path: root/libs/ardour/ardour/tempo.h
diff options
authorDoug McLain <>2008-06-02 05:02:28 +0000
committerDoug McLain <>2008-06-02 05:02:28 +0000
commit9c0d7d72d70082a54f823cd44c0ccda5da64bb6f (patch)
tree96ec400b83b8c1c06852b1936f684b5fbcd47a79 /libs/ardour/ardour/tempo.h
parent2f3f697bb8e185eb43c2c50b4eefc2bcb937f269 (diff)
remove empty sigc++2 directory
git-svn-id: svn://localhost/ardour2/branches/3.0@3432 d708f5d6-7413-0410-9779-e7cbd77b26cf
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/ardour/ardour/tempo.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 322 deletions
diff --git a/libs/ardour/ardour/tempo.h b/libs/ardour/ardour/tempo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c4915072c5..0000000000
--- a/libs/ardour/ardour/tempo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 2000 Paul Davis
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#ifndef __ardour_tempo_h__
-#define __ardour_tempo_h__
-#include <list>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <glibmm/thread.h>
-#include <pbd/undo.h>
-#include <pbd/stateful.h>
-#include <pbd/statefuldestructible.h>
-#include <sigc++/signal.h>
-#include <ardour/ardour.h>
-class XMLNode;
-using std::list;
-using std::vector;
-namespace ARDOUR {
-class Meter;
-class Tempo {
- public:
- Tempo (double bpm, double type=4.0) // defaulting to quarter note
- : _beats_per_minute (bpm), _note_type(type) {}
- Tempo (const Tempo& other) {
- _beats_per_minute = other._beats_per_minute;
- _note_type = other._note_type;
- }
- void operator= (const Tempo& other) {
- if (&other != this) {
- _beats_per_minute = other._beats_per_minute;
- _note_type = other._note_type;
- }
- }
- double beats_per_minute () const { return _beats_per_minute;}
- double note_type () const { return _note_type;}
- double frames_per_beat (nframes_t sr, const Meter& meter) const;
- protected:
- double _beats_per_minute;
- double _note_type;
-class Meter {
- public:
- static const double ticks_per_beat;
- Meter (double bpb, double bt)
- : _beats_per_bar (bpb), _note_type (bt) {}
- Meter (const Meter& other) {
- _beats_per_bar = other._beats_per_bar;
- _note_type = other._note_type;
- }
- void operator= (const Meter& other) {
- if (&other != this) {
- _beats_per_bar = other._beats_per_bar;
- _note_type = other._note_type;
- }
- }
- double beats_per_bar () const { return _beats_per_bar; }
- double note_divisor() const { return _note_type; }
- double frames_per_bar (const Tempo&, nframes_t sr) const;
- protected:
- /* this is the number of beats in a bar. it is a real value
- because there are musical traditions on our planet
- that do not limit themselves to integral numbers of beats
- per bar.
- */
- double _beats_per_bar;
- /* this is the type of "note" that a beat represents. for example,
- 4.0 would be a quarter (crotchet) note, 8.0 would be an eighth
- (quaver) note, etc.
- */
- double _note_type;
-class MetricSection {
- public:
- MetricSection (const BBT_Time& start)
- : _start (start), _frame (0), _movable (true) {}
- MetricSection (nframes_t start)
- : _frame (start), _movable (true) {}
- virtual ~MetricSection() {}
- const BBT_Time& start() const { return _start; }
- const nframes_t frame() const { return _frame; }
- void set_movable (bool yn) { _movable = yn; }
- bool movable() const { return _movable; }
- virtual void set_frame (nframes_t f) {
- _frame = f;
- };
- virtual void set_start (const BBT_Time& w) {
- _start = w;
- }
- /* MeterSections are not stateful in the full sense,
- but we do want them to control their own
- XML state information.
