
- timespan_label.set_attributes (bold);
- channels_label.set_attributes (bold);
- /* Done! */
- show_all_children ();
- progress_container.hide_all();
-ExportMainDialog::~ExportMainDialog ()
-ExportMainDialog::set_session (ARDOUR::Session* s)
- session = s;
- /* Init handler and profile manager */
- handler = session->get_export_handler ();
- status = session->get_export_status ();
- profile_manager.reset (new ExportProfileManager (*session));
- /* Selection range */
- TimeSelection const & time (editor.get_selection().time);
- if (!time.empty()) {
- profile_manager->set_selection_range (time.front().start, time.front().end);
- } else {
- profile_manager->set_selection_range ();
- }
- /* Last notebook page */
- new_file_button.add (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Image (::get_icon("add"))));
- new_file_button.set_alignment (0, 0.5);
- new_file_button.set_relief (Gtk::RELIEF_NONE);
- new_file_hbox.pack_start (new_file_button, true, true);
- file_notebook.append_page (new_file_dummy, new_file_hbox);
- file_notebook.set_tab_label_packing (new_file_dummy, true, true, Gtk::PACK_START);
- new_file_hbox.show_all_children ();
- page_change_connection = file_notebook.signal_switch_page().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportMainDialog::handle_page_change));
- new_file_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportMainDialog::add_new_file_page));
- /* Load states */
- profile_manager->load_profile ();
- sync_with_manager ();
- /* Warnings */
- timespan_selector.CriticalSelectionChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportMainDialog::update_warnings));
- channel_selector.CriticalSelectionChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportMainDialog::update_warnings));
- status->Aborting.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportMainDialog::notify_errors));
- update_warnings ();
-ExportMainDialog::select_timespan (Glib::ustring id)
- set_title ("Export Range");
- timespan_selector.select_one_range (id);
-ExportMainDialog::notify_errors ()
- if (status->errors()) {
- Glib::ustring txt = _("Export has been aborted due to an error!\nSee the Log for details.");
- Gtk::MessageDialog msg (txt, false, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, true);
- }
-ExportMainDialog::close_dialog ()
- if (status->running) {
- status->abort();
- }
- hide_all ();
- set_modal (false);
-ExportMainDialog::sync_with_manager ()
- /* Clear pages from notebook
- The page switch handling has to be disabled during removing all pages due to a gtk bug
- */
- page_change_connection.block();
- while (file_notebook.get_n_pages() > 1) {
- file_notebook.remove_page (0);
- }
- page_change_connection.block(false);
- page_counter = 1;
- last_visible_page = 0;
- /* Preset list */
- preset_list->clear();
- PresetList const & presets = profile_manager->get_presets();
- Gtk::ListStore::iterator tree_it;
- for (PresetList::const_iterator it = presets.begin(); it != presets.end(); ++it) {
- tree_it = preset_list->append();
- tree_it->set_value (preset_cols.preset, *it);
- tree_it->set_value (preset_cols.label, Glib::ustring ((*it)->name()));
- if (*it == current_preset) {
- preset_select_connection.block (true);
- preset_entry.set_active (tree_it);
- preset_select_connection.block (false);
- }
- }
- /* Timespan and channel config */
- timespan_selector.set_state (profile_manager->get_timespans().front(), session);
- channel_selector.set_state (profile_manager->get_channel_configs().front(), session);
- /* File notebook */
- ExportProfileManager::FormatStateList const & formats = profile_manager->get_formats ();
- ExportProfileManager::FormatStateList::const_iterator format_it;
- ExportProfileManager::FilenameStateList const & filenames = profile_manager->get_filenames ();
- ExportProfileManager::FilenameStateList::const_iterator filename_it;
- for (format_it = formats.begin(), filename_it = filenames.begin();
- format_it != formats.end() && filename_it != filenames.end();
- ++format_it, ++filename_it) {
- add_file_page (*format_it, *filename_it);
- }
- file_notebook.set_current_page (0);
- update_warnings ();
-ExportMainDialog::update_warnings ()
- /* Reset state */
- warn_string = "";
- warn_label.set_markup (warn_string);
- list_files_hbox.hide ();
- list_files_string = "";
- fast_export_button->set_sensitive (true);
- rt_export_button->set_sensitive (true);
- /* Add new warnings */
- boost::shared_ptr<ExportProfileManager::Warnings> warnings = profile_manager->get_warnings();
- for (std::list<Glib::ustring>::iterator it = warnings->errors.begin(); it != warnings->errors.end(); ++it) {
- add_error (*it);
- }
- for (std::list<Glib::ustring>::iterator it = warnings->warnings.begin(); it != warnings->warnings.end(); ++it) {
- add_warning (*it);
- }
- if (!warnings->conflicting_filenames.empty()) {
- ();
- for (std::list<Glib::ustring>::iterator it = warnings->conflicting_filenames.begin(); it != warnings->conflicting_filenames.end(); ++it) {
- ustring::size_type pos = it->find_last_of ("/");
- list_files_string += "\n" + it->substr (0, pos + 1) + "<b>" + it->substr (pos + 1) + "</b>";
- }
- }
-ExportMainDialog::show_conflicting_files ()
- ArdourDialog dialog (_("Files that will be overwritten"), true);
- Gtk::Label label ("", Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT);
- label.set_use_markup (true);
- label.set_markup (list_files_string);
