path: root/libs/ardour/
diff options
authorCarl Hetherington <>2010-12-28 18:19:40 +0000
committerCarl Hetherington <>2010-12-28 18:19:40 +0000
commitf8ebb4582d4d881fbda75a6bc9cd9c50f5c921f3 (patch)
tree90608a3cb424866b2a164c354d1665a7b0a9d79a /libs/ardour/
parent390f18c1152f2007b790a77c873b50ef48209f44 (diff)
Unify program change and bank handling so that they are manipulated together.
git-svn-id: svn://localhost/ardour2/branches/3.0@8346 d708f5d6-7413-0410-9779-e7cbd77b26cf
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/ardour/')
1 files changed, 435 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/ardour/ b/libs/ardour/
index e185300cca..2cdf6b45da 100644
--- a/libs/ardour/
+++ b/libs/ardour/
@@ -70,6 +70,16 @@ MidiModel::new_sysex_diff_command (const string name)
return new SysExDiffCommand (ms->model(), name);
+/** Start a new PatchChangeDiff command */
+MidiModel::new_patch_change_diff_command (const string name)
+ boost::shared_ptr<MidiSource> ms = _midi_source.lock ();
+ assert (ms);
+ return new PatchChangeDiffCommand (ms->model(), name);
/** Apply a command.
@@ -107,6 +117,10 @@ MidiModel::apply_command_as_subcommand(Session& session, Command* cmd)
#define SIDE_EFFECT_REMOVALS_ELEMENT "SideEffectRemovals"
#define DIFF_SYSEXES_ELEMENT "ChangedSysExes"
+#define PATCH_CHANGE_DIFF_COMMAND_ELEMENT "PatchChangeDiffCommand"
+#define ADDED_PATCH_CHANGES_ELEMENT "AddedPatchChanges"
+#define REMOVED_PATCH_CHANGES_ELEMENT "RemovedPatchChanges"
+#define DIFF_PATCH_CHANGES_ELEMENT "ChangedPatchChanges"
MidiModel::DiffCommand::DiffCommand(boost::shared_ptr<MidiModel> m, const std::string& name)
: Command (name)
@@ -890,6 +904,415 @@ MidiModel::SysExDiffCommand::get_state ()
return *diff_command;
+MidiModel::PatchChangeDiffCommand::PatchChangeDiffCommand (boost::shared_ptr<MidiModel> m, const string& name)
+ : DiffCommand (m, name)
+ assert (_model);
+MidiModel::PatchChangeDiffCommand::PatchChangeDiffCommand (boost::shared_ptr<MidiModel> m, const XMLNode & node)
+ : DiffCommand (m, "")
+ assert (_model);
+ set_state (node, Stateful::loading_state_version);
+MidiModel::PatchChangeDiffCommand::add (PatchChangePtr p)
+ _added.push_back (p);
+MidiModel::PatchChangeDiffCommand::remove (PatchChangePtr p)
+ _removed.push_back (p);
+MidiModel::PatchChangeDiffCommand::change_time (PatchChangePtr patch, TimeType t)
+ Change c;
+ = Time;
+ c.patch = patch;
+ c.old_time = patch->time ();
+ c.new_time = t;
+ _changes.push_back (c);
+MidiModel::PatchChangeDiffCommand::change_channel (PatchChangePtr patch, uint8_t channel)
+ Change c;
+ = Channel;
+ c.patch = patch;
+ c.old_channel = patch->channel ();
+ c.new_channel = channel;
+ _changes.push_back (c);
+MidiModel::PatchChangeDiffCommand::change_program (PatchChangePtr patch, uint8_t program)
+ Change c;
+ = Program;
+ c.patch = patch;
+ c.old_program = patch->program ();
+ c.new_program = program;
+ _changes.push_back (c);
+MidiModel::PatchChangeDiffCommand::change_bank (PatchChangePtr patch, int bank)
+ Change c;
+ = Bank;
+ c.patch = patch;
+ c.old_bank = patch->bank ();
+ c.new_bank = bank;
+ _changes.push_back (c);
+MidiModel::PatchChangeDiffCommand::operator() ()
+ {
+ MidiModel::WriteLock lock (_model->edit_lock ());
+ for (list<PatchChangePtr>::iterator i = _added.begin(); i != _added.end(); ++i) {
+ _model->add_patch_change_unlocked (*i);
+ }
+ for (list<PatchChangePtr>::iterator i = _removed.begin(); i != _removed.end(); ++i) {
+ _model->remove_patch_change_unlocked (*i);
+ }
+ set<PatchChangePtr> temporary_removals;
+ for (ChangeList::iterator i = _changes.begin(); i != _changes.end(); ++i) {
+ switch (i->property) {
+ case Time:
+ if (temporary_removals.find (i->patch) == temporary_removals.end()) {
+ _model->remove_patch_change_unlocked (i->patch);
+ temporary_removals.insert (i->patch);
