path: root/libs/fluidsynth
diff options
authorJohn Emmas <>2016-08-28 10:31:43 +0100
committerJohn Emmas <>2016-08-28 10:31:43 +0100
commitb90cfa7e3958d4e0c575aacc15ea3ca4e68de4a5 (patch)
tree4a72700e5869b62786d5e3b3b634eba09c8b627b /libs/fluidsynth
parent4d7eb04cf6f2857955528b6e24e7b6f5e21fc7d4 (diff)
Configure the new 'fluidsynth' library to be buildable with MSVC
(haven't built any fluidsynth plugins yet)
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/fluidsynth')
4 files changed, 507 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/fluidsynth/MSVCfluidsynth/fluidsynth.vcproj b/libs/fluidsynth/MSVCfluidsynth/fluidsynth.vcproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf335d42f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/fluidsynth/MSVCfluidsynth/fluidsynth.vcproj
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
+ ProjectType="Visual C++"
+ Version="8.00"
+ Name="fluidsynth"
+ ProjectGUID="{625BAE01-0DE9-4E8A-B7C2-EDA23B75F5ED}"
+ RootNamespace="fluidsynth"
+ >
+ <Platforms>
+ <Platform
+ Name="Win32"
+ />
+ </Platforms>
+ <ToolFiles>
+ </ToolFiles>
+ <Configurations>
+ <Configuration
+ Name="Debug 32|Win32"
+ OutputDirectory="$(ProjectDir)\$(ConfigurationName)\lib"
+ IntermediateDirectory="$(ProjectDir)\$(ConfigurationName)\obj\$(ProjectName)"
+ ConfigurationType="4"
+ InheritedPropertySheets="..\..\..\MSVCMixbus3\MSVCMixbus3.vsprops"
+ CharacterSet="2"
+ >
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCMIDLTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+ AdditionalOptions="/FI$(TargetSxsFolder)\targetsxs.h"
+ Optimization="0"
+ AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..;..\fluidsynth;&quot;$(GenericIncludeFolder)\ardourext&quot;;&quot;$(GenericLibraryFolder)\glib-2.0\include&quot;"
+ MinimalRebuild="true"
+ RuntimeLibrary="3"
+ WarningLevel="3"
+ DebugInformationFormat="3"
+ CompileAs="1"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCLibrarianTool"
+ OutputFile="$(OutDir)\$(DllPrefix)$(ProjectName)D.lib"
+ IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames=""
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCALinkTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCFxCopTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+ CommandLine="copy &quot;$(OutDir)\$(TargetName).lib&quot; &quot;$(GenericWin32LibraryFolder)\$(TargetName).lib&quot;"
+ />
+ </Configuration>
+ <Configuration
+ Name="Release 32|Win32"
+ OutputDirectory="$(ProjectDir)\$(ConfigurationName)\lib"
+ IntermediateDirectory="$(ProjectDir)\$(ConfigurationName)\obj\$(ProjectName)"
+ ConfigurationType="4"
+ InheritedPropertySheets="..\..\..\MSVCMixbus3\MSVCMixbus3.vsprops"
+ CharacterSet="2"
+ WholeProgramOptimization="1"
+ >
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCMIDLTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+ AdditionalOptions="/FI$(TargetSxsFolder)\targetsxs.h"
+ Optimization="2"
+ InlineFunctionExpansion="1"
+ AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..;..\fluidsynth;&quot;$(GenericIncludeFolder)\ardourext&quot;;&quot;$(GenericLibraryFolder)\glib-2.0\include&quot;"
+ StringPooling="false"
+ RuntimeLibrary="2"
+ EnableEnhancedInstructionSet="1"
+ WarningLevel="3"
+ CompileAs="1"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCLibrarianTool"
+ OutputFile="$(OutDir)\$(DllPrefix)$(ProjectName).lib"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCALinkTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCFxCopTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+ CommandLine="copy &quot;$(OutDir)\$(TargetName).lib&quot; &quot;$(GenericWin32LibraryFolder)\$(TargetName).lib&quot;"
+ />
+ </Configuration>
+ <Configuration
+ Name="Release 32 with Debugging Capability|Win32"
+ OutputDirectory="$(ProjectDir)\$(ConfigurationName)\lib"
+ IntermediateDirectory="$(ProjectDir)\$(ConfigurationName)\obj\$(ProjectName)"
+ ConfigurationType="4"
+ InheritedPropertySheets="..\..\..\MSVCMixbus3\MSVCMixbus3.vsprops"
+ CharacterSet="2"
+ WholeProgramOptimization="0"
+ >
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCMIDLTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+ AdditionalOptions="/FI$(TargetSxsFolder)\targetsxs.h"
+ Optimization="0"
+ AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..;..\fluidsynth;&quot;$(GenericIncludeFolder)\ardourext&quot;;&quot;$(GenericLibraryFolder)\glib-2.0\include&quot;"
+ StringPooling="false"
+ RuntimeLibrary="2"
+ EnableEnhancedInstructionSet="1"
+ WarningLevel="3"
+ DebugInformationFormat="3"
+ CompileAs="1"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCLibrarianTool"
+ OutputFile="$(OutDir)\$(DllPrefix)$(ProjectName)RDC.lib"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCALinkTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCFxCopTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+ CommandLine="copy &quot;$(OutDir)\$(TargetName).lib&quot; &quot;$(GenericWin32LibraryFolder)\$(TargetName).lib&quot;"
+ />
+ </Configuration>
+ </Configurations>
+ <References>
+ </References>
+ <Files>
+ <Filter
+ Name="Source Files"
+ Filter="cpp;c;cc;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx"
+ UniqueIdentifier="{4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF}"
+ >
