path: root/gtk2_ardour/
diff options
authorPaul Davis <>2013-09-23 14:41:52 -0400
committerPaul Davis <>2013-09-23 14:41:52 -0400
commitb362ff220cbd1a17f1b6621b624d3801101fad3e (patch)
tree0e69d24122a096e65ae7492f0790da567ce37369 /gtk2_ardour/
parentc72748508bf8c9f8ce189f834d3c3114ef27952d (diff)
major rearrangement of startup/session loading code
first-time user code remains in ArdourStartup session selection/setup moved to SessionDialog many other cleanups, logic improvements, and so forth to the overall session loading process. Not 100% finished yet.
Diffstat (limited to 'gtk2_ardour/')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 967 deletions
diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/ b/gtk2_ardour/
index 06befae7f5..7bb9b2e295 100644
--- a/gtk2_ardour/
+++ b/gtk2_ardour/
@@ -65,89 +65,55 @@ static string poor_mans_glob (string path)
return copy;
-ArdourStartup::ArdourStartup (bool require_new, const std::string& session_name, const std::string& session_path, const std::string& template_name)
+ArdourStartup::ArdourStartup ()
: _response (RESPONSE_OK)
, config_modified (false)
- , new_only (require_new)
, default_dir_chooser (0)
, monitor_via_hardware_button (string_compose (_("Use an external mixer or the hardware mixer of your audio interface.\n"
"%1 will play NO role in monitoring"), PROGRAM_NAME))
, monitor_via_ardour_button (string_compose (_("Ask %1 to play back material as it is being recorded"), PROGRAM_NAME))
- , new_folder_chooser (FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER)
- , more_new_session_options_button (_("Advanced options ..."))
- , _output_limit_count_adj (1, 0, 100, 1, 10, 0)
- , _input_limit_count_adj (1, 0, 100, 1, 10, 0)
- , _master_bus_channel_count_adj (2, 0, 100, 1, 10, 0)
, audio_page_index (-1)
, new_user_page_index (-1)
, default_folder_page_index (-1)
, monitoring_page_index (-1)
- , new_session_page_index (-1)
- , initial_choice_index (-1)
, final_page_index (-1)
- , session_options_page_index (-1)
- , _existing_session_chooser_used (false)
- new_user = !Glib::file_test (been_here_before_path(), Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS);
- need_session_info = (session_name.empty() || require_new);
- _provided_session_name = session_name;
- _provided_session_path = session_path;
+ set_keep_above (true);
+ set_position (WIN_POS_CENTER);
+ set_border_width (12);
+ if ((icon_pixbuf = ::get_icon ("ardour_icon_48px")) == 0) {
+ throw failed_constructor();
+ }
+ list<Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> > window_icons;
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> icon;
+ if ((icon = ::get_icon ("ardour_icon_16px")) != 0) {
+ window_icons.push_back (icon);
+ }
+ if ((icon = ::get_icon ("ardour_icon_22px")) != 0) {
+ window_icons.push_back (icon);
+ }
+ if ((icon = ::get_icon ("ardour_icon_32px")) != 0) {
+ window_icons.push_back (icon);
+ }
+ if ((icon = ::get_icon ("ardour_icon_48px")) != 0) {
+ window_icons.push_back (icon);
+ }
+ if (!window_icons.empty ()) {
+ set_default_icon_list (window_icons);
+ }
- if (need_session_info || new_user) {
- set_keep_above (true);
- set_position (WIN_POS_CENTER);
- set_border_width (12);
- if ((icon_pixbuf = ::get_icon ("ardour_icon_48px")) == 0) {
- throw failed_constructor();
- }
- list<Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> > window_icons;
- Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> icon;
- if ((icon = ::get_icon ("ardour_icon_16px")) != 0) {
- window_icons.push_back (icon);
- }
- if ((icon = ::get_icon ("ardour_icon_22px")) != 0) {
- window_icons.push_back (icon);
- }
- if ((icon = ::get_icon ("ardour_icon_32px")) != 0) {
- window_icons.push_back (icon);
