path: root/scripts/midi_cc_to_automation.lua
diff options
authorRobin Gareus <>2020-02-23 20:48:02 +0100
committerRobin Gareus <>2020-02-23 20:48:02 +0100
commit180843f9bd28b191c7404245ba0a121107992511 (patch)
treec60312dc09f76c2f55ba2383245c427e15c38dea /scripts/midi_cc_to_automation.lua
parentbf649cd68ad46c34a656700aa6cb89416d648c64 (diff)
Also move Lua scripts to share subfolder
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/midi_cc_to_automation.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 130 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/midi_cc_to_automation.lua b/scripts/midi_cc_to_automation.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a1bab91a05..0000000000
--- a/scripts/midi_cc_to_automation.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-ardour { ["type"] = "EditorAction", name = "MIDI CC to Plugin Automation",
- license = "MIT",
- author = "Ardour Team",
- description = [[Parse a given MIDI control changes (CC) from all selected MIDI regions and convert them into plugin parameter automation]]
-function factory () return function ()
- -- find possible target parameters, collect them in a nested table
- -- [track-name] -> [plugin-name] -> [parameters]
- -- to allow selection in a dropdown menu
- local targets = {}
- local have_entries = false
- for r in Session:get_routes ():iter () do -- for every track/bus
- if r:is_monitor () or r:is_auditioner () then goto nextroute end -- skip special routes
- local i = 0
- while true do -- iterate over all plugins on the route
- local proc = r:nth_plugin (i)
- if proc:isnil () then break end
- local plug = proc:to_insert ():plugin (0) -- we know it's a plugin-insert (we asked for nth_plugin)
- local n = 0 -- count control-ports
- for j = 0, plug:parameter_count () - 1 do -- iterate over all plugin parameters
- if plug:parameter_is_control (j) then
- local label = plug:parameter_label (j)
- if plug:parameter_is_input (j) and label ~= "hidden" and label:sub (1,1) ~= "#" then
- local nn = n --local scope for return value function
- -- create table parents only if needed (if there's at least one parameter)
- if not targets [r:name ()] then targets [r:name ()] = {} end
- -- TODO handle ambiguity if there are 2 plugins with the same name on the same track
- if not targets [r:name ()][proc:display_name ()] then targets [r:name ()][proc:display_name ()] = {} end
- -- we need 2 return values: the plugin-instance and the parameter-id, so we use a table (associative array)
- -- however, we cannot directly use a table: the dropdown menu would expand it as another sub-menu.
- -- so we produce a function that will return the table.
- targets [r:name ()][proc:display_name ()][label] = function () return {["p"] = proc, ["n"] = nn} end
- have_entries = true
- end
- n = n + 1
- end
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- ::nextroute::
- end
- -- bail out if there are no parameters
- if not have_entries then
- LuaDialog.Message ("CC to Plugin Automation", "No Plugins found", LuaDialog.MessageType.Info, LuaDialog.ButtonType.Close):run ()
- targets = nil
- collectgarbage ()
- return
- end
- -- create a dialog, ask user which MIDI-CC to map and to what parameter
- local dialog_options = {
- { type = "heading", title = "MIDI CC Source", align = "left" },
- { type = "number", key = "channel", title = "Channel", min = 1, max = 16, step = 1, digits = 0 },
- { type = "number", key = "ccparam", title = "CC Parameter", min = 0, max = 127, step = 1, digits = 0 },
- { type = "heading", title = "Target Track and Plugin", align = "left"},
- { type = "dropdown", key = "param", title = "Target Parameter", values = targets }
- }
- local rv = LuaDialog.Dialog ("Select Taget", dialog_options):run ()
- targets = nil -- drop references (the table holds shared-pointer references to all plugins)
- collectgarbage () -- and release the references immediately
- if not rv then return end -- user cancelled
- -- parse user response
- assert (type (rv["param"]) == "function")
- local midi_channel = rv["channel"] - 1 -- MIDI channel 0..15
- local cc_param = rv["ccparam"]
- local pp = rv["param"]() -- evaluate function, retrieve table {["p"] = proc, ["n"] = nn}
- local al, _, pd = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.plugin_automation (pp["p"], pp["n"])
- rv = nil -- drop references
- assert (not al:isnil ())
- assert (midi_channel >= 0 and midi_channel < 16)
- assert (cc_param >= 0 and cc_param < 128)
- -- all systems go
- local add_undo = false
- Session:begin_reversible_command ("CC to Automation")
- local before = al:get_state () -- save previous state (for undo)
- al:clear_list () -- clear target automation-list
- -- for all selected MIDI regions
- local sel = Editor:get_selection ()
- for r in sel.regions:regionlist ():iter () do
- local mr = r:to_midiregion ()
- if mr:isnil () then goto next end
- -- get list of MIDI-CC events for the given channel and parameter
- local ec = mr:control (Evoral.Parameter (ARDOUR.AutomationType.MidiCCAutomation, midi_channel, cc_param), false)
- if ec:isnil () then goto next end
- if ec:list ():events ():size () == 0 then goto next end
- -- MIDI events are timestamped in "bar-beat" units, we need to convert those
- -- using the tempo-map, relative to the region-start
- local bfc = ARDOUR.DoubleBeatsSamplesConverter (Session:tempo_map (), r:start ())
- -- iterate over CC-events
- for av in ec:list ():events ():iter () do
- -- re-scale event to target range
- local val = pd.lower + (pd.upper - pd.lower) * av.value / 127
- -- and add it to the target-parameter automation-list
- al:add (r:position () - r:start () + bfc:to (av.when), val, false, true)
- add_undo = true
- end
- ::next::
- end
- -- save undo
- if add_undo then
- local after = al:get_state ()
- Session:add_command (al:memento_command (before, after))
- Session:commit_reversible_command (nil)
- else
- Session:abort_reversible_command ()
- LuaDialog.Message ("CC to Plugin Automation", "No data was converted. Was a MIDI-region with CC-automation selected? ", LuaDialog.MessageType.Info, LuaDialog.ButtonType.Close):run ()
- end
- collectgarbage ()
-end end
-function icon (params) return function (ctx, width, height, fg)
- local txt = Cairo.PangoLayout (ctx, "ArdourMono ".. math.ceil (height / 3) .. "px")
- txt:set_text ("CC\nPA")
- local tw, th = txt:get_pixel_size ()
- ctx:set_source_rgba (ARDOUR.LuaAPI.color_to_rgba (fg))
- ctx:move_to (.5 * (width - tw), .5 * (height - th))
- txt:show_in_cairo_context (ctx)
-end end