- dialog.get_vbox()->pack_start (label);
- dialog.add_button (Gtk::Stock::OK, 0);
- dialog.show_all_children ();
-ExportMainDialog::export_rt ()
- profile_manager->prepare_for_export ();
- handler->do_export (true);
- show_progress ();
-ExportMainDialog::export_fw ()
- profile_manager->prepare_for_export ();
- handler->do_export (false);
- show_progress ();
-ExportMainDialog::show_progress ()
- status->running = true;
- cancel_button->set_label (_("Stop Export"));
- rt_export_button->set_sensitive (false);
- fast_export_button->set_sensitive (false);
- progress_bar.set_fraction (0.0);
- warn_container.hide_all();
- ();
- progress_container.show_all_children ();
- progress_connection = Glib::signal_timeout().connect (mem_fun(*this, &ExportMainDialog::progress_timeout), 100);
- gtk_main_iteration ();
- while (status->running) {
- if (gtk_events_pending()) {
- gtk_main_iteration ();
- } else {
- usleep (10000);
- }
- }
-ExportMainDialog::get_nth_format_name (uint32_t n)
- FilePage * page;
- if ((page = dynamic_cast<FilePage *> (file_notebook.get_nth_page (n - 1)))) {
- return page->get_format_name();
- }
- return "";
-ExportMainDialog::progress_timeout ()
- switch (status->stage) {
- case export_None:
- progress_label.set_text ("");
- break;
- case export_ReadTimespan:
- progress_label.set_text (string_compose (_("Reading timespan %1 of %2"), status->timespan, status->total_timespans));
- break;
- case export_PostProcess:
- progress_label.set_text (string_compose (_("Processing file %2 of %3 (%1) from timespan %4 of %5"),
- get_nth_format_name (status->format),
- status->format, status->total_formats,
- status->timespan, status->total_timespans));
- break;
- case export_Write:
- progress_label.set_text (string_compose (_("Encoding file %2 of %3 (%1) from timespan %4 of %5"),
- get_nth_format_name (status->format),
- status->format, status->total_formats,
- status->timespan, status->total_timespans));
- break;
- }
- progress_bar.set_fraction (status->progress);
- return TRUE;
-ExportMainDialog::select_preset ()
- Gtk::ListStore::iterator it = preset_entry.get_active ();
- Glib::ustring text = preset_entry.get_entry()->get_text();
- bool preset_name_exists = false;
- for (PresetList::const_iterator it = profile_manager->get_presets().begin(); it != profile_manager->get_presets().end(); ++it) {
- if (!(*it)->name().compare (text)) { preset_name_exists = true; }
- }
- if (preset_list->iter_is_valid (it)) {
- previous_preset = current_preset = it->get_value (preset_cols.preset);
- if (!profile_manager->load_preset (current_preset)) {
- Gtk::MessageDialog dialog (_("The selected preset did not load successfully!\nPerhaps it references a format that has been removed?"),
- false, Gtk::MESSAGE_WARNING);
- ();
- }
- sync_with_manager ();
- /* Make an edit, so that signal changed will be emitted on re-selection */
- preset_select_connection.block (true);
- preset_entry.get_entry()->set_text ("");
- preset_entry.get_entry()->set_text (text);
- preset_select_connection.block (false);
- } else { // Text has been edited
- if (previous_preset && ! (previous_preset->name())) {
- current_preset = previous_preset;
- } else {
- current_preset.reset ();
- profile_manager->load_preset (current_preset);
- }
- }
- preset_save_button.set_sensitive (current_preset);
- preset_remove_button.set_sensitive (current_preset);
- preset_new_button.set_sensitive (!current_preset && !text.empty() && !preset_name_exists);
-ExportMainDialog::save_current_preset ()
- if (!profile_manager) { return; }
- previous_preset = current_preset = profile_manager->save_preset (preset_entry.get_entry()->get_text());
- sync_with_manager ();
- select_preset (); // Update preset widget states
-ExportMainDialog::remove_current_preset ()
- if (!profile_manager) { return; }
- profile_manager->remove_preset();
- preset_entry.get_entry()->set_text ("");
- sync_with_manager ();
-ExportMainDialog::FilePage::FilePage (Session * s, ManagerPtr profile_manager, ExportMainDialog * parent, uint32_t number,
- ExportProfileManager::FormatStatePtr format_state,
- ExportProfileManager::FilenameStatePtr filename_state) :
- format_state (format_state),
- filename_state (filename_state),
- profile_manager (profile_manager),
- format_label (_("Format"), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT),
- filename_label (_("Location"), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT),
- tab_number (number)
- set_border_width (12);
- pack_start (format_label, false, false, 0);
- pack_start (format_align, false, false, 0);
- pack_start (filename_label, false, false, 0);
- pack_start (filename_align, false, false, 0);
- format_align.add (format_selector);
- format_align.set_padding (6, 12, 18, 0);
- filename_align.add (filename_selector);
- filename_align.set_padding (0, 12, 18, 0);
- Pango::AttrList bold;
- Pango::Attribute b = Pango::Attribute::create_attr_weight (Pango::WEIGHT_BOLD);
- bold.insert (b);
- format_label.set_attributes (bold);
- filename_label.set_attributes (bold);
- tab_label.set_attributes (bold);
- /* Set states */
- format_selector.set_state (format_state, s);
- filename_selector.set_state (filename_state, s);
- /* Signals */
- tab_close_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*parent, &ExportMainDialog::remove_file_page), this));
- profile_manager->FormatListChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (format_selector, &ExportFormatSelector::update_format_list));