+ }
+ i->patch->set_time (i->new_time);
+ break;
+ case Channel:
+ i->patch->set_channel (i->new_channel);
+ break;
+ case Program:
+ i->patch->set_program (i->new_program);
+ break;
+ case Bank:
+ i->patch->set_bank (i->new_bank);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (set<PatchChangePtr>::iterator i = temporary_removals.begin(); i != temporary_removals.end(); ++i) {
+ _model->add_patch_change_unlocked (*i);
+ }
+ }
+ _model->ContentsChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
+MidiModel::PatchChangeDiffCommand::undo ()
+ {
+ MidiModel::WriteLock lock (_model->edit_lock());
+ for (list<PatchChangePtr>::iterator i = _added.begin(); i != _added.end(); ++i) {
+ _model->remove_patch_change_unlocked (*i);
+ }
+ for (list<PatchChangePtr>::iterator i = _removed.begin(); i != _removed.end(); ++i) {
+ _model->add_patch_change_unlocked (*i);
+ }
+ set<PatchChangePtr> temporary_removals;
+ for (ChangeList::iterator i = _changes.begin(); i != _changes.end(); ++i) {
+ switch (i->property) {
+ case Time:
+ if (temporary_removals.find (i->patch) == temporary_removals.end()) {
+ _model->remove_patch_change_unlocked (i->patch);
+ temporary_removals.insert (i->patch);
+ }
+ i->patch->set_time (i->old_time);
+ break;
+ case Channel:
+ i->patch->set_channel (i->old_channel);
+ break;
+ case Program:
+ i->patch->set_program (i->old_program);
+ break;
+ case Bank:
+ i->patch->set_bank (i->old_bank);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (set<PatchChangePtr>::iterator i = temporary_removals.begin(); i != temporary_removals.end(); ++i) {
+ _model->add_patch_change_unlocked (*i);
+ }
+ }
+ _model->ContentsChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
+XMLNode &
+MidiModel::PatchChangeDiffCommand::marshal_patch_change (constPatchChangePtr p)
+ XMLNode* n = new XMLNode ("patch-change");
+ {
+ ostringstream s (ios::ate);
+ s << int (p->id ());
+ n->add_property ("id", s.str());
+ }
+ {
+ ostringstream s (ios::ate);
+ s << p->time ();
+ n->add_property ("time", s.str ());
+ }
+ {
+ ostringstream s (ios::ate);
+ s << int (p->channel ());
+ n->add_property ("channel", s.str ());
+ }
+ {
+ ostringstream s (ios::ate);
+ s << int (p->program ());
+ n->add_property ("program", s.str ());
+ }
+ {
+ ostringstream s (ios::ate);
+ s << int (p->bank ());
+ n->add_property ("bank", s.str ());
+ }
+ return *n;
+MidiModel::PatchChangeDiffCommand::marshal_change (const Change& c)
+ XMLNode* n = new XMLNode (X_("Change"));
+ n->add_property (X_("property"), enum_2_string (;
+ {
+ ostringstream s (ios::ate);
+ if ( == Time) {
+ s << c.old_time;
+ } else if ( == Channel) {
+ s << c.old_channel;
+ } else if ( == Program) {
+ s << int (c.old_program);
+ } else if ( == Bank) {
+ s << c.old_bank;
+ }
+ n->add_property (X_("old"), s.str ());
+ }
+ {
+ ostringstream s (ios::ate);
+ if ( == Time) {
+ s << c.new_time;
+ } else if ( == Channel) {
+ s << c.new_channel;
+ } else if ( == Program) {
+ s << int (c.new_program);
+ } else if ( == Bank) {
+ s << c.new_bank;
+ }
+ n->add_property (X_("new"), s.str ());
+ }
+ {
+ ostringstream s;
+ s << c.patch->id ();
+ n->add_property ("id", s.str ());
+ }
+ return *n;
+MidiModel::PatchChangeDiffCommand::unmarshal_patch_change (XMLNode* n)
+ XMLProperty* prop;
+ Evoral::event_id_t id;
+ Evoral::MusicalTime time = 0;
+ uint8_t channel = 0;
+ uint8_t program = 0;
+ int bank = 0;
+ if ((prop = n->property ("id")) != 0) {
+ istringstream s (prop->value());
+ s >> id;
+ }
+ if ((prop = n->property ("time")) != 0) {
+ istringstream s (prop->value ());
+ s >> time;
+ }
+ if ((prop = n->property ("channel")) != 0) {
+ istringstream s (prop->value ());
+ s >> channel;
+ }
+ if ((prop = n->property ("program")) != 0) {
+ istringstream s (prop->value ());
+ s >> program;
+ }
