path: root/libs
diff options
authorPaul Davis <>2017-09-13 19:31:42 -0400
committerPaul Davis <>2017-09-18 11:40:54 -0400
commitcba53a20233531ef3e6c3692993eac8f74e991a1 (patch)
treedc5655c4bfe367842804200bfef0b2dcc57d770b /libs
parente37558502eabc54768b0858fb611aeba40d1fc9e (diff)
add _locked() variants to new tempo experiment
Diffstat (limited to 'libs')
7 files changed, 1779 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/ardour/ardour/midi_model.h.orig b/libs/ardour/ardour/midi_model.h.orig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb71f69085
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/ardour/ardour/midi_model.h.orig
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Paul Davis
+ Author: David Robillard
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#ifndef __ardour_midi_model_h__
+#define __ardour_midi_model_h__
+#include <deque>
+#include <queue>
+#include <utility>
+#include <boost/utility.hpp>
+#include <glibmm/threads.h>
+#include "pbd/command.h"
+#include "ardour/automatable_sequence.h"
+#include "ardour/libardour_visibility.h"
+#include "ardour/libardour_visibility.h"
+#include "ardour/types.h"
+#include "ardour/types.h"
+#include "ardour/variant.h"
+#include "evoral/Note.hpp"
+#include "evoral/Sequence.hpp"
+namespace ARDOUR {
+class Session;
+class MidiSource;
+/** This is a higher level (than MidiBuffer) model of MIDI data, with separate
+ * representations for notes (instead of just unassociated note on/off events)
+ * and controller data. Controller data is represented as part of the
+ * Automatable base (i.e. in a map of AutomationList, keyed by Parameter).
+ * Because of this MIDI controllers and automatable controllers/widgets/etc
+ * are easily interchangeable.
+ */
+class LIBARDOUR_API MidiModel : public AutomatableSequence<Evoral::Beats> {
+ typedef Evoral::Beats TimeType;
+ MidiModel (boost::shared_ptr<MidiSource>);
+ NoteMode note_mode() const { return (percussive() ? Percussive : Sustained); }
+ void set_note_mode(NoteMode mode) { set_percussive(mode == Percussive); };
+ class LIBARDOUR_API DiffCommand : public Command {
+ public:
+ DiffCommand (boost::shared_ptr<MidiModel> m, const std::string& name);
+ const std::string& name () const { return _name; }
+ virtual void operator() () = 0;
+ virtual void undo () = 0;
+ virtual int set_state (const XMLNode&, int version) = 0;
+ virtual XMLNode & get_state () = 0;
+ boost::shared_ptr<MidiModel> model() const { return _model; }
+ protected:
+ boost::shared_ptr<MidiModel> _model;
+ const std::string _name;
+ };
+ class LIBARDOUR_API NoteDiffCommand : public DiffCommand {
+ public:
+ NoteDiffCommand (boost::shared_ptr<MidiModel> m, const std::string& name) : DiffCommand (m, name) {}
+ NoteDiffCommand (boost::shared_ptr<MidiModel> m, const XMLNode& node);
+ enum Property {
+ NoteNumber,
+ Velocity,
+ StartTime,
+ Length,
+ Channel
+ };
+ void operator() ();
+ void undo ();
+ int set_state (const XMLNode&, int version);
+ XMLNode & get_state ();
+ void add (const NotePtr note);
+ void remove (const NotePtr note);
+ void side_effect_remove (const NotePtr note);
+ void change (const NotePtr note, Property prop, uint8_t new_value) {
+ change(note, prop, Variant(new_value));
+ }
+ void change (const NotePtr note, Property prop, TimeType new_time) {
+ change(note, prop, Variant(new_time));
+ }
+ void change (const NotePtr note, Property prop, const Variant& new_value);
+ bool adds_or_removes() const {
+ return !_added_notes.empty() || !_removed_notes.empty();
+ }
+ NoteDiffCommand& operator+= (const NoteDiffCommand& other);
+ static Variant get_value (const NotePtr note, Property prop);
+ static Variant::Type value_type (Property prop);
+ struct NoteChange {
+ NoteDiffCommand::Property property;
+ NotePtr note;
+ uint32_t note_id;
+ Variant old_value;
+ Variant new_value;
+ };
+ typedef std::list<NoteChange> ChangeList;
+ typedef std::list< boost::shared_ptr< Evoral::Note<TimeType> > > NoteList;
+ const ChangeList& changes() const { return _changes; }
+ const NoteList& added_notes() const { return _added_notes; }
+ const NoteList& removed_notes() const { return _removed_notes; }
+ private:
+ ChangeList _changes;
+ NoteList _added_notes;
+ NoteList _removed_notes;
+ std::set<NotePtr> side_effect_removals;
+ XMLNode &marshal_change(const NoteChange&);
+ NoteChange unmarshal_change(XMLNode *xml_note);
+ XMLNode &marshal_note(const NotePtr note);
+ NotePtr unmarshal_note(XMLNode *xml_note);
+ };
+ /* Currently this class only supports changes of sys-ex time, but could be expanded */
+ class LIBARDOUR_API SysExDiffCommand : public DiffCommand {
+ public:
+ SysExDiffCommand (boost::shared_ptr<MidiModel> m, const XMLNode& node);
+ enum Property {
+ Time,
+ };
+ int set_state (const XMLNode&, int version);
+ XMLNode & get_state ();
+ void remove (SysExPtr sysex);
+ void operator() ();
+ void undo ();
+ void change (boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Event<TimeType> >, TimeType);
+ private:
+ struct Change {
+ Change () : sysex_id (0) {}
+ boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Event<TimeType> > sysex;
+ gint sysex_id;
+ SysExDiffCommand::Property property;
+ TimeType old_time;
+ TimeType new_time;
+ };
+ typedef std::list<Change> ChangeList;
+ ChangeList _changes;
+ std::list<SysExPtr> _removed;
+ XMLNode & marshal_change (const Change &);
+ Change unmarshal_change (XMLNode *);
+ };
+ class LIBARDOUR_API PatchChangeDiffCommand : public DiffCommand {
+ public:
+ PatchChangeDiffCommand (boost::shared_ptr<MidiModel>, const std::string &);
+ PatchChangeDiffCommand (boost::shared_ptr<MidiModel>, const XMLNode &);
+ int set_state (const XMLNode &, int version);
+ XMLNode & get_state ();
+ void operator() ();
+ void undo ();
+ void add (PatchChangePtr);
+ void remove (PatchChangePtr);
+ void change_time (PatchChangePtr, TimeType);
+ void change_channel (PatchChangePtr, uint8_t);
+ void change_program (PatchChangePtr, uint8_t);
+ void change_bank (PatchChangePtr, int);
+ enum Property {
+ Time,
+ Channel,
+ Program,
+ Bank
+ };
+ private:
+ struct Change {
+ PatchChangePtr patch;
+ Property property;
+ gint patch_id;
+ TimeType old_time;
+ union {
+ uint8_t old_channel;
+ int old_bank;
+ uint8_t old_program;
+ };
+ TimeType new_time;
+ union {
+ uint8_t new_channel;
+ uint8_t new_program;
+ int new_bank;
