path: root/libs/ardour/
diff options
authorDoug McLain <>2008-06-02 05:02:28 +0000
committerDoug McLain <>2008-06-02 05:02:28 +0000
commit9c0d7d72d70082a54f823cd44c0ccda5da64bb6f (patch)
tree96ec400b83b8c1c06852b1936f684b5fbcd47a79 /libs/ardour/
parent2f3f697bb8e185eb43c2c50b4eefc2bcb937f269 (diff)
remove empty sigc++2 directory
git-svn-id: svn://localhost/ardour2/branches/3.0@3432 d708f5d6-7413-0410-9779-e7cbd77b26cf
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/ardour/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 4273 deletions
diff --git a/libs/ardour/ b/libs/ardour/
deleted file mode 100644
index ff269cc931..0000000000
--- a/libs/ardour/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4273 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Paul Davis
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <cstdio> /* sprintf(3) ... grrr */
-#include <cmath>
-#include <cerrno>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <sigc++/bind.h>
-#include <sigc++/retype.h>
-#include <glibmm/thread.h>
-#include <glibmm/miscutils.h>
-#include <glibmm/fileutils.h>
-#include <pbd/error.h>
-#include <glibmm/thread.h>
-#include <pbd/pathscanner.h>
-#include <pbd/stl_delete.h>
-#include <pbd/basename.h>
-#include <pbd/stacktrace.h>
-#include <pbd/file_utils.h>
-#include <ardour/audioengine.h>
-#include <ardour/configuration.h>
-#include <ardour/session.h>
-#include <ardour/session_directory.h>
-#include <ardour/utils.h>
-#include <ardour/audio_diskstream.h>
-#include <ardour/audioplaylist.h>
-#include <ardour/audioregion.h>
-#include <ardour/audiofilesource.h>
-#include <ardour/midi_diskstream.h>
-#include <ardour/midi_playlist.h>
-#include <ardour/midi_region.h>
-#include <ardour/smf_source.h>
-#include <ardour/auditioner.h>
-#include <ardour/recent_sessions.h>
-#include <ardour/io_processor.h>
-#include <ardour/send.h>
-#include <ardour/processor.h>
-#include <ardour/plugin_insert.h>
-#include <ardour/port_insert.h>
-#include <ardour/auto_bundle.h>
-#include <ardour/slave.h>
-#include <ardour/tempo.h>
-#include <ardour/audio_track.h>
-#include <ardour/midi_track.h>
-#include <ardour/cycle_timer.h>
-#include <ardour/named_selection.h>
-#include <ardour/crossfade.h>
-#include <ardour/playlist.h>
-#include <ardour/click.h>
-#include <ardour/data_type.h>
-#include <ardour/buffer_set.h>
-#include <ardour/source_factory.h>
-#include <ardour/region_factory.h>
-#include <ardour/filename_extensions.h>
-#include <ardour/session_directory.h>
-#include <ardour/tape_file_matcher.h>
-#include <ardour/analyser.h>
-#ifdef HAVE_LIBLO
-#include <ardour/osc.h>
-#include "i18n.h"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace ARDOUR;
-using namespace PBD;
-using boost::shared_ptr;
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-static const int CPU_CACHE_ALIGN = 64;
-static const int CPU_CACHE_ALIGN = 16; /* arguably 32 on most arches, but it matters less */
-bool Session::_disable_all_loaded_plugins = false;
-Session::compute_peak_t Session::compute_peak = 0;
-Session::find_peaks_t Session::find_peaks = 0;
-Session::apply_gain_to_buffer_t Session::apply_gain_to_buffer = 0;
-Session::mix_buffers_with_gain_t Session::mix_buffers_with_gain = 0;
-Session::mix_buffers_no_gain_t Session::mix_buffers_no_gain = 0;
-sigc::signal<void,std::string> Session::Dialog;
-sigc::signal<int> Session::AskAboutPendingState;
-sigc::signal<int,nframes_t,nframes_t> Session::AskAboutSampleRateMismatch;
-sigc::signal<void> Session::SendFeedback;
-sigc::signal<void> Session::SMPTEOffsetChanged;
-sigc::signal<void> Session::StartTimeChanged;
-sigc::signal<void> Session::EndTimeChanged;
-sigc::signal<void> Session::AutoBindingOn;
-sigc::signal<void> Session::AutoBindingOff;
-Session::Session (AudioEngine &eng,
- const string& fullpath,
- const string& snapshot_name,
- string mix_template)
- : _engine (eng),
- _scratch_buffers(new BufferSet()),
- _silent_buffers(new BufferSet()),
- _mix_buffers(new BufferSet()),
- _mmc_port (default_mmc_port),
- _mtc_port (default_mtc_port),
- _midi_port (default_midi_port),
- _session_dir (new SessionDirectory(fullpath)),
- pending_events (2048),
- post_transport_work((PostTransportWork)0),
- _send_smpte_update (false),
- midi_requests (128),
- diskstreams (new DiskstreamList),
- routes (new RouteList),
- auditioner ((Auditioner*) 0),
- _bundle_xml_node (0),
- _click_io ((IO*) 0),
- main_outs (0)
- bool new_session;
- if (!eng.connected()) {
- throw failed_constructor();
- }
- cerr << "Loading session " << fullpath << " using snapshot " << snapshot_name << " (1)" << endl;
- n_physical_outputs = _engine.n_physical_outputs();
- n_physical_inputs = _engine.n_physical_inputs();
- first_stage_init (fullpath, snapshot_name);
- new_session = !Glib::file_test (_path, Glib::FileTest (G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS | G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR));
- if (new_session) {
- if (create (new_session, mix_template, compute_initial_length())) {
- destroy ();
- throw failed_constructor ();
- }
- }
- if (second_stage_init (new_session)) {
- destroy ();
- throw failed_constructor ();
- }
- store_recent_sessions(_name, _path);
- bool was_dirty = dirty();
- _state_of_the_state = StateOfTheState (_state_of_the_state & ~Dirty);
- Config->ParameterChanged.connect (mem_fun (*this, &Session::config_changed));
- if (was_dirty) {
- DirtyChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
- }
-Session::Session (AudioEngine &eng,
- string fullpath,
- string snapshot_name,
- AutoConnectOption input_ac,
- AutoConnectOption output_ac,
- uint32_t control_out_channels,
- uint32_t master_out_channels,
- uint32_t requested_physical_in,
- uint32_t requested_physical_out,
- nframes_t initial_length)
- : _engine (eng),
- _scratch_buffers(new BufferSet()),
- _silent_buffers(new BufferSet()),
- _mix_buffers(new BufferSet()),
- _mmc_port (default_mmc_port),
- _mtc_port (default_mtc_port),
- _midi_port (default_midi_port),
- _session_dir ( new SessionDirectory(fullpath)),
- pending_events (2048),
- post_transport_work((PostTransportWork)0),
- _send_smpte_update (false),
- midi_requests (16),
- diskstreams (new DiskstreamList),
- routes (new RouteList),
- _bundle_xml_node (0),
- main_outs (0)
- bool new_session;
- if (!eng.connected()) {
- throw failed_constructor();
- }
- cerr << "Loading session " << fullpath << " using snapshot " << snapshot_name << " (2)" << endl;
- n_physical_outputs = _engine.n_physical_outputs();
- n_physical_inputs = _engine.n_physical_inputs();
- if (n_physical_inputs) {
- n_physical_inputs = max (requested_physical_in, n_physical_inputs);
- }
- if (n_physical_outputs) {
- n_physical_outputs = max (requested_physical_out, n_physical_outputs);
- }
- first_stage_init (fullpath, snapshot_name);
- new_session = !g_file_test (_path.c_str(), GFileTest (G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS | G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR));
- if (new_session) {
- if (create (new_session, string(), initial_length)) {
- destroy ();
- throw failed_constructor ();
- }
- }
- {
- /* set up Master Out and Control Out if necessary */
- RouteList rl;
- int control_id = 1;
- if (control_out_channels) {
- shared_ptr<Route> r (new Route (*this, _("monitor"), -1, control_out_channels, -1, control_out_channels, Route::ControlOut));
- r->set_remote_control_id (control_id++);
- rl.push_back (r);
- }
- if (master_out_channels) {
- shared_ptr<Route> r (new Route (*this, _("master"), -1, master_out_channels, -1, master_out_channels, Route::MasterOut));
- r->set_remote_control_id (control_id);
- rl.push_back (r);
- } else {
- /* prohibit auto-connect to master, because there isn't one */
- output_ac = AutoConnectOption (output_ac & ~AutoConnectMaster);
- }
- if (!rl.empty()) {
- add_routes (rl, false);
- }
- }
- Config->set_input_auto_connect (input_ac);
- Config->set_output_auto_connect (output_ac);
- if (second_stage_init (new_session)) {
- destroy ();
- throw failed_constructor ();
- }
- store_recent_sessions (_name, _path);
- _state_of_the_state = StateOfTheState (_state_of_the_state & ~Dirty);
- Config->ParameterChanged.connect (mem_fun (*this, &Session::config_changed));
-Session::~Session ()
- destroy ();
-Session::destroy ()
- /* if we got to here, leaving pending capture state around
- is a mistake.