- format_selector.FormatEdited.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportMainDialog::FilePage::save_format_to_manager));
- format_selector.FormatRemoved.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*profile_manager, &ExportProfileManager::remove_format_profile));
- format_selector.NewFormat.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*profile_manager, &ExportProfileManager::get_new_format));
- format_selector.CriticalSelectionChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportMainDialog::FilePage::update_tab_label));
- filename_selector.CriticalSelectionChanged.connect (CriticalSelectionChanged.make_slot());
- /* Tab widget */
- tab_close_button.add (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Image (::get_icon("close"))));
- tab_close_alignment.add (tab_close_button);
- tab_close_alignment.set (0.5, 0.5, 0, 0);
- tab_widget.pack_start (tab_label, false, false, 3);
- tab_widget.pack_end (tab_close_alignment, false, false, 0);
- tab_widget.show_all_children ();
- update_tab_label ();
- /* Done */
- show_all_children ();
-ExportMainDialog::FilePage::~FilePage ()
-ExportMainDialog::FilePage::set_remove_sensitive (bool value)
- tab_close_button.set_sensitive (value);
-ExportMainDialog::FilePage::get_format_name () const
- if (format_state && format_state->format) {
- return format_state->format->name();
- }
- return "No format!";
-ExportMainDialog::FilePage::save_format_to_manager (FormatPtr format)
- profile_manager->save_format_to_disk (format);
-ExportMainDialog::FilePage::update_tab_label ()
- tab_label.set_text (string_compose ("%1 %2", tab_number, get_format_name()));
- CriticalSelectionChanged();
-ExportMainDialog::add_new_file_page ()
- FilePage * page;
- if ((page = dynamic_cast<FilePage *> (file_notebook.get_nth_page (file_notebook.get_current_page())))) {
- add_file_page (profile_manager->duplicate_format_state (page->get_format_state()),
- profile_manager->duplicate_filename_state (page->get_filename_state()));
- }
-ExportMainDialog::add_file_page (ExportProfileManager::FormatStatePtr format_state, ExportProfileManager::FilenameStatePtr filename_state)
- FilePage * page = Gtk::manage (new FilePage (session, profile_manager, this, page_counter, format_state, filename_state));
- page->CriticalSelectionChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportMainDialog::update_warnings));
- file_notebook.insert_page (*page, page->get_tab_widget(), file_notebook.get_n_pages() - 1);
- update_remove_file_page_sensitivity ();
- file_notebook.show_all_children();
- ++page_counter;
- update_warnings ();
-ExportMainDialog::remove_file_page (FilePage * page)
- profile_manager->remove_format_state (page->get_format_state());
- profile_manager->remove_filename_state (page->get_filename_state());
- file_notebook.remove_page (*page);
- update_remove_file_page_sensitivity ();
- update_warnings ();
-ExportMainDialog::update_remove_file_page_sensitivity ()
- FilePage * page;
- if ((page = dynamic_cast<FilePage *> (file_notebook.get_nth_page (0)))) {
- if (file_notebook.get_n_pages() > 2) {
- page->set_remove_sensitive (true);
- } else {
- page->set_remove_sensitive (false);
- }
- }
-ExportMainDialog::handle_page_change (GtkNotebookPage*, uint page)
- if (page + 1 == (uint32_t) file_notebook.get_n_pages()) {
- file_notebook.set_current_page (last_visible_page);
- } else {
- last_visible_page = page;
- }
-ExportMainDialog::add_error (Glib::ustring const & text)
- fast_export_button->set_sensitive (false);
- rt_export_button->set_sensitive (false);
- if (warn_string.empty()) {
- warn_string = _("<span color=\"#ffa755\">Error: ") + text + "</span>";
- } else {
- warn_string = _("<span color=\"#ffa755\">Error: ") + text + "</span>\n" + warn_string;
- }
- warn_label.set_markup (warn_string);
-ExportMainDialog::add_warning (Glib::ustring const & text)
- if (warn_string.empty()) {
- warn_string = _("<span color=\"#ffa755\">Warning: ") + text + "</span>";
- } else {
- warn_string = warn_string + _("\n<span color=\"#ffa755\">Warning: ") + text + "</span>";
- }
- warn_label.set_markup (warn_string);
diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/export_main_dialog.h b/gtk2_ardour/export_main_dialog.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e578833515..0000000000
--- a/gtk2_ardour/export_main_dialog.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 2008 Paul Davis
- Author: Sakari Bergen
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#ifndef __export_main_dialog_h__
-#define __export_main_dialog_h__
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-#include <ardour/export_handler.h>
-#include <ardour/export_profile_manager.h>
-#include "public_editor.h"
-#include "export_timespan_selector.h"
-#include "export_channel_selector.h"
-#include "export_format_selector.h"
-#include "export_filename_selector.h"
-#include "ardour_dialog.h"
-#include <gtkmm.h>
-namespace ARDOUR {
- class ExportFilename;
- class ExportFormatSpecification;
- class ExportChannelConfiguration;
- class ExportStatus;
-class ExportTimespanSelector;
-class ExportChannelSelector;
-class ExportFormatSelector;
-class ExportFilenameSelector;
-class ExportMainDialog : public ArdourDialog {
- public:
- explicit ExportMainDialog (PublicEditor & editor);
- ~ExportMainDialog ();
- void set_session (ARDOUR::Session* s);
- void select_timespan (Glib::ustring id);