- }
- if ((icon = ::get_icon ("ardour_icon_48px")) != 0) {
- window_icons.push_back (icon);
- }
- if (!window_icons.empty ()) {
- set_default_icon_list (window_icons);
- }
#ifdef __APPLE__
- setup_prerelease_page ();
+ setup_prerelease_page ();
- if (new_user) {
- setup_new_user_page ();
- setup_first_time_config_page ();
- setup_monitoring_choice_page ();
- setup_monitor_section_choice_page ();
- setup_final_page ();
- setup_new_session_page ();
- } else {
- if (!new_only) {
- setup_initial_choice_page ();
- }
- setup_new_session_page ();
- }
- if (!template_name.empty()) {
- use_template_button.set_active (false);
- load_template_override = template_name;
- }
- }
+ setup_new_user_page ();
+ setup_first_time_config_page ();
+ setup_monitoring_choice_page ();
+ setup_monitor_section_choice_page ();
+ setup_final_page ();
the_startup = this;
@@ -157,9 +123,16 @@ ArdourStartup::~ArdourStartup ()
-ArdourStartup::ready_without_display () const
+ArdourStartup::required ()
- return !new_user && !need_session_info;
+ return !Glib::file_test (been_here_before_path(), Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS);
+ArdourStartup::been_here_before_path ()
+ // XXXX use more specific version so we can catch upgrades
+ return Glib::build_filename (user_config_directory (), ".a3");
@@ -195,89 +168,6 @@ Full information on all the above can be found on the support page at\n\
set_page_complete (*vbox, true);
-ArdourStartup::use_session_template ()
- if (!load_template_override.empty()) {
- return true;
- }
- if (use_template_button.get_active()) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-ArdourStartup::session_template_name ()
- if (!load_template_override.empty()) {
- string the_path (ARDOUR::user_template_directory());
- return Glib::build_filename (the_path, load_template_override + ARDOUR::template_suffix);
- }
- if (use_template_button.get_active()) {
- TreeModel::iterator iter = template_chooser.get_active ();
- TreeModel::Row row = (*iter);
- string s = row[session_template_columns.path];
- return s;
- }
- return string();
-ArdourStartup::session_name (bool& should_be_new)
- if (ready_without_display()) {
- return _provided_session_name;
- }
- /* Try recent session selection */
- TreeIter iter = recent_session_display.get_selection()->get_selected();
- if (iter) {
- should_be_new = false;
- return (*iter)[recent_session_columns.visible_name];
- }
- if (_existing_session_chooser_used) {
- /* existing session chosen from file chooser */
- should_be_new = false;
- return existing_session_chooser.get_filename ();
- } else {
- should_be_new = true;
- string val = new_name_entry.get_text ();
- strip_whitespace_edges (val);
- return val;
- }
-ArdourStartup::session_folder ()
- if (ready_without_display()) {
- return _provided_session_path;
- }
- /* Try recent session selection */
- TreeIter iter = recent_session_display.get_selection()->get_selected();
- if (iter) {
- return (*iter)[recent_session_columns.fullpath];
- }
- if (_existing_session_chooser_used) {
- /* existing session chosen from file chooser */
- return existing_session_chooser.get_current_folder ();
- } else {
- std::string legal_session_folder_name = legalize_for_path (new_name_entry.get_text());
- return Glib::build_filename (new_folder_chooser.get_current_folder(), legal_session_folder_name);
- }
ArdourStartup::setup_new_user_page ()
@@ -483,158 +373,11 @@ greater control in monitoring without affecting the mix."));
-ArdourStartup::setup_initial_choice_page ()
- ic_vbox.set_spacing (6);
- ic_vbox.set_border_width (24);
- /* append the page early because the recent session display will cause
- calls to set_page_complete() on this page.
