path: root/libs/ardour/
diff options
authorRobin Gareus <>2016-09-20 19:46:07 +0200
committerRobin Gareus <>2016-09-20 19:52:56 +0200
commit20ebf10ba3d90df115695bc7b3872865430cbfdb (patch)
tree58520f6345b9a6e1f18377ca9338e376ece442a5 /libs/ardour/
parent441eaebd92f815dd5bc304e3788e2fd0310667d8 (diff)
initial support for archiving sessions
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/ardour/')
1 files changed, 245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/ardour/ b/libs/ardour/
index 682e212ad1..312233c9df 100644
--- a/libs/ardour/
+++ b/libs/ardour/
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
#include "pbd/debug.h"
#include "pbd/enumwriter.h"
#include "pbd/error.h"
+#include "pbd/file_archive.h"
#include "pbd/file_utils.h"
#include "pbd/pathexpand.h"
#include "pbd/pthread_utils.h"
@@ -102,6 +103,7 @@
#include "ardour/playlist_source.h"
#include "ardour/port.h"
#include "ardour/processor.h"
+#include "ardour/progress.h"
#include "ardour/profile.h"
#include "ardour/proxy_controllable.h"
#include "ardour/recent_sessions.h"
@@ -4929,6 +4931,249 @@ Session::save_as (SaveAs& saveas)
return 0;
+static void set_progress (Progress* p, size_t n, size_t t)
+ p->set_progress (float (n) / float(t));
+Session::archive_session (const std::string& dest, const std::string& name, Progress* progress)
+ if (dest.empty () || name.empty ()) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* save current values */
+ bool was_dirty = dirty ();
+ string old_path = _path;
+ string old_name = _name;
+ string old_snapshot = _current_snapshot_name;
+ string old_sd = _session_dir->root_path();
+ string old_config_search_path[DataType::num_types];
+ old_config_search_path[DataType::AUDIO] = config.get_audio_search_path ();
+ old_config_search_path[DataType::MIDI] = config.get_midi_search_path ();
+ /* ensure that session-path is included in search-path */
+ bool ok = false;
+ for (vector<space_and_path>::const_iterator sd = session_dirs.begin(); sd != session_dirs.end(); ++sd) {
+ if ((*sd).path == old_path) {
+ ok = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ok) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* create temporary dir to save session to */
+ char tmp[256] = "C:\\TEMP\\";
+ GetTempPath (sizeof (tmp), tmp);
+ char const* tmp = getenv("TMPDIR");
+ if (!tmp) {
+ tmp = "/tmp/";
+ }
+ if ((strlen (tmp) + 21) > 1024) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ char tmptpl[1024];
+ strcpy (tmptpl, tmp);
+ strcat (tmptpl, "ardourarchive-XXXXXX");
+ char* tmpdir = g_mkdtemp (tmptpl);
+ if (!tmpdir) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ std::string to_dir = std::string (tmpdir);
+ /* switch session directory temporarily */
+ (*_session_dir) = to_dir;
+ if (!_session_dir->create()) {
+ (*_session_dir) = old_sd;
+ remove_directory (to_dir);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* prepare archive */
+ string archive = Glib::build_filename (dest, name + ".tar.xz");
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ cout << "ARCHIVE: " << archive << "\n";
+ PBD::ScopedConnectionList progress_connection;
+ PBD::FileArchive ar (archive);
+ if (progress) {
+ ar.progress.connect_same_thread (progress_connection, boost::bind (&set_progress, progress, _1, _2));
+ }
+ /* collect files to archive */
+ std::map<string,string> filemap;
+ vector<string> do_not_copy_extensions;
+ do_not_copy_extensions.push_back (statefile_suffix);
+ do_not_copy_extensions.push_back (pending_suffix);
+ do_not_copy_extensions.push_back (backup_suffix);
+ do_not_copy_extensions.push_back (temp_suffix);
+ do_not_copy_extensions.push_back (history_suffix);
+ vector<string> blacklist_dirs;
+ blacklist_dirs.push_back (string (peak_dir_name) + G_DIR_SEPARATOR);
+ blacklist_dirs.push_back (string (analysis_dir_name) + G_DIR_SEPARATOR);
+ blacklist_dirs.push_back (string (dead_dir_name) + G_DIR_SEPARATOR);
+ blacklist_dirs.push_back (string (export_dir_name) + G_DIR_SEPARATOR);
+ blacklist_dirs.push_back (string (externals_dir_name) + G_DIR_SEPARATOR);
+ // TODO: *force* state-save even if not changed, retain state-dir
+ //blacklist_dirs.push_back (string (plugins_dir_name) + G_DIR_SEPARATOR);
+ /* index files relevant for this session */
+ for (vector<space_and_path>::const_iterator sd = session_dirs.begin(); sd != session_dirs.end(); ++sd) {
+ vector<string> files;
+ size_t prefix_len = (*sd).path.size();
+ if (prefix_len > 0 && (*sd) (prefix_len - 1) != G_DIR_SEPARATOR) {
+ ++prefix_len;
+ }