+ };
+ Change() : patch_id (-1) {}
+ };
+ typedef std::list<Change> ChangeList;
+ ChangeList _changes;
+ std::list<PatchChangePtr> _added;
+ std::list<PatchChangePtr> _removed;
+ XMLNode & marshal_change (const Change &);
+ Change unmarshal_change (XMLNode *);
+ XMLNode & marshal_patch_change (constPatchChangePtr);
+ PatchChangePtr unmarshal_patch_change (XMLNode *);
+ };
+ MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand* new_note_diff_command (const std::string& name = "midi edit");
+ MidiModel::SysExDiffCommand* new_sysex_diff_command (const std::string& name = "midi edit");
+ MidiModel::PatchChangeDiffCommand* new_patch_change_diff_command (const std::string& name = "midi edit");
+ void apply_command (Session& session, Command* cmd);
+ void apply_command (Session* session, Command* cmd) { if (session) { apply_command (*session, cmd); } }
+ void apply_command_as_subcommand (Session& session, Command* cmd);
+ bool sync_to_source (const Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock& source_lock);
+ bool write_to(boost::shared_ptr<MidiSource> source,
+ const Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock& source_lock);
+ bool write_section_to(boost::shared_ptr<MidiSource> source,
+ const Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock& source_lock,
+ Evoral::Beats begin = Evoral::MinBeats,
+ Evoral::Beats end = Evoral::MaxBeats,
+ bool offset_events = false);
+ // MidiModel doesn't use the normal AutomationList serialisation code
+ // since controller data is stored in the .mid
+ XMLNode& get_state();
+ int set_state(const XMLNode&) { return 0; }
+ PBD::Signal0<void> ContentsChanged;
+ PBD::Signal1<void, double> ContentsShifted;
+ boost::shared_ptr<const MidiSource> midi_source ();
+ void set_midi_source (boost::shared_ptr<MidiSource>);
+ boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Note<TimeType> > find_note (NotePtr);
+ PatchChangePtr find_patch_change (Evoral::event_id_t);
+ boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Note<TimeType> > find_note (gint note_id);
+ boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Event<TimeType> > find_sysex (gint);
+ InsertMergePolicy insert_merge_policy () const;
+ void set_insert_merge_policy (InsertMergePolicy);
+ boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Control> control_factory(const Evoral::Parameter& id);
+ void insert_silence_at_start (TimeType);
+ void transpose (NoteDiffCommand *, const NotePtr, int);
+ int resolve_overlaps_unlocked (const NotePtr, void* arg = 0);
+ struct WriteLockImpl : public AutomatableSequence<TimeType>::WriteLockImpl {
+ WriteLockImpl(Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock* slock, Glib::Threads::RWLock& s, Glib::Threads::Mutex& c)
+ : AutomatableSequence<TimeType>::WriteLockImpl(s, c)
+ , source_lock (slock)
+ {}
+ ~WriteLockImpl() {
+ delete source_lock;
+ }
+ Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock* source_lock;
+ };
+ WriteLock edit_lock();
+ friend class DeltaCommand;
+ void source_interpolation_changed (Evoral::Parameter, Evoral::ControlList::InterpolationStyle);
+ void source_automation_state_changed (Evoral::Parameter, AutoState);
+ void control_list_interpolation_changed (Evoral::Parameter, Evoral::ControlList::InterpolationStyle);
+ void automation_list_automation_state_changed (Evoral::Parameter, AutoState);
+ void control_list_marked_dirty ();
+ PBD::ScopedConnectionList _midi_source_connections;
+ // We cannot use a boost::shared_ptr here to avoid a retain cycle
+ boost::weak_ptr<MidiSource> _midi_source;
+ InsertMergePolicy _insert_merge_policy;
+} /* namespace ARDOUR */
+#endif /* __ardour_midi_model_h__ */
diff --git a/libs/ardour/ardour/midi_source.h.orig b/libs/ardour/ardour/midi_source.h.orig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8f1e429ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/ardour/ardour/midi_source.h.orig
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2006 Paul Davis
+ Author: David Robillard
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#ifndef __ardour_midi_source_h__
+#define __ardour_midi_source_h__
+#include <string>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <glibmm/threads.h>
+#include <boost/enable_shared_from_this.hpp>
+#include "pbd/stateful.h"
+#include "pbd/xml++.h"
+#include "evoral/Sequence.hpp"
+#include "evoral/Range.hpp"
+#include "ardour/ardour.h"
+#include "ardour/buffer.h"
+#include "ardour/midi_cursor.h"
+#include "ardour/source.h"
+#include "ardour/beats_frames_converter.h"
+namespace ARDOUR {
+class MidiChannelFilter;
+class MidiModel;
+class MidiStateTracker;
+template<typename T> class MidiRingBuffer;
+/** Source for MIDI data */
+class LIBARDOUR_API MidiSource : virtual public Source, public boost::enable_shared_from_this<MidiSource>
+ public:
+ typedef Evoral::Beats TimeType;
+ MidiSource (Session& session, std::string name, Source::Flag flags = Source::Flag(0));
+ MidiSource (Session& session, const XMLNode&);
+ virtual ~MidiSource ();
+ /** Write the data in the given time range to another MidiSource
+ * \param newsrc MidiSource to which data will be written. Should be a
+ * new, empty source. If it already has contents, the results are
+ * undefined. Source must be writable.
+ * \param begin time of earliest event that can be written.
+ * \param end time of latest event that can be written.
+ * \return zero on success, non-zero if the write failed for any reason.
+ */
+ int write_to (const Lock& lock,
+ boost::shared_ptr<MidiSource> newsrc,
+ Evoral::Beats begin = Evoral::MinBeats,
+ Evoral::Beats end = Evoral::MaxBeats);
+ /** Export the midi data in the given time range to another MidiSource
+ * \param newsrc MidiSource to which data will be written. Should be a
+ * new, empty source. If it already has contents, the results are
+ * undefined. Source must be writable.
+ * \param begin time of earliest event that can be written.
+ * \param end time of latest event that can be written.
+ * \return zero on success, non-zero if the write failed for any reason.
+ */
+ int export_write_to (const Lock& lock,
+ boost::shared_ptr<MidiSource> newsrc,
+ Evoral::Beats begin,
+ Evoral::Beats end);
+ /** Read the data in a given time range from the MIDI source.
+ * All time stamps in parameters are in audio frames (even if the source has tempo time).