- */
- remove_pending_capture_state ();
- _state_of_the_state = StateOfTheState (CannotSave|Deletion);
- _engine.remove_session ();
- GoingAway (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
- /* do this */
- notify_callbacks ();
- /* clear history so that no references to objects are held any more */
- _history.clear ();
- /* clear state tree so that no references to objects are held any more */
- if (state_tree) {
- delete state_tree;
- }
- terminate_butler_thread ();
- //terminate_midi_thread ();
- if (click_data && click_data != default_click) {
- delete [] click_data;
- }
- if (click_emphasis_data && click_emphasis_data != default_click_emphasis) {
- delete [] click_emphasis_data;
- }
- clear_clicks ();
- delete _scratch_buffers;
- delete _silent_buffers;
- delete _mix_buffers;
- AudioDiskstream::free_working_buffers();
- Route::SyncOrderKeys.clear();
- cerr << "delete named selections\n";
- for (NamedSelectionList::iterator i = named_selections.begin(); i != named_selections.end(); ) {
- NamedSelectionList::iterator tmp;
- tmp = i;
- ++tmp;
- delete *i;
- i = tmp;
- }
- cerr << "delete playlists\n";
- for (PlaylistList::iterator i = playlists.begin(); i != playlists.end(); ) {
- PlaylistList::iterator tmp;
- tmp = i;
- ++tmp;
- (*i)->drop_references ();
- i = tmp;
- }
- for (PlaylistList::iterator i = unused_playlists.begin(); i != unused_playlists.end(); ) {
- PlaylistList::iterator tmp;
- tmp = i;
- ++tmp;
- (*i)->drop_references ();
- i = tmp;
- }
- playlists.clear ();
- unused_playlists.clear ();
- cerr << "delete regions\n";
- for (RegionList::iterator i = regions.begin(); i != regions.end(); ) {
- RegionList::iterator tmp;
- tmp = i;
- ++tmp;
- i->second->drop_references ();
- i = tmp;
- }
- regions.clear ();
- cerr << "delete routes\n";
- {
- RCUWriter<RouteList> writer (routes);
- boost::shared_ptr<RouteList> r = writer.get_copy ();
- for (RouteList::iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- (*i)->drop_references ();
- }
- r->clear ();
- /* writer goes out of scope and updates master */
- }
- routes.flush ();
- cerr << "delete diskstreams\n";
- {
- RCUWriter<DiskstreamList> dwriter (diskstreams);
- boost::shared_ptr<DiskstreamList> dsl = dwriter.get_copy();
- for (DiskstreamList::iterator i = dsl->begin(); i != dsl->end(); ++i) {
- (*i)->drop_references ();
- }
- dsl->clear ();
- }
- diskstreams.flush ();
- cerr << "delete audio sources\n";
- for (SourceMap::iterator i = sources.begin(); i != sources.end(); ) {
- SourceMap::iterator tmp;
- tmp = i;
- ++tmp;
- i->second->drop_references ();
- i = tmp;
- }
- sources.clear ();
- cerr << "delete mix groups\n";
- for (list<RouteGroup *>::iterator i = mix_groups.begin(); i != mix_groups.end(); ) {
- list<RouteGroup*>::iterator tmp;
- tmp = i;
- ++tmp;
- delete *i;
- i = tmp;
- }
- cerr << "delete edit groups\n";
- for (list<RouteGroup *>::iterator i = edit_groups.begin(); i != edit_groups.end(); ) {
- list<RouteGroup*>::iterator tmp;
- tmp = i;
- ++tmp;
- delete *i;
- i = tmp;
- }
- if (butler_mixdown_buffer) {
- delete [] butler_mixdown_buffer;
- }
- if (butler_gain_buffer) {
- delete [] butler_gain_buffer;
- }
- Crossfade::set_buffer_size (0);
- if (mmc) {
- delete mmc;
- }
-Session::set_worst_io_latencies ()
- _worst_output_latency = 0;
- _worst_input_latency = 0;
- if (!_engine.connected()) {
- return;
- }
- boost::shared_ptr<RouteList> r = routes.reader ();
- for (RouteList::iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- _worst_output_latency = max (_worst_output_latency, (*i)->output_latency());
- _worst_input_latency = max (_worst_input_latency, (*i)->input_latency());
- }
-Session::when_engine_running ()
- string first_physical_output;
- /* we don't want to run execute this again */
- BootMessage (_("Set block size and sample rate"));
- set_block_size (_engine.frames_per_cycle());
- set_frame_rate (_engine.frame_rate());
- BootMessage (_("Using configuration"));
- Config->map_parameters (mem_fun (*this, &Session::config_changed));
- /* every time we reconnect, recompute worst case output latencies */
- _engine.Running.connect (mem_fun (*this, &Session::set_worst_io_latencies));
- if (synced_to_jack()) {
- _engine.transport_stop ();
- }
- if (Config->get_jack_time_master()) {
- _engine.transport_locate (_transport_frame);
- }
- _clicking = false;
- try {
- XMLNode* child = 0;
- _click_io.reset (new ClickIO (*this, "click", 0, 0, -1, -1));
- if (state_tree && (child = find_named_node (*state_tree->root(), "Click")) != 0) {
- /* existing state for Click */
- if (_click_io->set_state (*child->children().front()) == 0) {
- _clicking = Config->get_clicking ();
- } else {
- error << _("could not setup Click I/O") << endmsg;
- _clicking = false;
- }
- } else {
- /* default state for Click */
- first_physical_output = _engine.get_nth_physical_output (DataType::AUDIO, 0);
- if (first_physical_output.length()) {
- if (_click_io->add_output_port (first_physical_output, this)) {
- // relax, even though its an error
- } else {
- _clicking = Config->get_clicking ();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- catch (failed_constructor& err) {
- error << _("cannot setup Click I/O") << endmsg;
- }
- BootMessage (_("Compute I/O Latencies"));
- set_worst_io_latencies ();
- if (_clicking) {
- }
- /* Create a set of Bundle objects that map
- to the physical outputs currently available
- */
- BootMessage (_("Set up standard connections"));
- /* ONE: MONO */
- for (uint32_t np = 0; np < n_physical_outputs; ++np) {
- char buf[32];
- snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("out %" PRIu32), np+1);
- shared_ptr<AutoBundle> c (new AutoBundle (buf, true));
- c->set_channels (1);
- c->set_port (0, _engine.get_nth_physical_output (DataType::AUDIO, np));
- add_bundle (c);
- }
- for (uint32_t np = 0; np < n_physical_inputs; ++np) {
- char buf[32];
- snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("in %" PRIu32), np+1);
- shared_ptr<AutoBundle> c (new AutoBundle (buf, false));
- c->set_channels (1);
- c->set_port (0, _engine.get_nth_physical_input (DataType::AUDIO, np));
- add_bundle (c);
- }
- /* TWO: STEREO */
- for (uint32_t np = 0; np < n_physical_outputs; np +=2) {
- char buf[32];
- snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("out %" PRIu32 "+%" PRIu32), np+1, np+2);
- shared_ptr<AutoBundle> c (new AutoBundle (buf, true));
- c->set_channels (2);
- c->set_port (0, _engine.get_nth_physical_output (DataType::AUDIO, np));
- c->set_port (1, _engine.get_nth_physical_output (DataType::AUDIO, np + 1));
- add_bundle (c);
- }
- for (uint32_t np = 0; np < n_physical_inputs; np +=2) {
- char buf[32];
- snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("in %" PRIu32 "+%" PRIu32), np+1, np+2);
- shared_ptr<AutoBundle> c (new AutoBundle (buf, false));
- c->set_channels (2);
- c->set_port (0, _engine.get_nth_physical_input (DataType::AUDIO, np));
- c->set_port (1, _engine.get_nth_physical_input (DataType::AUDIO, np + 1));
- add_bundle (c);
- }
- if (_master_out) {
- /* create master/control ports */
- if (_master_out) {
- uint32_t n;
- /* force the master to ignore any later call to this */
- if (_master_out->pending_state_node) {
- _master_out->ports_became_legal();
- }
- /* no panner resets till we are through */
- _master_out->defer_pan_reset ();
- while (_master_out->n_inputs().n_audio()
- < _master_out->input_maximum().n_audio()) {
- if (_master_out->add_input_port ("", this, DataType::AUDIO)) {
- error << _("cannot setup master inputs")
- << endmsg;
- break;
- }
- }
- n = 0;
- while (_master_out->n_outputs().n_audio()
- < _master_out->output_maximum().n_audio()) {
- if (_master_out->add_output_port (_engine.get_nth_physical_output (DataType::AUDIO, n), this, DataType::AUDIO)) {
- error << _("cannot setup master outputs")
- << endmsg;
- break;
- }
- n++;
- }
- _master_out->allow_pan_reset ();
- }
- shared_ptr<AutoBundle> c (new AutoBundle (_("Master Out"), true));
- c->set_channels (_master_out->n_inputs().n_total());
- for (uint32_t n = 0; n < _master_out->n_inputs ().n_total(); ++n) {
- c->set_port (n, _master_out->input(n)->name());
- }
- add_bundle (c);
- }
- BootMessage (_("Setup signal flow and plugins"));
- hookup_io ();
- /* catch up on send+insert cnts */
- BootMessage (_("Catch up with send/insert state"));
- insert_cnt = 0;
- for (list<PortInsert*>::iterator i = _port_inserts.begin(); i != _port_inserts.end(); ++i) {
- uint32_t id;
- if (sscanf ((*i)->name().c_str(), "%*s %u", &id) == 1) {
- if (id > insert_cnt) {
- insert_cnt = id;
- }
- }
- }
- send_cnt = 0;
- for (list<Send*>::iterator i = _sends.begin(); i != _sends.end(); ++i) {
- uint32_t id;
- if (sscanf ((*i)->name().c_str(), "%*s %u", &id) == 1) {
- if (id > send_cnt) {
- send_cnt = id;
- }
- }
- }
- _state_of_the_state = StateOfTheState (_state_of_the_state & ~(CannotSave|Dirty));
- /* hook us up to the engine */
- BootMessage (_("Connect to engine"));
- _engine.set_session (this);
-#ifdef HAVE_LIBLO
- /* and to OSC */
- BootMessage (_("OSC startup"));
- osc->set_session (*this);
-Session::hookup_io ()
- /* stop graph reordering notifications from
- causing resorts, etc.
- */
- _state_of_the_state = StateOfTheState (_state_of_the_state | InitialConnecting);
- if (auditioner == 0) {
- /* we delay creating the auditioner till now because
- it makes its own connections to ports.
- the engine has to be running for this to work.
- */
- try {
- auditioner.reset (new Auditioner (*this));
- }
- catch (failed_constructor& err) {
- warning << _("cannot create Auditioner: no auditioning of regions possible") << endmsg;
- }
- }
- /* Tell all IO objects to create their ports */
- IO::enable_ports ();
- if (_control_out) {
- uint32_t n;
- vector<string> cports;
- while (_control_out->n_inputs().n_audio() < _control_out->input_maximum().n_audio()) {
- if (_control_out->add_input_port ("", this)) {
- error << _("cannot setup control inputs")
- << endmsg;
- break;
- }
- }
- n = 0;
- while (_control_out->n_outputs().n_audio() < _control_out->output_maximum().n_audio()) {
- if (_control_out->add_output_port (_engine.get_nth_physical_output (DataType::AUDIO, n), this)) {
- error << _("cannot set up master outputs")
- << endmsg;
- break;
- }
- n++;
- }
- uint32_t ni = _control_out->n_inputs().get (DataType::AUDIO);
- for (n = 0; n < ni; ++n) {
- cports.push_back (_control_out->input(n)->name());
- }
- boost::shared_ptr<RouteList> r = routes.reader ();
- for (RouteList::iterator x = r->begin(); x != r->end(); ++x) {
- (*x)->set_control_outs (cports);
- }
- }
- /* load bundles, which we may have postponed earlier on */
- if (_bundle_xml_node) {
- load_bundles (*_bundle_xml_node);
- delete _bundle_xml_node;
- }
- /* Tell all IO objects to connect themselves together */
- IO::enable_connecting ();
- /* Now reset all panners */
- IO::reset_panners ();
- /* Anyone who cares about input state, wake up and do something */
- IOConnectionsComplete (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
- _state_of_the_state = StateOfTheState (_state_of_the_state & ~InitialConnecting);
- /* now handle the whole enchilada as if it was one
- graph reorder event.
- */
- graph_reordered ();
- /* update mixer solo state */
- catch_up_on_solo();
-Session::playlist_length_changed ()
- /* we can't just increase end_location->end() if pl->get_maximum_extent()
- if larger. if the playlist used to be the longest playlist,
- and its now shorter, we have to decrease end_location->end(). hence,
- we have to iterate over all diskstreams and check the
- playlists currently in use.