- */
- initial_choice_index = append_page (ic_vbox);
- set_page_title (ic_vbox, string_compose("%1 %2", PROGRAM_NAME, VERSIONSTRING));
- set_page_header_image (ic_vbox, icon_pixbuf);
- HBox* centering_hbox = manage (new HBox);
- VBox* centering_vbox = manage (new VBox);
- centering_vbox->set_spacing (6);
- Label* new_label = manage (new Label);
- new_label->set_markup (string_compose ("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"large\">%1</span>", _("Create a new session")));
- new_label->set_alignment (0, 0.5);
- ic_new_session_button.set_label (_("Configure the new session ..."));
- ic_new_session_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ArdourStartup::new_session_button_clicked));
- centering_vbox->pack_start (*new_label, false, false, 12);
- centering_vbox->pack_start (ic_new_session_button, false, true);
- /* Possible update message */
- if (ARDOUR_UI::instance()->announce_string() != "" ) {
- Gtk::Frame *info_frame = manage(new Gtk::Frame);
- info_frame->set_shadow_type(SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT);
- centering_vbox->pack_start (*info_frame, false, false, 20);
- Box *info_box = manage (new VBox);
- info_box->set_border_width (12);
- info_box->set_spacing (6);
- info_box->set_name("mixbus_info_box");
- info_box->pack_start (info_scroller_label, false, false);
- info_frame->add (*info_box);
- info_frame->show_all();
- info_scroller_count = 0;
- info_scroller_connection = Glib::signal_timeout().connect (mem_fun(*this, &ArdourStartup::info_scroller_update), 50);
- Gtk::Button *updates_button = manage (new Gtk::Button (_("Check the website for more...")));
- updates_button->signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &ArdourStartup::updates_button_clicked) );
- ARDOUR_UI::instance()->tooltips().set_tip (*updates_button, _("Click to open the program website in your web browser"));
- info_box->pack_start (*updates_button, false, false);
- }
- /* recent session scroller */
- recent_label.set_no_show_all (true);
- recent_scroller.set_no_show_all (true);
- recent_label.set_markup (string_compose ("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"large\">%1</span>", _("Load a recent session")));
- recent_label.set_alignment (0, 0.5);
- recent_session_model = TreeStore::create (recent_session_columns);
- recent_session_display.set_model (recent_session_model);
- recent_session_display.append_column (_("Recent Sessions"), recent_session_columns.visible_name);
- recent_session_display.set_headers_visible (false);
- recent_session_display.get_selection()->set_mode (SELECTION_SINGLE);
- recent_session_display.get_selection()->signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ArdourStartup::recent_session_row_selected));
- recent_scroller.add (recent_session_display);
- recent_scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC);
- recent_scroller.set_shadow_type (Gtk::SHADOW_IN);
- recent_session_display.signal_row_activated().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ArdourStartup::recent_row_activated));
- centering_vbox->pack_start (recent_label, false, false, 12);
- centering_vbox->pack_start (recent_scroller, false, true);
- /* Browse button */
- existing_session_chooser.set_title (_("Select session file"));
- existing_session_chooser.signal_file_set().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ArdourStartup::existing_session_selected));
- existing_session_chooser.set_current_folder(poor_mans_glob (Config->get_default_session_parent_dir()));
- FileFilter session_filter;
- session_filter.add_pattern ("*.ardour");
- session_filter.set_name (string_compose (_("%1 sessions"), PROGRAM_NAME));
- existing_session_chooser.add_filter (session_filter);
- existing_session_chooser.set_filter (session_filter);
-#ifdef GTKOSX
- existing_session_chooser.add_shortcut_folder ("/Volumes");
- Label* browse_label = manage (new Label);
- browse_label->set_markup (string_compose ("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"large\">%1</span>", _("Browse for other sessions")));
- browse_label->set_alignment (0, 0.5);
- centering_vbox->pack_start (*browse_label, false, false, 12);
- centering_vbox->pack_start (existing_session_chooser, false, false);
- /* pack it all up */
- centering_hbox->pack_start (*centering_vbox, true, true);
- ic_vbox.pack_start (*centering_hbox, true, true);
- ic_vbox.show_all ();
- /* user could just click on "Forward" if default
- * choice is correct.
- */
- set_page_complete (ic_vbox, true);
-ArdourStartup::session_selected ()
- /* HACK HACK HACK ... change the "Apply" button label
- to say "Open"
- */
- Gtk::Widget* tl = ic_vbox.get_toplevel();
- Gtk::Window* win;
- if ((win = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Window*>(tl)) != 0) {
- /* ::get_default_widget() is not wrapped in gtkmm */
- Gtk::Widget* def = wrap (gtk_window_get_default_widget (win->gobj()));
- Gtk::Button* button;
- if ((button = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Button*>(def)) != 0) {
- button->set_label (_("Open"));
- }
- }
-ArdourStartup::new_session_button_clicked ()
- _existing_session_chooser_used = false;
- recent_session_display.get_selection()->unselect_all ();
- set_current_page (new_session_page_index);
ArdourStartup::setup_final_page ()
- final_page.set_text (string_compose (_("%1 is ready for use"), PROGRAM_NAME));
+ string msg = string_compose (_("%1 is ready for use"), PROGRAM_NAME);
+ final_page.set_markup (string_compose ("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"large\">%1</span>", msg)); ();
final_page_index = append_page (final_page);
set_page_complete (final_page, true);
@@ -649,24 +392,6 @@ ArdourStartup::on_cancel ()
gtk_main_quit ();
-ArdourStartup::on_prepare (Gtk::Widget* page)
- if (page == &session_new_vbox) {
- /* if the user already defined a name by using the recent
- * session list or browsing to an existing session
- * then we are done.