+ * \param dst Ring buffer where read events are written.
+ * \param source_start Start position of the SOURCE in this read context.
+ * \param start Start of range to be read.
+ * \param cnt Length of range to be read (in audio frames).
+ * \param loop_range If non-null, all event times will be mapped into this loop range.
+ * \param tracker an optional pointer to MidiStateTracker object, for note on/off tracking.
+ * \param filtered Parameters whose MIDI messages will not be returned.
+ */
+ virtual framecnt_t midi_read (const Lock& lock,
+ Evoral::EventSink<framepos_t>& dst,
+ framepos_t source_start,
+ framepos_t start,
+ framecnt_t cnt,
+ Evoral::Range<framepos_t>* loop_range,
+ MidiCursor& cursor,
+ MidiStateTracker* tracker,
+ MidiChannelFilter* filter,
+ const std::set<Evoral::Parameter>& filtered,
+ const double pulse,
+ const double start_beats) const;
+ /** Write data from a MidiRingBuffer to this source.
+ * @param source Source to read from.
+ * @param source_start This source's start position in session frames.
+ * @param cnt The length of time to write.
+ */
+ virtual framecnt_t midi_write (const Lock& lock,
+ MidiRingBuffer<framepos_t>& src,
+ framepos_t source_start,
+ framecnt_t cnt);
+ /** Append a single event with a timestamp in beats.
+ *
+ * Caller must ensure that the event is later than the last written event.
+ */
+ virtual void append_event_beats(const Lock& lock,
+ const Evoral::Event<Evoral::Beats>& ev) = 0;
+ /** Append a single event with a timestamp in frames.
+ *
+ * Caller must ensure that the event is later than the last written event.
+ */
+ virtual void append_event_frames(const Lock& lock,
+ const Evoral::Event<framepos_t>& ev,
+ framepos_t source_start) = 0;
+ virtual bool empty () const;
+ virtual framecnt_t length (framepos_t pos) const;
+ virtual void update_length (framecnt_t);
+ virtual void mark_streaming_midi_write_started (const Lock& lock, NoteMode mode);
+ virtual void mark_streaming_write_started (const Lock& lock);
+ virtual void mark_streaming_write_completed (const Lock& lock);
+ /** Mark write starting with the given time parameters.
+ *
+ * This is called by MidiDiskStream::process before writing to the capture
+ * buffer which will be later read by midi_read().
+ *
+ * @param position The timeline position the source now starts at.
+ * @param capture_length The current length of the capture, which may not
+ * be zero if record is armed while rolling.
+ * @param loop_length The loop length if looping, otherwise zero.
+ */
+ void mark_write_starting_now (framecnt_t position,
+ framecnt_t capture_length,
+ framecnt_t loop_length);
+ /* like ::mark_streaming_write_completed() but with more arguments to
+ * allow control over MIDI-specific behaviour. Expected to be used only
+ * when recording actual MIDI input, rather then when importing files
+ * etc.
+ */
+ virtual void mark_midi_streaming_write_completed (
+ const Lock& lock,
+ Evoral::Sequence<Evoral::Beats>::StuckNoteOption stuck_option,
+ Evoral::Beats when = Evoral::Beats());
+ virtual void session_saved();
+ std::string captured_for() const { return _captured_for; }
+ void set_captured_for (std::string str) { _captured_for = str; }
+ XMLNode& get_state ();
+ int set_state (const XMLNode&, int version);
+ bool length_mutable() const { return true; }
+ void set_length_beats(TimeType l) { _length_beats = l; }
+ TimeType length_beats() const { return _length_beats; }
+ virtual void load_model(const Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock& lock, bool force_reload=false) = 0;
+ virtual void destroy_model(const Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock& lock) = 0;
+ /** Reset cached information (like iterators) when things have changed.
+ * @param lock Source lock, which must be held by caller.
+ */
+ void invalidate(const Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock& lock);
+ /** Thou shalt not emit this directly, use invalidate() instead. */
+ mutable PBD::Signal1<void, bool> Invalidated;
+ void set_note_mode(const Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock& lock, NoteMode mode);
+ boost::shared_ptr<MidiModel> model() { return _model; }
+ void set_model(const Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock& lock, boost::shared_ptr<MidiModel>);
+ void drop_model(const Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock& lock);
+ Evoral::ControlList::InterpolationStyle interpolation_of (Evoral::Parameter) const;
+ void set_interpolation_of (Evoral::Parameter, Evoral::ControlList::InterpolationStyle);
+ void copy_interpolation_from (boost::shared_ptr<MidiSource>);
+ void copy_interpolation_from (MidiSource *);
+ AutoState automation_state_of (Evoral::Parameter) const;
+ void set_automation_state_of (Evoral::Parameter, AutoState);
+ void copy_automation_state_from (boost::shared_ptr<MidiSource>);
+ void copy_automation_state_from (MidiSource *);
+ /** Emitted when a different MidiModel is set */
+ PBD::Signal0<void> ModelChanged;
+ /** Emitted when a parameter's interpolation style is changed */
+ PBD::Signal2<void, Evoral::Parameter, Evoral::ControlList::InterpolationStyle> InterpolationChanged;
+ /** Emitted when a parameter's automation state is changed */
+ PBD::Signal2<void, Evoral::Parameter, AutoState> AutomationStateChanged;
+ protected:
+ virtual void flush_midi(const Lock& lock) = 0;
+ virtual framecnt_t read_unlocked (const Lock& lock,
+ Evoral::EventSink<framepos_t>& dst,
+ framepos_t position,
+ framepos_t start,
+ framecnt_t cnt,
+ Evoral::Range<framepos_t>* loop_range,
+ MidiStateTracker* tracker,
+ MidiChannelFilter* filter) const = 0;
+ /** Write data to this source from a MidiRingBuffer.
+ * @param source Buffer to read from.
+ * @param position This source's start position in session frames.
+ * @param cnt The duration of this block to write for.
+ */
+ virtual framecnt_t write_unlocked (const Lock& lock,
+ MidiRingBuffer<framepos_t>& source,
+ framepos_t position,
+ framecnt_t cnt) = 0;
+ std::string _captured_for;
+ boost::shared_ptr<MidiModel> _model;
+ bool _writing;
+ Evoral::Beats _length_beats;
+ /** The total duration of the current capture. */
+ framepos_t _capture_length;
+ /** Length of transport loop during current capture, or zero. */
+ framepos_t _capture_loop_length;
+ /** Map of interpolation styles to use for Parameters; if they are not in this map,
+ * the correct interpolation style can be obtained from EventTypeMap::interpolation_of ()
+ */
+ typedef std::map<Evoral::Parameter, Evoral::ControlList::InterpolationStyle> InterpolationStyleMap;
+ InterpolationStyleMap _interpolation_style;
+ /** Map of automation states to use for Parameters; if they are not in this map,
+ * the correct automation state is Off.