- */
- find_current_end ();
-Session::diskstream_playlist_changed (boost::shared_ptr<Diskstream> dstream)
- boost::shared_ptr<Playlist> playlist;
- if ((playlist = dstream->playlist()) != 0) {
- playlist->LengthChanged.connect (mem_fun (this, &Session::playlist_length_changed));
- }
- /* see comment in playlist_length_changed () */
- find_current_end ();
-Session::record_enabling_legal () const
- /* this used to be in here, but survey says.... we don't need to restrict it */
- // if (record_status() == Recording) {
- // return false;
- // }
- if (Config->get_all_safe()) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-Session::reset_input_monitor_state ()
- if (transport_rolling()) {
- boost::shared_ptr<DiskstreamList> dsl = diskstreams.reader();
- for (DiskstreamList::iterator i = dsl->begin(); i != dsl->end(); ++i) {
- if ((*i)->record_enabled ()) {
- //cerr << "switching to input = " << !auto_input << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << endl << endl;
- (*i)->monitor_input (Config->get_monitoring_model() == HardwareMonitoring && !Config->get_auto_input());
- }
- }
- } else {
- boost::shared_ptr<DiskstreamList> dsl = diskstreams.reader();
- for (DiskstreamList::iterator i = dsl->begin(); i != dsl->end(); ++i) {
- if ((*i)->record_enabled ()) {
- //cerr << "switching to input = " << !Config->get_auto_input() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << endl << endl;
- (*i)->monitor_input (Config->get_monitoring_model() == HardwareMonitoring);
- }
- }
- }
-Session::auto_punch_start_changed (Location* location)
- replace_event (Event::PunchIn, location->start());
- if (get_record_enabled() && Config->get_punch_in()) {
- /* capture start has been changed, so save new pending state */
- save_state ("", true);
- }
-Session::auto_punch_end_changed (Location* location)
- nframes_t when_to_stop = location->end();
- // when_to_stop += _worst_output_latency + _worst_input_latency;
- replace_event (Event::PunchOut, when_to_stop);
-Session::auto_punch_changed (Location* location)
- nframes_t when_to_stop = location->end();
- replace_event (Event::PunchIn, location->start());
- //when_to_stop += _worst_output_latency + _worst_input_latency;
- replace_event (Event::PunchOut, when_to_stop);
-Session::auto_loop_changed (Location* location)
- replace_event (Event::AutoLoop, location->end(), location->start());
- if (transport_rolling() && play_loop) {
- //if (_transport_frame < location->start() || _transport_frame > location->end()) {
- if (_transport_frame > location->end()) {
- // relocate to beginning of loop
- clear_events (Event::LocateRoll);
- request_locate (location->start(), true);
- }
- else if (Config->get_seamless_loop() && !loop_changing) {
- // schedule a locate-roll to refill the diskstreams at the
- // previous loop end
- loop_changing = true;
- if (location->end() > last_loopend) {
- clear_events (Event::LocateRoll);
- Event *ev = new Event (Event::LocateRoll, Event::Add, last_loopend, last_loopend, 0, true);
- queue_event (ev);
- }
- }
- }
- last_loopend = location->end();
-Session::set_auto_punch_location (Location* location)
- Location* existing;
- if ((existing = _locations.auto_punch_location()) != 0 && existing != location) {
- auto_punch_start_changed_connection.disconnect();
- auto_punch_end_changed_connection.disconnect();
- auto_punch_changed_connection.disconnect();
- existing->set_auto_punch (false, this);
- remove_event (existing->start(), Event::PunchIn);
- clear_events (Event::PunchOut);
- auto_punch_location_changed (0);
- }
- set_dirty();
- if (location == 0) {
- return;
- }
- if (location->end() <= location->start()) {
- error << _("Session: you can't use that location for auto punch (start <= end)") << endmsg;
- return;
- }
- auto_punch_start_changed_connection.disconnect();
- auto_punch_end_changed_connection.disconnect();
- auto_punch_changed_connection.disconnect();
- auto_punch_start_changed_connection = location->start_changed.connect (mem_fun (this, &Session::auto_punch_start_changed));
- auto_punch_end_changed_connection = location->end_changed.connect (mem_fun (this, &Session::auto_punch_end_changed));
- auto_punch_changed_connection = location->changed.connect (mem_fun (this, &Session::auto_punch_changed));
- location->set_auto_punch (true, this);
- auto_punch_changed (location);
- auto_punch_location_changed (location);
-Session::set_auto_loop_location (Location* location)
- Location* existing;
- if ((existing = _locations.auto_loop_location()) != 0 && existing != location) {
- auto_loop_start_changed_connection.disconnect();
- auto_loop_end_changed_connection.disconnect();
- auto_loop_changed_connection.disconnect();
- existing->set_auto_loop (false, this);
- remove_event (existing->end(), Event::AutoLoop);
- auto_loop_location_changed (0);
- }
- set_dirty();
- if (location == 0) {
- return;
- }
- if (location->end() <= location->start()) {
- error << _("Session: you can't use a mark for auto loop") << endmsg;
- return;
- }
- last_loopend = location->end();
- auto_loop_start_changed_connection.disconnect();
- auto_loop_end_changed_connection.disconnect();
- auto_loop_changed_connection.disconnect();
- auto_loop_start_changed_connection = location->start_changed.connect (mem_fun (this, &Session::auto_loop_changed));
- auto_loop_end_changed_connection = location->end_changed.connect (mem_fun (this, &Session::auto_loop_changed));
- auto_loop_changed_connection = location->changed.connect (mem_fun (this, &Session::auto_loop_changed));
- location->set_auto_loop (true, this);
- /* take care of our stuff first */
- auto_loop_changed (location);
- /* now tell everyone else */
- auto_loop_location_changed (location);
-Session::locations_added (Location* ignored)
- set_dirty ();
-Session::locations_changed ()
- _locations.apply (*this, &Session::handle_locations_changed);
-Session::handle_locations_changed (Locations::LocationList& locations)
- Locations::LocationList::iterator i;
- Location* location;
- bool set_loop = false;
- bool set_punch = false;
- for (i = locations.begin(); i != locations.end(); ++i) {
- location =* i;
- if (location->is_auto_punch()) {
- set_auto_punch_location (location);
- set_punch = true;
- }
- if (location->is_auto_loop()) {
- set_auto_loop_location (location);
- set_loop = true;
- }
- }
- if (!set_loop) {
- set_auto_loop_location (0);
- }
- if (!set_punch) {
- set_auto_punch_location (0);
- }
- set_dirty();
-Session::enable_record ()
- /* XXX really atomic compare+swap here */
- if (g_atomic_int_get (&_record_status) != Recording) {
- g_atomic_int_set (&_record_status, Recording);
- _last_record_location = _transport_frame;
- deliver_mmc(MIDI::MachineControl::cmdRecordStrobe, _last_record_location);
- if (Config->get_monitoring_model() == HardwareMonitoring && Config->get_auto_input()) {
- boost::shared_ptr<DiskstreamList> dsl = diskstreams.reader();
- for (DiskstreamList::iterator i = dsl->begin(); i != dsl->end(); ++i) {
- if ((*i)->record_enabled ()) {
- (*i)->monitor_input (true);
- }
- }
- }
- RecordStateChanged ();
- }
-Session::disable_record (bool rt_context, bool force)
- RecordState rs;
- if ((rs = (RecordState) g_atomic_int_get (&_record_status)) != Disabled) {
- if ((!Config->get_latched_record_enable () && !play_loop) || force) {
- g_atomic_int_set (&_record_status, Disabled);
- } else {
- if (rs == Recording) {
- g_atomic_int_set (&_record_status, Enabled);
- }
- }
- // FIXME: timestamp correct? [DR]
- // FIXME FIXME FIXME: rt_context? this must be called in the process thread.
- // does this /need/ to be sent in all cases?
- if (rt_context)
- deliver_mmc (MIDI::MachineControl::cmdRecordExit, _transport_frame);
- if (Config->get_monitoring_model() == HardwareMonitoring && Config->get_auto_input()) {
- boost::shared_ptr<DiskstreamList> dsl = diskstreams.reader();
- for (DiskstreamList::iterator i = dsl->begin(); i != dsl->end(); ++i) {
- if ((*i)->record_enabled ()) {
- (*i)->monitor_input (false);
- }
- }
- }
- RecordStateChanged (); /* emit signal */
- if (!rt_context) {
- remove_pending_capture_state ();
- }
- }
-Session::step_back_from_record ()
- /* XXX really atomic compare+swap here */
- if (g_atomic_int_get (&_record_status) == Recording) {
- g_atomic_int_set (&_record_status, Enabled);
- if (Config->get_monitoring_model() == HardwareMonitoring && Config->get_auto_input()) {
- boost::shared_ptr<DiskstreamList> dsl = diskstreams.reader();
- for (DiskstreamList::iterator i = dsl->begin(); i != dsl->end(); ++i) {
- if ((*i)->record_enabled ()) {
- //cerr << "switching from input" << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << endl << endl;
- (*i)->monitor_input (false);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-Session::maybe_enable_record ()
- g_atomic_int_set (&_record_status, Enabled);
- /* this function is currently called from somewhere other than an RT thread.
- this save_state() call therefore doesn't impact anything.
- */
- save_state ("", true);
- if (_transport_speed) {
- if (!Config->get_punch_in()) {
- enable_record ();
- }
- } else {
- deliver_mmc (MIDI::MachineControl::cmdRecordPause, _transport_frame);
- RecordStateChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
- }
- set_dirty();
-Session::audible_frame () const
- nframes_t ret;
- nframes_t offset;
- nframes_t tf;
- /* the first of these two possible settings for "offset"
- mean that the audible frame is stationary until
- audio emerges from the latency compensation
- "pseudo-pipeline".
- the second means that the audible frame is stationary
- until audio would emerge from a physical port
- in the absence of any plugin latency compensation
- */
- offset = _worst_output_latency;
- if (offset > current_block_size) {
- offset -= current_block_size;
- } else {
- /* XXX is this correct? if we have no external
- physical connections and everything is internal
- then surely this is zero? still, how
- likely is that anyway?
- */
- offset = current_block_size;
- }
- if (synced_to_jack()) {
- tf = _engine.transport_frame();
- } else {
- tf = _transport_frame;
- }
- if (_transport_speed == 0) {
- return tf;
- }
- if (tf < offset) {
- return 0;
- }
- ret = tf;
- if (!non_realtime_work_pending()) {
- /* MOVING */
- /* take latency into account */
- ret -= offset;
- }
- return ret;
-Session::set_frame_rate (nframes_t frames_per_second)
- /** \fn void Session::set_frame_size(nframes_t)
- the AudioEngine object that calls this guarantees
- that it will not be called while we are also in
- ::process(). Its fine to do things that block
- here.
- */
- _base_frame_rate = frames_per_second;
- sync_time_vars();
- Automatable::set_automation_interval ((jack_nframes_t) ceil ((double) frames_per_second * (0.001 * Config->get_automation_interval())));
- clear_clicks ();
- // XXX we need some equivalent to this, somehow
- // SndFileSource::setup_standard_crossfades (frames_per_second);
- set_dirty();
- /* XXX need to reset/reinstantiate all LADSPA plugins */
-Session::set_block_size (nframes_t nframes)
- /* the AudioEngine guarantees
- that it will not be called while we are also in
- ::process(). It is therefore fine to do things that block
- here.
- */
- {
- current_block_size = nframes;
- ensure_buffers(_scratch_buffers->available());
- if (_gain_automation_buffer) {
- delete [] _gain_automation_buffer;
- }
- _gain_automation_buffer = new gain_t[nframes];
- allocate_pan_automation_buffers (nframes, _npan_buffers, true);
- boost::shared_ptr<RouteList> r = routes.reader ();
- for (RouteList::iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- (*i)->set_block_size (nframes);
- }
- boost::shared_ptr<DiskstreamList> dsl = diskstreams.reader();
- for (DiskstreamList::iterator i = dsl->begin(); i != dsl->end(); ++i) {
- (*i)->set_block_size (nframes);
- }
- set_worst_io_latencies ();
- }
-Session::set_default_fade (float steepness, float fade_msecs)
-#if 0
- nframes_t fade_frames;
- /* Don't allow fade of less 1 frame */
- if (fade_msecs < (1000.0 * (1.0/_current_frame_rate))) {
- fade_msecs = 0;
- fade_frames = 0;
- } else {
- fade_frames = (nframes_t) floor (fade_msecs * _current_frame_rate * 0.001);
- }
- default_fade_msecs = fade_msecs;
- default_fade_steepness = steepness;
- {
- // jlc, WTF is this!
- Glib::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (route_lock);
- AudioRegion::set_default_fade (steepness, fade_frames);
- }
- set_dirty();
- /* XXX have to do this at some point */
- /* foreach region using default fade, reset, then
- refill_all_diskstream_buffers ();
- */
-struct RouteSorter {
- bool operator() (boost::shared_ptr<Route> r1, boost::shared_ptr<Route> r2) {
- if (r1->fed_by.find (r2) != r1->fed_by.end()) {
- return false;
- } else if (r2->fed_by.find (r1) != r2->fed_by.end()) {
- return true;
- } else {
- if (r1->fed_by.empty()) {
- if (r2->fed_by.empty()) {
- /* no ardour-based connections inbound to either route. just use signal order */
- return r1->order_key(N_("signal")) < r2->order_key(N_("signal"));
- } else {
- /* r2 has connections, r1 does not; run r1 early */
- return true;
- }
- } else {
- return r1->order_key(N_("signal")) < r2->order_key(N_("signal"));
- }
- }
- }
-static void
-trace_terminal (shared_ptr<Route> r1, shared_ptr<Route> rbase)
- shared_ptr<Route> r2;
- if ((r1->fed_by.find (rbase) != r1->fed_by.end()) && (rbase->fed_by.find (r1) != rbase->fed_by.end())) {
- info << string_compose(_("feedback loop setup between %1 and %2"), r1->name(), rbase->name()) << endmsg;
- return;
- }
- /* make a copy of the existing list of routes that feed r1 */
- set<shared_ptr<Route> > existing = r1->fed_by;
- /* for each route that feeds r1, recurse, marking it as feeding
- rbase as well.
- */
- for (set<shared_ptr<Route> >::iterator i = existing.begin(); i != existing.end(); ++i) {
- r2 =* i;
- /* r2 is a route that feeds r1 which somehow feeds base. mark
- base as being fed by r2
- */
- rbase->fed_by.insert (r2);
- if (r2 != rbase) {
- /* 2nd level feedback loop detection. if r1 feeds or is fed by r2,
- stop here.
- */
- if ((r1->fed_by.find (r2) != r1->fed_by.end()) && (r2->fed_by.find (r1) != r2->fed_by.end())) {
- continue;
- }
- /* now recurse, so that we can mark base as being fed by
- all routes that feed r2
- */
- trace_terminal (r2, rbase);
- }
- }
-Session::resort_routes ()
- /* don't do anything here with signals emitted
- by Routes while we are being destroyed.
- */
- if (_state_of_the_state & Deletion) {
- return;
- }
- {
- RCUWriter<RouteList> writer (routes);
- shared_ptr<RouteList> r = writer.get_copy ();
- resort_routes_using (r);
- /* writer goes out of scope and forces update */
- }
-Session::resort_routes_using (shared_ptr<RouteList> r)
- RouteList::iterator i, j;
- for (i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- (*i)->fed_by.clear ();
- for (j = r->begin(); j != r->end(); ++j) {
- /* although routes can feed themselves, it will
- cause an endless recursive descent if we
- detect it. so don't bother checking for
- self-feeding.