- */
- virtual XMLNode& get_state() const = 0;
- private:
- BBT_Time _start;
- nframes_t _frame;
- bool _movable;
-class MeterSection : public MetricSection, public Meter {
- public:
- MeterSection (const BBT_Time& start, double bpb, double note_type)
- : MetricSection (start), Meter (bpb, note_type) {}
- MeterSection (nframes_t start, double bpb, double note_type)
- : MetricSection (start), Meter (bpb, note_type) {}
- MeterSection (const XMLNode&);
- static const string xml_state_node_name;
- XMLNode& get_state() const;
-class TempoSection : public MetricSection, public Tempo {
- public:
- TempoSection (const BBT_Time& start, double qpm, double note_type)
- : MetricSection (start), Tempo (qpm, note_type) {}
- TempoSection (nframes_t start, double qpm, double note_type)
- : MetricSection (start), Tempo (qpm, note_type) {}
- TempoSection (const XMLNode&);
- static const string xml_state_node_name;
- XMLNode& get_state() const;
-typedef list<MetricSection*> Metrics;
-class TempoMap : public PBD::StatefulDestructible
- public:
- TempoMap (nframes_t frame_rate);
- ~TempoMap();
- /* measure-based stuff */
- enum BBTPointType {
- Bar,
- Beat,
- };
- struct BBTPoint {
- BBTPointType type;
- nframes_t frame;
- const Meter* meter;
- const Tempo* tempo;
- uint32_t bar;
- uint32_t beat;
- BBTPoint (const Meter& m, const Tempo& t, nframes_t f, BBTPointType ty, uint32_t b, uint32_t e)
- : type (ty), frame (f), meter (&m), tempo (&t), bar (b), beat (e) {}
- };
- typedef vector<BBTPoint> BBTPointList;
- template<class T> void apply_with_metrics (T& obj, void (T::*method)(const Metrics&)) {
- Glib::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (lock);
- (obj.*method)(*metrics);
- }
- BBTPointList *get_points (nframes_t start, nframes_t end) const;
- void bbt_time (nframes_t when, BBT_Time&) const;
- nframes_t frame_time (const BBT_Time&) const;
- nframes_t bbt_duration_at (nframes_t, const BBT_Time&, int dir) const;
- static const Tempo& default_tempo() { return _default_tempo; }
- static const Meter& default_meter() { return _default_meter; }
- const Tempo& tempo_at (nframes_t);
- const Meter& meter_at (nframes_t);
- const TempoSection& tempo_section_at (nframes_t);
- void add_tempo(const Tempo&, BBT_Time where);
- void add_meter(const Meter&, BBT_Time where);
- void add_tempo(const Tempo&, nframes_t where);
- void add_meter(const Meter&, nframes_t where);
- void move_tempo (TempoSection&, const BBT_Time& to);
- void move_meter (MeterSection&, const BBT_Time& to);
- void remove_tempo(const TempoSection&);
- void remove_meter(const MeterSection&);
- void replace_tempo (TempoSection& existing, const Tempo& replacement);
- void replace_meter (MeterSection& existing, const Meter& replacement);
- nframes_t round_to_bar (nframes_t frame, int dir);
- nframes_t round_to_beat (nframes_t frame, int dir);
- nframes_t round_to_beat_subdivision (nframes_t fr, int sub_num);
- nframes_t round_to_tick (nframes_t frame, int dir);
- void set_length (nframes_t frames);
- XMLNode& get_state (void);
- int set_state (const XMLNode&);
- void dump (std::ostream&) const;
- void clear ();
- /* this is a helper class that we use to be able to keep
- track of which meter *AND* tempo are in effect at
- a given point in time.
- */
- class Metric {
- public:
- Metric (const Meter& m, const Tempo& t) : _meter (&m), _tempo (&t), _frame (0) {}
- void set_tempo (const Tempo& t) { _tempo = &t; }
- void set_meter (const Meter& m) { _meter = &m; }
- void set_frame (nframes_t f) { _frame = f; }
- void set_start (const BBT_Time& t) { _start = t; }
- const Meter& meter() const { return *_meter; }
- const Tempo& tempo() const { return *_tempo; }
- nframes_t frame() const { return _frame; }
- const BBT_Time& start() const { return _start; }
- private:
- const Meter* _meter;
- const Tempo* _tempo;
- nframes_t _frame;
- BBT_Time _start;
- };
- Metric metric_at (BBT_Time bbt) const;
- Metric metric_at (nframes_t) const;
- void bbt_time_with_metric (nframes_t, BBT_Time&, const Metric&) const;
- void change_existing_tempo_at (nframes_t, double bpm, double note_type);
- void change_initial_tempo (double bpm, double note_type);
- int n_tempos () const;
- int n_meters () const;
- sigc::signal<void,ARDOUR::Change> StateChanged;
- private:
- static Tempo _default_tempo;
- static Meter _default_meter;
- Metrics* metrics;
- nframes_t _frame_rate;
- nframes_t last_bbt_when;
- bool last_bbt_valid;
- BBT_Time last_bbt;
- mutable Glib::RWLock lock;
- void timestamp_metrics (bool use_bbt);
- nframes_t round_to_type (nframes_t fr, int dir, BBTPointType);
- nframes_t frame_time_unlocked (const BBT_Time&) const;
- void bbt_time_unlocked (nframes_t, BBT_Time&) const;
- nframes_t bbt_duration_at_unlocked (const BBT_Time& when, const BBT_Time& bbt, int dir) const;
- const MeterSection& first_meter() const;
- const TempoSection& first_tempo() const;
- nframes_t count_frames_between (const BBT_Time&, const BBT_Time&) const;
- nframes_t count_frames_between_metrics (const Meter&, const Tempo&, const BBT_Time&, const BBT_Time&) const;
- int move_metric_section (MetricSection&, const BBT_Time& to);
- void do_insert (MetricSection* section, bool with_bbt);
-}; /* namespace ARDOUR */
-#endif /* __ardour_tempo_h__ */