+ */
+ typedef std::map<Evoral::Parameter, AutoState> AutomationStateMap;
+ AutomationStateMap _automation_state;
+#endif /* __ardour_midi_source_h__ */
diff --git a/libs/ardour/ b/libs/ardour/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea0bd15b0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/ardour/
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2006 Paul Davis
+ Author: David Robillard
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <float.h>
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <glibmm/fileutils.h>
+#include <glibmm/miscutils.h>
+#include "pbd/xml++.h"
+#include "pbd/pthread_utils.h"
+#include "pbd/basename.h"
+#include "evoral/Control.hpp"
+#include "evoral/EventSink.hpp"
+#include "ardour/debug.h"
+#include "ardour/file_source.h"
+#include "ardour/midi_channel_filter.h"
+#include "ardour/midi_cursor.h"
+#include "ardour/midi_model.h"
+#include "ardour/midi_source.h"
+#include "ardour/midi_state_tracker.h"
+#include "ardour/session.h"
+#include "ardour/session_directory.h"
+#include "ardour/source_factory.h"
+#include "ardour/tempo.h"
+#include "pbd/i18n.h"
+namespace ARDOUR { template <typename T> class MidiRingBuffer; }
+using namespace std;
+using namespace ARDOUR;
+using namespace PBD;
+MidiSource::MidiSource (Session& s, string name, Source::Flag flags)
+ : Source(s, DataType::MIDI, name, flags)
+ , _writing(false)
+ , _length_beats(0.0)
+ , _capture_length(0)
+ , _capture_loop_length(0)
+MidiSource::MidiSource (Session& s, const XMLNode& node)
+ : Source(s, node)
+ , _writing(false)
+ , _length_beats(0.0)
+ , _capture_length(0)
+ , _capture_loop_length(0)
+ if (set_state (node, Stateful::loading_state_version)) {
+ throw failed_constructor();
+ }
+MidiSource::~MidiSource ()
+ /* invalidate any existing iterators */
+ Invalidated (false);
+MidiSource::get_state ()
+ XMLNode& node (Source::get_state());
+ if (_captured_for.length()) {
+ node.set_property ("captured-for", _captured_for);
+ }
+ for (InterpolationStyleMap::const_iterator i = _interpolation_style.begin(); i != _interpolation_style.end(); ++i) {
+ XMLNode* child = node.add_child (X_("InterpolationStyle"));
+ child->set_property (X_("parameter"), EventTypeMap::instance().to_symbol (i->first));
+ child->set_property (X_("style"), enum_2_string (i->second));
+ }
+ for (AutomationStateMap::const_iterator i = _automation_state.begin(); i != _automation_state.end(); ++i) {
+ XMLNode* child = node.add_child (X_("AutomationState"));
+ child->set_property (X_("parameter"), EventTypeMap::instance().to_symbol (i->first));
+ child->set_property (X_("state"), enum_2_string (i->second));
+ }
+ return node;
+MidiSource::set_state (const XMLNode& node, int /*version*/)
+ node.get_property ("captured-for", _captured_for);
+ std::string str;
+ XMLNodeList children = node.children ();
+ for (XMLNodeConstIterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) {
+ if ((*i)->name() == X_("InterpolationStyle")) {
+ if (!(*i)->get_property (X_("parameter"), str)) {
+ error << _("Missing parameter property on InterpolationStyle") << endmsg;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ Evoral::Parameter p = EventTypeMap::instance().from_symbol (str);
+ if (!(*i)->get_property (X_("style"), str)) {
+ error << _("Missing style property on InterpolationStyle") << endmsg;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ Evoral::ControlList::InterpolationStyle s =
+ static_cast<Evoral::ControlList::InterpolationStyle>(string_2_enum (str, s));
+ set_interpolation_of (p, s);
+ } else if ((*i)->name() == X_("AutomationState")) {
+ if (!(*i)->get_property (X_("parameter"), str)) {
+ error << _("Missing parameter property on AutomationState") << endmsg;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ Evoral::Parameter p = EventTypeMap::instance().from_symbol (str);
+ if (!(*i)->get_property (X_("state"), str)) {
+ error << _("Missing state property on AutomationState") << endmsg;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ AutoState s = static_cast<AutoState>(string_2_enum (str, s));
+ set_automation_state_of (p, s);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+MidiSource::empty () const
+ return !_length_beats;
+MidiSource::length (framepos_t pos) const
+ if (!_length_beats) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ BeatsFramesConverter converter(_session.tempo_map(), pos);
+ return;
+MidiSource::update_length (framecnt_t)
+ // You're not the boss of me!
+MidiSource::invalidate (const Lock& lock)
+ Invalidated(_session.transport_rolling());
+MidiSource::midi_read (const Lock& lm,
+ Evoral::EventSink<framepos_t>& dst,
+ framepos_t source_start,
+ framepos_t start,
+ framecnt_t cnt,
+ Evoral::Range<framepos_t>* loop_range,
+ MidiCursor& cursor,
+ MidiStateTracker* tracker,
+ MidiChannelFilter* filter,
+ const std::set<Evoral::Parameter>& filtered,
+ const double pos_beats,
+ const double start_beats) const
+ BeatsFramesConverter converter(_session.tempo_map(), source_start);
+ const double start_qn = pos_beats - start_beats;
+ string_compose ("MidiSource::midi_read() %5 sstart %1 start %2 cnt %3 tracker %4\n",
+ source_start, start, cnt, tracker, name()));
+ if (!_model) {
+ return read_unlocked (lm, dst, source_start, start, cnt, loop_range, tracker, filter);
+ }
+ // Find appropriate model iterator
+ Evoral::Sequence<Evoral::Beats>::const_iterator& i = cursor.iter;
+ const bool linear_read = cursor.last_read_end != 0 && start == cursor.last_read_end;
+ if (!linear_read || !i.valid()) {
+ /* Cached iterator is invalid, search for the first event past start.
+ Note that multiple tracks can use a MidiSource simultaneously, so
+ all playback state must be in parameters (the cursor) and must not
+ be cached in the source of model itself.