- */
- if (*j == *i) {
- continue;
- }
- if ((*j)->feeds (*i)) {
- (*i)->fed_by.insert (*j);
- }
- }
- }
- for (i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- trace_terminal (*i, *i);
- }
- RouteSorter cmp;
- r->sort (cmp);
-#if 0
- cerr << "finished route resort\n";
- for (RouteList::iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- cerr << " " << (*i)->name() << " signal order = " << (*i)->order_key ("signal") << endl;
- }
- cerr << endl;
-list<boost::shared_ptr<MidiTrack> >
-Session::new_midi_track (TrackMode mode, uint32_t how_many)
- char track_name[32];
- uint32_t track_id = 0;
- uint32_t n = 0;
- string port;
- RouteList new_routes;
- list<boost::shared_ptr<MidiTrack> > ret;
- //uint32_t control_id;
- // FIXME: need physical I/O and autoconnect stuff for MIDI
- /* count existing midi tracks */
- {
- shared_ptr<RouteList> r = routes.reader ();
- for (RouteList::iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- if (dynamic_cast<MidiTrack*>((*i).get()) != 0) {
- if (!(*i)->is_hidden()) {
- n++;
- //channels_used += (*i)->n_inputs().n_midi();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- vector<string> physinputs;
- vector<string> physoutputs;
- uint32_t nphysical_in;
- uint32_t nphysical_out;
- _engine.get_physical_outputs (physoutputs);
- _engine.get_physical_inputs (physinputs);
- control_id = ntracks() + nbusses() + 1;
- */
- while (how_many) {
- /* check for duplicate route names, since we might have pre-existing
- routes with this name (e.g. create Audio1, Audio2, delete Audio1,
- save, close,restart,add new route - first named route is now
- Audio2)
- */
- do {
- ++track_id;
- snprintf (track_name, sizeof(track_name), "Midi %" PRIu32, track_id);
- if (route_by_name (track_name) == 0) {
- break;
- }
- } while (track_id < (UINT_MAX-1));
- /*
- if (Config->get_input_auto_connect() & AutoConnectPhysical) {
- nphysical_in = min (n_physical_inputs, (uint32_t) physinputs.size());
- } else {
- nphysical_in = 0;
- }
- if (Config->get_output_auto_connect() & AutoConnectPhysical) {
- nphysical_out = min (n_physical_outputs, (uint32_t) physinputs.size());
- } else {
- nphysical_out = 0;
- }
- */
- shared_ptr<MidiTrack> track;
- try {
- track = boost::shared_ptr<MidiTrack>((new MidiTrack (*this, track_name, Route::Flag (0), mode)));
- if (track->ensure_io (ChanCount(DataType::MIDI, 1), ChanCount(DataType::AUDIO, 1), false, this)) {
- error << "cannot configure 1 in/1 out configuration for new midi track" << endmsg;
- goto failed;
- }
- /*
- if (nphysical_in) {
- for (uint32_t x = 0; x < track->n_inputs().n_midi() && x < nphysical_in; ++x) {
- port = "";
- if (Config->get_input_auto_connect() & AutoConnectPhysical) {
- port = physinputs[(channels_used+x)%nphysical_in];
- }
- if (port.length() && track->connect_input (track->input (x), port, this)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- for (uint32_t x = 0; x < track->n_outputs().n_midi(); ++x) {
- port = "";
- if (nphysical_out && (Config->get_output_auto_connect() & AutoConnectPhysical)) {
- port = physoutputs[(channels_used+x)%nphysical_out];
- } else if (Config->get_output_auto_connect() & AutoConnectMaster) {
- if (_master_out) {
- port = _master_out->input (x%_master_out->n_inputs().n_midi())->name();
- }
- }
- if (port.length() && track->connect_output (track->output (x), port, this)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- channels_used += track->n_inputs ().n_midi();
- */
- track->midi_diskstream()->non_realtime_input_change();
- track->DiskstreamChanged.connect (mem_fun (this, &Session::resort_routes));
- //track->set_remote_control_id (control_id);
- new_routes.push_back (track);
- ret.push_back (track);
- }
- catch (failed_constructor &err) {
- error << _("Session: could not create new midi track.") << endmsg;
- if (track) {
- /* we need to get rid of this, since the track failed to be created */
- /* XXX arguably, AudioTrack::AudioTrack should not do the Session::add_diskstream() */
- {
- RCUWriter<DiskstreamList> writer (diskstreams);
- boost::shared_ptr<DiskstreamList> ds = writer.get_copy();
- ds->remove (track->midi_diskstream());
- }
- }
- goto failed;
- }
- catch (AudioEngine::PortRegistrationFailure& pfe) {
- error << _("No more JACK ports are available. You will need to stop Ardour and restart JACK with ports if you need this many tracks.") << endmsg;
- if (track) {
- /* we need to get rid of this, since the track failed to be created */
- /* XXX arguably, MidiTrack::MidiTrack should not do the Session::add_diskstream() */
- {
- RCUWriter<DiskstreamList> writer (diskstreams);
- boost::shared_ptr<DiskstreamList> ds = writer.get_copy();
- ds->remove (track->midi_diskstream());
- }
- }
- goto failed;
- }
- --how_many;
- }
- failed:
- if (!new_routes.empty()) {
- add_routes (new_routes, false);
- save_state (_current_snapshot_name);
- }
- return ret;
-list<boost::shared_ptr<AudioTrack> >
-Session::new_audio_track (int input_channels, int output_channels, TrackMode mode, uint32_t how_many)
- char track_name[32];
- uint32_t track_id = 0;
- uint32_t n = 0;
- uint32_t channels_used = 0;
- string port;
- RouteList new_routes;
- list<boost::shared_ptr<AudioTrack> > ret;
- uint32_t control_id;
- /* count existing audio tracks */
- {
- shared_ptr<RouteList> r = routes.reader ();
- for (RouteList::iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- if (dynamic_cast<AudioTrack*>((*i).get()) != 0) {
- if (!(*i)->is_hidden()) {
- n++;
- channels_used += (*i)->n_inputs().n_audio();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- vector<string> physinputs;
- vector<string> physoutputs;
- uint32_t nphysical_in;
- uint32_t nphysical_out;
- _engine.get_physical_outputs (physoutputs);
- _engine.get_physical_inputs (physinputs);
- control_id = ntracks() + nbusses() + 1;
- while (how_many) {
- /* check for duplicate route names, since we might have pre-existing
- routes with this name (e.g. create Audio1, Audio2, delete Audio1,
- save, close,restart,add new route - first named route is now
- Audio2)
- */
- do {
- ++track_id;
- snprintf (track_name, sizeof(track_name), "Audio %" PRIu32, track_id);
- if (route_by_name (track_name) == 0) {
- break;
- }
- } while (track_id < (UINT_MAX-1));
- if (Config->get_input_auto_connect() & AutoConnectPhysical) {
- nphysical_in = min (n_physical_inputs, (uint32_t) physinputs.size());
- } else {
- nphysical_in = 0;
- }
- if (Config->get_output_auto_connect() & AutoConnectPhysical) {
- nphysical_out = min (n_physical_outputs, (uint32_t) physinputs.size());
- } else {
- nphysical_out = 0;
- }
- shared_ptr<AudioTrack> track;
- try {
- track = boost::shared_ptr<AudioTrack>((new AudioTrack (*this, track_name, Route::Flag (0), mode)));
- if (track->ensure_io (ChanCount(DataType::AUDIO, input_channels), ChanCount(DataType::AUDIO, output_channels), false, this)) {
- error << string_compose (_("cannot configure %1 in/%2 out configuration for new audio track"),
- input_channels, output_channels)
- << endmsg;
- goto failed;
- }
- if (nphysical_in) {
- for (uint32_t x = 0; x < track->n_inputs().n_audio() && x < nphysical_in; ++x) {
- port = "";
- if (Config->get_input_auto_connect() & AutoConnectPhysical) {
- port = physinputs[(channels_used+x)%nphysical_in];
- }
- if (port.length() && track->connect_input (track->input (x), port, this)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- for (uint32_t x = 0; x < track->n_outputs().n_midi(); ++x) {
- port = "";
- if (nphysical_out && (Config->get_output_auto_connect() & AutoConnectPhysical)) {
- port = physoutputs[(channels_used+x)%nphysical_out];
- } else if (Config->get_output_auto_connect() & AutoConnectMaster) {
- if (_master_out) {
- port = _master_out->input (x%_master_out->n_inputs().n_audio())->name();
- }
- }
- if (port.length() && track->connect_output (track->output (x), port, this)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- channels_used += track->n_inputs ().n_audio();
- track->audio_diskstream()->non_realtime_input_change();
- track->DiskstreamChanged.connect (mem_fun (this, &Session::resort_routes));
- track->set_remote_control_id (control_id);
- ++control_id;
- new_routes.push_back (track);
- ret.push_back (track);
- }
- catch (failed_constructor &err) {
- error << _("Session: could not create new audio track.") << endmsg;
- if (track) {
- /* we need to get rid of this, since the track failed to be created */
- /* XXX arguably, AudioTrack::AudioTrack should not do the Session::add_diskstream() */
- {
- RCUWriter<DiskstreamList> writer (diskstreams);
- boost::shared_ptr<DiskstreamList> ds = writer.get_copy();
- ds->remove (track->audio_diskstream());
- }
- }
- goto failed;
- }
- catch (AudioEngine::PortRegistrationFailure& pfe) {
- error << _("No more JACK ports are available. You will need to stop Ardour and restart JACK with ports if you need this many tracks.") << endmsg;
- if (track) {
- /* we need to get rid of this, since the track failed to be created */
- /* XXX arguably, AudioTrack::AudioTrack should not do the Session::add_diskstream() */
- {
- RCUWriter<DiskstreamList> writer (diskstreams);
- boost::shared_ptr<DiskstreamList> ds = writer.get_copy();
- ds->remove (track->audio_diskstream());
- }
- }
- goto failed;
- }
- --how_many;
- }
- failed:
- if (!new_routes.empty()) {
- add_routes (new_routes, true);
- }
- return ret;
-Session::set_remote_control_ids ()
- RemoteModel m = Config->get_remote_model();
- shared_ptr<RouteList> r = routes.reader ();
- for (RouteList::iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- if ( MixerOrdered == m) {
- long order = (*i)->order_key(N_("signal"));
- (*i)->set_remote_control_id( order+1 );
- } else if ( EditorOrdered == m) {
- long order = (*i)->order_key(N_("editor"));
- (*i)->set_remote_control_id( order+1 );
- } else if ( UserOrdered == m) {
- //do nothing ... only changes to remote id's are initiated by user
- }
- }
-Session::new_audio_route (int input_channels, int output_channels, uint32_t how_many)
- char bus_name[32];
- uint32_t bus_id = 1;
- uint32_t n = 0;
- string port;
- RouteList ret;
- uint32_t control_id;
- /* count existing audio busses */
- {
- shared_ptr<RouteList> r = routes.reader ();
- for (RouteList::iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- if (dynamic_cast<AudioTrack*>((*i).get()) == 0) {
- if (!(*i)->is_hidden() && (*i)->name() != _("master")) {
- bus_id++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- vector<string> physinputs;
- vector<string> physoutputs;
- _engine.get_physical_outputs (physoutputs);
- _engine.get_physical_inputs (physinputs);
- control_id = ntracks() + nbusses() + 1;
- while (how_many) {
- do {
- snprintf (bus_name, sizeof(bus_name), "Bus %" PRIu32, bus_id);
- bus_id++;
- if (route_by_name (bus_name) == 0) {
- break;
- }
- } while (bus_id < (UINT_MAX-1));
- try {
- shared_ptr<Route> bus (new Route (*this, bus_name, -1, -1, -1, -1, Route::Flag(0), DataType::AUDIO));
- if (bus->ensure_io (ChanCount(DataType::AUDIO, input_channels), ChanCount(DataType::AUDIO, output_channels), false, this)) {
- error << string_compose (_("cannot configure %1 in/%2 out configuration for new audio track"),
- input_channels, output_channels)
- << endmsg;
- goto failure;
- }
- for (uint32_t x = 0; n_physical_inputs && x < bus->n_inputs().n_audio(); ++x) {
- port = "";
- if (Config->get_input_auto_connect() & AutoConnectPhysical) {
- port = physinputs[((n+x)%n_physical_inputs)];
- }
- if (port.length() && bus->connect_input (bus->input (x), port, this)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- for (uint32_t x = 0; n_physical_outputs && x < bus->n_outputs().n_audio(); ++x) {
- port = "";
- if (Config->get_output_auto_connect() & AutoConnectPhysical) {
- port = physoutputs[((n+x)%n_physical_outputs)];
- } else if (Config->get_output_auto_connect() & AutoConnectMaster) {
- if (_master_out) {
- port = _master_out->input (x%_master_out->n_inputs().n_audio())->name();
- }
- }
- if (port.length() && bus->connect_output (bus->output (x), port, this)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- bus->set_remote_control_id (control_id);
- ++control_id;
- ret.push_back (bus);
- }
- catch (failed_constructor &err) {
- error << _("Session: could not create new audio route.") << endmsg;
- goto failure;
- }
- catch (AudioEngine::PortRegistrationFailure& pfe) {
- error << _("No more JACK ports are available. You will need to stop Ardour and restart JACK with ports if you need this many tracks.") << endmsg;
- goto failure;
- }
- --how_many;
- }
- failure:
- if (!ret.empty()) {
- add_routes (ret, true);
- }
- return ret;
-Session::add_routes (RouteList& new_routes, bool save)
- {
- RCUWriter<RouteList> writer (routes);
- shared_ptr<RouteList> r = writer.get_copy ();
- r->insert (r->end(), new_routes.begin(), new_routes.end());
- resort_routes_using (r);
- }
- for (RouteList::iterator x = new_routes.begin(); x != new_routes.end(); ++x) {
- boost::weak_ptr<Route> wpr (*x);
- (*x)->solo_changed.connect (sigc::bind (mem_fun (*this, &Session::route_solo_changed), wpr));
- (*x)->mute_changed.connect (mem_fun (*this, &Session::route_mute_changed));
- (*x)->output_changed.connect (mem_fun (*this, &Session::set_worst_io_latencies_x));
- (*x)->processors_changed.connect (bind (mem_fun (*this, &Session::update_latency_compensation), false, false));
- if ((*x)->is_master()) {
- _master_out = (*x);
- }
- if ((*x)->is_control()) {
- _control_out = (*x);
- }
- add_bundle ((*x)->bundle_for_inputs());
- add_bundle ((*x)->bundle_for_outputs());
- }
- if (_control_out && IO::connecting_legal) {
- vector<string> cports;
- uint32_t ni = _control_out->n_inputs().n_audio();
- for (uint32_t n = 0; n < ni; ++n) {
- cports.push_back (_control_out->input(n)->name());
- }
- for (RouteList::iterator x = new_routes.begin(); x != new_routes.end(); ++x) {
- (*x)->set_control_outs (cports);
- }
- }
- set_dirty();
- if (save) {
- save_state (_current_snapshot_name);
- }
- RouteAdded (new_routes); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
-Session::add_diskstream (boost::shared_ptr<Diskstream> dstream)
- /* need to do this in case we're rolling at the time, to prevent false underruns */
- dstream->do_refill_with_alloc ();
- dstream->set_block_size (current_block_size);
- {
- RCUWriter<DiskstreamList> writer (diskstreams);
- boost::shared_ptr<DiskstreamList> ds = writer.get_copy();
- ds->push_back (dstream);
- /* writer goes out of scope, copies ds back to main */
- }
- dstream->PlaylistChanged.connect (sigc::bind (mem_fun (*this, &Session::diskstream_playlist_changed), dstream));
- /* this will connect to future changes, and check the current length */
- diskstream_playlist_changed (dstream);
- dstream->prepare ();
-Session::remove_route (shared_ptr<Route> route)
- {
- RCUWriter<RouteList> writer (routes);
- shared_ptr<RouteList> rs = writer.get_copy ();
- rs->remove (route);
- /* deleting the master out seems like a dumb
- idea, but its more of a UI policy issue
- than our concern.