+ if ((prop = n->property ("bank")) != 0) {
+ istringstream s (prop->value ());
+ s >> bank;
+ }
+ PatchChangePtr p (new Evoral::PatchChange<TimeType> (time, channel, program, bank));
+ p->set_id (id);
+ return p;
+MidiModel::PatchChangeDiffCommand::unmarshal_change (XMLNode* n)
+ XMLProperty* prop;
+ Change c;
+ prop = n->property ("property");
+ assert (prop);
+ = (Property) string_2_enum (prop->value(),;
+ prop = n->property ("id");
+ assert (prop);
+ Evoral::event_id_t const id = atoi (prop->value().c_str());
+ prop = n->property ("old");
+ assert (prop);
+ {
+ istringstream s (prop->value ());
+ if ( == Time) {
+ s >> c.old_time;
+ } else if ( == Channel) {
+ s >> c.old_channel;
+ } else if ( == Program) {
+ s >> c.old_program;
+ } else if ( == Bank) {
+ s >> c.old_bank;
+ }
+ }
+ prop = n->property ("new");
+ assert (prop);
+ {
+ istringstream s (prop->value ());
+ if ( == Time) {
+ s >> c.new_time;
+ } else if ( == Channel) {
+ s >> c.new_channel;
+ } else if ( == Program) {
+ s >> c.new_program;
+ } else if ( == Bank) {
+ s >> c.new_bank;
+ }
+ }
+ c.patch = _model->find_patch_change (id);
+ assert (c.patch);
+ return c;
+MidiModel::PatchChangeDiffCommand::set_state (const XMLNode& diff_command, int /*version*/)
+ return 1;
+ }
+ _added.clear ();
+ XMLNode* added = diff_command.child (ADDED_PATCH_CHANGES_ELEMENT);
+ if (added) {
+ XMLNodeList p = added->children ();
+ transform (p.begin(), p.end(), back_inserter (_added), boost::bind (&PatchChangeDiffCommand::unmarshal_patch_change, this, _1));
+ }
+ _removed.clear ();
+ XMLNode* removed = diff_command.child (REMOVED_PATCH_CHANGES_ELEMENT);
+ if (removed) {
+ XMLNodeList p = removed->children ();
+ transform (p.begin(), p.end(), back_inserter (_removed), boost::bind (&PatchChangeDiffCommand::unmarshal_patch_change, this, _1));
+ }
+ _changes.clear ();
+ XMLNode* changed = diff_command.child (DIFF_PATCH_CHANGES_ELEMENT);
+ if (changed) {
+ XMLNodeList p = changed->children ();
+ transform (p.begin(), p.end(), back_inserter (_changes), boost::bind (&PatchChangeDiffCommand::unmarshal_change, this, _1));
+ }
+ return 0;
+XMLNode &
+MidiModel::PatchChangeDiffCommand::get_state ()
+ XMLNode* diff_command = new XMLNode (PATCH_CHANGE_DIFF_COMMAND_ELEMENT);
+ diff_command->add_property("midi-source", _model->midi_source()->id().to_s());
+ XMLNode* added = diff_command->add_child (ADDED_PATCH_CHANGES_ELEMENT);
+ for_each (_added.begin(), _added.end(),
+ boost::bind (
+ boost::bind (&XMLNode::add_child_nocopy, added, _1),
+ boost::bind (&PatchChangeDiffCommand::marshal_patch_change, this, _1)
+ )
+ );
+ XMLNode* removed = diff_command->add_child (REMOVED_PATCH_CHANGES_ELEMENT);
+ for_each (_removed.begin(), _removed.end(),
+ boost::bind (
+ boost::bind (&XMLNode::add_child_nocopy, removed, _1),
+ boost::bind (&PatchChangeDiffCommand::marshal_patch_change, this, _1)
+ )
+ );
+ XMLNode* changes = diff_command->add_child (DIFF_PATCH_CHANGES_ELEMENT);
+ for_each (_changes.begin(), _changes.end(),
+ boost::bind (
+ boost::bind (&XMLNode::add_child_nocopy, changes, _1),
+ boost::bind (&PatchChangeDiffCommand::marshal_change, this, _1)
+ )
+ );
+ return *diff_command;
/** Write all of the model to a MidiSource (i.e. save the model).
* This is different from manually using read to write to a source in that
* note off events are written regardless of the track mode. This is so the
@@ -1084,6 +1507,18 @@ MidiModel::find_note (gint note_id)
return NotePtr();
+MidiModel::find_patch_change (Evoral::event_id_t id)
+ for (PatchChanges::iterator i = patch_changes().begin(); i != patch_changes().end(); ++i) {
+ if ((*i)->id() == id) {
+ return *i;
+ }
+ }
+ return PatchChangePtr ();
boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Event<MidiModel::TimeType> >
MidiModel::find_sysex (gint sysex_id)