+ See
+ */
+ cursor.connect(Invalidated);
+ cursor.iter = _model->begin(converter.from(start), false, filtered, &cursor.active_notes);
+ cursor.active_notes.clear();
+ }
+ cursor.last_read_end = start + cnt;
+ // Copy events in [start, start + cnt) into dst
+ for (; i != _model->end(); ++i) {
+ // Offset by source start to convert event time to session time
+ framepos_t time_frames = _session.tempo_map().frame_at_quarter_note (i->time().to_double() + start_qn);
+ if (time_frames < start + source_start) {
+ /* event too early */
+ continue;
+ } else if (time_frames >= start + cnt + source_start) {
+ string_compose ("%1: reached end with event @ %2 vs. %3\n",
+ _name, time_frames, start+cnt));
+ break;
+ } else {
+ /* in range */
+ if (loop_range) {
+ time_frames = loop_range->squish (time_frames);
+ }
+ const uint8_t status = i->buffer()[0];
+ const bool is_channel_event = (0x80 <= (status & 0xF0)) && (status <= 0xE0);
+ if (filter && is_channel_event) {
+ /* Copy event so the filter can modify the channel. I'm not
+ sure if this is necessary here (channels are mapped later in
+ buffers anyway), but it preserves existing behaviour without
+ destroying events in the model during read. */
+ Evoral::Event<Evoral::Beats> ev(*i, true);
+ if (!filter->filter(ev.buffer(), ev.size())) {
+ dst.write(time_frames, ev.event_type(), ev.size(), ev.buffer());
+ } else {
+ string_compose ("%1: filter event @ %2 type %3 size %4\n",
+ _name, time_frames, i->event_type(), i->size()));
+ }
+ } else {
+ dst.write (time_frames, i->event_type(), i->size(), i->buffer());
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ if (DEBUG_ENABLED(DEBUG::MidiSourceIO)) {
+ DEBUG_STR_APPEND(a, string_compose ("%1 added event @ %2 sz %3 within %4 .. %5 ",
+ _name, time_frames, i->size(),
+ start + source_start, start + cnt + source_start));
+ for (size_t n=0; n < i->size(); ++n) {
+ DEBUG_STR_APPEND(a,(int)i->buffer()[n]);
+ }
+ DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MidiSourceIO, DEBUG_STR(a).str());
+ }
+ if (tracker) {
+ tracker->track (*i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return cnt;
+MidiSource::midi_write (const Lock& lm,
+ MidiRingBuffer<framepos_t>& source,
+ framepos_t source_start,
+ framecnt_t cnt)
+ const framecnt_t ret = write_unlocked (lm, source, source_start, cnt);
+ if (cnt == max_framecnt) {
+ invalidate(lm);
+ } else {
+ _capture_length += cnt;
+ }
+ return ret;
+MidiSource::mark_streaming_midi_write_started (const Lock& lock, NoteMode mode)
+ if (_model) {
+ _model->set_note_mode (mode);
+ _model->start_write ();
+ }
+ _writing = true;
+MidiSource::mark_write_starting_now (framecnt_t position,
+ framecnt_t capture_length,
+ framecnt_t loop_length)
+ /* I'm not sure if this is the best way to approach this, but
+ _capture_length needs to be set up with the transport frame
+ when a record actually starts, as it is used by
+ SMFSource::write_unlocked to decide whether incoming notes
+ are within the correct time range.
+ mark_streaming_midi_write_started (perhaps a more logical
+ place to do this) is not called at exactly the time when
+ record starts, and I don't think it necessarily can be
+ because it is not RT-safe.
+ */
+ set_timeline_position(position);
+ _capture_length = capture_length;
+ _capture_loop_length = loop_length;
+ TempoMap& map (_session.tempo_map());
+ BeatsFramesConverter converter(map, position);
+ _length_beats = converter.from(capture_length);
+MidiSource::mark_streaming_write_started (const Lock& lock)
+ NoteMode note_mode = _model ? _model->note_mode() : Sustained;
+ mark_streaming_midi_write_started (lock, note_mode);
+MidiSource::mark_midi_streaming_write_completed (const Lock& lock,
+ Evoral::Sequence<Evoral::Beats>::StuckNoteOption option,
+ Evoral::Beats end)
+ if (_model) {
+ _model->end_write (option, end);
+ /* Make captured controls discrete to play back user input exactly. */
+ for (MidiModel::Controls::iterator i = _model->controls().begin(); i != _model->controls().end(); ++i) {
+ if (i->second->list()) {
+ i->second->list()->set_interpolation(Evoral::ControlList::Discrete);
+ _interpolation_style.insert(std::make_pair(i->second->parameter(), Evoral::ControlList::Discrete));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ invalidate(lock);
+ _writing = false;
+MidiSource::mark_streaming_write_completed (const Lock& lock)
+ mark_midi_streaming_write_completed (lock, Evoral::Sequence<Evoral::Beats>::DeleteStuckNotes);
+MidiSource::export_write_to (const Lock& lock, boost::shared_ptr<MidiSource> newsrc, Evoral::Beats begin, Evoral::Beats end)
+ Lock newsrc_lock (newsrc->mutex ());
+ if (!_model) {
+ error << string_compose (_("programming error: %1"), X_("no model for MidiSource during export"));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ _model->write_section_to (newsrc, newsrc_lock, begin, end, true);
+ newsrc->flush_midi(newsrc_lock);
+ return 0;
+MidiSource::write_to (const Lock& lock, boost::shared_ptr<MidiSource> newsrc, Evoral::Beats begin, Evoral::Beats end)
+ Lock newsrc_lock (newsrc->mutex ());
+ newsrc->set_timeline_position (_timeline_position);
+ newsrc->copy_interpolation_from (this);
+ newsrc->copy_automation_state_from (this);
+ if (_model) {
+ if (begin == Evoral::MinBeats && end == Evoral::MaxBeats) {
+ _model->write_to (newsrc, newsrc_lock);
+ } else {
+ _model->write_section_to (newsrc, newsrc_lock, begin, end);
+ }
+ } else {
+ error << string_compose (_("programming error: %1"), X_("no model for MidiSource during ::clone()"));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ newsrc->flush_midi(newsrc_lock);
+ /* force a reload of the model if the range is partial */
+ if (begin != Evoral::MinBeats || end != Evoral::MaxBeats) {
+ newsrc->load_model (newsrc_lock, true);
+ } else {
+ newsrc->set_model (newsrc_lock, _model);
+ }
+ /* this file is not removable (but since it is MIDI, it is mutable) */
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<FileSource> (newsrc)->prevent_deletion ();
+ return 0;
+ Lock lm (_lock);
+ /* this writes a copy of the data to disk.
+ XXX do we need to do this every time?