- */
- if (route == _master_out) {
- _master_out = shared_ptr<Route> ();
- }
- if (route == _control_out) {
- _control_out = shared_ptr<Route> ();
- /* cancel control outs for all routes */
- vector<string> empty;
- for (RouteList::iterator r = rs->begin(); r != rs->end(); ++r) {
- (*r)->set_control_outs (empty);
- }
- }
- update_route_solo_state ();
- /* writer goes out of scope, forces route list update */
- }
- Track* t;
- boost::shared_ptr<Diskstream> ds;
- if ((t = dynamic_cast<Track*>(route.get())) != 0) {
- ds = t->diskstream();
- }
- if (ds) {
- {
- RCUWriter<DiskstreamList> dsl (diskstreams);
- boost::shared_ptr<DiskstreamList> d = dsl.get_copy();
- d->remove (ds);
- }
- }
- find_current_end ();
- // We need to disconnect the routes inputs and outputs
- route->disconnect_inputs (0);
- route->disconnect_outputs (0);
- update_latency_compensation (false, false);
- set_dirty();
- /* get rid of it from the dead wood collection in the route list manager */
- /* XXX i think this is unsafe as it currently stands, but i am not sure. (pd, october 2nd, 2006) */
- routes.flush ();
- /* try to cause everyone to drop their references */
- route->drop_references ();
- /* save the new state of the world */
- if (save_state (_current_snapshot_name)) {
- save_history (_current_snapshot_name);
- }
-Session::route_mute_changed (void* src)
- set_dirty ();
-Session::route_solo_changed (void* src, boost::weak_ptr<Route> wpr)
- if (solo_update_disabled) {
- // We know already
- return;
- }
- bool is_track;
- boost::shared_ptr<Route> route = wpr.lock ();
- if (!route) {
- /* should not happen */
- error << string_compose (_("programming error: %1"), X_("invalid route weak ptr passed to route_solo_changed")) << endmsg;
- return;
- }
- is_track = (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioTrack>(route) != 0);
- shared_ptr<RouteList> r = routes.reader ();
- for (RouteList::iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- /* soloing a track mutes all other tracks, soloing a bus mutes all other busses */
- if (is_track) {
- /* don't mess with busses */
- if (dynamic_cast<Track*>((*i).get()) == 0) {
- continue;
- }
- } else {
- /* don't mess with tracks */
- if (dynamic_cast<Track*>((*i).get()) != 0) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- if ((*i) != route &&
- ((*i)->mix_group () == 0 ||
- (*i)->mix_group () != route->mix_group () ||
- !route->mix_group ()->is_active())) {
- if ((*i)->soloed()) {
- /* if its already soloed, and solo latching is enabled,
- then leave it as it is.
- */
- if (Config->get_solo_latched()) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- /* do it */
- solo_update_disabled = true;
- (*i)->set_solo (false, src);
- solo_update_disabled = false;
- }
- }
- bool something_soloed = false;
- bool same_thing_soloed = false;
- bool signal = false;
- for (RouteList::iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- if ((*i)->soloed()) {
- something_soloed = true;
- if (dynamic_cast<Track*>((*i).get())) {
- if (is_track) {
- same_thing_soloed = true;
- break;
- }
- } else {
- if (!is_track) {
- same_thing_soloed = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (something_soloed != currently_soloing) {
- signal = true;
- currently_soloing = something_soloed;
- }
- modify_solo_mute (is_track, same_thing_soloed);
- if (signal) {
- SoloActive (currently_soloing); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
- }
- SoloChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
- set_dirty();
-Session::update_route_solo_state ()
- bool mute = false;
- bool is_track = false;
- bool signal = false;
- /* caller must hold RouteLock */
- /* this is where we actually implement solo by changing
- the solo mute setting of each track.
- */
- shared_ptr<RouteList> r = routes.reader ();
- for (RouteList::iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- if ((*i)->soloed()) {
- mute = true;
- if (dynamic_cast<Track*>((*i).get())) {
- is_track = true;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (mute != currently_soloing) {
- signal = true;
- currently_soloing = mute;
- }
- if (!is_track && !mute) {
- /* nothing is soloed */
- for (RouteList::iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- (*i)->set_solo_mute (false);
- }
- if (signal) {
- SoloActive (false);
- }
- return;
- }
- modify_solo_mute (is_track, mute);
- if (signal) {
- SoloActive (currently_soloing);
- }
-Session::modify_solo_mute (bool is_track, bool mute)
- shared_ptr<RouteList> r = routes.reader ();
- for (RouteList::iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- if (is_track) {
- /* only alter track solo mute */
- if (dynamic_cast<Track*>((*i).get())) {
- if ((*i)->soloed()) {
- (*i)->set_solo_mute (!mute);
- } else {
- (*i)->set_solo_mute (mute);
- }
- }
- } else {
- /* only alter bus solo mute */
- if (!dynamic_cast<Track*>((*i).get())) {
- if ((*i)->soloed()) {
- (*i)->set_solo_mute (false);
- } else {
- /* don't mute master or control outs
- in response to another bus solo
- */
- if ((*i) != _master_out &&
- (*i) != _control_out) {
- (*i)->set_solo_mute (mute);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-Session::catch_up_on_solo ()
- /* this is called after set_state() to catch the full solo
- state, which can't be correctly determined on a per-route
- basis, but needs the global overview that only the session
- has.
- */
- update_route_solo_state();
-Session::route_by_name (string name)
- shared_ptr<RouteList> r = routes.reader ();
- for (RouteList::iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- if ((*i)->name() == name) {
- return *i;
- }
- }
- return shared_ptr<Route> ((Route*) 0);
-Session::route_by_id (PBD::ID id)
- shared_ptr<RouteList> r = routes.reader ();
- for (RouteList::iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- if ((*i)->id() == id) {
- return *i;
- }
- }
- return shared_ptr<Route> ((Route*) 0);
-Session::route_by_remote_id (uint32_t id)
- shared_ptr<RouteList> r = routes.reader ();
- for (RouteList::iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- if ((*i)->remote_control_id() == id) {
- return *i;
- }
- }
- return shared_ptr<Route> ((Route*) 0);
-Session::find_current_end ()
- if (_state_of_the_state & Loading) {
- return;
- }
- nframes_t max = get_maximum_extent ();
- if (max > end_location->end()) {
- end_location->set_end (max);
- set_dirty();
- DurationChanged(); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
- }
-Session::get_maximum_extent () const
- nframes_t max = 0;
- nframes_t me;
- boost::shared_ptr<DiskstreamList> dsl = diskstreams.reader();
- for (DiskstreamList::const_iterator i = dsl->begin(); i != dsl->end(); ++i) {
- boost::shared_ptr<Playlist> pl = (*i)->playlist();
- if ((me = pl->get_maximum_extent()) > max) {
- max = me;
- }
- }
- return max;
-Session::diskstream_by_name (string name)
- boost::shared_ptr<DiskstreamList> dsl = diskstreams.reader();
- for (DiskstreamList::iterator i = dsl->begin(); i != dsl->end(); ++i) {
- if ((*i)->name() == name) {
- return *i;
- }
- }
- return boost::shared_ptr<Diskstream>((Diskstream*) 0);
-Session::diskstream_by_id (const PBD::ID& id)
- boost::shared_ptr<DiskstreamList> dsl = diskstreams.reader();
- for (DiskstreamList::iterator i = dsl->begin(); i != dsl->end(); ++i) {
- if ((*i)->id() == id) {
- return *i;
- }
- }
- return boost::shared_ptr<Diskstream>((Diskstream*) 0);
-/* Region management */
-Session::new_region_name (string old)
- string::size_type last_period;
- uint32_t number;
- string::size_type len = old.length() + 64;
- char buf[len];
- if ((last_period = old.find_last_of ('.')) == string::npos) {
- /* no period present - add one explicitly */
- old += '.';
- last_period = old.length() - 1;
- number = 0;
- } else {
- number = atoi (old.substr (last_period+1).c_str());
- }
- while (number < (UINT_MAX-1)) {
- RegionList::const_iterator i;
- string sbuf;
- number++;
- snprintf (buf, len, "%s%" PRIu32, old.substr (0, last_period + 1).c_str(), number);
- sbuf = buf;
- for (i = regions.begin(); i != regions.end(); ++i) {
- if (i->second->name() == sbuf) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i == regions.end()) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (number != (UINT_MAX-1)) {
- return buf;
- }
- error << string_compose (_("cannot create new name for region \"%1\""), old) << endmsg;
- return old;
-Session::region_name (string& result, string base, bool newlevel) const
- char buf[16];
- string subbase;
- assert(base.find("/") == string::npos);
- if (base == "") {
- Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (region_lock);
- snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%d", (int)regions.size() + 1);
- result = "region.";
- result += buf;
- } else {
- /* XXX this is going to be slow. optimize me later */
- if (newlevel) {
- subbase = base;
- } else {
- string::size_type pos;
- pos = base.find_last_of ('.');
- /* pos may be npos, but then we just use entire base */
- subbase = base.substr (0, pos);
- }
- bool name_taken = true;
- {
- Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (region_lock);
- for (int n = 1; n < 5000; ++n) {
- result = subbase;
- snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), ".%d", n);
- result += buf;
- name_taken = false;
- for (RegionList::const_iterator i = regions.begin(); i != regions.end(); ++i) {
- if (i->second->name() == result) {
- name_taken = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!name_taken) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (name_taken) {
- fatal << string_compose(_("too many regions with names like %1"), base) << endmsg;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-Session::add_region (boost::shared_ptr<Region> region)
- vector<boost::shared_ptr<Region> > v;
- v.push_back (region);
- add_regions (v);
-Session::add_regions (vector<boost::shared_ptr<Region> >& new_regions)
- bool added = false;
- {
- Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (region_lock);
- for (vector<boost::shared_ptr<Region> >::iterator ii = new_regions.begin(); ii != new_regions.end(); ++ii) {
- boost::shared_ptr<Region> region = *ii;
- if (region == 0) {
- error << _("Session::add_region() ignored a null region. Warning: you might have lost a region.") << endmsg;
- } else {
- RegionList::iterator x;
- for (x = regions.begin(); x != regions.end(); ++x) {
- if (region->region_list_equivalent (x->second)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (x == regions.end()) {
- pair<RegionList::key_type,RegionList::mapped_type> entry;
- entry.first = region->id();
- entry.second = region;
- pair<RegionList::iterator,bool> x = regions.insert (entry);
- if (!x.second) {
- return;
- }
- added = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* mark dirty because something has changed even if we didn't
- add the region to the region list.