- */
- bool expect_new_ignored;
- if (!session_name (expect_new_ignored).empty()) {
- on_apply ();
- }
- }
ArdourStartup::on_delete_event (GdkEventAny*)
@@ -708,574 +433,6 @@ ArdourStartup::on_apply ()
gtk_main_quit ();
-ArdourStartup::populate_session_templates ()
- vector<TemplateInfo> templates;
- find_session_templates (templates);
- template_model->clear ();
- for (vector<TemplateInfo>::iterator x = templates.begin(); x != templates.end(); ++x) {
- TreeModel::Row row;
- row = *(template_model->append ());
- row[] = (*x).name;
- row[session_template_columns.path] = (*x).path;
- }
- if (!templates.empty()) {
- /* select first row */
- template_chooser.set_active (0);
- }
-ArdourStartup::setup_new_session_page ()
- session_new_vbox.set_border_width (12);
- session_new_vbox.set_spacing (18);
- VBox *vbox1 = manage (new VBox);
- HBox* hbox1 = manage (new HBox);
- Label* label1 = manage (new Label);
- vbox1->set_spacing (6);
- hbox1->set_spacing (6);
- hbox1->pack_start (*label1, false, false);
- hbox1->pack_start (new_name_entry, true, true);
- label1->set_text (_("Session name:"));
- if (!ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::session_name.empty()) {
- new_name_entry.set_text (Glib::path_get_basename (ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::session_name));
- /* name provided - they can move right along */
- set_page_complete (session_new_vbox, true);
- }
- new_name_entry.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ArdourStartup::new_name_changed));
- new_name_entry.signal_activate().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ArdourStartup::move_along_now));
- vbox1->pack_start (*hbox1, true, true);
- /* --- */
- HBox* hbox2 = manage (new HBox);
- Label* label2 = manage (new Label);
- hbox2->set_spacing (6);
- hbox2->pack_start (*label2, false, false);
- hbox2->pack_start (new_folder_chooser, true, true);
- label2->set_text (_("Create session folder in:"));
- if (!ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::session_name.empty()) {
- new_folder_chooser.set_current_folder (poor_mans_glob (Glib::path_get_dirname (ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::session_name)));
- } else if (ARDOUR_UI::instance()->session_loaded) {
- // point the new session file chooser at the parent directory of the current session
- string session_parent_dir = Glib::path_get_dirname(ARDOUR_UI::instance()->the_session()->path());
- string::size_type last_dir_sep = session_parent_dir.rfind(G_DIR_SEPARATOR);
- session_parent_dir = session_parent_dir.substr(0, last_dir_sep);
- new_folder_chooser.set_current_folder (session_parent_dir);
- string default_session_folder = poor_mans_glob (Config->get_default_session_parent_dir());
- try {
- /* add_shortcut_folder throws an exception if the folder being added already has a shortcut */
- new_folder_chooser.add_shortcut_folder (default_session_folder);
- }
- catch (Glib::Error & e) {
- std::cerr << "new_folder_chooser.add_shortcut_folder (" << default_session_folder << ") threw Glib::Error " << e.what() << std::endl;
- }
- } else {
- new_folder_chooser.set_current_folder (poor_mans_glob (Config->get_default_session_parent_dir()));
- }
- ();
- new_folder_chooser.set_title (_("Select folder for session"));
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- new_folder_chooser.add_shortcut_folder ("/Volumes");
- vbox1->pack_start (*hbox2, false, false);
- session_new_vbox.pack_start (*vbox1, false, false);
- /* --- */
- VBox *vbox2 = manage (new VBox);
- HBox* hbox3 = manage (new HBox);
- template_model = ListStore::create (session_template_columns);
- vbox2->set_spacing (6);
- VBox *vbox3 = manage (new VBox);
- vbox3->set_spacing (6);
- /* we may want to hide this and show it at various
- times depending on the existence of templates.