- /* Responses */
- enum Responses {
- };
- private:
- void notify_errors ();
- void close_dialog ();
- void sync_with_manager ();
- void update_warnings ();
- void show_conflicting_files ();
- typedef boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ExportTimespan> TimespanPtr;
- typedef boost::shared_ptr<std::list<TimespanPtr> > TimespanList;
- typedef boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ExportChannelConfiguration> ChannelConfigPtr;
- typedef std::list<ChannelConfigPtr> ChannelConfigList;
- typedef boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ExportFilename> FilenamePtr;
- typedef boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ExportHandler> HandlerPtr;
- typedef boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ExportFormatSpecification> FormatPtr;
- typedef boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager> ManagerPtr;
- typedef boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ExportStatus> StatusPtr;
- void export_rt ();
- void export_fw ();
- void show_progress ();
- Glib::ustring get_nth_format_name (uint32_t n);
- gint progress_timeout ();
- /* Other stuff */
- PublicEditor & editor;
- HandlerPtr handler;
- ManagerPtr profile_manager;
- StatusPtr status;
- /*** GUI components ***/
- Gtk::Table main_table;
- /* Presets */
- typedef ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::PresetPtr PresetPtr;
- typedef ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::PresetList PresetList;
- sigc::connection preset_select_connection;
- void select_preset ();
- void save_current_preset ();
- void remove_current_preset ();
- struct PresetCols : public Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord
- {
- public:
- Gtk::TreeModelColumn<PresetPtr> preset;
- Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring> label;
- PresetCols () { add (preset); add (label); }
- };
- PresetCols preset_cols;
- Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> preset_list;
- PresetPtr current_preset;
- PresetPtr previous_preset;
- Gtk::Alignment preset_align;
- Gtk::HBox preset_hbox;
- Gtk::Label preset_label;
- Gtk::ComboBoxEntry preset_entry;
- Gtk::Button preset_save_button;
- Gtk::Button preset_remove_button;
- Gtk::Button preset_new_button;
- /* File Notebook */
- class FilePage : public Gtk::VBox {
- public:
- FilePage (ARDOUR::Session * s, ManagerPtr profile_manager, ExportMainDialog * parent, uint32_t number,
- ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::FormatStatePtr format_state,
- ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::FilenameStatePtr filename_state);
- virtual ~FilePage ();
- Gtk::Widget & get_tab_widget () { return tab_widget; }
- void set_remove_sensitive (bool value);
- Glib::ustring get_format_name () const;
- ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::FormatStatePtr get_format_state () const { return format_state; }
- ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::FilenameStatePtr get_filename_state () const { return filename_state; }
- sigc::signal<void> CriticalSelectionChanged;
- private:
- void save_format_to_manager (FormatPtr format);
- void update_tab_label ();
- ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::FormatStatePtr format_state;
- ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::FilenameStatePtr filename_state;
- ManagerPtr profile_manager;
- /* GUI components */
- Gtk::Label format_label;
- Gtk::Alignment format_align;
- ExportFormatSelector format_selector;
- Gtk::Label filename_label;
- Gtk::Alignment filename_align;
- ExportFilenameSelector filename_selector;
- Gtk::HBox tab_widget;
- Gtk::Label tab_label;
- Gtk::Alignment tab_close_alignment;
- Gtk::Button tab_close_button;
- uint32_t tab_number;
- };
- void add_new_file_page ();
- void add_file_page (ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::FormatStatePtr format_state, ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::FilenameStatePtr filename_state);
- void remove_file_page (FilePage * page);
- void update_remove_file_page_sensitivity ();
- sigc::connection page_change_connection;
- void handle_page_change (GtkNotebookPage*, uint32_t page);
- uint32_t last_visible_page;
- uint32_t page_counter;
- /* Warning area */
- Gtk::VBox warn_container;
- Gtk::HBox warn_hbox;
- Gtk::Label warn_label;
- Glib::ustring warn_string;
- Gtk::HBox list_files_hbox;
- Gtk::Label list_files_label;
- Gtk::Button list_files_button;
- Glib::ustring list_files_string;
- void add_error (Glib::ustring const & text);
- void add_warning (Glib::ustring const & text);
- /* Progress bar */
- Gtk::VBox progress_container;
- Gtk::Label progress_label;
- Gtk::ProgressBar progress_bar;
- sigc::connection progress_connection;
- /* Everything else */
- Gtk::Label timespan_label;
- Gtk::Alignment timespan_align;
- ExportTimespanSelector timespan_selector;
- Gtk::Label channels_label;
- Gtk::Alignment channels_align;
- ExportChannelSelector channel_selector;
- Gtk::Notebook file_notebook;
- Gtk::HBox new_file_hbox;
- Gtk::Button new_file_button;
- Gtk::VBox new_file_dummy;
- Gtk::Button * cancel_button;
- Gtk::Button * rt_export_button;
- Gtk::Button * fast_export_button;
-#endif /* __ardour_export_main_dialog_h__ */
diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/ b/gtk2_ardour/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bfbb6a884d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gtk2_ardour/