- */
- set_dirty();
- if (added) {
- vector<boost::weak_ptr<Region> > v;
- boost::shared_ptr<Region> first_r;
- for (vector<boost::shared_ptr<Region> >::iterator ii = new_regions.begin(); ii != new_regions.end(); ++ii) {
- boost::shared_ptr<Region> region = *ii;
- if (region == 0) {
- error << _("Session::add_region() ignored a null region. Warning: you might have lost a region.") << endmsg;
- } else {
- v.push_back (region);
- if (!first_r) {
- first_r = region;
- }
- }
- region->StateChanged.connect (sigc::bind (mem_fun (*this, &Session::region_changed), boost::weak_ptr<Region>(region)));
- region->GoingAway.connect (sigc::bind (mem_fun (*this, &Session::remove_region), boost::weak_ptr<Region>(region)));
- }
- if (!v.empty()) {
- RegionsAdded (v); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
- }
- }
-Session::region_changed (Change what_changed, boost::weak_ptr<Region> weak_region)
- boost::shared_ptr<Region> region (weak_region.lock ());
- if (!region) {
- return;
- }
- if (what_changed & Region::HiddenChanged) {
- /* relay hidden changes */
- RegionHiddenChange (region);
- }
-Session::remove_region (boost::weak_ptr<Region> weak_region)
- RegionList::iterator i;
- boost::shared_ptr<Region> region (weak_region.lock ());
- if (!region) {
- return;
- }
- bool removed = false;
- {
- Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (region_lock);
- if ((i = regions.find (region->id())) != regions.end()) {
- regions.erase (i);
- removed = true;
- }
- }
- /* mark dirty because something has changed even if we didn't
- remove the region from the region list.
- */
- set_dirty();
- if (removed) {
- RegionRemoved(region); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
- }
-Session::find_whole_file_parent (boost::shared_ptr<Region const> child)
- RegionList::iterator i;
- boost::shared_ptr<Region> region;
- Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (region_lock);
- for (i = regions.begin(); i != regions.end(); ++i) {
- region = i->second;
- if (region->whole_file()) {
- if (child->source_equivalent (region)) {
- return region;
- }
- }
- }
- return boost::shared_ptr<Region> ();
-Session::find_equivalent_playlist_regions (boost::shared_ptr<Region> region, vector<boost::shared_ptr<Region> >& result)
- for (PlaylistList::iterator i = playlists.begin(); i != playlists.end(); ++i)
- (*i)->get_region_list_equivalent_regions (region, result);
-Session::destroy_region (boost::shared_ptr<Region> region)
- vector<boost::shared_ptr<Source> > srcs;
- {
- if (region->playlist()) {
- region->playlist()->destroy_region (region);
- }
- for (uint32_t n = 0; n < region->n_channels(); ++n) {
- srcs.push_back (region->source (n));
- }
- }
- region->drop_references ();
- for (vector<boost::shared_ptr<Source> >::iterator i = srcs.begin(); i != srcs.end(); ++i) {
- (*i)->mark_for_remove ();
- (*i)->drop_references ();
- cerr << "source was not used by any playlist\n";
- }
- return 0;
-Session::destroy_regions (list<boost::shared_ptr<Region> > regions)
- for (list<boost::shared_ptr<Region> >::iterator i = regions.begin(); i != regions.end(); ++i) {
- destroy_region (*i);
- }
- return 0;
-Session::remove_last_capture ()
- list<boost::shared_ptr<Region> > r;
- boost::shared_ptr<DiskstreamList> dsl = diskstreams.reader();
- for (DiskstreamList::iterator i = dsl->begin(); i != dsl->end(); ++i) {
- list<boost::shared_ptr<Region> >& l = (*i)->last_capture_regions();
- if (!l.empty()) {
- r.insert (r.end(), l.begin(), l.end());
- l.clear ();
- }
- }
- destroy_regions (r);
- save_state (_current_snapshot_name);
- return 0;
-Session::remove_region_from_region_list (boost::shared_ptr<Region> r)
- remove_region (r);
- return 0;
-/* Source Management */
-Session::add_source (boost::shared_ptr<Source> source)
- pair<SourceMap::key_type, SourceMap::mapped_type> entry;
- pair<SourceMap::iterator,bool> result;
- entry.first = source->id();
- entry.second = source;
- {
- Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (source_lock);
- result = sources.insert (entry);
- }
- if (result.second) {
- source->GoingAway.connect (sigc::bind (mem_fun (this, &Session::remove_source), boost::weak_ptr<Source> (source)));
- set_dirty();
- }
- boost::shared_ptr<AudioFileSource> afs;
- if ((afs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioFileSource>(source)) != 0) {
- if (Config->get_auto_analyse_audio()) {
- Analyser::queue_source_for_analysis (source, false);
- }
- }
-Session::remove_source (boost::weak_ptr<Source> src)
- SourceMap::iterator i;
- boost::shared_ptr<Source> source = src.lock();
- if (!source) {
- return;
- }
- {
- Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (source_lock);
- if ((i = sources.find (source->id())) != sources.end()) {
- sources.erase (i);
- }
- }
- if (!_state_of_the_state & InCleanup) {
- /* save state so we don't end up with a session file
- referring to non-existent sources.
- */
- save_state (_current_snapshot_name);
- }
-Session::source_by_id (const PBD::ID& id)
- Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (source_lock);
- SourceMap::iterator i;
- boost::shared_ptr<Source> source;
- if ((i = sources.find (id)) != sources.end()) {
- source = i->second;
- }
- return source;
-Session::source_by_path_and_channel (const Glib::ustring& path, uint16_t chn)
- Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (source_lock);
- for (SourceMap::iterator i = sources.begin(); i != sources.end(); ++i) {
- cerr << "comparing " << path << " with " << i->second->name() << endl;
- boost::shared_ptr<AudioFileSource> afs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioFileSource>(i->second);
- if (afs && afs->path() == path && chn == afs->channel()) {
- return afs;
- }
- }
- return boost::shared_ptr<Source>();
-Session::peak_path (Glib::ustring base) const
- sys::path peakfile_path(_session_dir->peak_path());
- peakfile_path /= basename_nosuffix (base) + peakfile_suffix;
- return peakfile_path.to_string();
-Session::change_audio_path_by_name (string path, string oldname, string newname, bool destructive)
- string look_for;
- string old_basename = PBD::basename_nosuffix (oldname);
- string new_legalized = legalize_for_path (newname);
- /* note: we know (or assume) the old path is already valid */
- if (destructive) {
- /* destructive file sources have a name of the form:
- /path/to/Tnnnn-NAME(%[LR])?.wav
- the task here is to replace NAME with the new name.
- */
- /* find last slash */
- string dir;
- string prefix;
- string::size_type slash;
- string::size_type dash;
- if ((slash = path.find_last_of ('/')) == string::npos) {
- return "";
- }
- dir = path.substr (0, slash+1);
- /* '-' is not a legal character for the NAME part of the path */
- if ((dash = path.find_last_of ('-')) == string::npos) {
- return "";
- }
- prefix = path.substr (slash+1, dash-(slash+1));
- path = dir;
- path += prefix;
- path += '-';
- path += new_legalized;
- path += ".wav"; /* XXX gag me with a spoon */
- } else {
- /* non-destructive file sources have a name of the form:
- /path/to/NAME-nnnnn(%[LR])?.wav
- the task here is to replace NAME with the new name.
- */
- string dir;
- string suffix;
- string::size_type slash;
- string::size_type dash;
- string::size_type postfix;
- /* find last slash */
- if ((slash = path.find_last_of ('/')) == string::npos) {
- return "";
- }
- dir = path.substr (0, slash+1);
- /* '-' is not a legal character for the NAME part of the path */
- if ((dash = path.find_last_of ('-')) == string::npos) {
- return "";
- }
- suffix = path.substr (dash+1);
- // Suffix is now everything after the dash. Now we need to eliminate
- // the nnnnn part, which is done by either finding a '%' or a '.'
- postfix = suffix.find_last_of ("%");
- if (postfix == string::npos) {
- postfix = suffix.find_last_of ('.');
- }
- if (postfix != string::npos) {
- suffix = suffix.substr (postfix);
- } else {
- error << "Logic error in Session::change_audio_path_by_name(), please report to the developers" << endl;
- return "";
- }
- const uint32_t limit = 10000;
- char buf[PATH_MAX+1];
- for (uint32_t cnt = 1; cnt <= limit; ++cnt) {
- snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s-%u%s", dir.c_str(), newname.c_str(), cnt, suffix.c_str());
- if (access (buf, F_OK) != 0) {
- path = buf;
- break;
- }
- path = "";
- }
- if (path == "") {
- error << "FATAL ERROR! Could not find a " << endl;
- }
- }
- return path;
-Session::audio_path_from_name (string name, uint32_t nchan, uint32_t chan, bool destructive)
- string spath;
- uint32_t cnt;
- char buf[PATH_MAX+1];
- const uint32_t limit = 10000;
- string legalized;
- buf[0] = '\0';
- legalized = legalize_for_path (name);
- /* find a "version" of the file name that doesn't exist in
- any of the possible directories.
- */
- for (cnt = (destructive ? ++destructive_index : 1); cnt <= limit; ++cnt) {
- vector<space_and_path>::iterator i;
- uint32_t existing = 0;
- for (i = session_dirs.begin(); i != session_dirs.end(); ++i) {
- SessionDirectory sdir((*i).path);
- spath = sdir.sound_path().to_string();
- if (destructive) {
- if (nchan < 2) {
- snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/T%04d-%s.wav", spath.c_str(), cnt, legalized.c_str());
- } else if (nchan == 2) {
- if (chan == 0) {
- snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/T%04d-%s%%L.wav", spath.c_str(), cnt, legalized.c_str());
- } else {
- snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/T%04d-%s%%R.wav", spath.c_str(), cnt, legalized.c_str());
- }
- } else if (nchan < 26) {
- snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/T%04d-%s%%%c.wav", spath.c_str(), cnt, legalized.c_str(), 'a' + chan);
- } else {
- snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/T%04d-%s.wav", spath.c_str(), cnt, legalized.c_str());
- }
- } else {
- spath += '/';
- spath += legalized;
- if (nchan < 2) {
- snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s-%u.wav", spath.c_str(), cnt);
- } else if (nchan == 2) {
- if (chan == 0) {
- snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s-%u%%L.wav", spath.c_str(), cnt);
- } else {
- snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s-%u%%R.wav", spath.c_str(), cnt);
- }
- } else if (nchan < 26) {
- snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s-%u%%%c.wav", spath.c_str(), cnt, 'a' + chan);
- } else {
- snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s-%u.wav", spath.c_str(), cnt);
- }
- }
- if (sys::exists(buf)) {
- existing++;
- }
- }
- if (existing == 0) {
- break;
- }
- if (cnt > limit) {
- error << string_compose(_("There are already %1 recordings for %2, which I consider too many."), limit, name) << endmsg;
- destroy ();
- throw failed_constructor();
- }
- }
- /* we now have a unique name for the file, but figure out where to
- actually put it.
- */
- string foo = buf;
- SessionDirectory sdir(get_best_session_directory_for_new_source ());
- spath = sdir.sound_path().to_string();
- spath += '/';
- string::size_type pos = foo.find_last_of ('/');
- if (pos == string::npos) {
- spath += foo;
- } else {
- spath += foo.substr (pos + 1);
- }
- return spath;
-Session::create_audio_source_for_session (AudioDiskstream& ds, uint32_t chan, bool destructive)
- string spath = audio_path_from_name (, ds.n_channels().n_audio(), chan, destructive);
- return boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioFileSource> (
- SourceFactory::createWritable (DataType::AUDIO, *this, spath, destructive, frame_rate()));
-// FIXME: _terrible_ code duplication
-Session::change_midi_path_by_name (string path, string oldname, string newname, bool destructive)
- string look_for;
- string old_basename = PBD::basename_nosuffix (oldname);
- string new_legalized = legalize_for_path (newname);
- /* note: we know (or assume) the old path is already valid */
- if (destructive) {
- /* destructive file sources have a name of the form:
- /path/to/Tnnnn-NAME(%[LR])?.wav
- the task here is to replace NAME with the new name.
- */
- /* find last slash */
- string dir;
- string prefix;
- string::size_type slash;
- string::size_type dash;
- if ((slash = path.find_last_of ('/')) == string::npos) {
- return "";
- }
- dir = path.substr (0, slash+1);
- /* '-' is not a legal character for the NAME part of the path */
- if ((dash = path.find_last_of ('-')) == string::npos) {
- return "";
- }
- prefix = path.substr (slash+1, dash-(slash+1));
- path = dir;
- path += prefix;
- path += '-';
- path += new_legalized;
- path += ".mid"; /* XXX gag me with a spoon */
- } else {
- /* non-destructive file sources have a name of the form:
- /path/to/NAME-nnnnn(%[LR])?.wav
- the task here is to replace NAME with the new name.