+ */
+ if (_model && _model->edited()) {
+ /* The model is edited, write its contents into the current source
+ file (overwiting previous contents). */
+ /* Temporarily drop our reference to the model so that as the model
+ pushes its current state to us, we don't try to update it. */
+ boost::shared_ptr<MidiModel> mm = _model;
+ _model.reset ();
+ /* Flush model contents to disk. */
+ mm->sync_to_source (lm);
+ /* Reacquire model. */
+ _model = mm;
+ } else {
+ flush_midi(lm);
+ }
+MidiSource::set_note_mode(const Lock& lock, NoteMode mode)
+ if (_model) {
+ _model->set_note_mode(mode);
+ }
+MidiSource::drop_model (const Lock& lock)
+ _model.reset();
+ invalidate(lock);
+ ModelChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
+MidiSource::set_model (const Lock& lock, boost::shared_ptr<MidiModel> m)
+ _model = m;
+ invalidate(lock);
+ ModelChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
+MidiSource::interpolation_of (Evoral::Parameter p) const
+ InterpolationStyleMap::const_iterator i = _interpolation_style.find (p);
+ if (i == _interpolation_style.end()) {
+ return EventTypeMap::instance().interpolation_of (p);
+ }
+ return i->second;
+MidiSource::automation_state_of (Evoral::Parameter p) const
+ AutomationStateMap::const_iterator i = _automation_state.find (p);
+ if (i == _automation_state.end()) {
+ /* default to `play', otherwise if MIDI is recorded /
+ imported with controllers etc. they are by default
+ not played back, which is a little surprising.
+ */
+ return Play;
+ }
+ return i->second;
+/** Set interpolation style to be used for a given parameter. This change will be
+ * propagated to anyone who needs to know.
+ */
+MidiSource::set_interpolation_of (Evoral::Parameter p, Evoral::ControlList::InterpolationStyle s)
+ if (interpolation_of (p) == s) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (EventTypeMap::instance().interpolation_of (p) == s) {
+ /* interpolation type is being set to the default, so we don't need a note in our map */
+ _interpolation_style.erase (p);
+ } else {
+ _interpolation_style[p] = s;
+ }
+ InterpolationChanged (p, s); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
+MidiSource::set_automation_state_of (Evoral::Parameter p, AutoState s)
+ if (automation_state_of (p) == s) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (s == Play) {
+ /* automation state is being set to the default, so we don't need a note in our map */
+ _automation_state.erase (p);
+ } else {
+ _automation_state[p] = s;
+ }
+ AutomationStateChanged (p, s); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
+MidiSource::copy_interpolation_from (boost::shared_ptr<MidiSource> s)
+ copy_interpolation_from (s.get ());
+MidiSource::copy_automation_state_from (boost::shared_ptr<MidiSource> s)
+ copy_automation_state_from (s.get ());
+MidiSource::copy_interpolation_from (MidiSource* s)
+ _interpolation_style = s->_interpolation_style;
+ /* XXX: should probably emit signals here */
+MidiSource::copy_automation_state_from (MidiSource* s)
+ _automation_state = s->_automation_state;
+ /* XXX: should probably emit signals here */
diff --git a/libs/evoral/evoral/Beats.hpp.orig b/libs/evoral/evoral/Beats.hpp.orig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0277c4b3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/evoral/evoral/Beats.hpp.orig
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+/* This file is part of Evoral.
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2015 David Robillard <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Paul Davis
+ *
+ * Evoral is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ * version.
+ *
+ * Evoral is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#include <float.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include "evoral/visibility.h"
+namespace Evoral {
+/** Musical time in beats. */
+class /*LIBEVORAL_API*/ Beats {
+ LIBEVORAL_API static const double PPQN;
+ Beats() : _time(0.0) {}
+ /** Create from a real number of beats. */
+ explicit Beats(double time) : _time(time) {}
+ /** Create from an integer number of beats. */
+ static Beats beats(int32_t beats) {
+ return Beats((double)beats);
+ }
+ /** Create from ticks at the standard PPQN. */
+ static Beats ticks(uint32_t ticks) {
+ return Beats(ticks / PPQN);
+ }
+ /** Create from ticks at a given rate.
+ *
+ * Note this can also be used to create from frames by setting ppqn to the
+ * number of samples per beat.
+ */
+ static Beats ticks_at_rate(uint64_t ticks, uint32_t ppqn) {
+ return Beats((double)ticks / (double)ppqn);
+ }
+ Beats& operator=(const Beats& other) {
+ _time = other._time;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Beats round_up_to_beat() const {
+ return Evoral::Beats(ceil(_time));
+ }
+ Beats round_down_to_beat() const {
+ return Evoral::Beats(floor(_time));
+ }
+ Beats snap_to(const Evoral::Beats& snap) const {
+ return Beats(ceil(_time / snap._time) * snap._time);
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(const Beats& b) const {
+ /* Acceptable tolerance is 1 tick. */
+ return fabs(_time - b._time) <= (1.0 / PPQN);
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(double t) const {
+ /* Acceptable tolerance is 1 tick. */
+ return fabs(_time - t) <= (1.0 / PPQN);
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(int beats) const {
+ /* Acceptable tolerance is 1 tick. */
+ return fabs(_time - beats) <= (1.0 / PPQN);
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(const Beats& b) const {
+ return !operator==(b);
+ }
+ inline bool operator<(const Beats& b) const {
+ /* Acceptable tolerance is 1 tick. */
+ if (fabs(_time - b._time) <= (1.0 / PPQN)) {
+ return false; /* Effectively identical. */
+ } else {
+ return _time < b._time;
+ }
+ }
+ inline bool operator<=(const Beats& b) const {
+ return operator==(b) || operator<(b);
+ }
+ inline bool operator>(const Beats& b) const {
+ /* Acceptable tolerance is 1 tick. */
+ if (fabs(_time - b._time) <= (1.0 / PPQN)) {
+ return false; /* Effectively identical. */
+ } else {
+ return _time > b._time;
+ }
+ }
+ inline bool operator>=(const Beats& b) const {
+ return operator==(b) || operator>(b);
+ }
+ inline bool operator<(double b) const {
+ /* Acceptable tolerance is 1 tick. */
+ if (fabs(_time - b) <= (1.0 / PPQN)) {
+ return false; /* Effectively identical. */
+ } else {
+ return _time < b;
+ }
+ }
+ inline bool operator<=(double b) const {
+ return operator==(b) || operator<(b);
+ }
+ inline bool operator>(double b) const {
+ /* Acceptable tolerance is 1 tick. */
+ if (fabs(_time - b) <= (1.0 / PPQN)) {
+ return false; /* Effectively identical. */
+ } else {
+ return _time > b;
+ }
+ }
+ inline bool operator>=(double b) const {
+ return operator==(b) || operator>(b);
+ }
+ Beats operator+(const Beats& b) const {
+ return Beats(_time + b._time);
+ }
+ Beats operator-(const Beats& b) const {
+ return Beats(_time - b._time);
+ }
+ Beats operator+(double d) const {
+ return Beats(_time + d);
+ }
+ Beats operator-(double d) const {
+ return Beats(_time - d);
+ }
+ Beats operator-() const {
+ return Beats(-_time);
+ }
+ template<typename Number>
+ Beats operator*(Number factor) const {
+ return Beats(_time * factor);
+ }
+ Beats& operator+=(const Beats& b) {
+ _time += b._time;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Beats& operator-=(const Beats& b) {
+ _time -= b._time;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ double to_double() const { return _time; }
+ uint64_t to_ticks() const { return lrint(_time * PPQN); }
+ uint64_t to_ticks(uint32_t ppqn) const { return lrint(_time * ppqn); }
+ uint32_t get_beats() const { return floor(_time); }
+ uint32_t get_ticks() const { return (uint32_t)lrint(fmod(_time, 1.0) * PPQN); }
+ bool operator!() const { return _time == 0; }
+ static Beats min() { return Beats(DBL_MIN); }
+ static Beats max() { return Beats(DBL_MAX); }
+ static Beats tick() { return Beats(1.0 / PPQN); }
+ double _time;
+extern LIBEVORAL_API const Beats MaxBeats;
+extern LIBEVORAL_API const Beats MinBeats;
+ TIL, several horrible hours later, that sometimes the compiler looks in the
+ namespace of a type (Evoral::Beats in this case) for an operator, and
+ does *NOT* look in the global namespace.