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_adsr_env.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_chan.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_chorus.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_conv.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_defsfont.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_event.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_gen.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_hash.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_iir_filter.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_lfo.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_list.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_midi.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_mod.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_rev.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_ringbuffer.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_rvoice.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_rvoice_dsp.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_rvoice_event.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_rvoice_mixer.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_settings.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_synth.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_sys.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_tuning.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_voice.c"
+ >
+ </File>
+ </Filter>
+ <Filter
+ Name="Header Files"
+ Filter="h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;inc;xsd"
+ UniqueIdentifier="{93995380-89BD-4b04-88EB-625FBE52EBFB}"
+ >
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\config.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\fluidsynth\event.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\fluidsynth\fluidsynth.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\fluidsynth\gen.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\fluidsynth\log.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\fluidsynth\midi.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\fluidsynth\misc.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\fluidsynth\mod.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\fluidsynth\settings.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\fluidsynth\sfont.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\fluidsynth\synth.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\fluidsynth\types.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\fluidsynth\voice.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <Filter
+ Name="Private"
+ >
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_adsr_env.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_chan.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_chorus.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_conv.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_defsfont.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_event_priv.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_event_queue.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_gen.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_hash.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_iir_filter.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_lfo.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_list.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_midi.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_mod.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_phase.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_rev.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_ringbuffer.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_rvoice.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_rvoice_event.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_rvoice_mixer.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_settings.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_sfont.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_synth.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_sys.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_tuning.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluid_voice.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\src\fluidsynth_priv.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ </Filter>
+ </Filter>
+ </Files>
+ <Globals>
+ </Globals>
diff --git a/libs/fluidsynth/config.h b/libs/fluidsynth/config.h
index d423dfca25..7097bc19c1 100644
--- a/libs/fluidsynth/config.h
+++ b/libs/fluidsynth/config.h
@@ -210,7 +210,11 @@
/* #undef WITH_READLINE */
/* Define if the compiler supports VLA */
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+/* MSVC doesn't support variable length arrays (i.e. arrays
+ whose size isn't known to the compiler at build time). */
#define SUPPORTS_VLA 1
/* Define to 1 if your processor stores words with the most significant byte
first (like Motorola and SPARC, unlike Intel and VAX). */
diff --git a/libs/fluidsynth/src/fluid_sys.c b/libs/fluidsynth/src/fluid_sys.c
index 328f2556d6..55decaa506 100644
--- a/libs/fluidsynth/src/fluid_sys.c
+++ b/libs/fluidsynth/src/fluid_sys.c
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "fluid_sys.h"
+#include <io.h>
diff --git a/libs/fluidsynth/src/fluidsynth_priv.h b/libs/fluidsynth/src/fluidsynth_priv.h
index d29ba8a52f..b01618df26 100644
--- a/libs/fluidsynth/src/fluidsynth_priv.h
+++ b/libs/fluidsynth/src/fluidsynth_priv.h
@@ -121,6 +121,12 @@
+#elif defined _MSC_VER
+#define STDIN_FILENO _fileno(stdin)
+#define STDOUT_FILENO _fileno(stdout)
+#define STDERR_FILENO _fileno(stderr)
/* Darwin special defines (taken from config_macosx.h) */