- */
- string dir;
- string suffix;
- string::size_type slash;
- string::size_type dash;
- string::size_type postfix;
- /* find last slash */
- if ((slash = path.find_last_of ('/')) == string::npos) {
- return "";
- }
- dir = path.substr (0, slash+1);
- /* '-' is not a legal character for the NAME part of the path */
- if ((dash = path.find_last_of ('-')) == string::npos) {
- return "";
- }
- suffix = path.substr (dash+1);
- // Suffix is now everything after the dash. Now we need to eliminate
- // the nnnnn part, which is done by either finding a '%' or a '.'
- postfix = suffix.find_last_of ("%");
- if (postfix == string::npos) {
- postfix = suffix.find_last_of ('.');
- }
- if (postfix != string::npos) {
- suffix = suffix.substr (postfix);
- } else {
- error << "Logic error in Session::change_midi_path_by_name(), please report to the developers" << endl;
- return "";
- }
- const uint32_t limit = 10000;
- char buf[PATH_MAX+1];
- for (uint32_t cnt = 1; cnt <= limit; ++cnt) {
- snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s-%u%s", dir.c_str(), newname.c_str(), cnt, suffix.c_str());
- if (access (buf, F_OK) != 0) {
- path = buf;
- break;
- }
- path = "";
- }
- if (path == "") {
- error << "FATAL ERROR! Could not find a " << endl;
- }
- }
- return path;
-Session::midi_path_from_name (string name)
- string spath;
- uint32_t cnt;
- char buf[PATH_MAX+1];
- const uint32_t limit = 10000;
- string legalized;
- buf[0] = '\0';
- legalized = legalize_for_path (name);
- /* find a "version" of the file name that doesn't exist in
- any of the possible directories.
- */
- for (cnt = 1; cnt <= limit; ++cnt) {
- vector<space_and_path>::iterator i;
- uint32_t existing = 0;
- for (i = session_dirs.begin(); i != session_dirs.end(); ++i) {
- SessionDirectory sdir((*i).path);
- sys::path p = sdir.midi_path();
- p /= legalized;
- spath = p.to_string();
- snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s-%u.mid", spath.c_str(), cnt);
- if (sys::exists (buf)) {
- existing++;
- }
- }
- if (existing == 0) {
- break;
- }
- if (cnt > limit) {
- error << string_compose(_("There are already %1 recordings for %2, which I consider too many."), limit, name) << endmsg;
- throw failed_constructor();
- }
- }
- /* we now have a unique name for the file, but figure out where to
- actually put it.
- */
- string foo = buf;
- SessionDirectory sdir(get_best_session_directory_for_new_source ());
- spath = sdir.midi_path().to_string();
- spath += '/';
- string::size_type pos = foo.find_last_of ('/');
- if (pos == string::npos) {
- spath += foo;
- } else {
- spath += foo.substr (pos + 1);
- }
- return spath;
-Session::create_midi_source_for_session (MidiDiskstream& ds)
- string mpath = midi_path_from_name (;
- return boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<SMFSource> (SourceFactory::createWritable (DataType::MIDI, *this, mpath, false, frame_rate()));
-/* Playlist management */
-Session::playlist_by_name (string name)
- Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (playlist_lock);
- for (PlaylistList::iterator i = playlists.begin(); i != playlists.end(); ++i) {
- if ((*i)->name() == name) {
- return* i;
- }
- }
- for (PlaylistList::iterator i = unused_playlists.begin(); i != unused_playlists.end(); ++i) {
- if ((*i)->name() == name) {
- return* i;
- }
- }
- return boost::shared_ptr<Playlist>();
-Session::add_playlist (boost::shared_ptr<Playlist> playlist)
- if (playlist->hidden()) {
- return;
- }
- {
- Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (playlist_lock);
- if (find (playlists.begin(), playlists.end(), playlist) == playlists.end()) {
- playlists.insert (playlists.begin(), playlist);
- playlist->InUse.connect (sigc::bind (mem_fun (*this, &Session::track_playlist), boost::weak_ptr<Playlist>(playlist)));
- playlist->GoingAway.connect (sigc::bind (mem_fun (*this, &Session::remove_playlist), boost::weak_ptr<Playlist>(playlist)));
- }
- }
- set_dirty();
- PlaylistAdded (playlist); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
-Session::get_playlists (vector<boost::shared_ptr<Playlist> >& s)
- {
- Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (playlist_lock);
- for (PlaylistList::iterator i = playlists.begin(); i != playlists.end(); ++i) {
- s.push_back (*i);
- }
- for (PlaylistList::iterator i = unused_playlists.begin(); i != unused_playlists.end(); ++i) {
- s.push_back (*i);
- }
- }
-Session::track_playlist (bool inuse, boost::weak_ptr<Playlist> wpl)
- boost::shared_ptr<Playlist> pl(wpl.lock());
- if (!pl) {
- return;
- }
- PlaylistList::iterator x;
- if (pl->hidden()) {
- /* its not supposed to be visible */
- return;
- }
- {
- Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (playlist_lock);
- if (!inuse) {
- unused_playlists.insert (pl);
- if ((x = playlists.find (pl)) != playlists.end()) {
- playlists.erase (x);
- }
- } else {
- playlists.insert (pl);
- if ((x = unused_playlists.find (pl)) != unused_playlists.end()) {
- unused_playlists.erase (x);
- }
- }
- }
-Session::remove_playlist (boost::weak_ptr<Playlist> weak_playlist)
- if (_state_of_the_state & Deletion) {
- return;
- }
- boost::shared_ptr<Playlist> playlist (weak_playlist.lock());
- if (!playlist) {
- return;
- }
- {
- Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (playlist_lock);
- PlaylistList::iterator i;
- i = find (playlists.begin(), playlists.end(), playlist);
- if (i != playlists.end()) {
- playlists.erase (i);
- }
- i = find (unused_playlists.begin(), unused_playlists.end(), playlist);
- if (i != unused_playlists.end()) {
- unused_playlists.erase (i);
- }
- }
- set_dirty();
- PlaylistRemoved (playlist); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
-Session::set_audition (boost::shared_ptr<Region> r)
- pending_audition_region = r;
- post_transport_work = PostTransportWork (post_transport_work | PostTransportAudition);
- schedule_butler_transport_work ();
-Session::audition_playlist ()
- Event* ev = new Event (Event::Audition, Event::Add, Event::Immediate, 0, 0.0);
- ev->region.reset ();
- queue_event (ev);
-Session::non_realtime_set_audition ()
- if (!pending_audition_region) {
- auditioner->audition_current_playlist ();
- } else {
- auditioner->audition_region (pending_audition_region);
- pending_audition_region.reset ();
- }
- AuditionActive (true); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
-Session::audition_region (boost::shared_ptr<Region> r)
- Event* ev = new Event (Event::Audition, Event::Add, Event::Immediate, 0, 0.0);
- ev->region = r;
- queue_event (ev);
-Session::cancel_audition ()
- if (auditioner->active()) {
- auditioner->cancel_audition ();
- AuditionActive (false); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
- }
-Session::RoutePublicOrderSorter::operator() (boost::shared_ptr<Route> a, boost::shared_ptr<Route> b)
- return a->order_key(N_("signal")) < b->order_key(N_("signal"));
-Session::remove_empty_sounds ()
- vector<string> audio_filenames;
- get_files_in_directory (_session_dir->sound_path(), audio_filenames);
- Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (source_lock);
- TapeFileMatcher tape_file_matcher;
- remove_if (audio_filenames.begin(), audio_filenames.end(),
- sigc::mem_fun (tape_file_matcher, &TapeFileMatcher::matches));
- for (vector<string>::iterator i = audio_filenames.begin(); i != audio_filenames.end(); ++i) {
- sys::path audio_file_path (_session_dir->sound_path());
- audio_file_path /= *i;
- if (AudioFileSource::is_empty (*this, audio_file_path.to_string())) {
- try
- {
- sys::remove (audio_file_path);
- const string peakfile = peak_path (audio_file_path.to_string());
- sys::remove (peakfile);
- }
- catch (const sys::filesystem_error& err)
- {
- error << err.what() << endmsg;
- }
- }
- }
-Session::is_auditioning () const
- /* can be called before we have an auditioner object */
- if (auditioner) {
- return auditioner->active();
- } else {
- return false;
- }
-Session::set_all_solo (bool yn)
- shared_ptr<RouteList> r = routes.reader ();
- for (RouteList::iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- if (!(*i)->is_hidden()) {
- (*i)->set_solo (yn, this);
- }
- }
- set_dirty();
-Session::set_all_mute (bool yn)
- shared_ptr<RouteList> r = routes.reader ();
- for (RouteList::iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- if (!(*i)->is_hidden()) {
- (*i)->set_mute (yn, this);
- }
- }
- set_dirty();
-Session::n_diskstreams () const
- uint32_t n = 0;
- boost::shared_ptr<DiskstreamList> dsl = diskstreams.reader();
- for (DiskstreamList::const_iterator i = dsl->begin(); i != dsl->end(); ++i) {
- if (!(*i)->hidden()) {
- n++;
- }
- }
- return n;
-Session::graph_reordered ()
- /* don't do this stuff if we are setting up connections
- from a set_state() call or creating new tracks.
- */
- if (_state_of_the_state & InitialConnecting) {
- return;
- }
- /* every track/bus asked for this to be handled but it was deferred because
- we were connecting. do it now.
- */
- request_input_change_handling ();
- resort_routes ();
- /* force all diskstreams to update their capture offset values to
- reflect any changes in latencies within the graph.
- */
- boost::shared_ptr<DiskstreamList> dsl = diskstreams.reader();
- for (DiskstreamList::iterator i = dsl->begin(); i != dsl->end(); ++i) {
- (*i)->set_capture_offset ();
- }
-Session::record_disenable_all ()
- record_enable_change_all (false);
-Session::record_enable_all ()
- record_enable_change_all (true);
-Session::record_enable_change_all (bool yn)
- shared_ptr<RouteList> r = routes.reader ();
- for (RouteList::iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- Track* at;
- if ((at = dynamic_cast<Track*>((*i).get())) != 0) {
- at->set_record_enable (yn, this);
- }
- }
- /* since we don't keep rec-enable state, don't mark session dirty */
-Session::add_processor (Processor* processor)
- Send* send;
- PortInsert* port_insert;
- PluginInsert* plugin_insert;
- if ((port_insert = dynamic_cast<PortInsert *> (processor)) != 0) {
- _port_inserts.insert (_port_inserts.begin(), port_insert);
- } else if ((plugin_insert = dynamic_cast<PluginInsert *> (processor)) != 0) {
- _plugin_inserts.insert (_plugin_inserts.begin(), plugin_insert);
- } else if ((send = dynamic_cast<Send *> (processor)) != 0) {
- _sends.insert (_sends.begin(), send);
- } else {
- fatal << _("programming error: unknown type of Insert created!") << endmsg;
- }
- processor->GoingAway.connect (sigc::bind (mem_fun (*this, &Session::remove_processor), processor));
- set_dirty();
-Session::remove_processor (Processor* processor)
- Send* send;
- PortInsert* port_insert;
- PluginInsert* plugin_insert;
- if ((port_insert = dynamic_cast<PortInsert *> (processor)) != 0) {
- list<PortInsert*>::iterator x = find (_port_inserts.begin(), _port_inserts.end(), port_insert);
- if (x != _port_inserts.end()) {
- insert_bitset[port_insert->bit_slot()] = false;
- _port_inserts.erase (x);
- }
- } else if ((plugin_insert = dynamic_cast<PluginInsert *> (processor)) != 0) {
- _plugin_inserts.remove (plugin_insert);
- } else if ((send = dynamic_cast<Send *> (processor)) != 0) {
- list<Send*>::iterator x = find (_sends.begin(), _sends.end(), send);
- if (x != _sends.end()) {
- send_bitset[send->bit_slot()] = false;
- _sends.erase (x);
- }
- } else {
- fatal << _("programming error: unknown type of Insert deleted!") << endmsg;
- }
- set_dirty();
-Session::available_capture_duration ()
- float sample_bytes_on_disk = 4.0; // keep gcc happy
- switch (Config->get_native_file_data_format()) {
- case FormatFloat:
- sample_bytes_on_disk = 4.0;
- break;
- case FormatInt24:
- sample_bytes_on_disk = 3.0;
- break;
- case FormatInt16:
- sample_bytes_on_disk = 2.0;
- break;
- default:
- /* impossible, but keep some gcc versions happy */
- fatal << string_compose (_("programming error: %1"),
- X_("illegal native file data format"))
- << endmsg;
- }
- double scale = 4096.0 / sample_bytes_on_disk;
- if (_total_free_4k_blocks * scale > (double) max_frames) {
- return max_frames;
- }
- return (nframes_t) floor (_total_free_4k_blocks * scale);
-Session::add_bundle (shared_ptr<Bundle> bundle)
- {
- Glib::Mutex::Lock guard (bundle_lock);
- _bundles.push_back (bundle);
- }
- BundleAdded (bundle); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
- set_dirty();
-Session::remove_bundle (shared_ptr<Bundle> bundle)
- bool removed = false;
- {
- Glib::Mutex::Lock guard (bundle_lock);
- BundleList::iterator i = find (_bundles.begin(), _bundles.end(), bundle);
- if (i != _bundles.end()) {
- _bundles.erase (i);
- removed = true;
- }
- }
- if (removed) {
- BundleRemoved (bundle); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
- }
- set_dirty();
-Session::bundle_by_name (string name) const
- Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (bundle_lock);
- for (BundleList::const_iterator i = _bundles.begin(); i != _bundles.end(); ++i) {
- if ((*i)->name() == name) {
- return* i;
- }
- }
- return boost::shared_ptr<Bundle> ();
-Session::tempo_map_changed (Change ignored)
- clear_clicks ();
- for (PlaylistList::iterator i = playlists.begin(); i != playlists.end(); ++i) {
- (*i)->update_after_tempo_map_change ();
- }
- for (PlaylistList::iterator i = unused_playlists.begin(); i != unused_playlists.end(); ++i) {
- (*i)->update_after_tempo_map_change ();
- }
- set_dirty ();
-/** Ensures that all buffers (scratch, send, silent, etc) are allocated for
- * the given count with the current block size.