- */
- template_chooser.set_no_show_all (true);
- use_template_button.set_no_show_all (true);
- HBox* hbox4a = manage (new HBox);
- use_template_button.set_label (_("Use this template"));
- TreeModel::Row row = *template_model->prepend ();
- row[] = (_("no template"));
- row[session_template_columns.path] = string();
- hbox4a->set_spacing (6);
- hbox4a->pack_start (use_template_button, false, false);
- hbox4a->pack_start (template_chooser, true, true);
- template_chooser.set_model (template_model);
- Gtk::CellRendererText* text_renderer = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::CellRendererText);
- text_renderer->property_editable() = false;
- template_chooser.pack_start (*text_renderer);
- template_chooser.add_attribute (text_renderer->property_text(),;
- template_chooser.set_active (0);
- vbox3->pack_start (*hbox4a, false, false);
- /* --- */
- HBox* hbox5 = manage (new HBox);
- hbox5->set_spacing (6);
- hbox5->pack_start (more_new_session_options_button, false, false);
- setup_more_options_box ();
- more_new_session_options_button.add (more_options_vbox);
- vbox3->pack_start (*hbox5, false, false);
- hbox3->pack_start (*vbox3, true, true, 8);
- vbox2->pack_start (*hbox3, false, false);
- /* --- */
- session_new_vbox.pack_start (*vbox2, false, false);
- session_new_vbox.show_all ();
- new_session_page_index = append_page (session_new_vbox);
- set_page_type (session_new_vbox, ASSISTANT_PAGE_CONTENT);
- set_page_title (session_new_vbox, _("New Session"));
- set_page_type (session_new_vbox, ASSISTANT_PAGE_CONFIRM);
-ArdourStartup::new_name_changed ()
- if (!new_name_entry.get_text().empty()) {
- session_selected ();
- set_page_complete (session_new_vbox, true);
- } else {
- set_page_complete (session_new_vbox, false);
- }
-ArdourStartup::redisplay_recent_sessions ()
- std::vector<std::string> session_directories;
- RecentSessionsSorter cmp;
- recent_session_display.set_model (Glib::RefPtr<TreeModel>(0));
- recent_session_model->clear ();
- ARDOUR::RecentSessions rs;
- ARDOUR::read_recent_sessions (rs);
- if (rs.empty()) {
- recent_session_display.set_model (recent_session_model);
- return 0;
- }
- //
- // sort them alphabetically
- sort (rs.begin(), rs.end(), cmp);
- for (ARDOUR::RecentSessions::iterator i = rs.begin(); i != rs.end(); ++i) {
- session_directories.push_back ((*i).second);
- }
- int session_snapshot_count = 0;
- for (vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = session_directories.begin(); i != session_directories.end(); ++i)
- {
- std::vector<std::string> state_file_paths;
- // now get available states for this session
- get_state_files_in_directory (*i, state_file_paths);
- vector<string*>* states;
- vector<const gchar*> item;
- string fullpath = *i;
- /* remove any trailing / */
- if (fullpath[fullpath.length()-1] == '/') {
- fullpath = fullpath.substr (0, fullpath.length()-1);
- }
- /* check whether session still exists */
- if (!Glib::file_test(fullpath.c_str(), Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
- /* session doesn't exist */
- continue;
- }
- /* now get available states for this session */
- if ((states = Session::possible_states (fullpath)) == 0) {
- /* no state file? */
- continue;
- }
- std::vector<string> state_file_names(get_file_names_no_extension (state_file_paths));
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(recent_session_model->append());
- row[recent_session_columns.visible_name] = Glib::path_get_basename (fullpath);
- row[recent_session_columns.fullpath] = fullpath;
- row[recent_session_columns.tip] = Glib::Markup::escape_text (fullpath);
- ++session_snapshot_count;
- if (state_file_names.size() > 1) {
- // add the children
- for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i2 = state_file_names.begin();
- i2 != state_file_names.end(); ++i2) {
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row child_row = *(recent_session_model->append (row.children()));
- child_row[recent_session_columns.visible_name] = *i2;
- child_row[recent_session_columns.fullpath] = fullpath;
- child_row[recent_session_columns.tip] = Glib::Markup::escape_text (fullpath);
- ++session_snapshot_count;
- }
- }
- }
- recent_session_display.set_tooltip_column(1); // recent_session_columns.tip
- recent_session_display.set_model (recent_session_model);
- return session_snapshot_count;
- // return rs.size();
-ArdourStartup::recent_session_row_selected ()
- if (recent_session_display.get_selection()->count_selected_rows() > 0) {