+ C++ is proof that hell exists and we are living in it. In any case, move
+ these to the global namespace and PBD::Property's loopy
+ virtual-method-in-a-template will bite you.
+inline std::ostream&
+operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Beats& t)
+ os << t.to_double();
+ return os;
+inline std::istream&
+operator>>(std::istream& is, Beats& t)
+ double beats;
+ is >> beats;
+ t = Beats(beats);
+ return is;
+} // namespace Evoral
+namespace PBD {
+ namespace DEBUG {
+ LIBEVORAL_API extern uint64_t Beats;
+ }
+namespace std {
+ template<>
+ struct numeric_limits<Evoral::Beats> {
+ static Evoral::Beats min() { return Evoral::Beats::min(); }
+ static Evoral::Beats max() { return Evoral::Beats::max(); }
+ };
diff --git a/libs/evoral/test/BeatsTest.cpp b/libs/evoral/test/BeatsTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e3d29a6c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/evoral/test/BeatsTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "BeatsTest.hpp"
+#include "evoral/Beats.hpp"
+using namespace Evoral;
+static const double delta = 1.5 / (double)Beats::PPQN;
+ const Beats a(1, 2);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, a.get_beats());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, a.get_ticks());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1 + 2 / (double)Beats::PPQN, a.to_double(), delta);
+ const Beats b(1.5);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, b.get_beats());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Beats::PPQN / 2, b.get_ticks());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1.5, b.to_double(), delta);
+ const Beats c = Beats::beats(6);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(6, c.get_beats());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, c.get_ticks());
+ const Beats d = Beats::ticks(7);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, d.get_beats());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(7, d.get_ticks());
+ Beats e(8, 9);
+ e = d;
+ // const Beats diff = n2 - n1;
+ // CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-44, diff.get_beats());
+ // CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(44 / Beats::PPQN, diff.get_ticks());
+ // CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(diff.to_double(), -44.44, delta);
+ const Beats a(1, 2);
+ const Beats b(3, 4);
+ // Positive + positive
+ const Beats c = a + b;
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(4, c.get_beats());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(6, c.get_ticks());
+ const Beats n1(-12.34);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(-12.34, n1.to_double(), delta);
+ const Beats n2(-56.78);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(-56.78, n2.to_double(), delta);
+ // Positive + negative
+ const Beats p1(1.0);
+ const Beats p_n = p1 + n1;
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-11, p_n.get_beats());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((int32_t)(Beats::PPQN * -0.34), p_n.get_ticks());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(-11.34, p_n.to_double(), delta);
+ // Negative + positive
+ const Beats n_p = n1 + p1;
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-11, n_p.get_beats());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((int32_t)(Beats::PPQN * -0.34), n_p.get_ticks());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(-11.34, n_p.to_double(), delta);
+ // Negative + negative
+ const Beats sum = n1 + n2;
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-69, sum.get_beats());
+ //CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((int32_t)(Beats::PPQN * -0.12), n_p.get_ticks());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(-69.12, sum.to_double(), delta);
+ const Beats a(1, 2);
+ const Beats b(3, 4);
+ // Positive - positive
+ const Beats c = b - a;
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, c.get_beats());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, c.get_ticks());
+ const Beats n1(-12.34);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(-12.34, n1.to_double(), delta);
+ const Beats n2(-56.78);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(-56.78, n2.to_double(), delta);
+ // Positive - negative
+ const Beats p1(1.0);
+ const Beats p_n = p1 - n1;
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(13, p_n.get_beats());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((int32_t)(Beats::PPQN * 0.34), p_n.get_ticks());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(13.34, p_n.to_double(), delta);
+ // Negative - positive
+ const Beats n_p = n1 - p1;
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-13, n_p.get_beats());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((int32_t)(Beats::PPQN * -0.34), n_p.get_ticks());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(-13.34, n_p.to_double(), delta);
+ // Negative - negative
+ const Beats diff = n1 - n2;
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(44, diff.get_beats());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((int32_t)lrint(Beats::PPQN * 0.44), diff.get_ticks());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(44.44, diff.to_double(), delta);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(3.0, (Beats(1.5) * 2.0).to_double(), delta);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(-10.0, (Beats(5.0) * -2.0).to_double(), delta);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(-10.0, (Beats(-5.0) * 2.0).to_double(), delta);
+ Beats a(1, 1);
+ // Round a up
+ const Beats au = a.round_up_to_beat();
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(au.get_beats(), 2);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(au.get_ticks(), 0);
+ // Round a down
+ const Beats ad = a.round_down_to_beat();
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(ad.get_beats(), 1);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(ad.get_ticks(), 0);
+ // Round result down again
+ const Beats add = ad.round_down_to_beat();
+ // Round result up
+ const Beats adu = ad.round_up_to_beat();
+ // Snap to 1.5
+ const Beats snapped = a.snap_to(Beats(1.5));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(snapped.get_beats(), 1);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(snapped.get_ticks(), Beats::PPQN / 2);
+ const Beats a = Beats::ticks_at_rate(72000, 48000);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1, a.get_beats(), delta);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(Beats::PPQN / 2, a.get_ticks(), delta);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1.5, a.to_double(), delta);
+ const Beats b = Beats::ticks_at_rate(8, 48000);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(0, b.get_beats(), delta);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(Beats::PPQN * 8 / 48000, b.get_ticks(), delta);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL((8 / 48000.0), b.to_double(), delta);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(int64_t(1.5 * Beats::PPQN), a.to_ticks());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(int64_t(1.5 * 192), a.to_ticks(192));
diff --git a/libs/evoral/test/BeatsTest.hpp b/libs/evoral/test/BeatsTest.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0db3831b49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/evoral/test/BeatsTest.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#include <cppunit/TestFixture.h>
+#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
+class BeatsTest : public CppUnit::TestFixture
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(createTest);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(addTest);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(subtractTest);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(multiplyTest);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(convertTest);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(roundTest);
+ void createTest();
+ void addTest();
+ void subtractTest();
+ void multiplyTest();
+ void convertTest();
+ void roundTest();
diff --git a/libs/evoral/wscript.orig b/libs/evoral/wscript.orig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ceab182a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/evoral/wscript.orig
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
+from waflib import Options
+import os
+# Version of this package (even if built as a child)
+# Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro)
+# major increment <=> incompatible changes
+# minor increment <=> compatible changes (additions)
+# micro increment <=> no interface changes
+# Version history:
+# 0.0.0 = 0,0,0
+# Variables for 'waf dist'
+APPNAME = 'evoral'
+# Mandatory variables
+top = '.'