- */
-Session::ensure_buffers (ChanCount howmany)
- if (current_block_size == 0)
- return; // too early? (is this ok?)
- // We need at least 2 MIDI scratch buffers to mix/merge
- if (howmany.n_midi() < 2)
- howmany.set_midi(2);
- // FIXME: JACK needs to tell us maximum MIDI buffer size
- // Using nasty assumption (max # events == nframes) for now
- _scratch_buffers->ensure_buffers(howmany, current_block_size);
- _mix_buffers->ensure_buffers(howmany, current_block_size);
- _silent_buffers->ensure_buffers(howmany, current_block_size);
- allocate_pan_automation_buffers (current_block_size, howmany.n_audio(), false);
-Session::next_insert_id ()
- /* this doesn't really loop forever. just think about it */
- while (true) {
- for (boost::dynamic_bitset<uint32_t>::size_type n = 0; n < insert_bitset.size(); ++n) {
- if (!insert_bitset[n]) {
- insert_bitset[n] = true;
- return n;
- }
- }
- /* none available, so resize and try again */
- insert_bitset.resize (insert_bitset.size() + 16, false);
- }
-Session::next_send_id ()
- /* this doesn't really loop forever. just think about it */
- while (true) {
- for (boost::dynamic_bitset<uint32_t>::size_type n = 0; n < send_bitset.size(); ++n) {
- if (!send_bitset[n]) {
- send_bitset[n] = true;
- return n;
- }
- }
- /* none available, so resize and try again */
- send_bitset.resize (send_bitset.size() + 16, false);
- }
-Session::mark_send_id (uint32_t id)
- if (id >= send_bitset.size()) {
- send_bitset.resize (id+16, false);
- }
- if (send_bitset[id]) {
- warning << string_compose (_("send ID %1 appears to be in use already"), id) << endmsg;
- }
- send_bitset[id] = true;
-Session::mark_insert_id (uint32_t id)
- if (id >= insert_bitset.size()) {
- insert_bitset.resize (id+16, false);
- }
- if (insert_bitset[id]) {
- warning << string_compose (_("insert ID %1 appears to be in use already"), id) << endmsg;
- }
- insert_bitset[id] = true;
-/* Named Selection management */
-NamedSelection *
-Session::named_selection_by_name (string name)
- Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (named_selection_lock);
- for (NamedSelectionList::iterator i = named_selections.begin(); i != named_selections.end(); ++i) {
- if ((*i)->name == name) {
- return* i;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-Session::add_named_selection (NamedSelection* named_selection)
- {
- Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (named_selection_lock);
- named_selections.insert (named_selections.begin(), named_selection);
- }
- for (list<boost::shared_ptr<Playlist> >::iterator i = named_selection->playlists.begin(); i != named_selection->playlists.end(); ++i) {
- add_playlist (*i);
- }
- set_dirty();
- NamedSelectionAdded (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
-Session::remove_named_selection (NamedSelection* named_selection)
- bool removed = false;
- {
- Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (named_selection_lock);
- NamedSelectionList::iterator i = find (named_selections.begin(), named_selections.end(), named_selection);
- if (i != named_selections.end()) {
- delete (*i);
- named_selections.erase (i);
- set_dirty();
- removed = true;
- }
- }
- if (removed) {
- NamedSelectionRemoved (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
- }
-Session::reset_native_file_format ()
- boost::shared_ptr<DiskstreamList> dsl = diskstreams.reader();
- for (DiskstreamList::iterator i = dsl->begin(); i != dsl->end(); ++i) {
- (*i)->reset_write_sources (false);
- }
-Session::route_name_unique (string n) const
- shared_ptr<RouteList> r = routes.reader ();
- for (RouteList::const_iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- if ((*i)->name() == n) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-Session::n_playlists () const
- Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (playlist_lock);
- return playlists.size();
-Session::allocate_pan_automation_buffers (nframes_t nframes, uint32_t howmany, bool force)
- if (!force && howmany <= _npan_buffers) {
- return;
- }
- if (_pan_automation_buffer) {
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _npan_buffers; ++i) {
- delete [] _pan_automation_buffer[i];
- }
- delete [] _pan_automation_buffer;
- }
- _pan_automation_buffer = new pan_t*[howmany];
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < howmany; ++i) {
- _pan_automation_buffer[i] = new pan_t[nframes];
- }
- _npan_buffers = howmany;
-Session::freeze (InterThreadInfo& itt)
- shared_ptr<RouteList> r = routes.reader ();
- for (RouteList::iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- Track *at;
- if ((at = dynamic_cast<Track*>((*i).get())) != 0) {
- /* XXX this is wrong because itt.progress will keep returning to zero at the start
- of every track.
- */
- at->freeze (itt);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-Session::write_one_audio_track (AudioTrack& track, nframes_t start, nframes_t len,
- bool overwrite, vector<boost::shared_ptr<Source> >& srcs, InterThreadInfo& itt)
- int ret = -1;
- boost::shared_ptr<Playlist> playlist;
- boost::shared_ptr<AudioFileSource> fsource;
- uint32_t x;
- char buf[PATH_MAX+1];
- ChanCount nchans(track.audio_diskstream()->n_channels());
- nframes_t position;
- nframes_t this_chunk;
- nframes_t to_do;
- BufferSet buffers;
- SessionDirectory sdir(get_best_session_directory_for_new_source ());
- const string sound_dir = sdir.sound_path().to_string();
- // any bigger than this seems to cause stack overflows in called functions
- const nframes_t chunk_size = (128 * 1024)/4;
- g_atomic_int_set (&processing_prohibited, 1);
- /* call tree *MUST* hold route_lock */
- if ((playlist = track.diskstream()->playlist()) == 0) {
- goto out;
- }
- /* external redirects will be a problem */
- if (track.has_external_redirects()) {
- goto out;
- }
- for (uint32_t chan_n=0; chan_n < nchans.n_audio(); ++chan_n) {
- for (x = 0; x < 99999; ++x) {
- snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s-%d-bounce-%" PRIu32 ".wav", sound_dir.c_str(), playlist->name().c_str(), chan_n, x+1);
- if (access (buf, F_OK) != 0) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (x == 99999) {
- error << string_compose (_("too many bounced versions of playlist \"%1\""), playlist->name()) << endmsg;
- goto out;
- }
- try {
- fsource = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioFileSource> (
- SourceFactory::createWritable (DataType::AUDIO, *this, buf, false, frame_rate()));
- }
- catch (failed_constructor& err) {
- error << string_compose (_("cannot create new audio file \"%1\" for %2"), buf, << endmsg;
- goto out;
- }
- srcs.push_back (fsource);
- }
- /* XXX need to flush all redirects */
- position = start;
- to_do = len;
- /* create a set of reasonably-sized buffers */
- buffers.ensure_buffers(nchans, chunk_size);
- buffers.set_count(nchans);
- for (vector<boost::shared_ptr<Source> >::iterator src=srcs.begin(); src != srcs.end(); ++src) {
- boost::shared_ptr<AudioFileSource> afs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioFileSource>(*src);
- if (afs)
- afs->prepare_for_peakfile_writes ();
- }
- while (to_do && !itt.cancel) {
- this_chunk = min (to_do, chunk_size);
- if (track.export_stuff (buffers, start, this_chunk)) {
- goto out;
- }
- uint32_t n = 0;
- for (vector<boost::shared_ptr<Source> >::iterator src=srcs.begin(); src != srcs.end(); ++src, ++n) {
- boost::shared_ptr<AudioFileSource> afs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioFileSource>(*src);
- if (afs) {
- if (afs->write (buffers.get_audio(n).data(), this_chunk) != this_chunk) {
- goto out;
- }
- }
- }
- start += this_chunk;
- to_do -= this_chunk;
- itt.progress = (float) (1.0 - ((double) to_do / len));
- }
- if (!itt.cancel) {
- time_t now;
- struct tm* xnow;
- time (&now);
- xnow = localtime (&now);
- for (vector<boost::shared_ptr<Source> >::iterator src=srcs.begin(); src != srcs.end(); ++src) {
- boost::shared_ptr<AudioFileSource> afs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioFileSource>(*src);
- if (afs) {
- afs->update_header (position, *xnow, now);
- afs->flush_header ();
- }
- }
- /* construct a region to represent the bounced material */
- boost::shared_ptr<Region> aregion = RegionFactory::create (srcs, 0, srcs.front()->length(),
- region_name_from_path (srcs.front()->name(), true));
- ret = 0;
- }
- out:
- if (ret) {
- for (vector<boost::shared_ptr<Source> >::iterator src = srcs.begin(); src != srcs.end(); ++src) {
- boost::shared_ptr<AudioFileSource> afs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioFileSource>(*src);
- if (afs) {
- afs->mark_for_remove ();
- }
- (*src)->drop_references ();
- }
- } else {
- for (vector<boost::shared_ptr<Source> >::iterator src = srcs.begin(); src != srcs.end(); ++src) {
- boost::shared_ptr<AudioFileSource> afs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioFileSource>(*src);
- if (afs)
- afs->done_with_peakfile_writes ();
- }
- }
- g_atomic_int_set (&processing_prohibited, 0);
- return ret;
-Session::get_silent_buffers (ChanCount count)
- assert(_silent_buffers->available() >= count);
- _silent_buffers->set_count(count);
- for (DataType::iterator t = DataType::begin(); t != DataType::end(); ++t) {
- for (size_t i= 0; i < count.get(*t); ++i) {
- _silent_buffers->get(*t, i).clear();
- }
- }
- return *_silent_buffers;
-Session::get_scratch_buffers (ChanCount count)
- assert(_scratch_buffers->available() >= count);
- _scratch_buffers->set_count(count);
- return *_scratch_buffers;
-Session::get_mix_buffers (ChanCount count)
- assert(_mix_buffers->available() >= count);
- _mix_buffers->set_count(count);
- return *_mix_buffers;
-Session::ntracks () const
- uint32_t n = 0;
- shared_ptr<RouteList> r = routes.reader ();
- for (RouteList::const_iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- if (dynamic_cast<Track*> ((*i).get())) {
- ++n;
- }
- }
- return n;
-Session::nbusses () const
- uint32_t n = 0;
- shared_ptr<RouteList> r = routes.reader ();
- for (RouteList::const_iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- if (dynamic_cast<Track*> ((*i).get()) == 0) {
- ++n;
- }
- }
- return n;
-Session::add_automation_list(AutomationList *al)
- automation_lists[al->id()] = al;
-Session::compute_initial_length ()
- return _engine.frame_rate() * 60 * 5;
-Session::sync_order_keys ()
- if (!Config->get_sync_all_route_ordering()) {
- /* leave order keys as they are */
- return;
- }
- boost::shared_ptr<RouteList> r = routes.reader ();
- for (RouteList::iterator i = r->begin(); i != r->end(); ++i) {
- (*i)->sync_order_keys ();
- }
- Route::SyncOrderKeys (); // EMIT SIGNAL
-Session::foreach_bundle (sigc::slot<void, boost::shared_ptr<Bundle> > sl)
- Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (bundle_lock);
- for (BundleList::iterator i = _bundles.begin(); i != _bundles.end(); ++i) {
- sl (*i);
- }