- set_page_complete (ic_vbox, true);
- session_selected ();
- } else {
- set_page_complete (ic_vbox, false);
- }
-ArdourStartup::setup_more_options_box ()
- more_options_vbox.set_border_width (24);
- _output_limit_count.set_adjustment (_output_limit_count_adj);
- _input_limit_count.set_adjustment (_input_limit_count_adj);
- _master_bus_channel_count.set_adjustment (_master_bus_channel_count_adj);
- chan_count_label_1.set_text (_("channels"));
- chan_count_label_3.set_text (_("channels"));
- chan_count_label_4.set_text (_("channels"));
- chan_count_label_1.set_alignment(0,0.5);
- chan_count_label_1.set_padding(0,0);
- chan_count_label_1.set_line_wrap(false);
- chan_count_label_3.set_alignment(0,0.5);
- chan_count_label_3.set_padding(0,0);
- chan_count_label_3.set_line_wrap(false);
- chan_count_label_4.set_alignment(0,0.5);
- chan_count_label_4.set_padding(0,0);
- chan_count_label_4.set_line_wrap(false);
- bus_label.set_markup (_("<b>Busses</b>"));
- input_label.set_markup (_("<b>Inputs</b>"));
- output_label.set_markup (_("<b>Outputs</b>"));
- _master_bus_channel_count.set_flags(Gtk::CAN_FOCUS);
- _master_bus_channel_count.set_update_policy(Gtk::UPDATE_ALWAYS);
- _master_bus_channel_count.set_numeric(true);
- _master_bus_channel_count.set_digits(0);
- _master_bus_channel_count.set_wrap(false);
- _create_master_bus.set_label (_("Create master bus"));
- _create_master_bus.set_flags(Gtk::CAN_FOCUS);
- _create_master_bus.set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NORMAL);
- _create_master_bus.set_mode(true);
- _create_master_bus.set_active(true);
- _create_master_bus.set_border_width(0);
- advanced_table.set_row_spacings(0);
- advanced_table.set_col_spacings(0);
- _connect_inputs.set_label (_("Automatically connect to physical inputs"));
- _connect_inputs.set_flags(Gtk::CAN_FOCUS);
- _connect_inputs.set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NORMAL);
- _connect_inputs.set_mode(true);
- _connect_inputs.set_active(Config->get_input_auto_connect() != ManualConnect);
- _connect_inputs.set_border_width(0);
- _limit_input_ports.set_label (_("Use only"));
- _limit_input_ports.set_flags(Gtk::CAN_FOCUS);
- _limit_input_ports.set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NORMAL);
- _limit_input_ports.set_mode(true);
- _limit_input_ports.set_sensitive(true);
- _limit_input_ports.set_border_width(0);
- _input_limit_count.set_flags(Gtk::CAN_FOCUS);
- _input_limit_count.set_update_policy(Gtk::UPDATE_ALWAYS);
- _input_limit_count.set_numeric(true);
- _input_limit_count.set_digits(0);
- _input_limit_count.set_wrap(false);
- _input_limit_count.set_sensitive(false);
- bus_hbox.pack_start (bus_table, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 18);
- bus_label.set_alignment(0, 0.5);
- bus_label.set_padding(0,0);
- bus_label.set_line_wrap(false);
- bus_label.set_selectable(false);
- bus_label.set_use_markup(true);
- bus_frame.set_shadow_type(Gtk::SHADOW_NONE);
- bus_frame.set_label_align(0,0.5);
- bus_frame.add(bus_hbox);
- bus_frame.set_label_widget(bus_label);
- bus_table.set_row_spacings (0);
- bus_table.set_col_spacings (0);
- bus_table.attach (_create_master_bus, 0, 1, 0, 1, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, 0, 0);
- bus_table.attach (_master_bus_channel_count, 1, 2, 0, 1, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, 0, 0);
- bus_table.attach (chan_count_label_1, 2, 3, 0, 1, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, 6, 0);
- input_port_limit_hbox.pack_start(_limit_input_ports, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 6);
- input_port_limit_hbox.pack_start(_input_limit_count, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 0);
- input_port_limit_hbox.pack_start(chan_count_label_3, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 6);
- input_port_vbox.pack_start(_connect_inputs, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 0);
- input_port_vbox.pack_start(input_port_limit_hbox, Gtk::PACK_EXPAND_PADDING, 0);
- input_table.set_row_spacings(0);
- input_table.set_col_spacings(0);
- input_table.attach(input_port_vbox, 0, 1, 0, 1, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, 6, 6);
- input_hbox.pack_start (input_table, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 18);
- input_label.set_alignment(0, 0.5);
- input_label.set_padding(0,0);
- input_label.set_line_wrap(false);
- input_label.set_selectable(false);
- input_label.set_use_markup(true);
- input_frame.set_shadow_type(Gtk::SHADOW_NONE);
- input_frame.set_label_align(0,0.5);