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2008 Paul Davis
+ Author: Sakari Bergen
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#include "export_preset_selector.h"
+#include <ardour/export_preset.h>
+#include "i18n.h"
+ExportPresetSelector::ExportPresetSelector () :
+ label (_("Preset"), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT),
+ save_button (Gtk::Stock::SAVE),
+ remove_button (Gtk::Stock::REMOVE),
+ new_button (Gtk::Stock::NEW)
+ list = Gtk::ListStore::create (cols);
+ entry.set_model (list);
+ entry.set_text_column (cols.label);
+ pack_start (label, false, false, 0);
+ pack_start (entry, true, true, 6);
+ pack_start (save_button, false, false, 0);
+ pack_start (remove_button, false, false, 6);
+ pack_start (new_button, false, false, 0);
+ save_button.set_sensitive (false);
+ remove_button.set_sensitive (false);
+ new_button.set_sensitive (false);
+ select_connection = entry.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportPresetSelector::update_selection));
+ save_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportPresetSelector::save_current));
+ new_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportPresetSelector::save_current));
+ remove_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportPresetSelector::remove_current));
+ show_all_children ();
+ExportPresetSelector::set_manager (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager> manager)
+ profile_manager = manager;
+ sync_with_manager ();
+ExportPresetSelector::sync_with_manager ()
+ list->clear();
+ PresetList const & presets = profile_manager->get_presets();
+ Gtk::ListStore::iterator tree_it;
+ for (PresetList::const_iterator it = presets.begin(); it != presets.end(); ++it) {
+ tree_it = list->append();
+ tree_it->set_value (cols.preset, *it);
+ tree_it->set_value (cols.label, Glib::ustring ((*it)->name()));
+ if (*it == current) {
+ select_connection.block (true);
+ entry.set_active (tree_it);
+ select_connection.block (false);
+ }
+ }
+ExportPresetSelector::update_selection ()
+ Gtk::ListStore::iterator it = entry.get_active ();
+ Glib::ustring text = entry.get_entry()->get_text();
+ bool preset_name_exists = false;
+ for (PresetList::const_iterator it = profile_manager->get_presets().begin(); it != profile_manager->get_presets().end(); ++it) {
+ if (!(*it)->name().compare (text)) { preset_name_exists = true; }
+ }
+ if (list->iter_is_valid (it)) {
+ previous = current = it->get_value (cols.preset);
+ if (!profile_manager->load_preset (current)) {
+ Gtk::MessageDialog dialog (_("The selected preset did not load successfully!\nPerhaps it references a format that has been removed?"),
+ false, Gtk::MESSAGE_WARNING);
+ ();
+ }
+ sync_with_manager ();
+ CriticalSelectionChanged();
+ /* Make an edit, so that signal changed will be emitted on re-selection */
+ select_connection.block (true);
+ entry.get_entry()->set_text ("");
+ entry.get_entry()->set_text (text);
+ select_connection.block (false);
+ } else { // Text has been edited
+ if (previous && ! (previous->name())) {
+ current = previous;
+ } else {
+ current.reset ();
+ profile_manager->load_preset (current);
+ CriticalSelectionChanged();
+ }
+ }
+ save_button.set_sensitive (current);
+ remove_button.set_sensitive (current);
+ new_button.set_sensitive (!current && !text.empty() && !preset_name_exists);
+ExportPresetSelector::save_current ()
+ if (!profile_manager) { return; }
+ previous = current = profile_manager->save_preset (entry.get_entry()->get_text());
+ sync_with_manager ();
+ update_selection (); // Update preset widget states
+ExportPresetSelector::remove_current ()
+ if (!profile_manager) { return; }
+ profile_manager->remove_preset();
+ entry.get_entry()->set_text ("");
+ sync_with_manager ();
diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/export_preset_selector.h b/gtk2_ardour/export_preset_selector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3022e224bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gtk2_ardour/export_preset_selector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2008 Paul Davis
+ Author: Sakari Bergen
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#ifndef __export_preset_selector_h__
+#define __export_preset_selector_h__
+#include <sigc++/signal.h>
+#include <gtkmm.h>
+#include <ardour/export_profile_manager.h>
+class ExportPresetSelector : public Gtk::HBox
+ public:
+ ExportPresetSelector ();
+ void set_manager (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager> manager);
+ sigc::signal<void> CriticalSelectionChanged;
+ private:
+ typedef boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager> ManagerPtr;
+ typedef ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::PresetPtr PresetPtr;
+ typedef ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::PresetList PresetList;
+ ManagerPtr profile_manager;
+ sigc::connection select_connection;
+ void sync_with_manager ();
+ void update_selection ();
+ void save_current ();
+ void remove_current ();
+ struct PresetCols : public Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord
+ {
+ public:
+ Gtk::TreeModelColumn<PresetPtr> preset;
+ Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring> label;
+ PresetCols () { add (preset); add (label); }
+ };
+ PresetCols cols;
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> list;
+ PresetPtr current;
+ PresetPtr previous;
