path: root/libs/canvas/canvas
diff options
authorPaul Davis <>2015-06-01 14:45:32 -0400
committerPaul Davis <>2015-06-01 14:45:41 -0400
commitd17e35772d351b379e5ad8d260f8cabe2f64ac4f (patch)
treeb62bdfaf11f05b54ecd3d0c0171201b10a352d06 /libs/canvas/canvas
parentcc396baf0d47079d37ffc84a483475f80c4792fc (diff)
drop in threaded waveview changes via the two affected files.
Rebasing the feature branch against master was too messy, and only these two files were changed. The development history of this branch could easily have been --squash'ed anyway, so not much of a loss
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/canvas/canvas')
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/libs/canvas/canvas/wave_view.h b/libs/canvas/canvas/wave_view.h
index 9ace1486ce..9a4cbafa7c 100644
--- a/libs/canvas/canvas/wave_view.h
+++ b/libs/canvas/canvas/wave_view.h
@@ -45,51 +45,174 @@ class WaveViewTest;
namespace ArdourCanvas {
-class LIBCANVAS_API WaveView : public Item
+struct LIBCANVAS_API WaveViewThreadRequest
- enum Shape {
- Normal,
- Rectified
+ public:
+ enum RequestType {
+ Quit,
+ Cancel,
+ Draw
+ WaveViewThreadRequest () : stop (0) {}
+ bool should_stop () const { return (bool) g_atomic_int_get (&stop); }
+ void cancel() { g_atomic_int_set (&stop, 1); }
+ RequestType type;
+ framepos_t start;
+ framepos_t end;
+ double width;
+ double height;
+ double samples_per_pixel;
+ uint16_t channel;
+ double region_amplitude;
+ Color fill_color;
+ boost::weak_ptr<const ARDOUR::Region> region;
+ /* resulting image, after request has been satisfied */
+ Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> image;
+ private:
+ gint stop; /* intended for atomic access */
+class LIBCANVAS_API WaveView;
+class LIBCANVAS_API WaveViewCache
+ public:
+ WaveViewCache();
+ ~WaveViewCache();
+ struct Entry {
+ /* these properties define the cache entry as unique.
+ If an image is in use by a WaveView and any of these
+ properties are modified on the WaveView, the image can no
+ longer be used (or may no longer be usable for start/end
+ parameters). It will remain in the cache until flushed for
+ some reason (typically the cache is full).
+ */
- struct CacheEntry {
int channel;
Coord height;
float amplitude;
Color fill_color;
+ double samples_per_pixel;
framepos_t start;
framepos_t end;
+ /* the actual image referred to by the cache entry */
Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> image;
- CacheEntry(int chan, Coord hght, float amp, Color fcl, framepos_t strt, framepos_t ed, Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> img) :
+ /* last time the cache entry was used */
+ uint64_t timestamp;
- channel (chan), height (hght), amplitude (amp), fill_color (fcl),
- start (strt), end (ed), image (img) {}
+ Entry (int chan, Coord hght, float amp, Color fcl, double spp, framepos_t strt, framepos_t ed,
+ Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> img)
+ : channel (chan)
+ , height (hght)
+ , amplitude (amp)
+ , fill_color (fcl)
+ , samples_per_pixel (spp)
+ , start (strt)
+ , end (ed)
+ , image (img) {}
- /* final ImageSurface rendered with colours */
- Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> _image;
+ uint64_t image_cache_threshold () const { return _image_cache_threshold; }
+ void set_image_cache_threshold (uint64_t);
- /* Displays a single channel of waveform data for the given Region.
+ void add (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AudioSource>, boost::shared_ptr<Entry>);
+ void use (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AudioSource>, boost::shared_ptr<Entry>);
+ void consolidate_image_cache (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AudioSource>,
+ int channel,
+ Coord height,
+ float amplitude,
+ Color fill_color,
+ double samples_per_pixel);
+ boost::shared_ptr<Entry> lookup_image (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AudioSource>,
+ framepos_t start, framepos_t end,
+ int _channel,
+ Coord height,
+ float amplitude,
+ Color fill_color,
+ double samples_per_pixel);
+ private:
+ /* an unsorted, unindexd collection of cache entries associated with
+ a particular AudioSource. All cache Entries in the collection
+ share the AudioSource in common, but represent different parameter
+ settings (e.g. height, color, samples per pixel etc.)
+ */
+ typedef std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Entry> > CacheLine;
+ /* Indexed, non-sortable structure used to lookup images associated
+ * with a particular AudioSource
+ */
+ typedef std::map <boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AudioSource>,CacheLine> ImageCache;
+ ImageCache cache_map;
+ /* Linear, sortable structure used when we need to do a timestamp-based
+ * flush of entries from the cache.
+ */
+ typedef std::pair<boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AudioSource>,boost::shared_ptr<Entry> > ListEntry;
+ typedef std::vector<ListEntry> CacheList;
+ CacheList cache_list;
+ struct SortByTimestamp {
+ bool operator() (const WaveViewCache::ListEntry& a, const WaveViewCache::ListEntry& b) {
+ return a.second->timestamp < b.second->timestamp;
+ }
+ };
+ friend struct SortByTimestamp;
+ uint64_t image_cache_size;
+ uint64_t _image_cache_threshold;
+ uint64_t compute_image_cache_size ();
+ void cache_flush ();
+ bool cache_full ();
- x = 0 in the waveview corresponds to the first waveform datum taken
- from region->start() samples into the source data.
