path: root/gtk2_ardour/
diff options
authorPaul Davis <>2019-10-09 20:51:14 -0600
committerPaul Davis <>2019-10-10 16:52:00 -0600
commitcafae1663e5ced260d1840916ba2f458f72da28a (patch)
treeb5b356bf72192a9f2ca6667c467302f554d7e8f9 /gtk2_ardour/
parent18b4a4213f39f1cc6c87b667d065d25597f82686 (diff)
modify API of SessionDialog to reflect that it is never used with command line parameters anymore
Diffstat (limited to 'gtk2_ardour/')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/ b/gtk2_ardour/
index c478ebc137..79d0ecf94e 100644
--- a/gtk2_ardour/
+++ b/gtk2_ardour/
@@ -81,8 +81,6 @@ using namespace ARDOUR_UI_UTILS;
SessionDialog::SessionDialog (bool require_new, const std::string& session_name, const std::string& session_path, const std::string& template_name, bool cancel_not_quit)
: ArdourDialog (_("Session Setup"), true, true)
, new_only (require_new)
- , _provided_session_name (session_name)
- , _provided_session_path (session_path)
, _existing_session_chooser_used (false)
@@ -148,8 +146,6 @@ SessionDialog::SessionDialog (bool require_new, const std::string& session_name,
SessionDialog::SessionDialog ()
: ArdourDialog (_("Recent Sessions"), true, true)
, new_only (false)
- , _provided_session_name ("")
- , _provided_session_path ("")
, _existing_session_chooser_used (false) // caller must check should_be_new
get_vbox()->set_spacing (6);
@@ -178,13 +174,6 @@ SessionDialog::~SessionDialog()
-SessionDialog::clear_given ()
- _provided_session_path = "";
- _provided_session_name = "";
SessionDialog::meta_master_bus_profile (std::string script_path)
@@ -259,10 +248,6 @@ SessionDialog::use_session_template () const
return false;
- if (!load_template_override.empty()) {
- return true;
- }
if (template_chooser.get_selection()->count_selected_rows() > 0) {
return true;
@@ -273,39 +258,6 @@ SessionDialog::use_session_template () const
SessionDialog::session_template_name ()
- if (!load_template_override.empty()) {
- /* compare to SessionDialog::populate_session_templates */
- /* compare by name (path may or may not be UTF-8) */
- vector<TemplateInfo> templates;
- find_session_templates (templates, false);
- for (vector<TemplateInfo>::iterator x = templates.begin(); x != templates.end(); ++x) {
- if ((*x).name == load_template_override) {
- return (*x).path;
- }
- }
- /* look up script by name */
- LuaScriptList scripts (LuaScripting::instance ().scripts (LuaScriptInfo::SessionInit));
- LuaScriptList& as (LuaScripting::instance ().scripts (LuaScriptInfo::EditorAction));
- for (LuaScriptList::const_iterator s = as.begin(); s != as.end(); ++s) {
- if ((*s)->subtype & LuaScriptInfo::SessionSetup) {
- scripts.push_back (*s);
- }
- }
- std::sort (scripts.begin(), scripts.end(), LuaScripting::Sorter());
- for (LuaScriptList::const_iterator s = scripts.begin(); s != scripts.end(); ++s) {
- if ((*s)->name == load_template_override) {
- return "urn:ardour:" + (*s)->path;
- }
- }
- /* this will produce a more or less meaninful error later:
- * "ERROR: Could not open session template [abs-path to user-config dir]"
- */
- return Glib::build_filename (ARDOUR::user_template_directory (), load_template_override);
- }
if (template_chooser.get_selection()->count_selected_rows() > 0) {
TreeIter const iter = template_chooser.get_selection()->get_selected();
@@ -329,14 +281,6 @@ SessionDialog::clear_name ()
SessionDialog::session_name (bool& should_be_new)
- if (!_provided_session_name.empty()) {
- /* user gave name on cmdline/invocation. Did they also specify
- that it must be a new session?
- */
- should_be_new = new_only;
- return _provided_session_name;
- }
/* Try recent session selection */
TreeIter iter = recent_session_display.get_selection()->get_selected();
@@ -365,10 +309,6 @@ SessionDialog::session_name (bool& should_be_new)
SessionDialog::session_folder ()
- if (!_provided_session_path.empty()) {
- return _provided_session_path;
- }
/* Try recent session selection */
TreeIter iter = recent_session_display.get_selection()->get_selected();
@@ -664,12 +604,6 @@ SessionDialog::setup_new_session_page ()
name_hbox->pack_start (*name_label, false, true);
name_hbox->pack_start (new_name_entry, true, true);
- //check to see if a session name was provided on command line
- if (!ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::session_name.empty()) {
- new_name_entry.set_text (Glib::path_get_basename (ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::session_name));
- open_button->set_sensitive (true);
- }
new_name_entry.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &SessionDialog::new_name_changed));
new_name_entry.signal_activate().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &SessionDialog::new_name_activated));
@@ -681,10 +615,7 @@ SessionDialog::setup_new_session_page ()
folder_box->pack_start (*new_folder_label, false, false);
folder_box->pack_start (new_folder_chooser, true, true);
- //determine the text in the new folder selector
- if (!ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::session_name.empty()) {
- new_folder_chooser.set_current_folder (poor_mans_glob (Glib::path_get_dirname (ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::session_name)));
- } else if (ARDOUR_UI::instance()->the_session ()) {
+ if (ARDOUR_UI::instance()->the_session ()) {
// point the new session file chooser at the parent directory of the current session
string session_parent_dir = Glib::path_get_dirname(ARDOUR_UI::instance()->the_session()->path());
new_folder_chooser.set_current_folder (session_parent_dir);
@@ -1152,3 +1083,13 @@ SessionDialog::on_delete_event (GdkEventAny* ev)
return ArdourDialog::on_delete_event (ev);
+SessionDialog::set_provided_session (string const & name, string const & path)
+ /* Note: path is required to be the full path to the session file, not
+ just the folder name
+ */
+ new_name_entry.set_text (name);
+ existing_session_chooser.set_current_folder (Glib::path_get_dirname (path));