+ Gtk::Label label;
+ Gtk::ComboBoxEntry entry;
+ Gtk::Button save_button;
+ Gtk::Button remove_button;
+ Gtk::Button new_button;
diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/ b/gtk2_ardour/
index 0f02a1580e..5f9ccfb0c6 100644
--- a/gtk2_ardour/
+++ b/gtk2_ardour/
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ ExportTimespanSelector::ExportTimespanSelector () :
option_hbox.pack_start (time_format_combo, false, false, 6);
range_scroller.add (range_view);
- range_scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC);
pack_start (option_hbox, false, false, 0);
pack_start (range_scroller, true, true, 6);
@@ -87,22 +86,6 @@ ExportTimespanSelector::ExportTimespanSelector () :
range_list = Gtk::ListStore::create (range_cols);
range_view.set_model (range_list);
range_view.set_headers_visible (false);
- range_view.append_column_editable ("", range_cols.selected);
- range_view.append_column_editable ("",;
- Gtk::CellRendererText * label_render = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::CellRendererText());
- Gtk::TreeView::Column * label_col = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::TreeView::Column ("", *label_render));
- label_col->add_attribute (label_render->property_markup(), range_cols.label);
- range_view.append_column (*label_col);
- if (Gtk::CellRendererToggle * renderer = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererToggle *> (range_view.get_column_cell_renderer (0))) {
- renderer->signal_toggled().connect (sigc::hide (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportTimespanSelector::update_selection)));
- }
- if (Gtk::CellRendererText * renderer = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText *> (range_view.get_column_cell_renderer (1))) {
- renderer->signal_edited().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportTimespanSelector::update_range_name));
- }
ExportTimespanSelector::~ExportTimespanSelector ()
@@ -111,89 +94,29 @@ ExportTimespanSelector::~ExportTimespanSelector ()
-ExportTimespanSelector::set_state (ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::TimespanStatePtr const state_, ARDOUR::Session * session_)
- state = state_;
- session = session_;
- fill_range_list ();
- set_selection_from_state ();
- CriticalSelectionChanged();
-ExportTimespanSelector::select_one_range (Glib::ustring id)
+ExportTimespanSelector::add_range_to_selection (ARDOUR::Location const * loc)
- if (!state) { return; }
- range_view.remove_column (*range_view.get_column (0));
- Glib::ustring real_id;
+ TimespanPtr span = session->get_export_handler()->add_timespan();
- if (! (X_("session"))) {
- real_id = state->session_range->id().to_s();
- } else if (! (X_("selection"))) {
- real_id = state->selection_range->id().to_s();
+ Glib::ustring id;
+ if (loc == state->session_range.get()) {
+ id = "session";
+ } else if (loc == state->selection_range.get()) {
+ id = "selection";
} else {
- real_id = id;
- }
- for (Gtk::ListStore::Children::iterator it = range_list->children().begin(); it != range_list->children().end();) {
- if (!it->get_value (range_cols.location)->id().to_s().compare (real_id)) {
- it->set_value (range_cols.selected, true);
- ++it;
- } else {
- Gtk::ListStore::Children::iterator temp = it++;
- range_list->erase (temp);
- }
+ id = loc->id().to_s();
- int x_offset, y_offset, width, height;
- Gtk::CellRenderer * renderer = *range_view.get_column(0)->get_cell_renderers().begin();
- renderer->get_size (range_view, x_offset, y_offset, width, height);
- range_scroller.set_size_request (-1, height);
- range_scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_NEVER);
- update_selection();
+ span->set_range (loc->start(), loc->end());
+ span->set_name (loc->name());
+ span->set_range_id (id);
+ state->timespans->push_back (span);
-ExportTimespanSelector::fill_range_list ()
- range_list->clear();
- Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter;
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row row;
- for (LocationList::const_iterator it = state->ranges->begin(); it != state->ranges->end(); ++it) {
- iter = range_list->append();
- row = *iter;
- row[range_cols.location] = *it;
- row[range_cols.selected] = false;
- row[] = (*it)->name();
- row[range_cols.label] = construct_label (*it);
- }
-ExportTimespanSelector::set_selection_from_state ()
+ExportTimespanSelector::set_time_format_from_state ()
Gtk::TreeModel::Children::iterator tree_it;
- for (TimespanList::iterator it = state->timespans->begin(); it != state->timespans->end(); ++it) {
- ustring id = (*it)->range_id();
- for (tree_it = range_list->children().begin(); tree_it != range_list->children().end(); ++tree_it) {
- Location * loc = tree_it->get_value (range_cols.location);
- if ((! ("session") && loc == state->session_range.get()) ||
- (! ("selection") && loc == state->selection_range.get()) ||
- (! (loc->id().to_s()))) {
- tree_it->set_value (range_cols.selected, true);
- }
- }
- }
for (tree_it = time_format_list->children().begin(); tree_it != time_format_list->children().end(); ++tree_it) {
if (tree_it->get_value (time_format_cols.format) == state->time_format) {
time_format_combo.set_active (tree_it);
@@ -202,40 +125,14 @@ ExportTimespanSelector::set_selection_from_state ()
-ExportTimespanSelector::update_selection ()
+ExportTimespanSelector::set_state (ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::TimespanStatePtr const state_, ARDOUR::Session * session_)