- input_frame.add(input_hbox);
- input_frame.set_label_widget(input_label);
- _connect_outputs.set_label (_("Automatically connect outputs"));
- _connect_outputs.set_flags(Gtk::CAN_FOCUS);
- _connect_outputs.set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NORMAL);
- _connect_outputs.set_mode(true);
- _connect_outputs.set_active(Config->get_output_auto_connect() != ManualConnect);
- _connect_outputs.set_border_width(0);
- _limit_output_ports.set_label (_("Use only"));
- _limit_output_ports.set_flags(Gtk::CAN_FOCUS);
- _limit_output_ports.set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NORMAL);
- _limit_output_ports.set_mode(true);
- _limit_output_ports.set_sensitive(true);
- _limit_output_ports.set_border_width(0);
- _output_limit_count.set_flags(Gtk::CAN_FOCUS);
- _output_limit_count.set_update_policy(Gtk::UPDATE_ALWAYS);
- _output_limit_count.set_numeric(false);
- _output_limit_count.set_digits(0);
- _output_limit_count.set_wrap(false);
- _output_limit_count.set_sensitive(false);
- output_port_limit_hbox.pack_start(_limit_output_ports, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 6);
- output_port_limit_hbox.pack_start(_output_limit_count, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 0);
- output_port_limit_hbox.pack_start(chan_count_label_4, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 6);
- _connect_outputs_to_master.set_label (_("... to master bus"));
- _connect_outputs_to_master.set_flags(Gtk::CAN_FOCUS);
- _connect_outputs_to_master.set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NORMAL);
- _connect_outputs_to_master.set_mode(true);
- _connect_outputs_to_master.set_active(Config->get_output_auto_connect() == AutoConnectMaster);
- _connect_outputs_to_master.set_border_width(0);
- _connect_outputs_to_master.set_group (connect_outputs_group);
- _connect_outputs_to_physical.set_group (connect_outputs_group);
- _connect_outputs_to_physical.set_label (_("... to physical outputs"));
- _connect_outputs_to_physical.set_flags(Gtk::CAN_FOCUS);
- _connect_outputs_to_physical.set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NORMAL);
- _connect_outputs_to_physical.set_mode(true);
- _connect_outputs_to_physical.set_active(Config->get_output_auto_connect() == AutoConnectPhysical);
- _connect_outputs_to_physical.set_border_width(0);
- output_conn_vbox.pack_start(_connect_outputs, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 0);
- output_conn_vbox.pack_start(_connect_outputs_to_master, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 0);
- output_conn_vbox.pack_start(_connect_outputs_to_physical, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 0);
- output_vbox.set_border_width(6);
- output_port_vbox.pack_start(output_port_limit_hbox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 0);
- output_vbox.pack_start(output_conn_vbox);
- output_vbox.pack_start(output_port_vbox);
- output_label.set_alignment(0, 0.5);
- output_label.set_padding(0,0);
- output_label.set_line_wrap(false);
- output_label.set_selectable(false);
- output_label.set_use_markup(true);
- output_frame.set_shadow_type(Gtk::SHADOW_NONE);
- output_frame.set_label_align(0,0.5);
- output_hbox.pack_start (output_vbox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 18);
- output_frame.add(output_hbox);
- output_frame.set_label_widget(output_label);
- more_options_vbox.pack_start(advanced_table, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 0);
- more_options_vbox.pack_start(bus_frame, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 6);
- more_options_vbox.pack_start(input_frame, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 6);
- more_options_vbox.pack_start(output_frame, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 0);
- /* signals */
- _connect_inputs.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ArdourStartup::connect_inputs_clicked));
- _connect_outputs.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ArdourStartup::connect_outputs_clicked));
- _limit_input_ports.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ArdourStartup::limit_inputs_clicked));
- _limit_output_ports.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ArdourStartup::limit_outputs_clicked));
- _create_master_bus.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ArdourStartup::master_bus_button_clicked));
- /* note that more_options_vbox is "visible" by default even
- * though it may not be displayed to the user, this is so the dialog
- * doesn't resize.