+out = 'build'
+def options(opt):
+ opt.load('compiler_c')
+ opt.load('compiler_cxx')
+ autowaf.set_options(opt)
+ opt.add_option('--test', action='store_true', default=False, dest='build_tests',
+ help="Build unit tests")
+ opt.add_option('--test-coverage', action='store_true', default=False, dest='test_coverage',
+ help="Use gcov to test for code coverage")
+ opt.add_option('--internal-shared-libs', action='store_true', default=True, dest='internal_shared_libs',
+ help='Build internal libs as shared libraries')
+def configure(conf):
+ conf.load('compiler_c')
+ conf.load('compiler_cxx')
+ autowaf.configure(conf)
+ #autowaf.display_header('Evoral Configuration')
+ autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'cppunit', uselib_store='CPPUNIT', atleast_version='1.12.0', mandatory=False)
+ autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'glib-2.0', uselib_store='GLIB', atleast_version='2.2')
+ autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'glibmm-2.4', uselib_store='GLIBMM', atleast_version='2.14.0')
+ autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'gthread-2.0', uselib_store='GTHREAD', atleast_version='2.14.0')
+ if not autowaf.is_child():
+ autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'libpbd-4', uselib_store='LIBPBD', atleast_version='4.0.0', mandatory=True)
+ # Boost headers
+ autowaf.check_header(conf, 'cxx', 'boost/shared_ptr.hpp')
+ autowaf.check_header(conf, 'cxx', 'boost/weak_ptr.hpp')
+ conf.env['BUILD_TESTS'] = Options.options.build_tests
+ conf.env['TEST_COVERAGE'] = Options.options.test_coverage
+ if Options.options.internal_shared_libs:
+ conf.define('INTERNAL_SHARED_LIBS', 1)
+ #autowaf.display_msg(conf, "Unit tests", str(conf.env['BUILD_TESTS']))
+ #print
+def build(bld):
+ # Headers
+ #bld.install_files('${INCLUDEDIR}/evoral', 'evoral/*.h')
+ #bld.install_files('${INCLUDEDIR}/evoral', 'evoral/*.hpp')
+ # Pkgconfig file
+ #autowaf.build_pc(bld, 'EVORAL', EVORAL_VERSION, 'GLIBMM GTHREAD')
+ libsmf = bld(features = 'c cstlib')
+ libsmf.source = '''
+ src/libsmf/smf.c
+ src/libsmf/smf_decode.c
+ src/libsmf/smf_load.c
+ src/libsmf/smf_save.c
+ src/libsmf/smf_tempo.c
+ '''
+ libsmf.export_includes = ['./src/libsmf']
+ libsmf.defines = ['SMF_VERSION="1.2"', 'LIBSMF_DLL_EXPORTS']
+ libsmf.includes = ['./src']
+ = 'libsmf'
+ = 'smf'
+ libsmf.uselib = 'GLIB'
+ libsmf.install_path = None
+ if bld.env['build_target'] != 'mingw':
+ libsmf.cxxflags = [ '-fPIC' ]
+ libsmf.cflags = [ '-fPIC' ]
+ lib_source = '''
+ src/Control.cpp
+ src/ControlList.cpp
+ src/ControlSet.cpp
+ src/Curve.cpp
+ src/Event.cpp
+ src/Note.cpp
+ src/SMF.cpp
+ src/Sequence.cpp
+ src/TimeConverter.cpp
+ src/debug.cpp
+ src/types.cpp
+ '''
+ # Library
+ if bld.is_defined ('INTERNAL_SHARED_LIBS'):
+ obj = bld.shlib(features = 'c cxx cshlib cxxshlib', source=lib_source)
+ # DLL exports for this library
+ obj.defines = [ 'LIBEVORAL_DLL_EXPORTS' ]
+ else:
+ obj = bld.stlib(features = 'c cxx cstlib cxxstlib', source=lib_source)
+ obj.cxxflags = [ '-fPIC' ]
+ obj.cflags = [ '-fPIC' ]
+ obj.defines = [ ]
+ obj.export_includes = ['.']
+ obj.includes = ['.', './src']
+ = 'libevoral'
+ = 'evoral'
+ obj.use = 'libsmf libpbd'
+ obj.install_path = bld.env['LIBDIR']
+ obj.defines += [ 'PACKAGE="libevoral"' ]
+ if bld.env['BUILD_TESTS'] and bld.is_defined('HAVE_CPPUNIT'):
+ # Static library (for unit test code coverage)
+ obj = bld(features = 'cxx cstlib')
+ obj.source = lib_source
+ obj.export_includes = ['.']
+ obj.includes = ['.', './src']
+ = 'libevoral_static'
+ = 'evoral_static'
+ obj.use = 'libsmf libpbd'
+ obj.install_path = ''
+ if bld.env['TEST_COVERAGE']:
+ obj.linkflags = ['--coverage']
+ obj.cflags = ['--coverage']
+ obj.cxxflags = ['--coverage']
+ obj.defines = ['PACKAGE="libevoral"']
+ # Unit tests
+ obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxprogram')
+ obj.source = '''
+ test/SequenceTest.cpp
+ test/SMFTest.cpp
+ test/RangeTest.cpp
+ test/NoteTest.cpp
+ test/CurveTest.cpp
+ test/testrunner.cpp
+ '''
+ obj.includes = ['.', './src']
+ obj.use = 'libevoral_static'
+ = 'run-tests'
+ = 'libevoral-tests'
+ obj.install_path = ''
+ obj.defines = ['PACKAGE="libevoraltest"']
+ if bld.env['TEST_COVERAGE']:
+ obj.linkflags = ['--coverage']
+ obj.cflags = ['--coverage']
+ obj.cxxflags = ['--coverage']
+def test(ctx):
+ autowaf.pre_test(ctx, APPNAME)
+ print(os.getcwd())
+ os.environ['EVORAL_TEST_PATH'] = os.path.abspath('../test/testdata/')
+ autowaf.run_tests(ctx, APPNAME, ['./run-tests'])
+ autowaf.post_test(ctx, APPNAME)