- update_timespans ();
- CriticalSelectionChanged ();
+ state = state_;
+ session = session_;
-ExportTimespanSelector::update_timespans ()
- state->timespans->clear();
- TimespanPtr span;
- HandlerPtr handler = session->get_export_handler();
+ fill_range_list ();
- for (Gtk::TreeStore::Children::iterator it = range_list->children().begin(); it != range_list->children().end(); ++it) {
- if (it->get_value (range_cols.selected)) {
- span = handler->add_timespan();
- Location * loc = it->get_value (range_cols.location);
- Glib::ustring id;
- if (loc == state->session_range.get()) {
- id = "session";
- } else if (loc == state->selection_range.get()) {
- id = "selection";
- } else {
- id = loc->id().to_s();
- }
- span->set_range (loc->start(), loc->end());
- span->set_name (loc->name());
- span->set_range_id (id);
- state->timespans->push_back (span);
- }
- }
+ CriticalSelectionChanged();
@@ -250,7 +147,7 @@ ExportTimespanSelector::change_time_format ()
-ExportTimespanSelector::construct_label (ARDOUR::Location const * location)
+ExportTimespanSelector::construct_label (ARDOUR::Location const * location) const
Glib::ustring label;
Glib::ustring start;
@@ -301,7 +198,7 @@ ExportTimespanSelector::construct_label (ARDOUR::Location const * location)
-ExportTimespanSelector::bbt_str (nframes_t frames)
+ExportTimespanSelector::bbt_str (nframes_t frames) const
if (!session) {
return "Error!";
@@ -324,7 +221,7 @@ ExportTimespanSelector::bbt_str (nframes_t frames)
-ExportTimespanSelector::smpte_str (nframes_t frames)
+ExportTimespanSelector::smpte_str (nframes_t frames) const
if (!session) {
return "Error!";
@@ -349,7 +246,7 @@ ExportTimespanSelector::smpte_str (nframes_t frames)
-ExportTimespanSelector::ms_str (nframes_t frames)
+ExportTimespanSelector::ms_str (nframes_t frames) const
if (!session) {
return "Error!";
@@ -392,3 +289,155 @@ ExportTimespanSelector::update_range_name (Glib::ustring const & path, Glib::ust
+/*** ExportTimespanSelectorSingle ***/
+ExportTimespanSelectorSingle::ExportTimespanSelectorSingle (Glib::ustring range_id) :
+ ExportTimespanSelector (),
+ range_id (range_id)
+ range_scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_NEVER);
+ range_view.append_column_editable ("",;
+ // Adjust selector height
+ int x_offset, y_offset, width, height;
+ Gtk::CellRenderer * renderer = *range_view.get_column(0)->get_cell_renderers().begin();
+ renderer->get_size (range_view, x_offset, y_offset, width, height);
+ range_scroller.set_size_request (-1, height);
+ if (Gtk::CellRendererText * renderer = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText *> (range_view.get_column_cell_renderer (0))) {
+ renderer->signal_edited().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportTimespanSelectorSingle::update_range_name));
+ }
+ Gtk::CellRendererText * label_render = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::CellRendererText());
+ Gtk::TreeView::Column * label_col = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::TreeView::Column ("", *label_render));
+ label_col->add_attribute (label_render->property_markup(), range_cols.label);
+ range_view.append_column (*label_col);
+ExportTimespanSelectorSingle::fill_range_list ()
+ if (!state) { return; }
+ Glib::ustring id;
+ if (! (X_("session"))) {
+ id = state->session_range->id().to_s();
+ } else if (! (X_("selection"))) {
+ id = state->selection_range->id().to_s();
+ } else {
+ id = range_id;
+ }
+ range_list->clear();
+ state->timespans->clear();
+ Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter;
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row;
+ for (LocationList::const_iterator it = state->ranges->begin(); it != state->ranges->end(); ++it) {
+ if (!(*it)->id().to_s().compare (id)) {
+ iter = range_list->append();
+ row = *iter;
+ row[range_cols.location] = *it;
+ row[range_cols.selected] = true;
+ row[] = (*it)->name();
+ row[range_cols.label] = construct_label (*it);
+ add_range_to_selection (*it);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ set_time_format_from_state();
+/*** ExportTimespanSelectorMultiple ***/
+ExportTimespanSelectorMultiple::ExportTimespanSelectorMultiple () :
+ ExportTimespanSelector ()
+ range_scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC);
+ range_view.append_column_editable ("", range_cols.selected);
+ range_view.append_column_editable ("",;
+ if (Gtk::CellRendererToggle * renderer = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererToggle *> (range_view.get_column_cell_renderer (0))) {
+ renderer->signal_toggled().connect (sigc::hide (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportTimespanSelectorMultiple::update_selection)));
+ }
+ if (Gtk::CellRendererText * renderer = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText *> (range_view.get_column_cell_renderer (1))) {
+ renderer->signal_edited().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportTimespanSelectorMultiple::update_range_name));
+ }
+ Gtk::CellRendererText * label_render = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::CellRendererText());
+ Gtk::TreeView::Column * label_col = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::TreeView::Column ("", *label_render));
+ label_col->add_attribute (label_render->property_markup(), range_cols.label);
+ range_view.append_column (*label_col);
+ExportTimespanSelectorMultiple::fill_range_list ()