+ find_files_matching_filter (files, (*sd).path, accept_all_files, 0, false, true, true);
+ static const std::string audiofile_dir_string = string (sound_dir_name) + G_DIR_SEPARATOR;
+ static const std::string videofile_dir_string = string (video_dir_name) + G_DIR_SEPARATOR;
+ static const std::string midifile_dir_string = string (midi_dir_name) + G_DIR_SEPARATOR;
+ for (vector<string>::const_iterator i = files.begin (); i != files.end (); ++i) {
+ std::string from = *i;
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+ string filename = Glib::path_get_basename (from);
+ std::transform (filename.begin(), filename.end(), filename.begin(), ::toupper);
+ if (filename == ".DS_STORE") {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (from.find (audiofile_dir_string) != string::npos) {
+ // TODO optionally .flac encode
+ filemap[from] = make_new_media_path (from, name, name);
+ } else if (from.find (midifile_dir_string) != string::npos) {
+ filemap[from] = make_new_media_path (from, name, name);
+ } else if (from.find (videofile_dir_string) != string::npos) {
+ filemap[from] = make_new_media_path (from, name, name);
+ } else {
+ bool do_copy = true;
+ for (vector<string>::iterator v = blacklist_dirs.begin(); v != blacklist_dirs.end(); ++v) {
+ if (from.find (*v) != string::npos) {
+ do_copy = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (vector<string>::iterator v = do_not_copy_extensions.begin(); v != do_not_copy_extensions.end(); ++v) {
+ if ((from.length() > (*v).length()) && (from.find (*v) == from.length() - (*v).length())) {
+ do_copy = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (do_copy) {
+ filemap[from] = name + G_DIR_SEPARATOR + from.substr (prefix_len);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* include external media */
+ {
+ Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock lm (source_lock);
+ for (SourceMap::const_iterator i = sources.begin(); i != sources.end(); ++i) {
+ boost::shared_ptr<FileSource> fs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<FileSource> (i->second);
+ if (!fs) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (fs->within_session()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (fs->type () != DataType::AUDIO) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ std::string from = fs->path();
+ filemap[from] = make_new_media_path (from, name, name);
+ remove_dir_from_search_path (Glib::path_get_dirname (from), DataType::AUDIO);
+ }
+ }
+ /* write session file */
+ _path = to_dir;
+ g_mkdir_with_parents (externals_dir ().c_str (), 0755);
+ // this messes up LV2 plugin state.. state-dir XXX
+ save_state (name, false, false, false);
+ save_default_options ();
+ size_t prefix_len = _path.size();
+ if (prefix_len > 0 && (prefix_len - 1) != G_DIR_SEPARATOR) {
+ ++prefix_len;
+ }
+ /* collect session-state files */
+ vector<string> files;
+ do_not_copy_extensions.clear ();
+ do_not_copy_extensions.push_back (history_suffix);
+ blacklist_dirs.clear ();
+ blacklist_dirs.push_back (string (externals_dir_name) + G_DIR_SEPARATOR);
+ find_files_matching_filter (files, to_dir, accept_all_files, 0, false, true, true);
+ for (vector<string>::const_iterator i = files.begin (); i != files.end (); ++i) {
+ std::string from = *i;
+ bool do_copy = true;
+ for (vector<string>::iterator v = blacklist_dirs.begin(); v != blacklist_dirs.end(); ++v) {
+ if (from.find (*v) != string::npos) {
+ do_copy = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (vector<string>::iterator v = do_not_copy_extensions.begin(); v != do_not_copy_extensions.end(); ++v) {
+ if ((from.length() > (*v).length()) && (from.find (*v) == from.length() - (*v).length())) {
+ do_copy = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (do_copy) {
+ filemap[from] = name + G_DIR_SEPARATOR + from.substr (prefix_len);
+ }
+ }
+ /* restore original values */
+ _path = old_path;
+ _name = old_name;
+ set_snapshot_name (old_snapshot);
+ (*_session_dir) = old_sd;
+ if (was_dirty) {
+ set_dirty ();
+ }
+ config.set_audio_search_path (old_config_search_path[DataType::AUDIO]);
+ config.set_midi_search_path (old_config_search_path[DataType::MIDI]);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ /* done -- now zip */
+ for (std::map<string,string>::const_iterator i = filemap.begin(); i != filemap.end (); ++i) {
+ cout << "archive " << (*i).first << " as " << (*i).second << "\n";
+ }
+ int rv = ar.create (filemap);
+ remove_directory (to_dir);
+ return rv;
Session::undo (uint32_t n)