- */
- more_options_vbox.show_all ();
-ArdourStartup::create_master_bus() const
- return _create_master_bus.get_active();
-ArdourStartup::master_channel_count() const
- return _master_bus_channel_count.get_value_as_int();
-ArdourStartup::connect_inputs() const
- return _connect_inputs.get_active();
-ArdourStartup::limit_inputs_used_for_connection() const
- return _limit_input_ports.get_active();
-ArdourStartup::input_limit_count() const
- return _input_limit_count.get_value_as_int();
-ArdourStartup::connect_outputs() const
- return _connect_outputs.get_active();
-ArdourStartup::limit_outputs_used_for_connection() const
- return _limit_output_ports.get_active();
-ArdourStartup::output_limit_count() const
- return _output_limit_count.get_value_as_int();
-ArdourStartup::connect_outs_to_master() const
- return _connect_outputs_to_master.get_active();
-ArdourStartup::connect_outs_to_physical() const
- return _connect_outputs_to_physical.get_active();
-ArdourStartup::connect_inputs_clicked ()
- _limit_input_ports.set_sensitive(_connect_inputs.get_active());
- if (_connect_inputs.get_active() && _limit_input_ports.get_active()) {
- _input_limit_count.set_sensitive(true);
- } else {
- _input_limit_count.set_sensitive(false);
- }
-ArdourStartup::connect_outputs_clicked ()
- bool const co = _connect_outputs.get_active ();
- _limit_output_ports.set_sensitive(co);
- _connect_outputs_to_master.set_sensitive(co);
- _connect_outputs_to_physical.set_sensitive(co);
- if (co && _limit_output_ports.get_active()) {
- _output_limit_count.set_sensitive(true);
- } else {
- _output_limit_count.set_sensitive(false);
- }
-ArdourStartup::limit_inputs_clicked ()
- _input_limit_count.set_sensitive(_limit_input_ports.get_active());
-ArdourStartup::limit_outputs_clicked ()
- _output_limit_count.set_sensitive(_limit_output_ports.get_active());
-ArdourStartup::master_bus_button_clicked ()
- bool const yn = _create_master_bus.get_active();
- _master_bus_channel_count.set_sensitive(yn);
- _connect_outputs_to_master.set_sensitive(yn);
ArdourStartup::move_along_now ()
@@ -1283,83 +440,5 @@ ArdourStartup::move_along_now ()
on_apply ();
-ArdourStartup::recent_row_activated (const Gtk::TreePath&, Gtk::TreeViewColumn*)
- set_page_complete (ic_vbox, true);
- move_along_now ();
-ArdourStartup::existing_session_selected ()
- _existing_session_chooser_used = true;
- session_selected ();
- set_page_complete (ic_vbox, true);
- move_along_now ();
-ArdourStartup::been_here_before_path () const
- // XXXX use more specific version so we can catch upgrades
- return Glib::build_filename (user_config_directory (), ".a3");
-ArdourStartup::updates_button_clicked ()
- //now open a browser window so user can see more
- PBD::open_uri (Config->get_updates_url());
- info_scroller_count++;
- char buf[512];
- snprintf (buf, std::min(info_scroller_count,sizeof(buf)-1), "%s", ARDOUR_UI::instance()->announce_string().c_str() );
- buf[info_scroller_count] = 0;
- info_scroller_label.set_text (buf);
- if (info_scroller_count > ARDOUR_UI::instance()->announce_string().length()) {
- info_scroller_connection.disconnect();
- }
- return true;
-ArdourStartup::on_map ()
- Gtk::Assistant::on_map ();
- populate_session_templates ();
- if (!template_model->children().empty()) {
- ();
- } else {
- use_template_button.hide();
- template_chooser.hide ();
- }
- if (recent_session_model) {
- int cnt = redisplay_recent_sessions ();
- if (cnt > 0) {
- ();
- if (cnt > 4) {
- recent_scroller.set_size_request (-1, 300);
- }
- } else {
- recent_scroller.hide();
- recent_label.hide ();
- }
- }