+ if (!state) { return; }
+ range_list->clear();
+ Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter;
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row;
+ for (LocationList::const_iterator it = state->ranges->begin(); it != state->ranges->end(); ++it) {
+ iter = range_list->append();
+ row = *iter;
+ row[range_cols.location] = *it;
+ row[range_cols.selected] = false;
+ row[] = (*it)->name();
+ row[range_cols.label] = construct_label (*it);
+ }
+ set_selection_from_state ();
+ExportTimespanSelectorMultiple::set_selection_from_state ()
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Children::iterator tree_it;
+ for (TimespanList::iterator it = state->timespans->begin(); it != state->timespans->end(); ++it) {
+ ustring id = (*it)->range_id();
+ for (tree_it = range_list->children().begin(); tree_it != range_list->children().end(); ++tree_it) {
+ Location * loc = tree_it->get_value (range_cols.location);
+ if ((! ("session") && loc == state->session_range.get()) ||
+ (! ("selection") && loc == state->selection_range.get()) ||
+ (! (loc->id().to_s()))) {
+ tree_it->set_value (range_cols.selected, true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set_time_format_from_state();
+ExportTimespanSelectorMultiple::update_selection ()
+ update_timespans ();
+ CriticalSelectionChanged ();
+ExportTimespanSelectorMultiple::update_timespans ()
+ state->timespans->clear();
+ for (Gtk::TreeStore::Children::iterator it = range_list->children().begin(); it != range_list->children().end(); ++it) {
+ if (it->get_value (range_cols.selected)) {
+ add_range_to_selection (it->get_value (range_cols.location));
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/export_timespan_selector.h b/gtk2_ardour/export_timespan_selector.h
index 757b2caad2..e8a97326bc 100644
--- a/gtk2_ardour/export_timespan_selector.h
+++ b/gtk2_ardour/export_timespan_selector.h
@@ -41,52 +41,43 @@ namespace ARDOUR {
using ARDOUR::CDMarkerFormat;
+/// Timespan Selector base
class ExportTimespanSelector : public Gtk::VBox {
- private:
- typedef std::list<ARDOUR::Location *> LocationList;
- typedef boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ExportHandler> HandlerPtr;
- typedef boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ExportTimespan> TimespanPtr;
- typedef std::list<TimespanPtr> TimespanList;
- typedef boost::shared_ptr<TimespanList> TimespanListPtr;
ExportTimespanSelector ();
- ~ExportTimespanSelector ();
+ virtual ~ExportTimespanSelector ();
void set_state (ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::TimespanStatePtr const state_, ARDOUR::Session * session_);
- void select_one_range (Glib::ustring id);
- /* Compatibility with other elements */
sigc::signal<void> CriticalSelectionChanged;
- private:
+ protected:
- void fill_range_list ();
- void set_selection_from_state ();
+ typedef std::list<ARDOUR::Location *> LocationList;
+ typedef boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ExportHandler> HandlerPtr;
- void update_selection ();
- void update_timespans ();
+ typedef boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ExportTimespan> TimespanPtr;
+ typedef std::list<TimespanPtr> TimespanList;
+ typedef boost::shared_ptr<TimespanList> TimespanListPtr;
+ ARDOUR::Session * session;
+ ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::TimespanStatePtr state;
+ virtual void fill_range_list () = 0;
- void change_time_format ();
+ void add_range_to_selection (ARDOUR::Location const * loc);
+ void set_time_format_from_state ();
- Glib::ustring construct_label (ARDOUR::Location const * location);
+ void change_time_format ();
- Glib::ustring bbt_str (nframes_t frames);
- Glib::ustring smpte_str (nframes_t frames);
- Glib::ustring ms_str (nframes_t frames);
+ Glib::ustring construct_label (ARDOUR::Location const * location) const;
+ Glib::ustring bbt_str (nframes_t frames) const;
+ Glib::ustring smpte_str (nframes_t frames) const;
+ Glib::ustring ms_str (nframes_t frames) const;
void update_range_name (Glib::ustring const & path, Glib::ustring const & new_text);
- ARDOUR::Session * session;
- ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::TimespanStatePtr state;
/*** GUI components ***/
Gtk::HBox option_hbox;
@@ -126,6 +117,34 @@ class ExportTimespanSelector : public Gtk::VBox {
Gtk::TreeView range_view;
Gtk::ScrolledWindow range_scroller;
+/// Allows seleting multiple timespans
+class ExportTimespanSelectorMultiple : public ExportTimespanSelector
+ public:
+ ExportTimespanSelectorMultiple ();
+ private:
+ virtual void fill_range_list ();
+ void set_selection_from_state ();
+ void update_selection ();
+ void update_timespans ();
+/// Displays one timespan
+class ExportTimespanSelectorSingle : public ExportTimespanSelector
+ public:
+ ExportTimespanSelectorSingle (Glib::ustring range_id);
+ private:
+ virtual void fill_range_list ();
+ Glib::ustring range_id;
diff --git a/libs/ardour/ardour/location.h b/libs/ardour/ardour/location.h
index ae0ec5acd8..692d6d11c2 100644
--- a/libs/ardour/ardour/location.h
+++ b/libs/ardour/ardour/location.h
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class Location : public PBD::StatefulDestructible
int move_to (nframes_t pos);
- const string& name() { return _name; }
+ const string& name() const { return _name; }
void set_name (const string &str) { _name = str; name_changed(this); }
void set_auto_punch (bool yn, void *src);