+class LIBCANVAS_API WaveView : public Item, public sigc::trackable
- x = N in the waveview corresponds to the (N * spp)'th sample
- measured from region->start() into the source data.
+ enum Shape {
+ Normal,
+ Rectified
+ };
- when drawing, we will map the zeroth-pixel of the waveview
- into a window.
+ std::string debug_name() const;
- The waveview itself contains a set of pre-rendered Cairo::ImageSurfaces
- that cache sections of the display. This is filled on-demand and
- never cleared until something explicitly marks the cache invalid
- (such as a change in samples_per_pixel, the log scaling, rectified or
- other view parameters).
- */
+ /* final ImageSurface rendered with colours */
+ Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> _image;
+ PBD::Signal0<void> ImageReady;
+ /* Displays a single channel of waveform data for the given Region.
+ x = 0 in the waveview corresponds to the first waveform datum taken
+ from region->start() samples into the source data.
+ x = N in the waveview corresponds to the (N * spp)'th sample
+ measured from region->start() into the source data.
+ when drawing, we will map the zeroth-pixel of the waveview
+ into a window.
+ The waveview itself contains a set of pre-rendered Cairo::ImageSurfaces
+ that cache sections of the display. This is filled on-demand and
+ never cleared until something explicitly marks the cache invalid
+ (such as a change in samples_per_pixel, the log scaling, rectified or
+ other view parameters).
+ */
WaveView (Canvas *, boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AudioRegion>);
WaveView (Item*, boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AudioRegion>);
@@ -147,6 +270,9 @@ public:
static void set_clip_level (double dB);
static PBD::Signal0<void> ClipLevelChanged;
+ static void start_drawing_thread ();
+ static void stop_drawing_thread ();
void*& property_gain_src () {
return _foo_void;
@@ -154,17 +280,16 @@ public:
void*& property_gain_function () {
return _foo_void;
+ private:
void* _foo_void;
+ private:
friend class ::WaveViewTest;
+ friend class WaveViewThreadClient;
- static std::map <boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AudioSource>, std::vector <CacheEntry> > _image_cache;
- void consolidate_image_cache () const;
- void invalidate_source (boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::AudioSource>);
- void invalidate_image_cache ();
+ void invalidate_image_cache ();
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AudioRegion> _region;
int _channel;
@@ -188,8 +313,32 @@ private:
ARDOUR::frameoffset_t _region_start;
+ /** Under almost conditions, this is going to return _region->length(),
+ * but if _region_start has been reset, then we need
+ * to use this modified computation.
+ */
+ ARDOUR::framecnt_t region_length() const;
+ /** Under almost conditions, this is going to return _region->start() +
+ * _region->length(), but if _region_start has been reset, then we need
+ * to use this modified computation.
+ */
+ ARDOUR::framepos_t region_end() const;
+ /** If true, calls to get_image() will render a missing wave image
+ in the calling thread. Generally set to false, but true after a
+ call to set_height().
+ */
+ mutable bool get_image_in_thread;
+ /** Set to true by render(). Used so that we know if the wave view
+ * has actually been displayed on screen. ::set_height() when this
+ * is true does not use get_image_in_thread, because it implies
+ * that the height is being set BEFORE the waveview is drawn.
+ */
+ mutable bool rendered;
PBD::ScopedConnectionList invalidation_connection;
- PBD::ScopedConnection _source_invalidated_connection;
+ PBD::ScopedConnection image_ready_connection;
static double _global_gradient_depth;
static bool _global_logscaled;
@@ -202,11 +351,37 @@ private:
void handle_visual_property_change ();
void handle_clip_level_change ();
- void get_image (Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface>& image, framepos_t start, framepos_t end, double& image_offset) const;
+ boost::shared_ptr<WaveViewCache::Entry> get_image (framepos_t start, framepos_t end) const;
+ boost::shared_ptr<WaveViewCache::Entry> get_image_from_cache (framepos_t start, framepos_t end) const;
ArdourCanvas::Coord y_extent (double, bool) const;
+ void draw_image (Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface>&, ARDOUR::PeakData*, int n_peaks, boost::shared_ptr<WaveViewThreadRequest>) const;
void draw_absent_image (Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface>&, ARDOUR::PeakData*, int) const;
- void draw_image (Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface>&, ARDOUR::PeakData*, int) const;
+ void cancel_my_render_request () const;
+ void queue_get_image (boost::shared_ptr<const ARDOUR::Region> region, framepos_t start, framepos_t end) const;
+ void generate_image (boost::shared_ptr<WaveViewThreadRequest>, bool in_render_thread) const;
+ boost::shared_ptr<WaveViewCache::Entry> cache_request_result (boost::shared_ptr<WaveViewThreadRequest> req) const;
+ void image_ready ();
+ mutable boost::shared_ptr<WaveViewCache::Entry> _current_image;
+ mutable boost::shared_ptr<WaveViewThreadRequest> current_request;
+ void send_request (boost::shared_ptr<WaveViewThreadRequest>) const;
+ bool idle_send_request (boost::shared_ptr<WaveViewThreadRequest>) const;
+ static WaveViewCache* images;
+ static void drawing_thread ();
+ static gint drawing_thread_should_quit;
+ static Glib::Threads::Mutex request_queue_lock;
+ static Glib::Threads::Cond request_cond;
+ static Glib::Threads::Thread* _drawing_thread;
+ typedef std::set<WaveView const *> DrawingRequestQueue;
+ static DrawingRequestQueue request_queue;